Please tell me your opinions on the anime Kuma Miko.
Thread Kuma Miko
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Why is Hibiki-chan such a bully?
I don't know!
Machi is the purest of of them all.
Machi > Everyone else
Yoshida-san really needs to respect her fragile maiden heart.
It was shit, want my time back.
I like Machi
Why aren't there any good doujin
Could you please elaborate on why you think it was shit?
I like Machi too!
She is endearing and heart-warming.
My wife Machi is so cute.
It had a realistic ending of someone whose life is influenced and sabotaged by those around them.
everyone hated the ending, not only did it feel like they were just trying to just make a conclusion and at the same time remain in the same place for the manga to continue, but they did it in the worst way possible which was essentially ruining the character and given and overall terrible theme/message.
Started out fun, halfway through quality started to drop and then the last 3 or so episodes it nosedived. Even if the ending was changed the last few episodes with the idol stuff were just terrible in their own right.
Did the second OAV come out?
Did you enjoy it?
Y/N ?
That a mind break ending not only seems plausible but like it was the intended interpretation speaks volumes of how badly they botched the execution of that scene compared to the manga.
Can't say that I agree.
Personally I can't stop watching Machi's on-stage performance in E10.
I have it on repeat. Its been a few hours now...
No subs yet, nobody gives a shit.
This show is loaded with sexual harassment and also subtle misogynu
I derive a immense sense of pleasure from the way that both Natsu and Yoshida disregards Machi's will to participate in their schemes.
For example
>Machi literally screaming "No!"
>Yoshida ignores her and force her hand to write a contract
They just dont give a shit and treat her like a doll :3
Shame, I hated the ending, but I would have liked to have finished it off.
I want there to be a sequel where the cousin gets
arrested for child abuse and the bear gets turned
into a rug.
It became entirely about bullying and sexual harassment. If I wanted a series that was just those things, I might as well watch something fun and with loli lesbians like Fate Prism.
Yes, but the last episodes really brought it down terribly.
That ED song is playing in my head, even now
50% fun, 50% misery.
there are though
Yes, Machi decides to go to Tokyo at the end but of course, it doesn't count, she's forever retarded because the tv anime ended waaah waaah.
All the crying faggots BTFO
How does it even fit in?
Miko Magic
Can we have a moment of silence for the pussy faggots whose feelings were hurt today?
very carefully
>subtle misogynu
Woah, you're telling many cultures still see women as subservient?!
>what is victim complex for 100
She brought it on herself by wanting to go to the city when she clearly wasn't ready. You expect dumb hicks to be capable of raising a city girl?
>You expect dumb hicks to be capable of raising a city girl?
No, but I also don't expect them to do complete 180s just because it's the last episode.
Show was mediocre
Last few episodes were awful
Someone contact Mori, this seems like the kind of thing he would consider
see You missed the punchline. I apologise on behalf of the studio for not realising that you fags don't have the attention span to watch it all the way through and got lost on the last episode of the tv series.
Am I missing something? You do realize that's a description for the second OVA that's not part of the TV series, right?
I want to cuddle machi's cute butt
Yes, the second OVA has the punchline for the TV series. I'm so sorry you didn't have the attention span to withhold making an opinion on a cartoon girl when the series was not even over. Please forgive them for not giving you some ten minutes of animation straight away.
I love how this passive-aggressiveness is implying it's my fault the staff thought the last three episode were more important than the OVA that actually provided some sort of closure.
I have six of these lewd screenshots, but I think I'm missing a couple. Post if you have more, I gotta collect 'em all!
>the staff thought the last three episode were more important than the OVA
It's called generating interest for buying DVD/BDs.
Yes it's your fault for thinking that way. It's a perfectly valid business model to bait a response from the audience. It's just a pity that that audience is a bunch of pussies.
It's /r9k/ the girl.
Also F Galde is gay (you know who you are)
Can't post them on a Christian imageboard!
It made me so fucking sad that Japan hated it, one thing is when Cred Forums hate your show, it doesn't really have ny affect on it, but when all of Nicovideo and similar communities call your show shit it kinda hurts.
This show completely deserved it.
Needs cock.
>miko uniform
Get with the times, Gramps.
I'd rather not.
So, as I understand it, you DO want to end up like a certain country bumpkin?