
>Mitarai, for making a brainwashing anime and fucking up the world.
>Your punishment is nonstop sex with Ibuki on an island with no air conditioning or anime.

Other urls found in this thread:


But that's no punishment


go meet up with your sister you Hopeful fuck, sheesh what a crappy conclusion

Naegi-kun, it seems my panties are wet.

What an unsatisfying mess this was. Just about the only thing we gained from this 24-episode trainwreck was Kirigiri winning Naegibowl, sort of. Aside from that, all it did was cheapen the endings of the previous game.

Thank you Cred Forums for making this trainwreck enjoyable.

You're alive!

Hope is dead.

>Kirigiri surviving
>A good thing

I want you and all of the other bacon cucks to seek out the nearest sharp objects and slit your own throats. This series did a number of good and bad things, but the fucking worst part is reaffirming that Kodaka's waifu is shielded from any and all consequence in any regard. Fuck all of you.

Control yourself and please tell Makato to see his sister more for me, I know she was a big fan and she misses her brother. He works too hard and family is the most important thing

You think Makoto would let Hajime fuck his sister since his waifu is dead?
Who am I kidding. Hajime is gonna take them cheeks like he did to everyone else

>winning the Naegibowl
no confession

>being this angry about it

It really didn't make sense for her to die anyway, and her death didn't actually help the story in any meaningful way.

Hence, the "sort of" part. She did let him touch her bacon tho and Naegi likened his feelings for her with what Munakata has for Chisa. That's good enough!

It's a bad day to be a Chiakifag.

I wonder Kirigiri deals with the knowledge that she always has been and always will be Naegi's second choice? That no matter how much he tells her he loves her, ultimately, she''s a consolation price?

Prob won't even care, even Asahina had more screentime with Komaru then her fucking brother during Hope arc. All that shit about living for Komaru was all talk, just one of the factors that's put me right off this anime

>needing a confession
>implying kirigiri or naegi would know how to react to one

>It really didn't make sense for her to die anyway
Yes it did. It put her life on a clock and forced her to choose between revealing her NG code and forcing Naegi to make a rash and unreasonable series of decisions, or hiding it, peacefully passing, and allowing Naegi to calmly figure out how to Hope his way out of things. There was a point where she clearly realized there was no way out through normal means, and she was trying her damndest to hide it until a new lead showed up. So since she couldn't, she'd rather just let him find out the hard way rather than make him hurt until it happened.
>her death didn't actually help the story in any meaningful way.
It provides a measure of consequence and it forced Naegi to stop hiding behind others' talents and abilities and confront Munakata at the most dire moment, as well as allowing him to sympathize with Munakata and show that both of them have experienced pains from this killing game in the form of their obvious targets of affection dying to an unknown mastermind's machinations. Her being alive destroys that sympathy and rewards Naegi while only punishing Munakata further for...loving Chisa? It's extremely weak thematically and only suffices to pander to Baconcucks who would otherwise drop this series if their waifu got so much as a scratch.


>Nonstop sex with Ibuki
Time to become an animator

>Yes it did.

She could just cut her hand off with one of the easily available cutting tools spread throughout the building even if the Cure W thing wasn't established.

>It provides a measure of consequence and it forced Naegi to stop hiding behind others' talents and abilities and confront Munakata

So, it allowed for the incredibly boring "more capable heroine gets stuffed in the fridge so our protagonist can revel in manangst and become strong " trope? Yeah, I'm fine with cheapening that moment. In fact, what made DR1 a pleasant surpise in that regard is that everyone expected Kirigiri to die near the end so Naegi could have this moment, but then it flipped the book on us by making her an interesting character that drove the plot forward on her own

Naegi connecting with Munakata over their shared loss was likewise done extremely poorly, it felt like a copout. There was no real ideological struggle between these two, no clash of wills -- just two faggots who had their waifus stuffed in the fridge and then one of the two gives up extremely easily. Not very compelling storytelling, that.

>non stop sex with Ibuki

Cause she's worst girl

Does Kirigiri know the hopelet loves her?

>Cause she's worst girl
>Not the loli
>Or you know The loli
Honestly I liked every character in DR2 but her

Even so shes kinky and black hair is sexy

>She could just cut her hand off with one of the easily available cutting tools spread throughout the building even if the Cure W thing wasn't established.

There's a drastic means out that was only reserved for someone who would take such an incredible measure. Kirigiri is not the type who would legitimately sever her own hand with no available preparation with a nonexistent cutting tool on a whim. It fails in terms of characterization, especially that Cure W asspull horseshit.

>So, it allowed for the incredibly boring "more capable heroine gets stuffed in the fridge so our protagonist can revel in manangst and become strong " trope?

And you're happier with "Well she didn't die because she got a cure at the last moment!" trope? Fuck you.

> In fact, what made DR1 a pleasant surpise in that regard is that everyone expected Kirigiri to die near the end so Naegi could have this moment, but then it flipped the book on us by making her an interesting character that drove the plot forward on her own

We got that again, and she wasn't any bit more interesting in this occurrence, meaning that the repeated event isn't any bit better. It's only repetition that was poorly done the second go-round.

> just two faggots who had their waifus stuffed in the fridge and then one of the two gives up extremely easily. Not very compelling storytelling, that.

"Your platitudes mean nothing here". Munakata was staunch and belligerent against listening to Naegi go on about how everybody can just work together because he suffered the least out of anybody and didn't understand how bad Despair was. He heard about it and walked outside to be quickly whisked away via helicopter to the Future Foundation. Meanwhile Munakata has been on the frontlines against the Tragedy for fucking years. Losing Kirigiri, the one who saved his life in the Killing Game, would quickly show others that he's at least in SOME pain over the events here, but no. She just asspulls herself alive again.

Hiyoko was interesting and had a lot of room for development. She should have lived over the meme trio of Sonia, Souda and Akane.

>Kirigiri is not the type who would legitimately sever her own hand with no available preparation

She is when that's her only shot at surviving.
>with a nonexistent cutting tool on a whim.

Pic related.

What happened between Naegi and Munakata is still relevant because Kirigiri was dead for Naegi and he still managed to keep his resolve

Kirigiri living was only because of her own talent plus Mikan's involvement, it was an unreasonable gamble and she knew it

Naegi lost plenty of friends in the killing game, which Munakata saw. Again, this flimsy connection between the two(our waifus were stuffed in the fridge around the same time) managing to sway Munakata from his convictions which he held with a religious fervor(enough to murder his best friend in cold blood)was extremely anticlimactic and basically sealed the guy's fate as a joke character.

Define "love"?, it's not stated he loves her but Kyosuke compared her death to losing the love of his life. It's true she's one of the most important people in Makato's life, but purely platonic for now

Actually Naegi compared his loss of Kirigiri with Yukizome, Munakata on the other hand said Naegi loved her.

It wasn't the connection between waifus, it' because Naegi revealed Munakata wasn't standing up to his resolve, he said he would eliminate all despair yet he was still cherishing his memories with Chisa, who became a despair

Seems like i found the SHSL Delusional Sayakafag.

>what made DR1 a pleasant surpise in that regard is that everyone expected Kirigiri to die near the end so Naegi could have this moment, but then it flipped the book on us by making her an interesting character that drove the plot forward on her own.
That right here is when I realized the writing was pure shit.

>Case 5
>You and Kirigiri are going back and forth
>Finally get to the part about where you Finally after all this time, catch Kirigiri off guard and outsmart her
>She's not even mad and accepts that she going to die because you fought your hardest to survive
>Gets executed
>You have to fucking let her get away with that shit so that you can become the blacken and get executed
>Just to be saved my some Deus ex Machina
At the fucking moment I knew Kodaka was a shit and the series would end up being every disappointing.


user you gotta admit that in the best timeline Makoto and Sayaka were closest

At best, this should have cracked his armor a little bit and cause him to lose some composure, maybe create a niggling bit of doubt in his heart.

"oh i guess i do still think fondly of my time with CHISA ..... AUUGHGHHHH"


What's happening?

Kyosuke compared them initially and Makoto went with it

Is this Fate/Stay Night?

> No Juzobro to translate all new quality comics

I want them to feed each other meat sticks.

Do you like this Kirigiri?

One of my favorite girls saved my other favorite girl. Thank you Seiko, you are an angel, it is a shame you didn't survive till the end.

>All of the new characters die except for one
>The real Chiaki died a horrible death for no reason other then Junko is an evil bitch
>Tengan may have out complexed Delta with just how fucking nonsensical his plan was
Meh, 7.3/10 I've seen worse.

H-he'll come back, right?

Kirigiri is the Ultimate Troll, not Ultimate Detective

at least it was entertaining i guess

No joke, this was LITERALLY the last time we saw Juzo alive.

I can't even feel anything anymore when I see stuff like this. Thanks a whole lot, Kodaka, you really managed to destroy Chiaki for me and utterly poison my attachment to the game. I can already feel it. I'm starting to drift away from these threads. By the weekend I'll be gone from them totally, just in time for them to start fading away.

>All of the new characters die except for one
Two actually, but yeah.

>anaging to sway Munakata from his convictions which he held with a religious fervor(enough to murder his best friend in cold blood)was extremely anticlimactic and basically sealed the guy's fate as a joke character.

Whoa, whoa fuck you.
He legitimately thought that Juzo was a backstabbing despairful cunt, and he had all the reason to. He wouldn't have, otherwise.

At this point it's more likely that Kyoske will join him, he was heading for a cliff anyway
We have canonical afterlife now, so it's OK

I still don't understand Tengan's plan, can someone explain it to me, please? And was he a Despair or not?

Do you really think Munakata lived after a debacle where he lost absolutely everything?

> but purely platonic for now
The thing is nips act on subtlety and when a pairing like Naegi/Kirigiri gets pandering as hard as it did before Kirigiri 'died', even if it's not explicitly stated, it's pretty much obvious as fuck. Nips like and accept Kirigiri as the heroine and love interest of Naegi, same with Hinata/Nanami. They were even fagging out and calling them 'married' and the 'official pair' on Twitter and nip forums

It's really only western retards who don't get something so obvious and simple because they have impossible standards for what is a 'ship'

yfw you see all this salt

>and he had all the reason to

The dying words of an old man he suspected of being a remnant of despair?

Am I the only Kirigirifag who hates Kirigiri x Naegi? He is complete shit, she deserves someone better (or stay single forever, that is good too)

Plus the photos about Yukizome and the whole mess that happened with Junko's investigation.

Chisa was despair. He put two and two together. He knew this from the bottom of his heart.

With that said, she lied to him about Junko being the cause of all the bullshit. She lied because she was in cahoots with her.

Juzo wasn't, but he also lied for his own selfish reasons. The only way for anyone to fucking lie about someone being a mass murderer is if they're with them. So he thought Juzo was.

of course it would be last minute

Fuyuhiko/Peko didn't got a confession and everyone knows they're gonna be together, it's basically the same.

Shippers ruin everything

Unless they exchange spit on the screen these morons would still think they are platonic.
People would only see what they want to see afterall.

Still no subs?

Chiaki may be dead, along with my heart now, but at least I'm not a Komahina shipper.

Thanks, user. You finally made me feel better about Chiaki being dead.

Me too bro. Naegi he didn't even help that much in the end. he is a bland character. But I don't care if that means Kirigiri being alive.

She lives within me forever.

He wasn't.
From what I can understand, Tengan's plan was to make Mitarai use his hope brainwashing video and broadcast it to the whole world. Under any other circunstances he didn't want to and couldn't do it. because other members of the Foundation wouldn't have let him. That's why Tengan set a killing game to make Ryota broadcast the video and stop the killing game and the despair in the world. That's why Ryota was not supposed to be at the reunion.
And by doing that he would also eliminate a few corrupt members of the organization, killing two birds with one stone.

Poor guy, his crush kept on smooching a chick in front of him.

>Mitarai knew Hinata was Izuru, when even FUCKING NAEGI/KYOKO/TOGAMI DIDN'T
>friends 4ever with people he didn't interact, except for Mikan
>Hajimeme literally screw up Makoto's chance to convince people they were rehabilitated

I honestly feel Kodaka forgot about the initial plot of DR3, Makoto's Trial for saving class 77 for this made-up fuck everything else happy ending.

sure thing sayakafag

So basically: he did it without actual evidence, because he has the kind of iron conviction that an extremist who will do whatever needs to be done has.

Which, again, is why his immediate heel-turn is hilarious. All it took was for someone to point out he still treasured his time with Chisa.

How would you give this cutie the swift and painless death that she deserves? Stabbing? Suffocating? Slitting her throat in her sleep? Poisoning? Just shooting her? Creativity encouraged, as long as it means she doesn't suffer and doesn't see it coming so she dies unaware.

They were so good together, damn it.

>Hajimeme literally screw up Makoto's chance to convince people they were rehabilitated

The people who need to know do know.

Read the other thread, [Hope] is out.

Hajime was never gay. Did they really think with Chiaki dead he's going to fuck Nagito? No, he'll probably fuck Mikan or someone.

>[Hope] Danganronpa 3 The End of Hope's Peak Academy - Hope Arc

Hope mkv out

>Hajime sticking it in a disgusting pig

No. Komaeda is more likely even.

I haven't watched the subs, so how did exactly Kirigiri survive?

Sleep pills.

>No, They'll probably fuck Mikan or someone.
They're one now.

Hajime's going to give it to Mahiru while Nagito takes Mikan to pound town.

Probably right next to each other, even. While high fiving.

Just watch it then.

An overdose of sleeping pills? That sounds very nice. No pain, just an eternal dream.


The kirifolder, I had to watch the episode twice just to be sure.


Komahinafags pls.

Hajime isnt a fag. There is Mikan (who does like him), Mahiru, Hiyoko, Sonia (has to share with two others).

My wife Ibuki is cute. CUTE!

Was that Nanami a bot?

That's AI Chiaki.

No problem. Out of everyone thus far, the Komahina fujos are the most buttblasted. Pretty hilarious.

Unpopular opinion: Komaeda should have died.
His death and Nanami's death would have balanced out the deaths of the 78th Class and the Future Foundation.
To make things more bittersweet, he should have died on a deathbed surrounded by his friends.
Like a cherry blossom, he won't last.


I want her to poke me with that nose

>There is Mikan (who does like him), Mahiru, Hiyoko, Sonia (has to share with two others).

Pretty sure Ibuki is DTF.

>Mitarai knew Hinata was Izuru, when even FUCKING NAEGI/KYOKO/TOGAMI DIDN'T

You do know he could have met him when he was working for Junko, right?

>friends 4ever with people he didn't interact, except for Mikan

And the imposter.

>Hajimeme literally screw up Makoto's chance to convince people they were rehabilitated

Yeah I agree with that, but they probably didn't want to live outside the island.

No, it's both.
She talks about how everyone helped create her from their memories of her.



Hinata's hallucination.

Mahiru and Hiyoko are yuri though. Sonia likes hamster dude.

Dances confirmed for the most useless talent ever.

Fucking heh

That's still AI Chiaki.

Ibuki is gross.

She pretty much goes on and on about how she only wants to be bandmates with Hinata though.

So cap-kun is obviously KirixNaegi's descendant right?

Oh, Bully-kun~

Doesn't change the fact she's one with Hajizuru.

>not the perfect heterosexual waifu

>more capable heroine gets stuffed in the fridge
Kill yourself.

Who is Pepsi x Princess here?

I-Is the original Juzobro gone now? I haven't been in the threads for the last 4 hours.

All bandmates do is have casual sex with each other.


Naegi keep on living my man

>that repeated shut the fuck up
>that one faggot taking it out on Kirigiri too


She's still not human Chiaki, though. I really needed a scene of her alive. DR3 essentially ended for me with Despair 10.

Is this what maiden in love looks like?

Hajime and Nagito can't stick it in Mitarai's and the Imposter's property.

He's fagging it up in Heaven now.

Sonia is good buds with Gundham. Nothing romantic is ever confirmed there.

Besides Souda is uncucked and has won the soniabowl

>with no air conditioning
Kazuichi can just build one

she's not a loli anymore so meh

Implying Mikan and Hajime arent going to fuck.

Maki is the proof.

Naegi-kun, it seems my new panties are wet

You know nothing


Gundham was 18-0 going into the Soniabowl.

so this new school is where the new danganronpa gaem is gonna be placed?

Who here Pepsi x Strawberry here?
Sonia and Hajime cucked them anyway

Far from it, Fuyuhiko the Yakuza boss next in line cried his out to Peko saying he needs her. He's grown up with her and Peko a constant motivation thrroughout the time spent in the NWP. Even blushing when talking about her, crying while looking at Mahiru's picture of them together. All of this together points to a romantic relationship. Until I see similar acts to this or a confession from Kyoko and Makoto it's platonic relationship for me

Oh no, I agree Hinata hates Nagito far too much to do anything with him -- I'm just saying he wouldn't debase himself to the level tht he would sleep with a smelly pig like Mikan.

Does no one really care about Mitarai and his touching moments?


Will this be the most forgettable show of the year?

>Not paying attention to the boat scene where Sonia's looking at him in admiration.

Sonia repeats over and over she doesn't likes Souda.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! How does it feel to know you're both retarded *and* incapable of anticipating anime cliches?

Mikan isnt a pig! She is a human being!

still far better than all the moeblob shit that Cred Forums is used to watch, so no

no confession, purely platonic

>Mitarai folded literally immediatly

Where is that faggot who said Tengan banking on Ryota being strong now?

>Who here Pepsi x Strawberry here?

Nah, Mahiru belongs to Hajime now. If he can't have Chiaki, I guess she'll have to do.

Is this Toko x Kumaru confirmed?

Why impostor is so based?


Just kill me. Being heterosexual is becoming more and more abysmal with each passing day.

I'm gonna miss him.

He is a piece shit since his birth. Only fags who like twinks like him.

>hey, you look tired, take some water
>I-I-IS THIS LOVE!??!?!?!1
neck yourself /u/

Tengan's plan was retarded.

But it was the last desperate ploy of an old man who wanted to fix the world before he died so what can you really expect.

Naegi's too beta and Kirigiri's too autistic for either of them to make a confession.

Tengan has dementia, his plan was retarded on so many levels that I don't even want to talk about it any more. It's a miracle it ended that way.

9/2012: Kodaka starts thinking about maybe writing a story about what led up to the world going to shit.

At this stage, the story was centered around the 78th Class

He might drop by.
And one Juzobro has his steam now

technically the only conformed romantic relationship is Munakata and Chisa.
If Sonia doesn't like Gundham, there is no way she would like hinata.
Face it, Hinata doesn't have many options now that Nanami is dead, except Nagito


No matter who is DTF in DR, only Mikan is canonically DTF.

His plan was obviously fucked up ever since Mitarai appeared in the game

The one good thing DR3 did that added to the DR storyline rather than detract from it was the Imposter's characterization. Love that guy and I wish he was used more in SDR2.


3/2014: Discussions about possibly making a Danganronpa 2 anime happen. Lots of debate re: difficulties, no solutions reached

tanaka is behind him

Is this the second coming of the conman?

Other way around. Naegi is way too good for that evil bitch.

>At this stage, the story was centered around the 78th Class

The story would've been a million times worse if it focused on those faggots.

10/27/2014: Outline for an anime original story submitted. "Danganronpa 3" was basically set in stone as the title at this pt.

Originally planned to be a two cours series beginning in January of 2016

What is she gonna do with a fucking yo-yo?

Would you carry Nagito to the trash?

Deathfags were too satisfied with the possibility of Kirigiri actually dying, they got blinded.

4 years in the making for:
totally worth it

Im a newfag who is Kekman?

Sure, Hajime would make a great beard for Mahiru, while she cucks him behind his back with a girl

Some Kurapika tier shit.

fuck off valwin

>technically the only conformed romantic relationship is Munakata and Chisa.
There was Sakura and her boyfriend along with Izayoi/Ruruka, as well as the mess of Matsuda and Junko/Ryouko

11/25/2015: On the four-year anniversary of Danganronpa's release, it was officially confirmed they would make Danganronpa 3

>Komaeda worshipping Naegi like a god
Okay Kodaka I'll give you that one

So what were their ultimate talents we have a knife thrower and this jojo girl,

What about the others?

best girl


I don't care about /u/, but I found weird the way Toko looked at her. It seemed like the way she used to look at Togami

it would've been so much better

There's no need for one. He loves her and she loves him. There's no need for an anime confession.

>No one ever comments they sound the fucking same


The one attacking Akane was probably a ninja. There was an archer too and the guy with the shogi pieces.

She lives forever inside him now literally

The guy who threw knives also was a firebreather. I assume he was the ultimate circus performer or something.

Munakata, more like Monokata

These motherfuckers are on screen for a couple of seconds, but they're my favorite DR3 characters barring Juzo.

The entire DR2 cast is going to fuck like rabbits on the island aren't they?

Oh then because he got uncucked

hopefully Junkofags and Chiakifags will kill themselves after todaay

He's like one us now Cred Forums.

>this is what happens when monokuma reaches the circuit breaker

>I don't even know this kid

Gundham was clearly against Falconer.

Evil bitch? She is too good for him. Honestly, best match for Naegi would be either Sayaka, who is dead, or Asahina

If Hajime doesn't impregnate Mahiru and keep Mikan as a sex toy on the side, I'm gonna be pissed.

The anime actually works out much better if you simply assume Tengan was senile as all fuck.

post more

He will be back in Persona 5 Arena

It's not like they have much else to do.

Knives and fire, so I'd guess circus man

They're gonna be there forever, so yes. It will be like the other ending of DR1.

>using ED of the guy who committed suicide

Reminder that she got away with everything she did. Including killing the Naegi parents and the younger Asahina.

Everyone will impregnate everyone.


tfw you'll never have Komaeda calling you to eat.

I didn't want it to end

>"DR3 is the final part of the hope's peak storyline"
>it didn't even fucking start as a continuation of the Hope's peak story because SDR2 very clear works as an ending for that storyline just fine.

But I'm not a minority user-kun.

Fujoshits probably ship Mitarai x Impostor

I would totally reconsider everything after hearing this bit of info.

>Sonia is going to get double teamed by Kazu and Gundham
>Mikan is going to have non-stop creampie sex with both Hajime and the Imposter, who forces himself on her while pretending to be Hajime.
>Akane is going to fuck Teruteru in exchange for meat
>Peko and the Yakuza boss literally can't stop humping
>Dancer/Ibuki/Mahiru in lesbian threesomes

That Island will smell like sex.

I still want to kiss Juzo. I want to kiss him and take away all of his pain.

I hope we get a Munakata gaiden manga or some shit like that
I'm going to miss these fuckers

Literally all of V3's cast are Hajizuru's children.

>tfw our boy won

Was Mikan redeemed lads?

DR3 was every dindu nuffing wrong-faggots' essays turned canon.

Wait, what.

I'm still here, my friend! I'll await till the end of today, which is when the ride should end for me and when everyone has watched the subs.

In case I won't post the copypasta again and you lose track of me actually being here, I wish you a farewell and I'll see you at DRv3 on Cred Forums, my friend!

Me either, it was quite a trip with all of you

Hmmm, I wonder why.

Do you think Hinata fucks his tulpa?

Akane and Nidai is made for each other

You forgot Nekomaru

>Hajimeme so OP he blew a fucking door open

Jesus Christ

Did they fuck?

I thought this was pretty funny

>The Ultimate Autist is so fucking crazy in the head he creates a Tulpa waifu



She still got Chiaki killed.


Same. Even if it was nothing more than a train wreck, I still enjoyed these threads.

Ending would be much better if instead of rebuilding the fucking school, Makoto and Kirigiri took over Future Foundation instead.

What would she be like during sex anons? What would she be into?

Thanks to God Kodaka, I will brainwash myself to forgot everything about Danganronpa 3.

Oh man... that ending...

>Sex with Ibuki

Wow... I hope she won't start singing in the middle of the whole action.

Well Kirigiri would have died if not for her, the poison after all just slow the poison damage before it could kill you and leave you in an apparent death state, I have to believe she used her ultimate nurse to heal her just right

>tfw the ending was bad but you still want more from the Hope's Peak saga

Reminder that Komahina is canon now

>absorb me izuru
>pleae shut the fuck up you died like, twice

>Nekomaru hands out his "massages" to every female

Soda was cute this episode

Normal Mikan did nothing wrong in the first place.

Nekomaru is literally going to fuck everyone. Including the guys. Mostly Nagito.

Because to him, the only paradise he needs is the creature comfort of a tv with overpriced BDs unknowingly built on the despair of lesser animators and free of emotional obligations. To be paired with someone like Ibuki is basically denying him of such comforts and forced to interact with others. Remember, Mitarai has anxiety issues and will be psychologically scarred from Ibuki's sexual appetites.

Light femdom.

It's like the ending of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.

The girls take turns pretending to be his waifu while he only ever sees Chiaki.

>tfw your ultimate powers are so strong you can literally create your dead waifu as a ghost

Why people draw his chest as if he has actual woman boobs though

I'm not sure Ibuki is smart enough to have sexual appetites

So, now that Kirigiri is back in the game, who will Asahina hook up with?
Im so fucking mad, I wanted a good end for Asahina.

now what do I do? I'm sure V3 won't come out in the US until at least 2018.

>you better lube your asshole up very soon, because I'm going to peg you to death tonight

>Doing anything but pure heterosex in the missionary position


> Which luck is stronger
Now we know the answer!

>you will never be MItarai

Togami most likely.

Same here. They were a good team, and good bros. They should have been the ones to run Hope's Peak in the end.

Will you show up in the juzoboys taima chat sometimes, if you haven't already? I'm going to miss your positivity.

I want Jabberwock Island Adventures now.

She was faking it to get him to shut up.

So the entire point of the anime was to show Gamer Tits excruciating death?

His suffering is over. He just has to wait a few decades for Munakata. But hey, that's nothing compared to eternity.

So they made a new Hope's Peak? Why?



> light
She isn't SHSL Princess for nothing.


gundham got KEKED


Despair side, yeah.

that kind of thinking would let Kohacka think it's okay to create more fan item abomination
let it die

>Hey Mahiru, remember that time I bashed your skull in with a baseball bat?

That the world is being restored means that the ultimate talents that survived or where breed during the tragedy can go and not study

They had to set up DRV3.

That's what Naegi's Hope's Peak is eventually going to turn into.

Of course I will, my friend! I was there a bit earlier! My name on taima is For_Juzo_my_friends. You might've unknowingly seen me!

It's the same look Despair Chisa gave to Chiaki at the end of episode 9.

>Naegi-kun, it seems I am pregnant with your child.

>The Imposter pretends to be Hajime to have creampie sex with Mikan

Someone comission this doujin right now.

They accept people with such ridiculous tallents. At this rate I could enter the school as SHSL lazy.


I don't think such thoughts bother her at all. She probably realizes that she wouldn't have bonded with Makoto as much if Sayaka were alive, but I think her feelings on that are mostly neutral.

She simply bonded with Makoto, and build a strong trust between eachother. That's all what's important.

Aww, Hope's Peak days were indeed adorable.


I wouldn't take Komaeda's words as correct, since he's going full fanboy over Naegi and all that.

What was your initial reaction to this scene? Did you know that Kohocka was bullshitting?

Cause they are retarded and didn't learn from their mistakes

Please user. You don't need a brain to have sexual appetite


That ends with her becoming a prostitute to pay for his debts.

Why not?

Someone has to continue the family business

even junko stated that tho



>Komaeda did all that shit in the Neo World Program
>Is still fucking insane since all he cares about is spreading hope no matter what he has to do
>Instantly forgiven by the entire class
But why?

Reminder that Chiaki's corpse is still rotting in a dungeon underground somewhere

I always liked Soda.

Kirigiri was always his first choice. Sayaka was the third choice after Mukuro Ikusaba.

All 15 students are gonna lick Nekomaru's cock at once.
It's that damn big.

>Soda-kun, it appears my panties are wet

"Oh for fuck's sake." nothing more and nothing else.

>Good ending means only if she ends up with Naegi

Togami and weedman both at the same time

It will.most likely come out in English between 4-11 months after it does in Japan. Still likely a 2017 release.

Holy shit this made my day.

you literally just answered your own question

Isnt that fucker Naegi 18-19 and running a school what is this?

>waifu bait nanami
stop reading there

I actually fell for it, I thought they were going to make yet another season to make more money.

>Belonged to Kyoko's father.
>Kyoko and him got married
>He and her carry on the family's business.

Notice how they make a point of hiding his hands in the end? It's because he has a ring.


>Kirigiri was always his first choice

Pre-tragedy it was always Sayaka. Kyoko and Mukuro were a couple of weird chicks he never really associated with.

>And I would've gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling Ulitmates!

what the fuck is wrong with these people

I don't think she'd mind being a rebound

Except in reverse but remove Mukuro since she was irrelevant.

Legitimately thought it was going to lead into a season 2 and have Junko appear revealing her ebin trick to the world.

Thankfully they just fucking ended the trainwreck before it exploded.

So, it's I'm gonna fuck your shit up look?

sexy and cute

>when chiaki is dead and nagito not
chiakicucks got BTFO

>cure W was relevant



Does Mikan still have Junko's womb?

I definitely did, because I'm nani the mod and twitter/pintrest juzoboy. It's good to put a name to you, brother!

Sayaka was the one he was closest to since they were acquaintances, but the one he liked was Kyoko.

>Soda-san, it appears my penis is hard


Holy shit, I'm glad all of the retards that said this got BTFO. Don't take VA's words as 100% truth.

>No PTA at the end
Why tho

> taima.tv/r/drg
Last translation!

Worst ending ever omfg

You need to accept it, user. We all need to.

What Chiaki lived, fought, and died for... Her wish to save them all came true, and that's what mattered the most to her. I'm sure she watches everyone from somewhere, and that she's smiling as well.

This. We got nothing indicating they're canon now. Purely platonic friendship. Sad but Kodaka has never cared about romance so him going with this ending isn't surprising.

>Kirigiri comes back
>Chiaki comes back
>oops nope, she's just a figment

>Juzoboys taima
I never heard of it. I feel sad now.

Will your twitter list or pinterest ever disappear or change URLs?

Kuzu and Hopeman didn't have their parts so probably not.

>Komaeda giving a fuck about Hinata after learning he was a reserve course shitter

Seiko was able to save at least 1 person with her tallent! I hope her soul in Heaven can see this!

>first choice
>she shares the same space in his subconsciousness as a chick who died years ago.
>When she and sayaka got to spend 2 years with Naegi, Naegi clearly hung out more with Sayaka.

They don't love each other.

I have a brain so I saw through it immediately, it's pretty obvious what they were trying to do

>danganronpa is (sort of) over
>kirigiri lived
>you finally got to see a world of hope
>these threads will now fade from existence slowly but surely
>no more danganronpa until v3 which probably won't be until next year
at least we have steins;gate zero this year

>She only does Hajime anally since she's scared of somehow impregnant Junko's despair womb.

Hajime really got lucky. He went from generic waifubait Chiaki to huge assed clingly anal loving nurse.

It's funny that they all have to live with each other after all the killings. And this was with their normal selfs.

Amazing! I appreciate your hard work, I love keeping track of the art and I'm sure there'll be so much coming from now on. I'll definitely be around, my friend! Don't you worry!

>actually thinking that Chiaki would come back

Dude, DR2 and the preview of the DR3 anime clearly implied that she was dead for good.

>but the one he liked was Kyoko.

Except this isn't true. He liked Sayaka not Kyoko during those times.

I didn't believe it at first, I was waiting to see if Animator was there.

And man this ending sucked.

I mean, let's not get crazy. I'm the "Kyoko's his second choiche" user and even I'm not saying that.

Did she get a replacement? What would sex with her be like? I'm asking for a friend.

He never got over her death.


You guys realize nothing changed at the end? How did they end despair?

>getting the used goods slut whose vag is already loose from twogami's fat dick

There's probably no hard feelings between Gundham and Nekomaru.

Hajime might be plotting Nagito's death though.

>no 16th participant
>no 13th branch head
What the fuck was this anime?

we need more of this shit

>I'm glad the Hope's Peak disaster is over
>What do we do now?
>How about we make some kind of...school for extremely talented people?

Wow! That AI Chiaki explanation is actually pretty well sounding and sweet.

Maybe she has taken a vow to never have sex again to prevent a new Ultimate Despair from being born.
She lasts 5 minutes

> Chiaki's pixely uterus

get in here boys!


DR2 was also about the class finding redemption from their time as SHSL despair and we all know how that turned out.

Here it is! taima.tv/r/JUZOBOYS Chat times are probably going to be 9PM to 3AM GMT+10, so google the time conversion for your zone.

Nope! And if it was going to, I'd let people know.

What are his tits made of?

I have a brain so none.

Looks like its the end of the road for these threads Anons.
Thank (You) so much for all of what happened here, and don't you ever forget what did happened here.
I'll never forget Juzoboys and gun posters and all the others!
but I'll gladly forget the retarded shipping

We'll have to move to /drg/ soon, so have fun as long as you can!

>The entire series is about how a crazy dumbass idiot got a bunch of people to mindwash other people into being murderous killer so she could create a situation where she hooks a dude up with an amnesiac detective and then she gets herself killed.

Junko was shit.

Why is hopeman so friendly with hajime now

The FF members who were despair were weeded out and killed.

So who will Hajizuru bang now with Chiaki gone? Naegi at least has Kirigiri if he wanted to have babies eventually even though Sayaka's gone too.

Came late and missed the stream. Anyone got a link?

He gave a lot of fucks.

Shitty fanservice.

I wonder if hes going to cum on that

Why dont we like her again? Not a Mikanfriend just literally want to know why

They never said it's just for talented people.

He has talent now


The fact that they left Human Chiaki makes me feel they might use her later like in 2.5.

I wish monaca had more closure after the end, just chillin' on space forever sounds dumb

Just search komahina on twitter and get ready to catch cancer

Th-thanks you brothers!

Within the game, Hopeman truly considered Hajime his best friend. He really did.

In all technicalities, Nagito was planning on saving Chiaki. It was just that it was primarily used to kill everyone else off.

Love for another man.

I'm shipping him with Mahiru.

Well I guess that's it. The last two episodes were disappointing and kinda leave a bitter taste.

Who this we? Most do.

Find out in the OVA that comes with V3

He gets over her death by chapter two of the original game.

By chapter 5 he's already Kyokosexual. I actually feel sorry for Sayaka. She couldve gotten with him since they were very close while Kyoko just kind of watched him from afar, and then the killing game happened, and she got herself killed while Kyoko won the Makotobowl.

Welp this was shit. Im so glad V3 is gonna be a reboot.

I'm just saying saying they're in love is just speculation. Thanks to the ending we got nothing from them. It will remain open ended now.

But I don't deny they like each other.

>Ending to Kibougamine is a fanservice episode

Only two people who talked to Naegi out of 77th are Mikan and Nagito and they were only ones who "died" knowing their situation in DR2. Coincidence? Yes

Also, is it just me or blaming people whom Naegi fucking saved is really fucking dumb and leads to even more problems? Can't you see people of DR going

>Oi, that shitstain who saved Despairs got FF killed and our boy Juzo too! What despair!

I love Mikan!

>nah well just stay until Komaeda Destroyer of Worlds comes out we can keep these threads going until then

How about we accept that during his time in Hope's Peak, Makoto was close with Sayaka, but has bonded with Kyoko during the killing game? You know, the canon version? Essentially what I said with ?

I mean, really. To claim that either of those two girls were insignificant to him is retarded.

He wanted to kill despairs. Not save Chiaki

They already did that in DR1. And DR2 was about hte personal story of the 77th class, and that was also already resolved.

You can see the problem with forcing a new "conclusion" to these stories.


>he never appeared
This is beyond bullshit.

What was Mikan about to say though?

Whatever you say cuckboy

>tfw no matter how hard Hajizuru tried he couldn't bring back his waifu

Class 78 survivors should just join the rest of their classmates already.

She's a slutty nurse with a huge gigantic ass and the habit of spreading her legs for no reason. Who would dislike her?

Thanks! I won't lie, praise and seeing people happy as a result of my efforts are great boosts and sources of encouragement! I'm glad I'll be seeing you around!

Honestly all this muh nakama doesn't make sense when he never went to the class and interact with class 77

She wants his penis in her


Only just finished the episode and all Hope did was give me despair. What the fuck was that. I could have let it slide if Hinata and Naegi "sore wa chigauyo"-ed anime cunt and then a remix of Danganrona played, that scene could have made it passable. No. Nothing. I'm ready to die now.

>He gets over her death by chapter two of the original game.
>By chapter 5 he's already Kyokosexual.

Wow, Hajime fell in love with Kyoko and then let a little hope manlet have her?

How exactly did the blackened ones return to their old selves?

He wanted to spare the Future Foundation agent while unaware of their identity, to be exact.

He could probably build her a robot body, the dude basically has all superpowers

>literally everything that happened in the 2nd game has been made invalid
>none of them seem to be bothered they were killed by someone else in the group during the VR shit
>none of them seem to be bothered that there were actual murderers in front of them
>camera bitch still gets off scott free

>I saved your girlfriend.

Kamakura being good at everything is what they're implying.

That she revived Kirigiri.

Cause he still finds him bangable


Did you not watch it to the end?

Kirigirifags (such as myself) that were theorizing about bottle in the background (myself excluded) were right. Basically, Kiri was in "near-death state of koma" and Mikan revived her mouth to mouth.

Gundham = Sonia's husband
Soda = Sonia's concubine

I'm glad my boy Souda got some happiness in the end

Izuru fixed them all offscreen

>S.S. Dindu

>He gets over her death by chapter two
>what is DR2
>what is DRAE
>what is DR3

You're delusional as fuck.

Kyoko didn't win anything thanks to this ending. Continue creating headcanons though. They're fun to read.


>all this butthurt
Thanks Kohacka, from the bottom of my heart

>pandering: the ending
did u rike it?

Ohh yeah, of course you're right, thanks user.

The hell are you talking about?
Read the posts again.

Why are there two Munakatas?

Fuck, this always happens when you adapt persona to an anime.

Only impostor's words should have mattered to him.

Izuru is so good he brought them back

>Soda getting cucked

No one besides division heads knew what Makoto did.

Yeah but in Hajime's darker moments I don't think he cares what Nagito's reasons for getting Chiaki killed were, he just knows that Nagito got his waifu killed.

No. I already 'accepted' it, you bozo. I just gave up on DR in general. This despair I felt freed me. It was a terrible, empty ending for a series I frankly never really held in high regard. Now I simply look onwards to other series - and I suggest that others do the same.

How hard were deathfags BTFO this episode?

This. It's clear as fuck that he cares for the both of them on an equal level. One doesn't surpass the other anymore.

You read my manga, right?

Otherwise you would've missed...

Newfag here. What's so bad about /drg/?

Thank you Kodaka..

Why did the last episode of Hope actually feel hype and hopeful towards the end while this episode makes me feel despair?

HE WASNT SHSL (super high school level for you reserve course students), HE WAS THE ULTIMATE HACK WRITTER

>every single person in the 77th class gets to live
>most of the 78th class remains dead

>Kirigirifags (such as myself) that were theorizing about bottle in the background (myself excluded) were right
At least you're not pretending you were on the side of reason all along. That's good.
You're still dumb as fuck though.

>Dgr2 barely even happened
>Happy end
> 30 P E R C E N T

i am fine with this.
Kodaka i still hate you for tricking us but you did good.

Also someone put September 29 in the pic

>Mikan revived her mouth to mouth
I like this

I don't know, but I want to feel them up as I fuck him raw.

Munakata had better finally tap that in the afterlife if I can't.

So 77th class said they wanted to atone right? Where's the boat going then? A prison, perhaps? Hopeman's looking a little robotic as well. Hopefully the cancer doesn't spread any further, they might have to replace more parts.

>the girl who tried to frame him for murder is on an equal level with the girl who pretended to die for him.

Hey guys my waifu is coming back too right? right?

Its a /vg/ general which means its just tons of fags roleplaying and blogging about their day


Yeah but the Ultimate Waifubait is dead as fuck so it's a fair tradeoff

No, and you killed him.

Also fuck everybody getting along with Komaeda. Not after knowing that even before being brainwashed he was batshit insane and filled with pure malice.

Because it made the entirety of DR2 and it's character developments pointless and DR2 was pretty good.

>>every single person in the 77th class gets to live

I went in with rock bottom expectations after Future 12 (and the whole series really) but I'm actually reasonably satisfied. I still think DR3 was a mistake that we didn't need, and did a lot more harm than good, setting aside how enjoyable it was to watch with Cred Forums. But after that ending, I'm not even mad. Disappointed, but not angry like I thought I was going to be.

A little disappointing that the kids who 'died' in DR2 and effectively destroyed the world get off scott free and get to live and be happy again when the DR1 deads got no such asspull magic, but I'm still happy for them. And Fukawa seems to have officially accepted the Komarubowl. Everything ended up much better than expected.

Now we have an actual Gary Stu. Amazing.

>komahina twitter


When the conclusion is so shit it devalues the previous entries in the series, I hate this.

>Really like Mitarai's change of heart and the very real possibility that people will keep making the same mistakes
>Hope the final episode will be between Naegi and Mitarai battle of wits
>Fucking everybody from DR2 is alive, except for the fact that they should be clinically braindead because that was the entire fucking point of DR2

God damn it this finale's half shit and half decent at the same time

>said girl tried throwing him under the bus to save herself and had no problem sending him to get killed by the mastermind just to get a reaction

I actually wanted Kiri to die for cheap shock value.

> A-about kirigiri-san... I- I revive her and make her extra fertile as well... so go for it, naegi-kun

Cred Forums does

Class 78 was shit and got what they deserved.


Maybe they'd survive if Junko didn't get tired of despair anime and made them remnant of despair as well.

Komaida and Asahina? What retarded pairing was that, again?

>FF died for no reason
>Tengan could have saved Chisa by putting her into the program too
>his whole play was stupid to begin with


My own clone!

Turns out Dangan Island was the canon sdr2 timeline all along.

So Danganronpa 2 basically got retconned out of existance and all the new characters in 3 didn't really matter either.

>move to /drg/
I'll check out the JUZOBOYS chat while I'm still NEET enough to be up at those hours but I'm not going anywhere near /drg/, these threads will be our final farewell

>Goddamn adorable in Despair arc
>Rightfully tries to take anger out on Ruruka
>Saves Kirigiri

She's best.

This garbage over? Good can Cred Forums fuck off back to their shithole now?

Even the writers themselves know AI Chiaki and Real Chiaki are nothing alike.

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who actually believed kirigiri was dead

Only if you join him in heaven, my man.

That's not how you spell Class 77.

literally this thread except every post is avatarfagging

>tfw you were never a Chiakifag

feels good

Well yeah.

They wrote it.

Oh how many times i got called delusional because of


its a wonderful day to be a Kirigirifriend.

>it actually wasn't junko
the only real twist

Man, Munakata really got the short end of the stick in this. Literally the only survivor who doesn't get a happy ending.

And yet Mitarai gets no punishment whatsoever? That's some bullshit.

So is Kuzuryuu just ignoring the fact that multiple people he's with are partially responsible for the death of his sister?

They are living the rest of their life in island paradise

That's not how you spell Class 76.


Shit I forgot [Hope] isn't hardsubbed

Remind me, when did Nagito lose his hand?

Well, an end is an end. Honestly I think the only thing I was looking forward to was Future Hajizuru, and after that tease mid way trough Mirai, It's honestly been the only thing making me watch,
In the end, Id have to say that Despair side was probably the best part of DR3. Mirai was a clusterfuck drama fest where people was just dying and spouting buzzwords everywhere while mindlessly trying to kill each other. just to end in a shitty complex ending.
Despair was pretty great all the way trough, mostly cause the DR2 cast is great compared to the edgelords of the FF. It had great humor to disturbing imagery and a shit ton of small details for fanservice that really made it enjoyable.
Hope was honestly only good because it was finishing off what despair side obviously couldn't giving it being a prequel. Overall, if it wasn't for the fact that Mirai had to exist for any of this to be possible. DR3 would've been great. But the killing game plot had to literally be shoehorned and the execution behind it pretty much just left a bad taste in my mouth.

TLDR Mirai is shit, Hajimeme is best boy, and the shitfest's over..

They wanted to believe she was dead because they wanted to believe Kodaka had balls.

He doesn't and is a hack.

>"I want to kill myself... :((( but I know no one wants to hear about this lol".

>"No, please tell us more"

>"Oh okay. "

back to also, that was already posted here

The OVA that comes with V3 is set after they wake up, that's probably gonna address some of it.

Also Mahiru did nothing wrong.

I think that was the most anticlimactic ending I've ever seen. I don't know what I expected, but it sure wasn't to watch it and go, "That's it?"

>i need a succesor
> *sees manlet with the mental fortitude of a dishcloth and a myriad of personality disorders*

Yes let's talk about deathfags getting anally rekt

When he cut it off to put dead junko's hand on

DR2 didn't got retconned, what makes you think that?

Holy shit.

I just realized that this ending made it so that DR2 was all just a dream. Nothing mattered.

No need, i was always a Soudaboy

Is this true despair?

Because they all remembered they were no better, Mikan and Nagito got some forced counseling from Hajizuru and then they all decided to move on.

Why does she look like Tharja in this pic

If only.

What about the people that died during despair island?
Were they just watching the rest of the game in limbo so that's why they know what happened?

Or did Mr Ultimate Ultimate decide to redo the whole thing again to try and save everyone this time? Retrying til he saved everyone like in Dead Rising?

komaeda and hinata
easily mistakable for komaru and asahina

I'm happy someone manages to keep up with it in the first place, my friend! Twitter's insanely hard to navigate and I really appreciate your effort!

I just realized

With Chisa turning out to be massive nothing, and Kirigiri spending so much time out of commission, this means the heroine of mirai hen really was Juzo.

What the fuck.

But it wasn't Cure W, it was antagonist.

So, sore wa chigau zo

>All My Friends Are Dead

I thought that as well

He brought chiaki back for the sole purpose of killing her off graphically

Komaeda and Hinata.
That ship name could also work for Asahina (either sibling) and Komaru though.

> Mirai was a clusterfuck drama fest where people was just dying and spouting buzzwords everywhere while mindlessly trying to kill each other. just to end in a shitty complex ending.

>its a most new characters die but all the old characters remain alive episode

Ah. Well that's just fucking terrible.

So can we agree that DR3 would have been much better if Mitarai didn't exist?

So Chiaki is pretty much the MVP of the entire thing right?

I'm fine with this ending, really. SDR2 ending implied everyone was gonna wake up anyway, and Naegi gets to keep his autistic waifu and make many baby hopelets with her. All good.

But while I don't think reopening Hope's Peak itself is a bad idea, why in the name of Junko's tits did he reopen the murder building? The one that was shown on TV? Tear that shit down and make a new building, Jesus.

I think this ending proved this anime was written for autists.

Link to episode that I can watch without downloading?
you're my only HOPE Cred Forums

Ibuki's music is so awful that it even counters MINDHACC!

user, I'm sure he's being sarcastic.

>tfw you predicted class 77 showing up because the DR2.5 OVA spoils the fact that komaeda is awake and speaks as if it was already known


Munakata will tap Chisa though

But they were all brainwashed, Nagito was always crazy.

It's hard to believe DR2 and DR3 were written by the same team.

>Don't speak of despair to me or my son ever again.jpg




>SDR2 ending implied everyone was gonna wake up anyway
No it didn't. At most Nagito and Mikan would've woken up. It was stated that it was nearly impossible for everyone else. SDR2's deaths still had stakes this way.

But now it was all fucking meaningless.

Don't forget invalidating the "Fight for your future" bit of SDR2 by having her doomed to die with no possible miracle (not even the suggestion of an IF) to save her.

>Naegi gets his waifu back
>Hinata gets all his friends back and can probably remake the Chiaki AI
>Munakata has no waifu and no friends left


Of course it was going to be a happy ending its the end of this arc after all.


>not Chisa

Can we at least agree that DR3 ending > ZTD ending?

I think everyone was simply expecting worse, to be fair.

Good thing those brainwashed FF guys stood by and let her set up a stage and elaborate speaker system.

Hajizuru said if it wasn't for her they wouldn't be standing right now so yup.

He really does ruin everything.

Whoever that user was he was on point.

Were you expecting else from Kohacka?

Miracles user.

>mikan's photography ability was actually useful
Best joke in the series?

>Final ED is from a singer who committed suicide
You just know what he's gonna do with that sword.

I want to impregnate Cumaru with my sticky white love piss.

How so? ain't she dead?

Only for Juzo

Well a least Junko never returned.

Juzobro, you were what kept me going! You will always be in my heart and thank you for blessing us with Juzo.

I was actually theorizing about the fact that legs aren't purple, I wonder if that user took me into consideration.

>They never showed up
Instead of bringing back all the DR2 characters (who should have stayed on the fucking island to begin with), these should have been the ones to save the survivors.

It was kodaka himself

>Can we all agree that stepping on a rusty nail is better than stepping on a rusty nail that gives you tetanus?

So why anons don't get mad at this /y/ but get mad about Komahina?


So, uh, weren't all the Remnants of Despair supposed to have horribly disfigured themselves? Besides Nagioto's hand and Fuyuhiko's eye they were totally fine.

Exactly, why did Hajizuru had a conversation with AI Chiaki if real Chiaki was closer to him?

Because in the end, we're all Juzoboys.

What's the verdict?

>happy ending
Not for I.

Who cares, Juzo, Seiko and Gozu are dead

Please go watch the episode before posting here

She will.

Oh right, thanks.

Reminder that there's still a komaeda centric OVA that will undoubtedly be full of komahina pandering

>No it didn't
Yes, it did. This exact line was used in reference as to whether they could wake the others up. It SHOULD have been impossible; it also should have been impossible the 5 survivors work up not in despair mode. Small miracles, motherfucker.

You didn't pay attention.

She used it to dodge all the attacks though.

SHSL plastic surgery

Would you want to fuck someone who'd been manipulating and using you nonstop with the intent of destroying your life for the last three years? Yeah, no.

Besides, she's in hell and Munakata isn't going there.

Wrong photographer.

So how the fuck was Killer Killer important again?


Izuru magic

Kill yourself.

I still don't like her...

But thanks, I guess.

Truly, the most boring timeline possible. Remember when people just sort of stopped doing this around episode 7 because it was clear this show was going nowhere? It's amazing that they went with the most predictable possible survivors.

retconned :^)

Everything can just explained with "Izuru Miracles" user.

Akane starved herself to near death? No problem, Izuru is the SHSL Feeder and made her normal again.

Juzo is CANON gay

>the cucked became the cucker
best ending ever

>I'm sure she watches everyone from somewhere, and that she's smiling as well.

Probably playing some vidya in the afterlife theater and eating the popcorn Junko threw in disgust at Hope Arc.

>Hajizuru gives you this look

They're both garbage.

You can tell by the way Asahina reacts to Komaru giving her water that they're definitely lesbians together.

Good job guys

We did it.

the 13th branch head absence will be explained there

We'll never know who tried to make babies with dead Junko.

Mikan and Hajizuru probably fix them with Souda machinery.

Stop falseflagging, retard

>Makoto x Kyoko
>Togami x Yasuhiro
>Komaru x Toko
>Aoi forever alone, and will still never get any side story of her own like every other DR1 survivor has gotten

Not only would most of them not give a shit about the DR1 survivors
The DR1 cast themselves didn't give a damn about their captives beyond the first case of DR1 anyway, with some characters acting like complete shits irrespective of that entire plot point

A few of those died back on DR:AE, and there was nothing saying most of them would survive after that.
Juzo's affection is ridiculously pure.

That was told by fake Naegi, who was Junko. You can wave off anything she says as a lie to justify a retcon and it technically works.

Yet the anime adaptation of the script was the hard part.

Something something meanwhile I want to bully Saionji.

Will the new Danganronpa also have the Hope/Despair theme? Because I fucking hope not.


She's living inside Hajimeme though.

It was made to sound like it was a distant possibility. It could even take decades for everone to make up and that is what made everyone's decision to stay impactful.

But she was brainwashed. The real Chisa wouldn't do that.

Izuru meme'd them back to normal

Introducing Munakata and Sakakura, that's it.

Truth/Lie is the new Hope/Despair.

I'm sorry user

I'm still fucking shocked Ruruka actually died. Like I was 100% certain they were setting her up for a "Live with the guilt" arc.

Then they just killed her and had the DR2 guys fill that spot. But seriously the NG stuff was total bullshit and used to just kill 3 extra people to reduce the body count. And let's not even get started on Miaya and the countless plotholes surrounding her entire existence.

Because they're two manly men, not manlets. And we want to see them happy.


It's her love-juice.

AU where it turns out Bandai was the one who took the anti-poison drug.

So...is Monaca still floating up in her spacevan, brainwashed by HOPE? Will she come back down to earth craving more of Komaeda's semen and eventually give birth to Amami?

Except, you know.

Except bringing real life human chiaki back to life :^)

Theme is morality of truth and lies or something along those lines

> Munakata killed the mastermind
>Juzo ended the killing game
>class 77 stopped Mitarai's hope mindhacc

Reminder that Naegi did literally nothing.

The mastermind will be old naegi and it will be set in the new HPA in the future

>and there was nothing saying most of them would survive after that.
Except the ending where it says they were all rescued.

>DR2 hints that the cast can wake up, and that Hajimeme and company are going to stay on the island to try to wake them up

>fast forward some years

>DR3 ending

Remember me, Cred Forums?

where the new thread at

AI Nanami =/= DR3 Nanami


Let's be honest here: a lot of these people are anime-only fags and haven't touched the games.


Not because I think ending was bad, but because it wasn't too dumb or wasn't at least good


This is a feeling I can't quite describe, it's something between disappointment and anger.


He can make a gynoid Chiaki and put the AI in her.

Because this is a canon relationship whereas Komahina is shipping a guy who tricked the other guy's girlfriend into killing him with a guy who shot the other guy in the chest

Now I want to see fan art of Chisa and Chiaki happily cheering their class from the theatre, while Junko sits in the corner with a grumpy expression.

Which turned out to be so bad that having Junko would have been better than what we got.

I can already feel it... The awful 11 and 12 episodes are retroactively ruining the entire DR franchise for me...

Is this true Ultimate Despair?

>Komaeda turning into a robot
>robot named Kibou

I think it is supposed to be symbolic as in
>"Yeah this is where despair happened and look who came out on top, Hope bitches"

>>fast forward some years
DR3 takes place IMMEDIATELY after DR2. They basically all woke up right after the ending of the game.

>fast forward some years
is that how long ago this was? I honestly have no clue I thought they went straight to the building, why would they take years to tell naegi to come be judged

We all knew that she'd come back, what's fucking lame is that she just showed up at the very end instead of coming back at a critical moment to inspire Makoto or something.

Instead it's like, "Don't worry, your waifu is fine, please keep buying our stuff".

>Nobody important died
Bravo Kodaka

He explained the rules Asahina and Kirigiri figured out to Juzo so he could end the game.

>fast forward some years
wat, DR3 happened immediately afterwards.

>komaeda injures himself so much over time that his whole body is replaced with robot parts

The AI lied :^)

That's the thing, it doesn't matter. Every time you looked at someone who did that to you, you'd feel sick and go crazy over how none of it was real. There's just too much baggage there to continue a relationship.

>Izuru is the SHSL Feeder
I never realized this until now but Izuru is prime material for horrible Deviantart fetish works.

Why would they come to the rescue?
Hell how would they come to the rescue, the majority of them are normie tier

Im talking real life years.

Well we've already established that robots can exist, and complex AI. A ChakAI isn't that far outside the possibility for someone with the talent of Raw Bullshit.

Someone replace the end song with I'm A Believer.

Well, this I'll admit. But hey, we're never gonna see these guys again anyway. Why not wake them up early? I'm not saying it isn't hackery, but I can't bring myself to be mad. Hell, I'm kinda happy.

Yeah, but how are you gonna get kids to come there?


That's why it's a fan item

Kibou is also a fan of Makoto Naegi

He himself admitted so, but that's wrong. It all started with his hope. He saved 77th class, allowing all of this to happen.


>the reason kibou is at inmates school is for arson in the name of hope or some komaeda level shit

All is forgiven you beautiful cunt.

No, DR3 takes place immediately after DR2's ending, Naegi being called to the FF HQ because of what he did in DR2 is the setup for the whole thing.

But isn't Munakata straight though? Also, canon doesn't matter, since people have been shipping crack ships and not confirmed ships as well. But Komahina somehow is the worst of them all?

>Monokuma: This is the conclusion to mine (Junko) & your (Neagi) story.
>Both of them literally did nothing in the finale.

What's the meaning of this?

Because Komahina fujos only ship it because they're "hot" bishie twinks, Juzo's love is pure and he deserves to be happy even if it's only in fanart

You know what you want to do.

>We all knew she'd come back

No, user.

Don't do this now.

Don't pretend like people weren't shitting on every Kirigirifag and insisting that she was dead forever and they were delusion. Don't do this revisionist history bullshit.

Don't take victory away from us.

Nagito seemed to normal here at the end. This is not the hopeman I love and knew.

Were they though?

>DR3 is the story of a senile old man attempting to make a mentally unstable boy use his magical brainwashing phone to turn the world into zombies

No one was brainwashed by HOPE since Mitarai stopped it before the counter hit 0. She's just floating up their as her regular self.

wtf i love mikan now


where exactly is /drg/?

Akane has probably been eating non-stop since she woke up to be fair
hell she was eating non-stop in this fucking episode

It was a few weeks, 2 months max. Tengan had to plan this meeting and Naegi took a helicopter with Hina, Weed and Kirigiri instead of a boat with Togamj and Kiri.

Mikan finally redeemed herself

I'm not even a Kirigirifag so what the hell?

>He de-edged Yu
>He controlled Juzo
>He saved 77th class
Actually, he did all of the job.

That was an awful ending and Kirigiri looked like a total retard for a SHSL Detective.

Disappointing as fuck ending with a retarded 'get in the fucking mech Shinji'-esque final confrontation. At least we got some 77th class fanservice.

I'm gonna miss this crazy bitch.

>best girl still dead
Why even care?

xD funny maymay lol

>You know nothing about me Munkata-san, or my plan

If that even happened, which I'm pretty sure it won't, it'd really suck. Why the fuck doesn't she get to have closure in the main story when she was incredibly more prominent in it than her AI self? We know ghosts exist thanks to AE, and it's not as if AI Chiaki wasn't ghosting it up there herself. They could have had him talk to her for a little bit, maybe give an apology, and then goodbye. You know, typical "~I fulfilled your wishes except for the one most important, forgive me~" stuff. Something cheesy and feel-good but with a bittersweet tragic twist to it, something that gives a nice fucking proper "The End" mark on human Chiaki's story.

They know full well that they're not the same character, AI Chiaki flat-out said it, people who think HER fight and human Chiaki's fight are the same are stupid. She wasn't some grandiose warrior fighting for the future or whatever incredibly over the top ideal AI Chiaki was pushing, she was just a normal human girl who was trying to help her teacher out from a psychopath in an awful school with terrible security and paid the price for her optimism.

It doesn't mean anything though, she won't show up in 2.5 either. The Double Dragon reference seemed like a hopeful hint, but it was just another way to force us to fall into despair. She was just an unfortunate character who was created to die and subsequently be forgotten/left out of the finale, yet at the same time be talked fondly of for some reason. I won't be fooled again.

Ending was nice, but it felt really anti-climatic.


>Class 77 wouldn't have came in to help if it wasn't for him
>Did nothing

That was some sort of made up mistranslation or some shit apparantly

He was literally carried by Monaca first part of the game.

You took "immediately" too literally senpai.

Has there been a more underwhelming ending ever? This reminds me of when they ended Hotline Miami with a couple of janitors telling you to fuck off out of their sewers.

Hajime took Mitarai back to the island so he could use him as a vessel for AI Chiaki right

Not him but I was on the train of her coming back but as the remaining episode count got smaller and smaller I lost hope because of time restraints.

Izuru got his own waifu Killed. Kind of.
Even if no one died in dr2 there was no way they could bring AI Chiaki with them.

Yeah, he did seem too normal. You can even see him calmly hoping with Hajimeme in

I don't really have a problem with Komahina, but somehow their shippers are unbearable

well when you put it like that of course it sounds stupid

I know right?
I just can't bring myself to be happy for class 77.


She's not for fighting, she's for love.

I liked her being nice to Mikan. It almost feels like the character development she was cheated out of in SDR2.

This is the result of not having Junko around.

It was a recording, remember?
The game was practically directed at Munakata, not Makoto

I've seen worse endings this year.

The ending was 'nice' but overly safe and boring, that's all.

You're welcome, my friend!
I have a steam, just search for Mirai and it should be there with a Komaeda (with robot hand) picture, may you ever need a talk!

SHSL Bully victim

That was just his luck that brought her there, and unintentionally got Gekkogahara killed.

He isn't gay.

So who was Monokuma
Why did Tengen do the killing game
what the fuck

We don't know for sure about Munakata. No perfectly straight man would have pulled that table stunt at the beginning.

Stopped Munakata from killing everyone to death, and saved the 77 so that they can be unfucked by Izuru and fix everything in the last episode.

Why do you think he was carried off? They know the weird shit happens after the seemingly normal part. They're putting him back on the boat before he hopekills someone.

I thought Hopeman would play a much larger role in DR3. Whether that be as a villain or some kind of insane but helpful guy. Instead he just woke up and everyone was cool with him being a fucking psychopath.

I can't wait till we get some more Kyoko x Makoto doujins

SHSL plastic surgery would make Mitarai from adorable girl that he is into a bangable slut.

It's not, Kodaka lied agan

Juzo's death was the saddest in the entire franchise desu

>the ultimate imposter can impersonate combat ability too

Get fucked:
>implying the last 3 exist


So Naegi is useless

I like how 30 minutes of the Hope video would leave everyone permanently brainwashed, but watching 29:55 of it was fine.

Also that Class 77 pulled a Dark Knight for pretty much no reason.


Did you forget Izuru was the programmer that made it so AIs could get transferred to human bodies?

Not unreasonable he could tweak which AI got transferred...

I definitely agree...

We've had anti-climatic endings with Junko around too, both times even

He could clone Chiaki and imprint the clone with AI Chiaki. Literally straight up Gendo. Like 5 Chiakis and become a coach of an eSports Team. Not to mention a harem. Did I mention that he can clone like 5 Chiakis?

It felt nice seeing her become a little bit nicer.

>Stopped Munakata from killing everyone to death
2/3 of the people.

chiaki didnt die for something, she was brutally murdered by a really stupid reason


Since the background is from Hope's Peak it was probably a pre-recording done by Junko before she died.

Nah, he doesn't need a vessel. He can build a perfectly human-looking robo-Chiaki vessel and salvage what remained of her with his Ultimate Everything.

>"Mitarai, how tall are you again? Oh...160 cm...interesting..."

Everyone important, at least.

>Has there been a more underwhelming ending ever?
I can think of one

So, he is his own waifu now? Deep.


He was literally fat Solid Snake as a Despair

>but as the remaining episode count got smaller and smaller I lost hope

Me too. Honestly, even if she didn't die, people don't understand that it was still very despair indusing, since Kirigirifags were waiting a whole month, and losing hope more and ore avfter every episode she wasn't revealed as alive

Alright, faggots.
Can someone explain the difference of the color of blood between mirai and zetsubou?

>for no reason
pretty sure they need to make the dead of the branch leaders public. even people inside FF won't know about Tengan doing the killing game

Literally just for the ketchup gag

Why did Tengan even use Monokuma?

It was so they could do the tomato sauce prank
I'm not kidding

I was behind four episodes due to school and missed being in here for "Juzo is canon gay". How did that all play out? I missed everyone.

So they could do the Aoi fakeout

The kaleidoscope was a basic brainwashing, it was to keep them looking at the screen while the Hope anime loaded.

so people will take him seriously

>you will never be in a high school full of waifus and awesome bros like the 77th class

To make people think a RoD was behind it.

Pretty satisfied.


The hints were all there, but it was funny seeing the deniers being proven so flagrantly wrong.


I want spinoff game that's just Hopeman and Gundham starting a detective agency together and solving mysteries.


I don't think the NWP works with dead bodies. So AI Chiaki would never come with them unless they sacrifice someone.

That whole Mitarai segment was awful

>Deluded user fell into the pandering trap.

Kill Yourself.

Brilliant/10. What could possibly go wrong in the future?

See: Danganronpa V3.

>plot holes


That's what DR3 was supposed to do...

I'm sad that Komaeda didn't get more time to fanboy over Naegi.

P E T I T I O N T O S T A Y O N Cred Forums

>hajime now has meme eyes

I thought that was just a fanart thing?

I love the word "hope". Because, you know how they talk about "hopeful encounters"? A single encounter can completely change your life. Such special encounters are not just coincidences. They're definitely... hope. Of course, life is not all happy encounters. There are many painful, despairing, moments. It's hard to accept that misfortunes beyond your control are hope. But this is what I think: despair-filled and painful things definitely happen for a reason. Nothing in this world is pointless.

So a bunch of characters who killed a ton of people got away with it?

>implying he has to pretend to be someone else to fuck that basic whore

She called her 'Omaru-chan' and the subs fucked up, right? Or did my ears deceive me?

What plotholes? All I see is pandering

they are still fugitive of the world

shut up, gaylord.

They did not ruin anything retard

He'll just make new ones. Let this garbage story die with this garbage anime.

SHSL Robot will kill them in a vigilante action and get imprisoned.

Are you absolutely fucking retarded?

Well, as entertaining as these threads were, the show was objectively shit with a final boss arguably worse than Delta.

I sincerely hope the V3 is better.

THEY didn't kill people, junko killed people using their bodies involuntarily

Kirigiri sabes herself and didn't had to maul herself for it

hey guys, check out this neat danganronpa fanart I found online!

How did you fuck up the plot of SDR2 so badly?

Tengan's motive was so fucking retarded. Even Junko again would have been better.

>people actually accepting this copout because they can't stand liking characters who actually did something wrong

brainwashing is still a stupid plot device

Was the villain tengan or mitarai?

They did basically ignore her existence in the finale, that totally means something, riiight? They fucked with me incredibly hard and managed to screw over a, basically brand new character I really liked and had high hopes for, even at the very basic possibility of having a happy ending. I really, really don't like what they did to her. Look back, and even look at Hope. For some reference, Kyouko and Chisa? They get lots of flashbacks, reminiscence, boo-hoo moments, the works.

She got the most gory and over the top death, but she also gets this fucking obnoxiously ambiguous confirmation stuff like "oo there are flowers left behind, I wonder who they could be for???" and one singular flashback from Hajizuru which is just hilariously hypocritical when it comes from a guy who became a physical god and can probably beat Gala Omega at least 20 times in the time it takes her to beat it ten times. She doesn't even get a proper 'final goodbye' moment with him, it's friggin' AI Chiaki. A character we've barely seen and barely known in DR3 aside from one scene at the very end of Despair arc. Yes yes, I played SDR2, I cried when she went away. But that's the thing, I -already- know her, I -already- said goodbye to her. It's like some awkward reunion. They're not giving me proper final closure on human Chiaki and it sucks.

What the hell gives there? Is it another stupid "ooo are you sure she's dead, sounds like someone gave up hope ;) ;)" thing? No, I don't fucking think that, shut up. I just want to know. Why wouldn't her ghost ever show up in the finale? In the theater? Nothing at all? Does it -mean- something or do they think if I liked AI Chiaki I wouldn't want to know what happened to her other self at all?

Monaca for one was responsible for several deaths and just got away with them.

That's neat user, do you like mine?

Kodaka was the villain, I'm sure everyone agrees.

>This whole DR3 anime was done as a well to excuse them all of their crimes and blame everything on Junko.

To think Naegi was right all this time...

Is imposter-kun back to pretending to be Togami again to keep up the act of being a despair?


>arguably worse than Delta

there is no such thing

At least DR had pandering
ZTD did nothing but add more questions and ruin pre-established things

Nobody, Tengan had good intentions, Mitarai was a pawn

How many times are you going to write out the same exact post?

The entire reason I liked DR2 is because that was genuinely interesting. Excusing characters because a writer can't think of any other way to resolve a moral conflict is lazy and hack writing.


Oh boy howdy do I! That's some top quality fanart! I have some more, if you're interested!

At least Delta's motives had logic behind them
Why did tengan need to set up a convoluted killing game if the end goal was just to broadcast a video?

I'm now praying that V3 doesn't have a tie-in to DR3. If they're their future decendants or some shit, sure, but jesus christ I don't want anything having to do with mindhacking or the old casts.

The character Mitarai was a mistake.

He was always right

Where the HECK did that come from, dude? I posted something like it only, like, once in this very thread.

I disagree, if I accept ZTD as canon, it doesn't affect my enjoyement of VLR or 999 at all. Those games still have meaningful character arcs and relationships on their own.

If I accept DR3 as canon, DR2 in it's entirety becomes completely meaningless.

>zt sucked
>dr3 sucked
>persona 5 was a disappointment

why live


Got this one hot off the presses

>persona 5 was a disappointment

Fuck off EOP
P5 was better than 4

>DR2 in it's entirety becomes completely meaningless.

How so? The NWP worked and it sets up the plot for DR3
Just because the """deaths""" weren't permanent doesn't undermine everything established in the game

>Persona 5 was a dissappointmnet

I have heard nothing but glowing praise for it.

So the producer laughing at Ogata's question about Kirigiri/Nanami being alive was actually laughing at Chiakifags?

Completely agree. If it was going to be that difficult for him he shouldn't have gone through with this anime in the first place.

Not him, but it means there were no stakes or consequences, and all the characters were innocent the whole time. DR 1 wasn't afraid to have characters who got their hands dirty. V3 will likely have permanent deaths too.

>DR2 in it's entirely becomes completely meaningless
It would be one thing if it was explicitly stated that the "dead" people would stay braindead but in the game itself there was always the small glimmer of hope that the rest of the Remnants would be able to wake up.

Okay listen here bud, DR2 mentioned absolutely NOTHING about brainwashing. The Remnants of Despair did everything of their own will and were not controlled or manipulated or brainwashed in any way. DR3 ruins that by giving them a hack gay faggot excuse that they were brainwashed, which was NEVER mentioned in DR2 at any point. What the fuck Kodhacka?

Naegi LITERALLY says they were all brainwashed during chapter 6

Agree. Brainwashing in general is a cheap way to get characters to do bad things, but also to not have to deal with any of the ethical fallout. It also makes the character development feel completely shallow.

The massage left at the end of SDR2 was to live on with the memory of friends to create a future. Only for them to wake up literally a couple of days later.
And there's also them being SHSL Despair as well, instead of interesting manipulation by Junko, we get muh brainwash video.

The Ultimate despairs simply being a bunch of suckers who got tricked and brainwashed undermines absolutely everything DR2 was about on a thematic level. Everyone waking up right after looking no worse for physically or mentally is just another facet of the same core problem.

I can't find anymore awful art browsing twitter. End my life anyways, I didn't want to post any of what I posted.

It's not about the deaths, people have been saying that DR2 was invalidated by the brainwashing for literal weeks, where have you been? By making them all victims of Junko who didn't carry out their despair actions of their free will, it completely undermines the meaning of the DR2 ending.

It's practically the same plot wise as Persona 4.

>mentioned absolutely NOTHING about brainwashing
Play Chapter 2-6 again. It was mention but, its just not in the way we thought.

dw user I got you covered

Never happened, Kodhacka apologist. They agreed to join Junko of their own will because they loved despair and because Junko was intelligent, nihilistic and had a wicked sense of humor. She redpilled them on this hope and despair nonsense and they became remnants of their own free will. There was no brainwashing.

If this episode took place 30 years after DR2 I would agree with you. Although it would still be rather unnecessary. Better to keep it ambiguous.

This is why I know you know nothing of the series you stupid faggot.
Stop parroting some bullshit spoilers you've seen. Just because Goro backstabs you doesn't make him akin to Adachi as much as you shitters keep forcing this shit.

>Despair arc was supposed to be an origins story
>it's all high school fluff til Junko just randomly appears and puts her despair plan into action
>still no backstory that we didn't already know about

Former Ultimate Sukeban

really makes you think

That's why it's a stupid device. Making them all victims because people want to say "THEY DIDN'T DO NUFFIN" makes it look like the writers are scared to actually commit to writing characters who made actual mistakes. It's a cheap way to get characters off the hook.

You forgot that "fighting for the future" was made irrelevant with the girl who was the reason they fell into despair in the first place could not fight for her own future.

>This scene will never have the same impact it did ever again.

>the goofy detective was actually evil the whole time and you have to fight a god
>not the same as p4

How does that make it irrelevant? How does the fact she couldn't fight for her future stop THEM from being able to fight for theirs?

Because she deserved a chance to fight for her future. Instead, it opens up the implication that their futures are predetermined and they have no chance of escaping them.

How are you afraid they'll fuck up V3?

>the one Chiakifag trying to nestle inbetween legit criticism

Go away, your dumb waifu shouldn't have been a character in the first place.

>you have to fight a god

Make it in any way connected to the earlier series

>was actually evil

Wrong, you stupid fuck. How about you don't form an opinion of half-understood reddit summaries.?

How in the fuck does it imply predetermination?

So true. Most of the finale of SDR2 has been ruined thanks to DR3. The only legit important thing now is that they stopped AI Junko creating Junkoland.

The memory of her death bolstered their future.

Hope wins.

This is why I want the Kirigirifags who want the detective to be Naegi and Kirigiri's son to go.

No, it's pretty legit criticism.

Are you stupid? Really? Because there was no way for her to be freed. There was no possibility of a happy ending for her.

Shut up Hopeman, you wanted her alive.

And how the fuck does what happened to her dictate what happens to them, when all she's giving them is a philosophy and not a prophesy? You're reading too far into it and giving yourself a false conclusion

It's a philosophy that plainly doesn't work in DR's world, as is plainly shown with human Chiaki.

>You're reading too far
To the contrary, you're not thinking very hard about it. Tell me - can you name one instance where Chiaki could have escaped from her fate short of becoming a dropout? Just one? No, don't say "She stays instead of trying to rescue Chisa". That just means Junko sends Chisa to get them instead.

>plainly doesn't work in DR's world

Because one example is enough to dictate a permanent and absolute trend
"It didn't work for her so it can't work for anyone" is the extent of your logic and it's the epitome of illogical

This is a weird question because literally the only reason human Chiaki's character was made for the despair arc was so she can die. It's the reason why she is such a shallow character.

>Because one example is enough to dictate a permanent and absolute trend
Well, considering who it was? Yes. You're rather simple-minded and can't see the insult for what it is.

It still creates a really terrible impression, which you don't seem mentally capable of grasping.

>Well, considering who it was?
Since when is chiaki the single most important person in DR? Are you just a chiakifag who's mad your waifu didn't come back like kirigiri?

Do you have any real arguments to make besides implying people who disagree with you are mentally lacking or whatever?

Think about the context. The AI is saying "You can choose your own future". The human she was based off of, on the other hand, can not. It doesn't present a good message.

Do you?

Your "image" is meaningless though

Well, I certainly can't argue with top-tier logic like that.

>the AI is saying "You can choose your own future".

No it wasn't.

>It doesn't present a good message.

There's a lot in DR that you shouldn't base your life morals on. Undergoing shady experiments which later provide you with abilities, super friends and let's you save them from despair.

Yes it is and I'd much prefer that brainwashing didn't exist, but it does and therefore the Remnants of Despair absolutely are not responsible for their actions.

What more do you want? You're coming up with made up """deep""" analysis in a series known for paper thin characterisation

No, he's just trying to rationalize why his waifu shouldn't have died and is justifying by misremembering the narrative purpose AI Chiaki's death served and the meaning behind her final words.

Yes, she was. She said to fight for it. But human Chiaki's struggle was fruitless.

Well, obviously. It just feels in really poor taste.

>made up deep
No, it's really nothing special at all. It's just me in despair, grumbling about how it seems a little mean for the AI to talk about them fighting for their future when her human counterpart only had pathways that ended in death unless a miracle occurred for her, which as we all know, did not. I just dressed it up in a fancy term.


i want p4-tier spinoff nonsense

You expected something less hopeful? How retarded are you people? The whole series has been about hope triumphing over despair.

>literally called hope arc
>upset it was full of hope

So who designed Monokuma? Wasn't it meant to be Monaka originally?

That's answered in DR3 user. Did you forget Junko drawing him as she entered Hope's Peak?


I suppose you could just be flat-out lieing. I any case, Nanami's death has absolutely nothing to do about always being able to "choose your own future"

Perhaps you should work on your spelling before accusing others of misremembering key details? Yes, it absolutely does. Her future ended in failure which puts a big damper on DR2's ending at best.

It's false hope, and feels cheap.

That's exactly it, though. She drew him? Wasn't Monaka already making the maidbots by then?

I really hope all the new characters in V3 aren't related to previous characters.