ITT girls who were ''too'' perfect to be mortal

ITT girls who were ''too'' perfect to be mortal.


That's a boy, op. You posted a boy.

I want to fuck this boy.

Everyone wants to fuck that boy.


Honestly, 'she' really sounds like a boy. No joke

ITT: Boys you want to kiss


I actually want to be inside Makoto

Hiromi is earsex, end yourself!

Well if you're homosexual, I'm not judging

Your taste is so shit it better be terminal.

This is now a Makoto thread.

Is it gay to kiss a boy if they're cute and have breasts and a vagina?

She'll be a wonderful mother

A little.

I share a birthday with Mako-rin. This makes me feel a special connection with her. Hot summer date on with double birthdays...


>permanently changing one's sex
>more and more people doing it for fun
>especially among kids in their puberty
Literally tumblr
That cute girl (male) is going to have so many regrets later on.

No shit.

Yeah, but it makes for a good fap.

Calm down user, this story has a happy ending.

A boy in a ponytail!

That doesn't make sense! Boys can't wear ponytails!

Girl (female) are shit, they don't want to be cute or have a loving man to live out there days.

It has no relation to 3Ds as they are shit all around.

Don't worry user, I like your taste in girls.
Boyish girls a best.

That's disgusting though

>not mikoshiba
What are you, gay?

>If Makoto receives more fan mail from girls than boys, she'll become '''''''''''depressed'''''''''''''' for the rest of the day.

Lucky, I only share her fear of insects and claustrophobia.


Of course a cute girl like Makoto wants the attention of boys too.

You can't go wrong with a girl that can act like a guy.


>''too'' perfect to be mortal



I'm going to marry him!


I hope he doesn't expect me to wear that.

I don't think she wants you to wear that. I think she wants an opinion of her wearing it in front of you.

She has mine.

>doesn't understand the difference between cute and lewd

I think Makoto might be one of us.


Go on

I would quite like to put my penis inside Makoto's pussy and move around for a bit until I cum inside. With some kissing and snuggling during that.

That's terrible, user! Boys aren't allowed to kiss boys! ESPECIALLY ugly ones.

But Makoto is a cute and pretty girl. One of the cutest!

Boy's don't have pussies idiot

I want to stroke Makoto's vagina bones!

But Makoto has a pussy. And I'm going to fuck it!


That's clearly a pig, not a pussy cat, you dense nerd! I can't stand people who like this boy! It's absolutely disgusting! Purge those who like Makoto!

those are some crazy proportions


But Makoto is a cute and beautiful girl who I want to make a mother out of.


Next you will tell me that Ryou-chin is a boy too

idol fags need to move over for real perfection

>Purge those who like Makoto!
Good thing I only love Makoto.


Get that masochistic piece of meat out of the way

Reminder that 765 Productions is sponsored by the Mashima Zaibatsu.

Makoto is NOT a boy!

I love Makoto. She's beautiful.

I want to eskimo kiss her while we lay in bed together.

are we still on topic or IM@S hijack'd?

I want to give her a footrub after a 10k run.

I want to pat her on the head!

she grew up to be one fine grill :^)

Botan is actual perfection.

Afu has good taste

She looks cute. Who is she?

mai waifu

Threadly reminder that if you like tomboys you are for all intents and purposes, a man of impeccable taste.

What's she from? I want this qt in my life.

Went to see which Idol might share my birthday after reading this.
It was Makoto
She really is the best

You have the finest of tastes, Tsumugi a best

>not following the monthly Ookami Shounen threads
oh boy, you're in for one hell of a ride.

Is she a boy?

Mfw same VA is a hardcore hentai VA

I refuse to tell you anything.

But I don't want to read it and find out she's a trap. I'll be heartbroken.

I am neither confirming nor denying anything.

>it became literally a tumblr delusion

isnt that the one where the thing happens to that person and then they have to deal with it but theres also some norse gods in there too?

>Listening to her pee
I like this girl already.

I've been shot through the heart!

this dude is pretty cool