If someone gave you 10 billion USD(convert to your country's currency if you have to) to improve your country, what would you do?
If someone gave you 10 billion USD(convert to your country's currency if you have to) to improve your country...
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Put my name in giant gold letters on buildings, airplanes, and dubious business ventures. I would then get my own reality show based purely on those achievements and follow that up by running for president on a platform of how great I am and how we need to deport and/or bomb various shades of brown people
Let's not turn this into /po/
I would make Darker Than Black 3.
Give me half of that and I will save my shitty country. I will unite with the drug cartels and kill America! I will send all our corrupt cops to America! How can I turn a country communist?
Kill myself.
Show me a better plan.
>drug cartels vs the US
good luck with that
I purchase 10 billion dollars worth of canvas and drape it on top of as much area as I can manage
Make the prime minister say "Uncle"
10 Billion, probably start my own country, that or lure all the penny pinchers into an oven.
You don't need 10 billion for that
Hell maybe it's possible with less than 1
Place $100 million bounties on the hundred richest people on Earth.
jk that won't solve shit since their equally corrupt kids will immediately pick up where they left off
I don't like the part where I die after spending it all to fix it in a way that was not envisioned by the people who gave it to me
I'd build a wall
Remember they dont die though.
There is literally nothing wrong with bombing brown people.
funny meme advertising mascot meme (from reddit) very meme funny
Android catgirls development program
Why would I give a shit about my country when I can have my own perfect waifu?
It's from ytmd, but you probably haven't been alive long enough to remember that website.
where can I upvote and reblog this epic silly?
You get killed if you aren't using the money with the goal of improviing the country in mind.
There's plenty of videos on youtube you can upvote if you want
how much can I pay myself in wage?
Make anime real
I'm big into "random" humor, but I don't like leaving the Gaia forums >_< can you post it over here kthxbai
Buy all of the sexiest, cleanest, and most expensive hookers from each country and hand them out to all my boys
Yeah, no problem.
Your username is t3hpenguinofdoom, right?
Huh? A whore is a whore no matter how cleanly she is.
Funny, I was just thinking of giving all my money to the charitable jews and ignore reality while I create emailbots to send thousands of emails to my buddies in Saudi Arabia. While i'm at it, I'll just be using some chump change like 100 million dollars to put a smear campaign on my opponent to ensure my victory at the elections and wage war against a cartoon frog.
Help nico tanigawa out.
redpill me on replying to troll posts like an angry little bitch
How many times do we have to say it? Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
If you think about it, there is nothing wrong about bombing everyone.
'Muricans are just assblasted about the tours.
I'd post threads like this on Cred Forums instead of Cred Forums.
At this point in my life I'd welcome being vaporized by an nuclear blast desu senpai.
Put a 10 billion dollar on myself. Someone gets to enjoy the money.
It has to be biological you fucking FUCK AHHH
>they all place a $1 billion bounty on you
>all the assassins kill eachother
>when the survivor returns he just gets sent to the Rancor pit
Build a subway and improve the train system.
Finally adapt this for real.
Fund Haruhi S3.
That will bring an everlasting age of peace to the world.
Buy lolis
I'd buy 10 billion tacos
What's wrong with origami?
I'd rather have watamote seasons 2-4 and an OVA than another endless eight desu
Will it finally find a way?
I would build a wall. It would be so big and tall. It would be impenetrable. Mexico wouldn't have to pay for the wall, I'd do it myself. We'd make this country great once again.
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
I'd make space jam 2.
>The U.S. is losing to peasants in the Middle East.
If America fought with the cartel I know for a fact it'll end up being the same with Mexico vs. the cartel.
>Implying modern Kyoani has the balls to do something like E8 again