Why nobody talks about this anime? Is good? Bad?

Why nobody talks about this anime? Is good? Bad?

It's the very essence of KyoAnus aka shit

It wasn't so bad, now that I think about it. Here's a goddess who causes all sorts of weird things to happen, but must remain ignorant of it because who knows what she'll do once she finds out what she is. And characters face challenges and grow as well. So it has both a good premise and character development.
Problem is, it ended too soon and not everyone got enough spotlight.

Is dead.

Best animu of all times

It's pretty S3 never

Haruhi actually had a dick. I shit you not.

You joking? It still has daily threads even though it's supposed to be "dead". Fuck Tanigawa by the way


it's a 10/10

Don't you mean 8/8?

It's old.

Underrated joke

Because we talked it to death 10 years ago. Or 7 years ago, if you want to talk about le endless eight maymay.

>nobody talks about it
Maybe because it has been discussed literally thousands of times for years you dumb ESLposting newshit. Lurk more.

>nobody talks about the most talked about show on Cred Forums besides K-On and EVA

How Kyon haven't tapped this yet is one of greatest mysteries.

Because he's tsun as fuck, took him a three hour long movie to figure it out

You obviously got trolled hard so you lurk moar.

>"merely pretending"
kill yourself

Is it b8?
But seriously, I love the thought of some newfag watching Haruhi for the first time, and without much contact with the animu fandom yet he goes to Cred Forums or some forum to discuss it, asking something like this.
I hope this really happens.

everyone knows it's well done and no one cares if you like it

Probably because it's a decade old.

>Why nobody talks about this anime?

The anime was really good, but the movie was absolutely god tier. Sasuga Kyoani.

I see what you did there