Who is the best tsundere ever and why is she Louise?

Who is the best tsundere ever and why is she Louise?

Because she's literally perfect in every way.

>pink hair
>endearing lack of magic skills

I never jizzed like that in my life.

Louise is definitely one of the sexiest.
I'd do incredibly lewd things to that body.

Because loli tsundere built for S and M angrysex/submissive sex.

Louise Faggots are the worst like trump supoopters

>endearing lack of magic skills

It's been years since I watched it, but isn't that only because she's a void mage or something like that and those are unable to use the spells most other mages can use in exchange for their void magic?

I'd take her riding crop and whoop that ass hard with it.

>best tsundere
>not Emi


My waifu for 10 years and still going strong.

I prefer sub Louise.


>BBC sluts

One of the best things about her is that she can go either way without being out of character.

I love my wife domming me. But I love her subbing for others even more.

>cuck faggot

Louise is nice, but Taiga has her beat.

Well shit, I didn`t expect I would find so few competitors, looks like it is a fact that Louise is the best tsun.

>probably the most tsun a 2D girl ever was
>totally dere if you obey her and be good to her
>she acts like she owns you
>gets totally clingy if you acccept the fact that you belong to her and have to only have eyes for her
>prideful, really jealous and totally stubborn
>will constantly give you prizes in a totally embarrassed tone when you do something that pleases her

God, I need Louise in my life, she would be a great owner.

Nope, Louise is great, she just had the misfortune of being in a meh anime with a horrible male love interest. God, I wish they had given her a Ryuuji or at least something close to that.

Saito was great. He protected his waifu with his life. And she loves him.

Does she win at the end? If she does I will watch it.

>saito is great
>kissed everything that had a vagina in the show
>groped countless breasts that did not belong to Louise
>failed to show he only had eyes for Louise time and time again

He is shitty, she deserved someone better.

Saito isn't very faithful though.
I guess slut queen and meido are partially to blame too, but he still fucked up quite a bit.

Fuck yeah taiga win by KO

>Killed hundreds of men for her
>Died painfully for her
>Has fought countless people to protect her
>Endures her abuses to be with her
Neither of them are perfect people, but he loves her enough to but himself at risk whenever she needs him.
It's not his fault the author refuses to let him and Louise actually get a scene where they can have sex without one of those sluts interrupting.
So did she. Remember when she dressed as a cat and then claimed it was for Julio?
How would you feel if your lover told you flat out that she dressed like a slut and said "You can be my master tonight" for another man? Pretty fucking bad, i think. You'd probably start thinking she doesn't give a fuck about you, especially since she often claims not to.
Neither of them are emotionally literate, but they still know enough to know they love each other.

Being the "best tsundere" is like being the "tastiest turd".

Not 100% but in the Light Novels she and the MC gets a adobted child together and pretty much can't get away from each other. So you could say that is semi-confirmed

Taiga is great, but Louise is way more tsun. Also, I don`t know if we can compare them because one was in a great anime with rich characters and the other was herself the only reason we even watched her show.

>she will never whip me out of disobedience

obviously the answer is kyou

Those two never go together.

How can someone incorrectly write Kurisu for Louise this bad?


Kirino is my choice.

She just said that, she never really did anything that would prove she is unfaithful. Sato on the other hand kissed a bunch of other girls willingly.

The act of kissing is usually so fucking important in romance stuff that I never thought her love interest would go around getting kisses from other girls, I really felt bad for her, poor Louise...

Aw yiss. These holy three brats. I want them to make fun for my dick size.

>not wanting to be closer to ther heart of your waifu when cuddling


But user, the best girl in that anime was a boy.

Does she win at the end? I like it when tsunderes win.

Bad choice.

But as far as he knows, she DID do something. She got dressed up in slutty clothing waiting for another man to come and fuck her.
How do you expect him to just be like, "Oh, that's okay." Do you want him to be a cuckold?
If she would just drop all pretense and tell him how she feels, he'd stop. You can see this because any time she does get a little softer, he sticks to her like glue, but then when she pushes him away, he goes away from her.
It's a two way street, man.

there's an ova where she wins, it's very cute

Now user, I don't think that's fair when we bring a boy into the picture.
Besides if we are talking boys Hashida is clearly best boy

>it's very cute

You mean kagari.

>Do you want him to be a cuckold?
You're talking to someone who's making excuses for a character that routinely abuses the one she supposedly loves with a horse whip and explosions. Of course he does, since he is one himself.


> But as far as he knows, she DID do something.
But she didn't. Whereas he actually does.

He jerked it to her behind the bar.

>Kirino and the tsunderies anywhere but terrible
>Asuka and Chitoge not in at least okay tier
Absolute shit taste.

That doesn't really hold up when you consider the fact that the reason he does things is because she makes it seem like she's okay with him doing them because she wants other men and not him.
If your wife told you she was cheating on you and didn't love you, are you at fault when you say, "Okay, I'm not wanted here, so i'll go somewhere else"?
No, you're not, because if she would just fucking say, "Yes, Saito, I dressed like that for you. I love you and want you." Then it would be all over and done.
She is to blame too.
That doesn't mean he is faultless. He felt Tifa up to help her, but he knew full well that it was wrong, and then got mad when Louise called him out on it. He was wrong there, no question.
But she's far from guiltless herself.
I just wish people would realize that Louise and Saito would be perfect together if they BOTH cut the shit, instead of always only blaming one or the other.

>implying Kirino isn't elder god tier

>t. onoderacuck

>Mahiro not in muh dick tier

She and pretty much everyone else in that show are completely unlikable characters. One bitch is bad enough, but just about everyone there is a 3DPD-tier alpha bitch. Incest isn't hot anymore if the imouto's such a cunt she's not worthy of being protected.

Well, go back to your flawless self-insert series then.

Who are the four in the perfect/muh dick lane?

Kaichou was a great tsun.

Kaichou is for drunk sex games.

I want to corrupt Kurisu into getting off on hypno stuff.

Master race.

Good man.

The fact that she just goes full dere whenever the she receives the slightest bit of affection probably makes her one of the most manageable tsundere characters.

Let's be real here, the only reason why their relationship continues to have any conflict is because Saito's a scumbag who just lets every woman he ever meets to shove their tits in his face.

Of course. That's what harems are supposed to be after all, normalfag. No place for bitch characters.

Louise is horny as fuck

Official art.

Official art.

Mai dick.

What do the runes say?

Shit taste
How you are still alive?

>asuka lower then kirino and koito

Oddly like half the girls in this harem are tsun.

Fuck you just reminded me that the LNS will never be finished.

Maki, Yuiko Enomata, Minami Shimada, and Ayano Sugiura

>Author Noboru Yamaguchi was planning the end of the light novel series before he passed away due to cancer in 2013. According to MF Bunko J, he dictated the remaining plot of the series, including its ending, from his sickbed and entrusted it to the editors.

She was so cancerous it killed her author.


>Ruining it with Mizuki, Louise and the green midget who isn't even tsundere

My kind of harem.
Speaking of which, is there a harem where every girl is tsundere? My dick would explode.

Wait a second isn't Noire more of a tsundere than Uni is? So where is she on that?