What would the consequences of nutting inside a chuuni retard be?
What would the consequences of nutting inside a chuuni retard be?
18 years, 18 years. She got one of your kids, got you for 18 years.
At least fix the skin tone
And on the 18th birthday he found out it wasnt his
Picnic with Bubba
A kid that would grow up weird and weirder thanks to your influence but damn if it wouldn't be entertaining to the parents.
In short, a legal way to bully children.
"You're a screwed up delusional loon that can't tell reality from fiction, but with some fatherly guidance from me you'll soon be a depressed weeaboo too."
I don't feel like rewriting that long thing I posted the last time we had a Rikka thread.
In summary, it'd be pretty nice as long as you had a decent job.
Was kanye a cuck?
You give birth to yourself, anally
You now have two children to take care of.
Got a chuckle out of me.
Nothing wrong with impregnating Rikka, no one would judge you because of that body.
Except Germany
Growing the fuck up.
Arguably worth it.
I'd wager it'll be a normal, calm, non chuuni kid to counter the looniness of her parents
Would Cred Forums watch an anime about a quiet but normal kid with ridiculous chunni parents?
we could always make the kid a budding lesbian if the idea doesn't have enough draw
Shit I would, Sounds like it would be pretty fun actually.
I would
Very nice.
Good thing i'm not German.
>What would the consequences of nutting inside a chuuni retard be?
Pure ecstasy.
Have you seen that ass?
Taking responsibility and look forward for her to grow up into looking like her sister
>golf for ants
They already funded it.
I'd kill her when the child is born and fuck the kid when she's older. Then repeat the cycle.
that isn't chuuni
Off topic but the phrasing of the thread text made me laugh really hard when I saw it in the catalog. Well, thanks for reading my blog, cheers.