ITT: Your waifu is shit

Why is it that, whenever there's a big "This girl VS This girl" debate, there's always an option C, and it's always the correct choice?

>having waifus


never seen it

None seem to be the correct choice. I guess this thread is a bust.

I have a similar chart

watamote girls are better all waifu in this thread.

I got cancer.

You're a huge sub user

Godly taste user

let's hope its terminal

because the main characters are often made appeal to the most people, also on the reverse often the other girl never gets screen time so it seems like they are even better since you never get to see their flaws.


What I don't understand is why people care if the protagonist picks who they think is "the best girl"

Do you really like to project onto this shithead goober lead characters? Do you feel that your preferred girl loses prestige just because she isn't given the "spotlight" even though side characters are the best characters 90% of the time?

I'd bet this user likes to be stepped on and whipped like the pig he is.

Isn't the cat from Re:Zero a dude?

where'd you get your shit humor?

As much as we love our waifus we can't deny that they have shit taste, we would rather see them happy with their horrible choice regardless though.

>and it's always the correct choice

I bet you also thought cyanide should only be consumed in moderation.

Stop baiting. Felis is a guy.

So what's the problem?

>Preferring titty monster naoto
Get out.

Your point being?

Charlotte a shit

>tfw your third wheeler waifu actually won the fucking thing.

My nigga

But it's canon.

gonna need a sauce on the jotaro cosplay on the second row

But Naoto with a flat chest looks way better. Would you really want to see a qt detective girl running around in this outfit with tits bouncing around bigger than every other Investigation Team member?
Her shadow represents the disgust I feel towards that idea.

>That episode where Tessa and Mao have a duel because character reasons
>Tessa made to win by chance then let Mao off on the loss condition purely to make her the 'better person'
>Entire episode was badly-written filler, didn't need to happen AND shat on the better character
I'm still fucking mad

>not 10/10

>Would you really want to see a qt detective girl running around in this outfit with tits bouncing around bigger than every other Investigation Team member?

Yes, that's exactly what I want.

>PxD anime never