Your little sister just got turned down by a guy. How will you comfort her?

Your little sister just got turned down by a guy. How will you comfort her?

Other urls found in this thread:


What's with this CGRascal-tier(Indian) translation?

Maybe she shouldn't dress and act like a slut.

Quite the sudden transition next page OP

By becoming her boyfriend instead.

I'm pretty sure that's illegal in canada.

Who cares about the West Hemisphere's version of Sweden.

I bap her

Do they live in Rei Ayanami's Apartment?


who's western sweeden?

Canada and Australia

Australia is in the east

WTF? And to think it's 2016. I need to message the weedman.

The Earth is round, if you go west far enough you'll get to it.

>believing earth is round
fucking sheeple, even if that was the case, international date line ain't moving. Asutralia is eastern.

If the Earth isn't round then how come no one fell of its edge yet?

Checkers and Matte, faggot.

because earth is at the bottom you can't fall from it. but if earth was a marble in space it would have fallen a long time ago

Bottom of what?

A giant space turtle

The bottom. how do you not get that? if it wasn't in the bottom it would fall to the bottom unless something was holding it thus it can't be anywhere but the bottom. earth is at the bottom, the sky goes from it's edges all the way to the top.

The time cube

Your mind.

This thread sure went in a weird direction.


not today

time cube is just as wrong as a round earth, same fucking thing floating in the middle of nowhere just a different shape. time cube is a red herring planted by the people benefiting from deceiving all people. a way to take the people asking questions down the wrong path, and easily figure out who they are.

I see, so it's like that huh

A guy reject you?

oh, I'm glad you're willing to be reasoned with user. just don't believe them, earth is at the bottom, it can't be anywhere else.

"It was your fault most likely"


That's what she get for not getting into gothic lolita fashion.

>cut off penis with a box cutter
>beat with a crowbar
Brutal. Totally right though.

>Can suck your dog's dick in Canada
>Can make your dog suck your dick in Canada
>Can get throat fucked by a horse in Canada
>Can't fuck your sister in Canada

>throat fucked by a horse
Why would you want that? Just put it up your butt like a normal person.

(Doesn't get it at all)

Is that real story?

Beat her with my dick for being a slut.

The only people who want to fuck their sisters are ones who don't have sisters. Sisters are disgusting creatures

>having your ass fucked by a horse is what normal people do

>Sisters are disgusting creatures
Maybe yours mine isn't

Depends, my younger sister is a dirty slut whos insecure and disgusting to me
but my youngest sister is a goddess who's already bitter about the world and loves vidya and anime, also good looking
Still, fucking any sibling is degenerate and only acceptable in 2d

thanks user, I needed that memory

And here's the "My little sister is great and I would totally do her if she wanted me to" reply you were asking for.

Speaking as a Canadian, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't actually be charged.

Why are Aoki Kanji's doujins so good
They are hot, but also entertaining

This is why no one likes Loyalists.

Imoutos and oneesans are heavenly gifts.

Being serious for a second, do you think Current Year Weedman will try to decriminalize incest one day? If he gets enough Islamic pressure he might. Then again, that's more a problem in Britain.

it's there for the taking. Christian-fags were right when it's a slippery slope, the arguments for gay marriage apply to incest too. All it's missing are a bunch of 'martyrs' willing to have their lives fucked for the cause by coming out.

>ITT: Cred Forums talks incest
You have to go back, Cred Forumsacks

Isn't incest already legal in some states?

But why would people want to engage in incest. It creates mutant babies

>It creates mutant babies
this is a meme

Having shitty genetics or being a 40 y/o women create mutant babies, but those aren't illegal.


>sweet loving imouto turned into sjw banshee lunatic

College was a mistake

Not really. If incest became more acceptable then it'd result in generations of deformed babies. It would just encourage them to gain rights or whatever.

user you need to get her dicked. Only way to save her.

let her sit on my lap and ill cuddle her, and I'll be her boyfriend

Why's she got that sneaky self-satisfied expression in the lower illustration?

I thought this post said that my imouto got turned into a guy.

>already bitter about the world

How so? And why?

If you found out someone has the hots for you, even if you had no intention of fucking the person, perhaps you'd act smug to yourself when thinking of him/her? It feels nice to know that someone desires you. Probably. I wouldn't know.

It's also true.

Furthermore, why'd she swipe the magazine if she's so appalled by its content?

Just give her a good dicking and her will go back to normal

It's those baggy socks. Seriously, those are just obnoxious.

>Why's she got that sneaky self-satisfied expression in the lower illustration?
>Furthermore, why'd she swipe the magazine if she's so appalled by its content?
She is a broconand is happy that her onii-chan as a imouto fetish

Imoutos are disgusting. But neesans are fine.

Recreate toothbrush scene, except instead of colors, it's various Trump speeches, all playing at once. You need to save your sister, NOW!

I like both, but honestly prefer neesans too. Still, don't slam imouto. They are fine too.

I prefer imouto myself. But that's probably because I have one.

Thanks for the fap.

>If he gets enough Islamic pressure he might
But incest is haram even in Islam.

>But incest is haram even in Islam.
cousin marriage is the norm in the islamic world

shes the one dumping guys left and right, then tells me how they cry for her in SMS and facebook, while hugging me from behind
tickles my funny bone

you have a devilish imouto user


>already accepted that she won't have many friends
>makes fun of other's happiness
>Sarcastic jokes whenever someone says something dumb

Imagine tomoko but a lot less cringy and you kinda get her

If it's the best then why are there no good doujins?



Amanee is not about an older sister. When looking for Sakurako on google images Amanee also shows up

Not give a fuck because that cunt has to learn which guys to go after so she'll just have to be patient of what guys to properly go after.

Whoa user, that sounds pretty interesting.

Sounds like you should give her a bone.

I think she's trying to tell you something. Sadistic imouto is one of the best.

I'd do what any responsible brother would do. Introduce her to the world of yuri and try to help her get a girlfriend.

Lotta imouto and other related threads recently, not that I'm complaining.

Has anyone else ever grown up with a yanderish neesan?


I really wish this was porn.

Not all imoutos need to be lewd.

>late night imouto

>pajamas squeezing into her pussy
What a whore


the best

>late night with two imoutos AND two neesans

Run away. She's not gonna learn otherwise.

Do you have more?

How can a couple be this loving? Every time I see these two I get filled with hope and joy.

Every time I see those two I remember that user. Best of the lucks for him, his sister and his son.

They have a daughter, too

Yandere imoutos.

I meant the OH user, user.

I need more, this is too funny.

Of course, my bad

Its the purity

Don't make me bap the imoutos

>best guess: cartoons

Help a non-black nigga out

Did not like this one.
>letting your imouto get mad over you not doing anything

Abnormal kei joshi
It's a yandere harem
It was also dropped

>the author gave upon that one
Please, don't make me remember.

You know what, I'll give you something good with a similar tone but different everything else
Happy Sugar Life
You can thank me later, the series needs more love


need more nukes

Yomotsuka Tsukasa

>letting your imouto get mad over you

There's you're problem.

>Whats not allowed is not allowed.

>the author gave upon that on
Wait, what happened? Did he axe it himself? Or did he go on indefinite hiatus like HOTD?

So good I have 4 images for it.


She's right, all the IS girls are massive whores.

Infinite Stratos in a nutshell

Have you tried sucking his cock?

What's the name of that one hentai again with the siblings and those really stupid expressions? Gets me everytime.

I wish someone will do this to me, hug me from behind and say that she'll always support me even if I'm such a loser. Kirino BEST GIRL.


Why do imouto threads invariably transition into Kirishit threads? Make an Oreo thread, geez

For the Anime it was less his sister taking him or more the fact a lead brick has a better sex drive than the MC.

I hope they make one with Chifuyu.

sounds about as cringey

You can't talk about imoutos without mentioning the greatest love story ever told.

I'm gonna do it, I swear!


That manga was a mess. Too bad to, the art was great.

Do it faggo. You don't have the balls

This author can't write anything but shock value.

That's his fault. He didn't have to get some other skank's scent on him. He should be punished.

Hey little sister what have you done?

Hey Little Sister, who's the only one?

I don't because she's a cunt.

Ill hug you user.... if you take a shower.

>small animal therapy
I'd rather not get an additional bestiality fetish

Women don't get rejected in the west because they never make the first move.

How does so much shit in Japan manage to be backwardsass conservative and not this of all things?

With the benis?

Nah, kirino is pretty shit, man. Makes me fucking diamonds when sexualized though.


>That boy ain't right

I've read that one. Didn't she admit to making it all up cause she was a brocon?

My sister is a bitch i literally haven't talked to her since she spit in my face, and then tried to hit me with a coffee pot. it's been about 4 months now.

Sounds like she has a lot of repressed emotions and sexual tension user. You should help her with that. (And then post the results.)

>she spit in my face, and then tried to hit me with a coffee pot

What the fuck did you do to her?

>crying over losing a girl

Ha weaklings. They haven't been cucked as many times as I have.

Whats it like having an attractive big sister anyway? I've always resented the fact that I'm the eldest sibling and have no cute onee-san to pat my head.

Grow up and take it like a woman Janet

>proud of being cucked

>inbreeding results in cute daughters and sons

you incest creeps are truly delusional

First generation is more safe than woman in her 30

You wouldn't know the things I've seen user. The things I've felt.

anybody shop the book to be sicp yet

>You don't know all the fucking I've watched while I listen from my bedroom door jerking my dick
>You don't know the stickiness I feel on the bed we sleep together after she's been dicked

Yeah I don't want to know. Cucks are weird.

you know i have no problem with people fucking their relatives but there is a huge problem when they actuary procreate. please use protextion. please adopt if you have to. do not add faults to the genepool. do not cause strain to the alreayd pushed to the limit health support systme. do not bring children to this world that will not be able to survive. 

but this goes even beyond and implise two generations of bad decisions. even if the genes did not act now they will in the future and the poor kousaka-grandchildren's lives will be full of genetic diseases and suffering.

please, if you really have to fuck your sister, adopt children instead.

user I don't want to know

>male MC is his sister's boytoy
>other girls objectify him like he's some walking vibrator

>most popular harem ever

Says a lot about what otaku really want.

They want to be manhandled?

It's fuckin great user. I was very attracted to her for most of my life. Would never do anything because I'm not a tard.

>having a neesan who cheers you up after getting dumped


The entire premise of the show was males becoming second class citizens.

What if she's a catgirl?

I hope this is just an unbelievably transparent attempt at getting recommendations.

Don't exclude her from these threads like imoutos are excluded in hers, imouto threads are an accepting place.


No, with my hands.

Ice cream and cake.

I'm a nee-san and I never know what to think when I visit these threads.

Prove it

You'll have to take my word for it.

An onii-chan must care for and guide his imouto. It sounds like she is troubled/frustrated, but even so trying to break a coffee pot over her Onii-chan's head is a no no. Discipline is also a part of guidance, so you must discipline her with your dick. Perhaps that too will alleviate her frustrations.

I'm an Onii-chan and I love these threads. [/spoilers]

Any chance you could sauce me up friends?
Google is sending me to Cartoon Network on this one, and iqdb, wait, saucenao and tineye return nothing.

Title is in the first panel.

>Oniichan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no
Sweet jezus, I thought that was just some gibberish and not the title.
Couldnt find it at bato at first, but got it now. Thanks!

>reverse search a manga page
>title actually shows up on top for once

Post oppai.

Just make sure you take care of your imouto/otouto. That's the takeaway.

The only people who want to fuck their mothers are ones who don't have mothers.
Oh wait.

It's like the title is actually in the fucking picture itself.

Yeah, I didn't realize it's an easy mistake. That's why I usually just point people to it. LN's are the ones known for having long titles, not manga.

How do you know what normalfags do?

I wouldn't.

It's probably not what you meant, but
> implying Tuxedo Mask doesn't comfort Usagi all the time
I'm sure he'd comfort his imouto if he had one.

Oooh, sauce?

Nevermind found it.

Will this be picked up again?

If I had to guess, probably not. Fun imouto series have a tendency to get dropped.
> insert Fudatsuki image here

>ywn again play board games with your little sister
>ywn again play sims with your little sister
>ywn again have a tickle fight with your little sister
>ywn again build a comfy fortress out of blankets and pillows under the dinner table with your little sister
>ywn again argue about who gets the last piece of cake with your little sister
>ywn again experience childhood with your little sister
These threads make me really sad


No deal then. I only take baths.

But you can probably do things that you couldn't do with her before.

I'm one horsefucking is not a thing among us. I mean, why do that when you can just fuck a girl?

>My little sister is great and I would totally do her if she wanted me to
Sounds like an awesome new Light Novel.

I wish I had developed a better relationship with my sister. Instead, I spent most of my childhood and early adolescence being tsun as fuck to her. I remember playing with her a few times, but more often than not I acted like an asshole. Too bad I can't turn back time

Is your imouto dead? If not, take her out for some adult fun. And I don't mean the D, I mean take her out for a dinner or something.

Your sister is a girl.

Doesn't D stand for diner?

It stands for Dimension travel

Sisters are not for fucking. That wouldn't be normal behavior. Sisters are for loving and protecting so they find a socially acceptable & upstanding guy who will love and cherish them in their maturity as much as you do in their youth.

Do imoutos become tsundere when they grow up?

Sometimes. Beware the ones that don't, though. There may be yandere or just plain hatred.

>Is your imouto dead?
Nah, but I'm not living near my parents and my sister is soon going to move out too and study even further away

I failed at all of those then, by being on the other side of the country. I just couldn't stay in that town anymore, the stink and the people were too much.


Clingy in childhood, Tsun during adolescene and eventually things settle into mellow affection.

Tuxedo Mask is cool/gay(in a cool way) enough to get away with it

I know what you mean. I was a huge asshole to my sister when we were younger. We do have a pretty good relationship now, but if I wasn't such a dick to her we could have been so much closer.

>we could have been so much closer.
You still could, just take small steps.

Same here user.

Pity that one got dropped by the author to focus on that smug school girl.

underrated post

What do you have against smug?


Fuck off

I wish 3D was like 2D.

>neeesan is autistic, super clingly, and doesn't respect personal space and wants to hang out all the time; very introverted with few close friends if any at all.
>imoutos are distant, extroverted, and extremely popular with large groups of friends.
Oh well.

With my dick, of course.


Last year at a party I was drunk fighting with a guy and my little sister actually smashed his head with a candlestick from behind

That's the closest thing to a sibling relationship I can think of. Real sisters aren't cute, I have 4 of them and they are just annoying mst of the time

joke's on you, I played Arkham Horror with her just last week and it was terrible

>imouto goes to jail for giving the other guy brain damage

Will you at least visit her every day?

Oh man, that one was quite the ride.

Wasn't there sopposed to be a 4th and final chapter? Still waiting on it.

You can fix all of this with one thing.

>decide to have a board game night with 6 friends
>friend brings new, cool game called Arkham Horror along with an expansion
>"cool, let's play this first and play some Dead of Winter afterwards"

Fuck that game. Now we have Board Game days and Arkham Horror days.

NTRgi-san is a whore.

I don't know, but it sure felt like it.

your neesan sounds great, what's wrong with you




I wish those two were my imoutos.

Riding a bike with your onii-chan is the mark of every incestuous sister.

Same goes for pic related. Wish both got a little bit more attention from their authors, I want more sibling stuff.

>He doesn't want to impregnate and marry and grow old with his little sister.

My imouto is an angel.

>Sisters are not for fucking
you can't protect them if you not satisfy their sexual needs

But she's not for the reasons I stated.

>needing a reason to do so


Neesans are dumb.

I like my imoutos better.

Is that so? You know what to do.

Lucky bastard. Kiss her on the cheek for me.

Best onee-chan doujin?

>autistic, super clingly, and doesn't respect personal space and wants to hang out all the time; very introverted with few close friends if any at all.

So exactly like a 2D nee-san? I mean I'm reading a nee-san doujin right now and your description fits almost perfectly.

Tell her to stay away from me?

Yeah I guess? But neesans are shit tier even in 2D, imoutos are vastly superior.


Is there a name for this position? It's the hottest shit.

>no autistic/disfigured incest babies

too unrealistic for me.

need generations of incest to have the effect of you pic

I don't know, but it's probably the one that makes girls feel the most submissive. She has all your weight on her while getting pounded.

Tell her that older sisters are superior.

What does this even mean??? There are babies produced from incest with young girls all the time and the babies usually are born premature or with severe genetic/physical/mental disorders.

That happens thorugh generations of inbreeding or if the parents have some messed up recessive genes.

There has to be a name for this, though.

Until we find out what it's called, know of any doujins where this happens?

It doesn't matter how long it's been since your family has done inbreeding, a mother and father with similar genetic traits (more prevalent in brother/sisters then something like cousin/cousin) will increase the ratio of unfavored characteristics to show in greater quantity in the child.

Even if there are no physical abnormalities, there are higher risks of ADD, ADHD, aspergers and autism in the child. Some of the characteristics are very subtle as well, such as eyes being further apart or the mouth being lower from the nose.

Deny it all you want, a baby born from inbreeding will never be 100% normal or healthy.

Pic related. Amish lady with baby from her father. The baby was born with 6 fingers on each hand as well as facial abnormalities.

Quoted wrong and forgot my pic. Meant to quote

>Implying your ancestors haven't been inbreeding for generations before the 19th century or so.

>beat with a crowbar

an elementary school girl could probably barely even swing a crowbar, let alone beat someone with one

Incest is OK in zoroastrianism, not Islam

Dress up as a Kamen Rider and harass the guy

I don't feel the slightest sexual attraction towards my sister, but damn I want to cuddle with her.

So what am I supposed to do with that?

Seduce your big sister user, I'm sure she's lonely and finds you cute.

>only one other Danchigai post

Love them all obviously.

Yayoi a qt.

I won't because she's not old enough to be attracted to guys.

>Is there a name for a position that hides the boobs and the pussy and all it give you a view if her back and ass?
closet homosexual style?

I shouldn't have laughed. Here, take this reply. (You)'ve earned it.

Use this next time.

I actually find it incredibly hot, because of the aforementioned 'domination' undertones. I imagine it was how most sex was done in the stone age and why most animals fuck doggie style. But joke had to be made.

Not really
I found out a woman 3 years older than me uses me as masturbation material.
Finally figured out why I always catch her looking in my general direction at work.
She's a 4/10 at best, so I avoided her since then.
I'm still avoiding her until now, been 4 years now

What would your sister say if she saw you browsing this thread?

Do your imoutos have big tits/asses?
Do you fap to them?

>That's disgusting.

And that'd be the end of that. She literally gives 0 cares for me. Not like she ever did care anyway.

>tfw ugly as fuck so Onee-chan will never love me

Kill me right now

Sister used to fem-fap when we slept in the same bed, who knows what or who she was thinking of but it was pretty hot nonetheless.

Give her plenty of headpats and hugs user. I was too tsun and too much of a little shit when mine was that age and now I deeply regret it.

>tfw real life doesn't go well for you despite your best wishes and effort

doesn't she know you can smell her juices?

I'm not around much but when I am, I do, its cute since she's still at that age where she'll run up to me and shower me with hugs.

I have sinuses, sense of smell is 90% useless. And life Is not a doujin, I'm sure even if that wasn't the case juices don't smell that much.

I blogshat ages ago about how my imouto stared at a steam chat in which I was telling a friend how great her ass and feet are, and she never brought it up, so it would probably be fine.

My onee-san would probably sit me down and want to discuss it with me, but she's pretty understanding. I didn't really get the "incest is bad" thing until I was well into puberty, and she let me get away with some shit she probably shouldn't have.

Tell us more or redirect us to that thread you blogshat about it.

Will there be any imouto/nee-san to look for this season? QUALIMOUTO was nice even if she wasn't the center of the show.

I mean there's not much else to say about the imouto thing, other than we have a pretty good relationship now.. As for my onee-san, I used to do shit like shove my face in her ass, watch her change, stare at her and give her "hugs" while we were swimming, stare at her tits while she breastfed her daughter, shit like that.

Meant to reply to


>Getting turned on over breastfeeding
You absolute madman. Though I understand you, my onee-chan is also really hot, thought I never harassed her like that.

I dunno if I would call it harassing, she always laughed about it and never told me to stop, and I didn't know any better. Never thought I was doing anything wrong until I grabbed her ass in front of her husbands entire family.

What happened when you did that?

Kill yourself desu.


Conservative literally means backwards, fuck off back to Cred Forums

Stop using that word like that.
>Conservative: holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
And in typical neo-liberal fashion, you can't stand the idea of differing opinions, or that you can be wrong. Kill yourself.

Tell her that she shouldn't be dating when she's this young anyway. She'll probably just find some hedonistic degenerate that just wants to fuck her.

Watashi no oniichan

>holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation
How is this not backwards?

First define backwards. Is it meant to be derogatory or are you simply saying that it's "to not be progressive."

>little sister is a lesbian
God it felt like I dodged a huge bullet. Now I get to take her to cons and try to get her laid with hot lesbian cosplayers, and all is right in the world. PLEASE tell me more of you know this glorious feel, it is so liberating.



Nothing really story worthy, at the moment I was too stupid to realize I had done something wrong. The next day I got scolded by my parents until the "incest is bad" message finally got drilled into my stupid head, and from then on I was too scared to try much else with her.

My onee-san didn't even care as far as I could tell, if I remember correctly I think we even spent that night cuddling while watching a movie.

I dunno why the fuck I keep responding to myself

That's pretty degenerate.

first off, nice.
second off, good on you for being her wingman.

I am jelly. My onee-chan doesn't let me hug her, let alone cuddling or ass grabbing.

I am a degenerate, you can't be here and not be.

I have to be a good oniichan. That means finding a busty oneechan.

Well considering Japan isn't a washed out migrant shithole in the current year, along with some Eastern European countries, I'd bet that conservative policy is the only thing keeping us from sliding into a globalist shitshow. Are you from West Europe or Canada by any chance?

But that's not backwards. That's just "We've got a good thing here, let's not fuck it up" whereas you are proposing "COME ON CHANGE ANY CHANGE IS GOOD BECAUSE IT'S 2016 BE PROGRESSIVE"

Europe, and I can assure you that it's not a shithole. Stop getting all your news from Cred Forums.

What a slut, i'm not comforting her.

West Europe & Canada have some of the highest standards of living in the world. Nothing wrong with what they stand up for.

Why not just the imoutos?
But why?

Obviously by fucking her happy again

>Europe, and I can assure you that it's not a shithole. Stop getting all your news from Cred Forums.
there not a day that mainstream media not report a muslim rape of a european children or woman so yeah west europe does look a shithole

>West Europe & Canada have some of the highest standards of living in the world. Nothing wrong with what they stand up for.
swedish authorities don't punish muslim rapists neither protect their victim forcing their family to run to norway english authorities force kids that say that report taht hey are raped by pakis to have diversity training.
Yeah nothing wrong with what they stand up for.

Don't spoonfeed.

whatever happen to those go hug your sister and post what happens threads

Everyone got arrested and thrown out of their house.

sounds nice

not for them, most are now getting fucked by Tyrone when all they wanted was to be hugged back.

Hotpockets had a seizure

Because then she'd be lonely.

What's the problem there? She's the oldest, she should be ignored in favor of the cuter and more lovely imoutos. Don't tell me your one of those guys who thinks its okay to NOT neglect their neesans.

What doujin?

You don't like being neglected by the imoutos, it only stands to reason that the onee doesn't want to be neglected by the otouto, have a heart user.

Explain why I should care about the neesan.

The Heart

Maybe the imoutos will appreciate you warming up to the onee and in turn wam up to you?
I'm an imouto guy, but I don't think you should just forsake the onee, that seems like a waste.

>[citation needed]


I don't get it.
But if I do that she's just gonna be clingy, try to spend all her and my free time with me, constantly want to go out, etc...Its annoying and stuff.

This looks like a doujin

Imma plan that bitch an arranged marriage.

Bitches love them some arranged marriage.

How is that a bad thing? As long as she's cute what does it matter?

Because I don't like neesans. Who the hell wants their older sister constantly dotting on them, following them around, wanting to do stuff at the expense of your own free time being lost?

>as long as she's cute
So if you had a fat imouto or neesan but she was otherwise perfect you wouldn't care about her?

I'm on the fence between onee-chans and imoutos.

Does anyone have any doujins that might bring me over to their side?

Don't let your neesan down, user.

>constantly dotting on them, following them around, wanting to do stuff at the expense of your own free time being lost?
Is perfectly fine as long as they're cute.
Especially if you trip the right flags.

Harem route nigga
Bring the imouto with you
Put your arms around both

I guess that post falls in the 'eye witness account' of primary sources itself.

What flags? I just find her annoying because she's introverted. Would you want your neesan with you 24/7?
But I have TWO imoutos, user. I'm not a slut!

>I just find her annoying because she's introverted. Would you want your neesan with you 24/7?
Absolutely. But by that point, i'd prefer full time dere-modo. This is what I mean by 'the right flags'.

Not the user you were talking to, but I have two one is fat but is very caring but stern, and the nonfat one is affectionate, but is also a brat and I cherish them both just as much. I deeply regret not giving them more headpats when they were younger because I was a tsun shithead. I wish I had been more doting. Whether imouto or nee-san as long as they love you they deserve love back. From the point of view as the oldest, whenever I get a hug from the affectionate brat or something from the caring, but stern one (that's how she shows affection), it feels nice. If you gave some affection towards the nee-san she would deeply appreciate it. Especially if she took care of you when growing up, which I kinda did despite being a little shithead.

That my little sisters are so shitty is the reason I have a sister complex.

She's already basically a kuudere. But I just don't really see the appeal in that sort of thing honestly.
Why don't you get the fat imouto to work out with you? I don't recall my neesan ever raising me, maybe she babysat me and the imoutos which is possible given the age difference (not severe though between us, only about 3-4 years) but I just don't really feel much affection for her.

I guess I could make A SMALL effort for her sake so I wont' be seen as a shittier otouto.

That's what you get for being straight, you slutty bitch!

Thank you kind user

Well as long as you can get her to be kuu while hanging off of your arm then it's fine.

Then set some boundaries user, it's not that hard.

Can I bap her if she gets too close?

Define 'too close'. It sounds like you don't want to be constantly cuddling your kuudere oneesan. But that's fucking crazy talk.

Sounds ight to me.
Are you bapping-user?

That's exactly what it is! If I give her an inch, she'll put her head against my shoulder if we're on the couch.
Napping user? Nah that guy has more then one neesan I think, I just have one. I just want to keep her at a safe distance.

I understand why someone wouldn't want that, but I simply don't agree.

Anyone who doesn't want their cute sister cuddling them all the time has shit taste.

That's just my opinion, though.

>That's exactly what it is! If I give her an inch, she'll put her head against my shoulder if we're on the couch.
OH WOE IS ME. Just snuggle with her.

>Napping user?
Nah meant bapping, some user keeps posting about bapping imoutos recently.

I am the bapper-user. When any of my sisters annoy me I hit them on the head with a plastic toy bat till they stop fucking up.

That's fine user. You don't have to cling to her 24/7 but throw her a bone every once in a while.

its normal for canadians it seems




pronebone you retards.

I can confirm it's the hottest shit ever. It only works well if you have a long dick and the girl can take a pounding well.

This one always felt right.

>There are babies produced from incest with young girls all the time and the babies usually are born premature or with severe genetic/physical/mental disorders

There are babies produced from women over 30 all the time. Every 70th baby born has autism.

>NTR'ing childhood friend for shitty little sister

No. Absolutely not.

This just makes me feel better Ziploc-kun fucked his childhood friend instead of his sister.

you know as well as I do that someone's word here is literally worthless


What kind of bone?

>Sister has the idea planted that her brother loves her
>Sees her friend win him
>Slowly the feelings she could've had consume her

It all lines up.




Baps intensify.

Is the imouto to blame if oniichan turns out gay?

Snuggling is verboten!

>little sister rests her head on my shoulder
>instant boner because I'm a bad person
>casually cover up by placing a nearby pillow on my lap
>she lies down on it

I keep hearing Ziploc-kun thrown around but who is this guy? I'm assuming he fucked his sister?

you walked right into that one.

>after Gaggle translate
>This book is not a bookstore commission because it was sold out in the summer Komi venue
>can't find anything on Suruga-ya or Yahoo Auctions Japan
>it's on Mandarake but it's sold out (
>not on the panda

Feels bad man.

Don't know the end of the story, Don't know weather it's because things suddenly ended or I just haven't seen the whole thing, but he didn't as far as I know.

He started dating his and his sister's best friend. They were childhood friends and she is some tall tomboy who plays basketball too. She confessed to him that she liked him while drunk and some random shit happened but he's dating her now.

I actually have the entire story here if you want me to dump it.



I would fuck my sister till she feels better


Please do, I didn't know about that development, and I'm sure the other user would like to know what the deal about ziplock kum is all about too.

Nice cancer screencaps there.

Here is the fifth and final part. It was a story for the ages. I hope him and Kanon are happy.

I'm still mad that he didn't fuck his sister
Alright end but I wanted incest end

>tomboy childhood friend beats little sister
Yeah nah fuck everything about this story

Its his older sister though

for starters it wasn't a little sister.

Quoted wrong post, it was meant for you

I wont, I just turned her down.

Something that bothers me is that his sister obviously set up Kanon-chan to take on his feelings. I have a feeling that sister is kind of disappointed that his feelings for her were superficial

I've always felt like there was something going on, it felt kind of off in some ways
Besides, i'm still salty that theres no incest end

This story pulled on my heartstrings

Well in real life i guess im happy he didnt fuck up his family with that shit. He's happily dating a japanese tomboy childhood friend. How many people can say they do that?

Do not SEX your sisters!

But I'm fucking her as I post user. She's blushing that I'm telling anonymous strangers on the internet about it. Now she hit me.


Reality is calling user. Says it misses you. It swears that if you come back it won't be as mean or nasty as it was to you.

She looks like a vapid cunt. She probably deserved it.

Pity the final version is done in the styling of Cred Forums. I lost all interest when I heard he went for the childhood friend.

cuddle the imoutos
then slip it in when theyre comfortable



No, I have an older sister and she is the fucking best.
Imouto is a no-no though

I feel like I always missed out on something being an only child

Could you make your imouto smile like this?

My jetkins is not big enough i fear

Looks more like it's just an ugly baby rather than deformed. That happens with anyone unattractive like the woman in the pic; it's not exclusive to inbreeding.

Reading this thread is so odd. I read a bunch of brother x sister stuff and really like it, but as an older sister, i never had any feelings of the sort with my brother. We barely ever even hung out. I feel like i was a single child basically, like i missed something that would have been a lot of fun.

So from the point of view of a real nee-san, who are your top little brothers?

>"Your room is a fucking pigsty."

Then she'd leave and never come back in.

by sucking her dick

Well shit we're done now and she's asleep. I don't know what else to tell you. You don't have to believe me but incest does happen. Maybe its Cred Forums, my upbringing or something else but I have no problem fucking her. Neither does she.

I sometimes loathe being the firstborn son.

>tfw no hot big sister to look after you

You're going to have to take a picture with this thread and her in the background.

Are you guys cool with 3D pics being posted here?I don't want to get banned.

You can always post it on imgur or something and link to that instead.

Okay user give me a second.

As a younger brother and a uncle who was friends with a lot of kids with siblings as well when I was younger I can tell you it's extremely rare for siblings to get along well enough to form any kind of bond. I was pretty popular and out of my whole street and most my class, I only saw one pair that got along well and they were the younger siblings who were 1 year apart of an older sister who was my age, and the girl my age didn't get along with her younger siblings.

It's gotta either be a small age gap and the right happenstance or enough of a gap that the older sibling can get interested in shit like that before the younger starts entering mid teens. More often than not there's still that age where one or both will hate the other and it'll never really get to that point.

Imoutos are for cuddling and ____.

I forget what the term for what she is doing is, but that. They are for that.


You mean protection

Speak for yourself. I have a brother 2 years younger than me, one 9 years and another 12. We all get along fine.

Why not both?

Life counseling.

I dont like younger brothers at all actually. I like cool, responsible older brothers.

My brother is ugly and snarky And annoying.
My brother and i get along now. Mostly we talk about movies or sports. He's even taken me to the movies a couple times recently, which was sweet. I also have a five year old sister to get along with. And my biological father went off and had a boy and a girl of his own, both the same age as my younger brother, so if i ever meet them maybe i can still have that sweet family bond. Doubt it tho.

>that screencap
>Fingering with grandmother
>Perform Circumcision

I have no words for this.

So I guess you would like Shuu.

This kind of thread always change into blog thread in just a few post

Oh something funny actually happened with my brother today, so I'll tell it.
>i work late in the afternoon
>sleeping on the couch downstairs midday
>i usually wear just a short around the house, no bottoms, because muh freedom
>brother comes home from school with three of his friends, all males
>wakes me up to tell me I'm late and help me get to work
>pretty sure they all saw my genitals
He seems really nice ;_;, but i havent read/watched this source material.

>cancerous /r9k/, Cred Forums, Cred Forums tripfag blogs in these threads

Kill yourself. That's why you don't allow blogging.

Well Shuu is also a younger brother, but his older brother side is mostly shown.

People with lives outside of Cred Forums are the worst

Only blogshit I want to hear is people wanting to fuck their sisters.


Whatever happened to NIL and his Oreimo series? I still seemed unfinished at Vol.4. Did one of the earthquakes/tsunami get him, like Mosha?

Forgot pic

>don't like younger brothers at all
Moya-nee pls

Black Clover

This looks interesting.

thats actually way more adorable than was i was prepared for

pleasing her anally
legal in germany


There is only one answer to this.



But sometimes, I tease my otouto, because it's funny seeing him flustered.

Post more lewd Kirino.



What is that expression supposed to convey?

You will never be Kyosuke in this situation.

It's the expression a girl makes when her poop portal is getting a unexpected tongue bath by her older brother.

Purest love and supreme bliss

What is the title for this one anyway?

Been waiting for a translation

need more hmanga of her


Delete that shit right now. I almost die of heart attack.



Why are imoutos so perfect in anime?

It's a biological fact that onii-chans and imoutos belong together to ensure that good genes stay pure.


How do I stop myself from loving my onii-chan if he's literally perfect

Give in to it.

I love incest manga, but you're mostly right. I have two younger sisters and I MAY have given in if they approached me when we were all younger, but I don't really find them attractive (though they actually are, my tastes are just warped by over 15 years of reading nothing but hentai) and they're used goods anyway. Real life is different from my ero mangas.

>used goods
I still dont understand this. Personally i find it more attractive if my partner is experienced and has had other partners.

Sorry to break the news to you but it's blatantly obvious that your subconscious longs for 3D imouto love.

To each his own really. I get off on the idea of teaching a pure innocent maiden the ropes. Princesses, stuck-up ladies who THINK they like femdom and/or lesbians (they simply don't know the power of the cock), elves, random village girl A, etc.

Rape is fine, as long as it ends with the girl liking it in the end and/or it's gentle. Fuck NTR, fuck violence/violent rape, fuck mindbreak, drugs, and all those weird ass fetishes. I don't understand the feet fetish people either. But hey, to each his own right?

If you say so, Freud.

If its love that keeps the bloodline pureas pure as two siblings with the same DNA at least then it'd be more rewarding to make it so that both parties would never even humor the thought of a different partner by forming each others sexual organs to only enjoy their sibling's body.


You can't marry your neesan.

I like feet, and ntr, and i hate violence. I like straight loving a lot and just honest bodies. I just think that enjoying yourself even though you've had other cocks before is way hotter because it adds value to that persons skill at sex and stuff.

When you do find a wife, give us a call, we'll be happy to give her even more experience. to make her even better for you.

Sorry but i like dick. I'll share my future husband if you want

Of course you do, that's the least surprising reveal of all time.

What the fuck is wrong with people here? You want to fuck your sisters and literally screw up your entire families just for some fucking hentai trope?

Oh don't make me mention the deformed and retarded babies. Jesus Christ, this is Cred Forumsutism.

But I love my sisters. What's wrong with an otouto loving his neesans?


>no fluffy hair
Anime a shit.

Incest only produces deformities because certain recessive traits are more likely to be passed down
Among first degree relatives, it's around 40% I think. Among Second degree relatives (cousins, etc) it's almost nonexistent
Genes are funny

I want to screw my entire family.

cannot find souce. need desperately

Yayoi is a shitty imouto though. The twins are good ones.

What makes her shitty user?

Would you marry your older sister?

Yes, if I have one.

I'd impregnate my neesan and take responsibility but I wouldn't marry her.

Violence. Often.

>cut his penis off with a box cutter

>anti-male hormone therapy (Medroxyprogesterone & Cyproterone)

We don't want you to rape a little girl, instead you can become the little girl :)

Reminder that Sis Plus ended a while ago and no one is translating it.

>tfw Cred Forums convinced me to be nicer to my neesan and despite myself I'm enjoying spending more time with her now

Fuck you Cred Forums

It's the only way.

>Is the imouto to blame if oniichan turns out gay?
no but she have the duty of fix her onii-chan

>nicer to my neesan and despite myself I'm enjoying spending more time with her now


An acceptable answer, carry on then.

Just let us know when the imoutos take notice and want in too.

>every girl in that room ends up wanting to marry the brother

Having sex with your siblings is gross.

Step sisters are good though.

If you're going to fuck your sister you shouldn't let her friends watch that's wrong

Imoutos are curious things aren't they? When they saw us watching some anime, they stuck around for a bit.

That's adorable, keep up the good work user.

Yes it is.

>no seal of approval yet
Imouto threads are slipping.


Worst imouto

>aniki did you hear that? did mom and dad come already
tee hee aniki you are the best

You could label not fucking children as a traditional value.
Is that backwards?

Still a shitty imouto

I beg to differ

More lewd Kirino before the thread dies.