post your favorite saguga?

What is saguga?
Saguga is when animation is good and it has many frames like Mitosu Ioso.

When you see yutapon cubes, it is sakuba

Post sakuba webm here in this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

We can all agree on this.

Are you trying to be funny or are you genuinely retarded?

You could just say smear frame like a normal person

Oh my God, another one of these threads, thank you so much.

He looks in pain. Is he alright?


>posting non-KyoAni in a sakuga thread
It's not sakuga if it's not KyoAni.


k-on was garbage and every single new gen autist in this board should feel bad as should you.

Friendly reminder GAINAX is the cancer thats been killing the anime industry for years now.

is that the pony girl that /r9k/ likes? cool'sbarelyrelevantrambling
ain't i an ultra cool sakumaster for following these japs

only if you follow our leader yuyucow

>k-on was garbage

It was, still is and always will be garbage, yes.

K-ON is objectively better than Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It is the most sophisticated anime ever created; a tour de force, the pièce de résistance of animation! LoGH is little more than plebeian dreck in comparison, its creators wishing they could have produced an anime with even an inkling of the genius contained within Our Holy K-ON. From the profound debates about eating cake, to the highly philosophical discussions about procrastination, to the marvelous musicianship exhibited by the Light Music Club, K-ON has established itself as the greatest intellectual anime. You cannot disagree unless you are a terrible person. Seriously. It's an infallible law of the universe. K-ON is a masterpiece, and we all know that K-ON has the superior tea scenes.

"A phenomenal chef-d'oeuvre. My fifteen years of work on Evangelion now feel trivial by comparison." — Anno Hideaki, esteemed anime director

"During a time of struggle, K-ON's beautiful story provided the influence needed for me to become an ideal president. I am now a better man." — Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States

"I am an uncultured lowborn with pedestrian tastes in anime." — Anonymous plebeian, speaking in reflection of his love for LoGH

Should've used sage if you're just going to copy and paste.

Could you tell me what this is from?

Thanks in advance.

Don't bother it's shit

It's kabaneri, it's great, straight forward action thriller, that webm was probably the weakest action scene too. It's the best action show to come out in forever so you might as well give it a shot if you're into that.

It's just a repeat of yesterday's sakuga-mocking thread.

In the last thread, kViN was exposed as an overly emotional wreck who fell for the MANIMEme.

This time, will he have his revenge?
Is he a bitch who deletes the comment because it had criticism? Will anybody like shit boring anime for girls? Will he reply if he is man?

Find it out, on twitter.

If you give a rat's ass about twitter drama.
Which you shouldn't.

Wasn't he a manchild who jacks off to little girl Japanese shows? How does that work?

Everybody here jacks off to little girl Japanese shows as long as they're drawn little girl Japanese shows.

Alright I found the screenshots. Doesn't surprise me at all, faggot gets mad if anyone doesn't have his shit taste.



wow nice cut by dj bahi!

Remember to be a good goy and donate some money to the sakugabooru patreon for more high quality articles about animation.

Why are women in sakuga so oppressed?

>ITT woman deserved what they are treated like.

I'd rather donate to the hobo in the metro, he seems more competent.

Why are women in sakuga so under represented?

retarded and unrealistic. What else to expect from a show that refused to die.

Don't worry about the sakugabooru. Their patron is Crunchyroll, who employs them to hype up some anime shows. They don't need any donations.


No way man, these guys literally invented animation and animators. Think about it, for only seven thousand dollars a week they can host their few hundred GBs on a DIFFERENT SERVER. How cool would that be? And as shekel-fueled cyborgs, the quality of their writing will skyrocket with those donations. I just cannot wait for another review of the mediocre sabumeme show of the season.


The former, then.

Where is this from?

>talking shit about Conan
I'll fucking fight you m8



No, most people aren't pedophiles.

Looks like shit compared to the original. Par for the course when inferior digital animation is used instead of cels.

Just a reminder that nobody can say that Pain vs Naruto was bad animated after Mob Psycho aired.

Was obvious ever since they announced it.

>attention whore bragging about getting attention
And now for the news.

And most people aren't here.


This is one of the biggest boards on a very high traffic site user, the majority of people even on your super secret hideout board are still relatively normal people who are not pedophiles.

How do we fix the sakuga community?

Now they are by association.

Are you going to back your words up or continue to spout bullshit and delude yourself into thinking that it's fact?

By killing the english one.

I dunno, are you going to do any

You can't be serious.

With no survivors?

Do any what?

No survivors.

You'd have to change the world, loudmouths who don't know what they're talking about always get more attention than the people who actually have something interesting to say.

Any of that?

I canceled the fucking post because I decided I wasn't done with it yet Cred Forums why the fuck did you post it anyway


You mean back up my words?
Sure, here you go newfag.

Yeah a list of posts with the word loli in them proves fuck all you fucking fetus. Shouldn't have expected more from a pedophile but I guess that's my fault for being retarded.

Look, dude, you're now a pedo, whether you like it or not.

Yeah a bunch of claims from a retard with the word pedophile in them proves fuck all you fucking fetus. Shouldn't have expected more from a redditor but I guess that's my fault for expecting a modicum of intelligence.

You people made the claim, you back it up and I'll gladly do my part in response, I'm sorry that the basic standards of discussion are too much for you to grasp. Don't get angry just because I didn't accept a list of uses of a word as proof positive that everyone here is as damaged as you.

Did you seriously get offended by ?
Go try tumblr mate, you'll fit in nice there.

Nichijou, Hyouka are definitely sakuga anime of their year, Kyokai no Kanata is top 3 at best. I don't remember 2010 to be honest but K-On S2 had decent sakuga. AmaBuri was a low budget KyoAni show (equivalent to averagely budget looking non-KyoAni show), so it wasn't really impressive in the sakuga department. Hibike looked good but also didn't have a lot of great animation to beat the likes of OPM or Concrete Revolutio. 2016 definitely goes to Mob, I don't think Hibike S2 will do anything amazing either.

No, I didn't. Try again. Someone else already used reddit so you'll have to use Gaia or something if you want to keep implying I'm inferior to you instead of actually defending yourself.

>2016 definitely goes to Mob
Wait and see how Flip Flappers does.

Defend myself from what?

Izetta also looks great. Mobshit is overrated by mobfags and no one else tho.

Your apparent belief that being a pedophile is normal and/or that this is some secret hideout for weird people. If you don't believe either of those things cool, find someone else to try to insult by speculating on their internet habits.

No I don't really need to wait. It'll look good for 2 or 3 episodes. I also don't think they will have a better and bigger staff than Mob, seems almost impossible for a 2nd rate studio.

Defend myself from my own beliefs?
>Your apparent belief that being a pedophile is normal and/or that this is some secret hideout for weird people.
Feel free to point out where I said that.
>find someone else to try to insult by speculating on their internet habits.
It's an assumption, not speculation. Minute difference but I suppose that I shouldn't expect a retard to know.

People who attended the preview for the first three episodes said that it has a strong staff line-up. We'll see if director Oshiyama can pull enough talented people for the whole show.

>If you don't believe either of those things cool, find someone else to try to insult by speculating on their internet habits.

I both read and responded to that.
Has your desperate need for attention been sated yet?

You're the one interjecting into a conversation when you apparently have no stake in it user.


Excuse me?

For someone who tries so hard to present themselves as superior to strangers on the internet you sure have a hard time reading.

Everyone was the pedo.

homura is lucky

Please Cred Forums, let's talk about saguga, it's the art of japanimation.


I am superior, that's a fact. You're the one derailing the initial conversation to cover up for the fact that you have absolutely nothing to back up your claims while I have at least something.


lmao I feel like this is more realistic than it intended to be

hd BD Rip webm of Kabaneri when?

Sakumasters, please teach me how to get attention and fool people into thinking I know anything about film or animation. I want Patreon money too.

Just learn to namedrop famous animators and you're good to go. Also, always remember to write like your opinion is fact.

is kabaneri worth watching for hirao's episode

Hirao only helped out a bit, it's not much.


Is worth watching for being the best original of the year.

that was really satisfying

>those ugly goat ears


Sauce ?

>going one at a time
No wonder they are getting their ass kicked



167 was better than 476 and 477. What a disappointment.

That's all just moeshit though

I have a boner




