Is this how normies view us?

Is this how normies view us?


>not normalfags

What in the actual fuck is a "normie"

>Anime fan
>Cred Forums

Casuals get out.

"Normie" is a word used by people Cred Forums considers far closer to real "normies" than themselves, I.e it is a false poser faggot word and you are not a real Cred Forums user if you say that. Cred Forums isn't persecuting you because you're too abnormal for them, but bevause you use a word indicating you are too normal for them. You ARE a normie if you even used that word, which is a bastardized version tweaked to be usavle around actual normalfags. The original and real term in the Cred Forums context is normalfag. "Normie" is the fucking whitewashed/SJW-approved version because the "fag" part is offensive to them and they want to be able to drop this term on places like Reddit, Facebook and twitter - which are pretty much the textbook definition of normalfag dens - without fear of getting reprimanded. Which defeats the whole fucking point.

If you are being careful to "fit in" on various shitty normalfag websites, you are actually as normalfag as they fucking come and just have some fucking ludicrous idea in your head that you're not. It's the same as these "omg I'm such a nerrrd XD" shitheads on those same sites only here it's "omg I'm such a weird unique person XD". In summation shut up OP because you clearly have no idea what you're dealing with and /r9k/'s whiny emo shit is not what Cred Forums is about.

>anime fans are cool


check 'em

Yes you are literally hated by everyone if you like anime.

bro no one cares


Of course a normalfag like you would not care.

Nobody uses the word normie instead of normalfag because it's too offensive. Remember you're on a website where you can see gore, racism, hentai in just a few clicks. People use it because it's patronizing and funny. The fact you don't understand that it's tongue in cheek and are taking it seriously makes it a lot more funny, really.

Why the fuck did you write a dissertation on the word normie? are you ok? if you need someone to talk too, im always here .3.

So only actual normalfags use it because they think its le epic maymay.

Got it.

Copy pasta.

Lurk the fuck more cancer.

its true broski, i don't care. but you do, and that's the sad part

>anything but a person that insists on bringing on irrelevant in real life stuff

Also, normie is a term that predates Cred Forums self.

Fuck off back to facebook

>got called 5/5
Can confirm

Since the mods are gone might as well give people some fap material.

>not saying Riajuu

Get out.

why should i brody?


why are you posting little girls? that's fucking gross bro

Little girls are sexy.

Your anger and failing to understand simple humor and interactions are quite epic, yes. Please valid this with a response.

You can replace normie with riajuu, I don't use either, however, normalfag by no means relates to person's real life, merely the fact that he cannot help himself but to bring its real life up whether it doesn't add anything to the discussion.


Not anymore


Seriously though, why is there so much hate for people who enjoy anime?

Because you are annoying.

Stop with this fucking normie crap already Cred Forums. It has absolutely no fucking meaning or definition and you're not special or weird or whatever the fuck angle you think you're trying to play


Because anime is aimed at unlikable manchildren.


I don't think this is accurate, I also feel like this is a too politicized reason. I thought we rejected "normie" because /r9k/ uses it, and because they are a cesspit with discussion centered around things they hate, normals among other things. In contrast, normals on here are frowned upon when they post about normality. If you discuss anime and manga it doesn't matter who you are, as long as you assimilate.

This along with the excess baggage and obsessiveness the average modern anime hype kid fan brings into every conversation. So yes because they're annoying or at least the kind that tries to live out a late night industry defined stereotype



Well, they're usually

>shove anime into every faucet of their lives
>have an unwarranted superiority complex
>not enjoyable people to be around (anitwitter is a prime example)

that's just off the top of my head

Doesn't this describe basically every board on Cred Forums. Dedicate to discussing and highlighting why everything and everyone is shit except for the poster apparently

>but i lied
Why does this turn me on oh so much?



Fuck off.

Because you love teasing loli bitch.

I mean, some places on this website are more chill than other, like for example, I love /vr/, I can have enjoyable conversations with people, and usually I won't be called a jew or a faggot. but on the other hand, places like Cred Forums and /r9k/ are basically dens of shit flinging and murder fantasies, which is enjoyable if you aren't mentally disturbed and actually take them seriously.

Yeah, I am pretty cool.




I'm too gay to enjoy loli now, why do you want me to suffer loliposter ?


