You see Asian schoolgirls getting tentacled

You see Asian schoolgirls getting tentacled.
What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

unzip my tentacle and join in

continue dreaming

Join the schoolgirls in being tentacled.
It always feel good.

What if their hero-chan shows up?

>madoka shit.
throw rocks at the girls to make sure they don't get out alive.

Stand totally still, open my mouth impossibly wide, begin emitting an eardrum-bursting screech like a wounded baby bird and shit my pants then and there

Defend them you jerks

Imagine these are just pretty Asian schoolgirls, not from a work of media.

Don't touch madoka!!!!!!!!!

>It always feel good.
until the giant black/dark blue, scaly-spiky tentacle comes to "play"

Well, that`s what I would do, maybe I would earn a harem.

not into yellow shit.

You have poor taste.

I shall throw in some other ideas, Asian schoolgirls and an evil witch teacher that has kidnapped them into a cage.

>implying that's not the best part
I bet you haven't taken more than once cock at once
double anal, two in your mouth, one in each hand and one with each foot, plus possibly armpits and other things
git gud

You have no respect for damsels in distress!

yeah, sorry, forgot to mention that they're lucky sluts because they can take two or three more in their pussy. fucking lucky.

Laugh in horror.

Sluts still need hero-chans.

well yeah, but I'm a slut, not a hero
also girls are shit and ruined anime

All boys should be heroes for their girls.

What if I want to be a hero for a boy?

They need hiro?

You can be any gender you want.
It's all made up anyway.

Girls are more fit to be damsels.


Stand there and fap and say, "this is like my japanese anime"

*unzips dick*
time to fap

Start filming.

For science.

And wank material.

turn 360 degrees and walk away

They can join in too.

Hero-chans always protect pretty schoolgirls.

They are naturally drawn to their short skirts, cute eyes and pretty hair.
