Does breast size influence whether you like a character or not?

Does breast size influence whether you like a character or not?

Other urls found in this thread:

The flatter the better so yes.

I'm true to myself so I can't deny that I greatly prefer flat/small-chested girls most.

Not really it depend on the character personality.

Not if they're a genuinely good and well written character

If they are fapbait, then yes

>genuinely good and well written character
when was the last time we had one of those?

Design helps, but most important is the character themselves.

the bigger the boobs the more I hate the character, but it does not mean I can't like a girl with modestly to normal sized tits.

Of course, we can detect the pedos easily

t. not a police funtionary



As a homosexual, yes. I like flat girls the most

I'd be lying if I said it didn't. However, there must be a lot more than just breast size for me to like that character.

I'm more likely to fall for the girl with some breasts than with a girl who's flat.

Doesn't matter to me.

In the sense that it determines the character's personality and it happens to be unattractive, like flatties being miserable cunts.

Looks definitely provide the initial spark of attraction/interest but personality determines if I stay interested or not. Seraphim for example lured me in with those big titties but turned out to be a bitch that I hated.

I am more attracted to cowtits but my favorite characters are always the flat chests.
What do I do?

I'm more inclined to like characters with big breast.

Every character I like is well-written.

Enjoy both

lmao her tits look like a hamburger

Personality matters more, whats the use in having a hot girl with big boobs if she is a total bitch with no redeemable features. That just makes her like all the 3D girls with big boobs, and that is not kosher.

I hate characters that exist only to display a pair of tits.
This is why flat is usually better, most titcows have no personality.

It only determines how many doujins I fap to more than anything.

>if their breast size is flatter than B the character is well written

At least a little bit, bigger is better, but breasts don't matter if they're totally dull or helpless girly girls. Sometimes it turns out best girl is the flattest of the bunch.


No but it influences if I fap to them or not.
A woman without oppai is not a woman.

Girls with excessive useless fat for fucking

Girls with elegant and efficient bodies for loving.

I thought those were a pair of hamburgers.

No but the length of their hair does.

amerifats detected

I don't let breast size directly influence me, but somehow, every single time, the flattest character coincidentally ends up being the best one.

Pedofags riding again

Every character I like is well-drawn.

It is a well known fact that all best girls have large breasts. Therefore, it can be said that large breasts are a requirement for being a good character.

What the shit?

Moderate big>moderate small> DFC>Cow tits.

As for OP, big breasted characters are usually bad written, so there is that.

Flatties are almost always the insufferable tsundere. I'll take cowtits over that any day.

Flat chest, flat personality.

On the nose

Cowtits are usually doormats with insufferable voices

>insufferable voices

Flatties are always the most annoying voice on the entire show.

Why the thread didn't ended here?

Pedofags need to be thrown into the oven

>this whole post


With Chifusa being my waifu, I can attest to this.
Even DFC fags can't complain about her because she can technically be as big or small as she wants to be.

I find myself disliking cow tits characters straight off the bat.

Show me a boob man and I'll show you a no-brain, no-class knuckle-dragger who knows nothing of the fairer sex

Because there's more chests to be posted.

It does, however is not enough to make me like a character. Sometimes a flatty is a better character

No, but it does influence whether or not I will masturbate to them.

I love Chi's burgers.

Show me an assman and i'll show you a baboon, plain and simple.

Thread needs more Chi's Burgers


True, usually insecure bitches compensating. "Oh oh, I'm aggressive and reactive because I'm such a sensitive flower". So much personality. Many tittycows carry them well but itty bitties and flatties are predisposed to butthurt. Sucks.

Never ever.

I'm glad you were finally able to find that pic.

>all that purple and blonde
Good taste.

The breasts themselves do not factor in, but if a character's personality is completely built around their breasts, then I will probably dislike them. I don't mind breast envy characters, or characters who brag about their hugeness/flatness, but if it's all there is to the character, no thanks. Take the girls of Azumanga Daioh - there are plenty of breast size jokes, but no one character can be defined solely by it.


What excellent taste you have.

This is the optimal size.



It has a definite influence on a thread being shit

It does, but there have been few exceptions where I ended up liking a girl with larger breasts more.


What's wrong with her vulva and pubic area ?



s-stop it

>Sometimes it turns out best girl is the flattest of the bunch.
>post worst girl

this is the lowest level of boobage acceptable



Fap to?

That's a modest B cup. We can go bigger.


>tfw no oppai loli beanbag ever


Oversized and unrealistic cowtits make me not want to even watch the anime, especially if the main girl has them.

What set?

>complaining about realism
>in an anime

>All these plebs on Cred Forums
Only the pair that fits the hands perfectly can be called masterpieces, others are mere trashes.

it influences whether or not my dick will like them.

>fits the hands
Why would you use IRL standards for superior 2d grills, whose bodies are built for fuck? (you)

this desu

The character archetypes I like tend to also have huge racks, and while I prefer huge racks I've liked characters without them.

So really it just happens that most of the characters I like have cowtits.


>not liking anime with good plot

this is a blue board faggot

Cowtits are an obsession with me. I blame my aunt who used to baby sit me, slightly bigger than her own head on a rather slim build, something like this.


Alright, I reverse image searched it in several locations and I turned up nothing, meaning it's probably on Sadpanda or something else.


of course, and so do many other things

Sorry, it's cropped. It's by Shuz ot Othello Ice, either should get you to it.

Actually they're Chii's burgers.

Yep, that did it. Thanks, user.


What's the matter with the dwarf?

Enjoy my nigga

Context check.


Wait, is that Luvia?



Yes. One of the few high points of the UBW anime and Kalied is that they've realized that Luvi is actually decently popular.


realistic size makes me go numb.


Big tits make me get interested in the character in the first place
It depends on how she develops later on what defines if I like her or not

>oppai loli
Good taste


>Talk about cars
>Work on cars
>Have sex in cars
The perfect girl


No translations that I could find

Big tits characters can be, and usually are, lazily written. "Huge tits" is their personality. DFCs on the other hand usually have an actual personality. So naturally, I prefer the latter.


DFCs tend to suffer an equal but opposite problem in the same environment, though. A DFC's character is almost entirely defined by how she's sick of other girls with cowtits.

Bad writing's gonna be bad writing no matter how big or small the girl's chest is.

>"actual" personality

>angers easily
>will often be the flat one of the bunch and react to the sight of breasts
Many pettanko have 'personality' defined by lack of tits. That tends to be a case with x-lets.

Well, at least they dont have disgusting chest tumors.


With is paizuri with clothing so great?

They would if they could. All well, not all people can be gifted.

>real fag

took the words right out of my mouth

If a character has large breasts I automatically dislike them and only change my mind if all the other characters are even more shit.

Busty sweethearts are the best characters.

flat is justice

Not too long ago and she's coming back in less than a week too.


The delusion is real.

I am not shamed.


Conception II is actually a perfect example of the flatter the better.

>MC's first thought over his mysterious gf transforming is "I SAW HER TITS"


Anime only.

>MC's regrets
He never got them.

no, but they influence whether I like the anime or not

Eyebrow size definitely plays a factor me for. Boobs not as much.

That is disturbingly true

Good pair. Also the biggest I'd accept.

She's also a case where any other size wouldn't work

>no-brain, no-class knuckle-dragger

Oh the irony is so thick

If they are unrealistically large, I find it off-putting. Cow-tits truly are the most plebeian fetish. Otherwise I don't really care. Prefer medium to smaller.


If I had to graph it, it would like a bell curve.

Perfectly flat would be on the left, and average on the right. I like the middle the best, and most characters I like tend to lie there, but I'm not one to judge characters solely based on their breasts - I can even like big-breasted characters if they don't act like a stereotypical bimbo.

To me the most importan thing is overall aesthetic female body. It doesnt take much to get exitement from seeing small naked breasts while large breasts often signal "post-preg, fat, fake breasts, comical exaggeration" which is a total turn off.
Pic related is about the maximum breasts size before it looks disgusting.

I love Chifusa but it's pretty hard to say no to Kaede.

Yeah the ln didn't have the dress transformation
What a waste of good tits

I guess everything has their own opinion

Yes I sure am subjective.


Sounds like what populates the ghettos, they also happen to be all about ass.

Some characters work at any size.

It's hard to take a character with big tits seriously at all.


Has this board ever been so lewd?

>using a normalfag site like PornHub as your source

Is that reliable?

>Is that reliable?
Its not.

Who said anything about women?

But who moved the titty?

>that cleavage

How indecent.

So long as the character has an interesting/appealing backstory, I'm completely okay with them having an underdeveloped or non-existent plot.


*As long

Flatter girls are a long time investment since they dont go droopy and soggy.

2D oppai doesn't get droopy or saggy. Flatter means you are a homosexual.

>Does breast size influence whether you like a character or not?
Since my exact fetish is shortstacks, yes it does.

they get wrinkly and gross tho. even 2d bitches get old.

correct analysis.

No they don't, my closeted homosexual friend.

yes they do. old tits get gross.

oppai is milk, DFC is fine wine.

Flat is rancid manure, Oppai is the ambrosia of gods, gay man.

>2D girls live under the same laws as 3D
Yet if I pointed out the disadvantages of 3D flat girls, you'd throw a fit.

Tiny lactating tits are the best.

Why do you people always try to apply real world logic to fictional characters? None of that shit can happen unless the creator makes it happen.

even your waifu will get gross obaa-san tiddies when you're both in your 50s.



Wrong again.

and you don't seem to understand

The daughter was the perfect body type. The mom is too big.

Depends on the girl. Like I consider myself a cow man but Aiko drives me bananas, whereas characters who exist solely to be a pair of talking beasts are boring and shitty. So its all about whether they're moe and cute I guess.

Time to fap to this again.

When you can't go LOOK AT HER TITS BOYS, you need to write more of a character, even a rudimentary one.

If her tits were just a bit smaller, she'd be perfect.


She is prrfect as she is, MC says they are ideal and I agree.

They are not ideal! Too big!


Then it's SEE SHE HAVE LITTLE/NO TITS HAHA. Breast size != better or worse characterization.

a women with oppai is not a women either, it's a cow.

Really, both are extraordinary/interesting so they get pointed out. Having big boobs or small boobs/dfc makes them notable, just like certain height or body type. It doesn't define the character but it is apart of it.

The ordinary would seem like the hardest to sell but sometimes too much extraordinary makes it stick out.


Any interesting stories or experiences?

This would imply all small/flat girls have a good character. And that's just wrong. They have just as many examples of bad personality as big tit girls.

Megumi best girl.


I want to be a cute petite cowtits girl. Squeeze those things in inadequate clothing and admire em.

I want a cute petite girl to force her to experience breast expansion and watch her discomfort grow into arousal and desire as she has tits as big as she wants!

Huge tits make me love kind characters even more.

I love it when busty characters are embarrassed about their size.

>girl has small boobs
>I wish my chest was bigger

>girl has huge boobs
>I need a boob job, everyone stares at me!

Same thing with asses. I'm so tired of women freaking out about their ass being 'too big'. That's what guys fucking want you idiot!

Titty monsters embarrased of their marvelous gest is great though.

I don't mean freaking out, but just a bit shy about it.

Well memed


Literally perfect 2D

Galko is literally perfect.

I agree.

You do realize that her boobs are supposed to look like burgers in that suit, right?

What comic does this come from? I tried using image search but it just leads to other forums or deleted booru entries.




So why are enormously busty petite girls so best?


You get the cute factor while also getting the sexy factor.

Your taste is amazing.

It seems you turned out to be a homo.

Do your parents know yet?

It's extra sinful to place such a burden on a loli body.

Would you accept this invitation?

Sinful? What if they just want to spread love and joy?

Yes, because most flat characters just act all cute,underaged,tsundere and/or just plain cunts

i prefer healthy and nice girls like pic related

Are these the best breasts in anime?

It depends.

Too big and I hate it.

Too flat and it's boring.

I like somewhere in the middle. Nice and bouncy.

Bonus points if they have constant underboob or sideboob.

Mint is flat as a board!


Of course.

Paizuri openings are the best.

I wanna say you have shit taste but over 50% of those are in my harem too.

Depends less on the boob size alone and more on a number of factors combined with boob size.

Short stacks? I can dig it.
Lolis? Not a fan of HUGE oppai lolis, but moderate oppai lolis are a-okay in my book, flat is also justice
Maids? Don't typically like big-breasted maids, only medium-to-flat ones
Tomboys? Better with small to medium breasts, but large can still be SS+ tier.
Gentle, fluffy girls? Usually more of a small breast fan with these, but it depends wildly on the type of soft/fluffy.
Kuudere? See tomboy
Genki girl? Medium to small
Megane? Very rarely do I find a megane I actually like in the first place, usually due more to their personalities than their art

All of these are usually my typical leanings towards certain character designs. This is not set in stone and can vary wildly depending on the art style and author of the work. Some artists draw flat chested girls disgustingly boxy and awkward looking, while other artists draw them with childbearing hips that set my loins aflame.
Likewise, some artists tend to draw big breasted girls as flabby titty monsters with no other curves besides their breasts, or draw them a little too curvy for my tastes.

Tl;dr: depends

Technically, all anime tiddies are flat

Quiet you

First post is best post.

Shut up nerd

Used to be all in with the DFC, then I watched that mother daughter hentai and watching them make out and suck on each others huge milky boobs, goddamn. DFC and cowtits are the best, average in-between sizes are boring.



Anime has made me hate "normal" sized breasts. Now I only like cowtits or flat.


season 2 never

Girls with small and large tiddies are usually best. Normal sized and flat are shit.

This is the ideal girl.

>only bjs and paizuris

what a fucking waste

>>only bjs and paizuris
What a fucking masterpiece.

At least someone here has good taste.

I'm not gonna disagree.


No, but I do like to imagine playing with funbags

I still like flat-chested characters though

Oppai is only good if it comes from breast expansion, any other form is shit.

Absolutely. Everyone is driven by preferences. Anyone who says no is a liar.

remember me???

why are lolis so lewd?

>that fucking list
Holy shit man.

Go to bed cowtit lovers or I'll use my magic to turn you into 2D cowsluts who get used as nothing but living onaholes for the rest of your pathetic lives.

Kill yourself you miserable faggots


ill never understand the boner you fags have for men without dicks


I'll get a chastity belt for my breasts

>not a hucow

aww man!

Go post like a retard somewhere else.

>never ever

You will do no such thing.

I'll just bludgeon you to death with them.

Don't provoke me!

I'll tease you everyday with low cut shirts and pretending I don't notice when they rub up against you but I'll never give you a real taste.


Flat is justice

You have amazing taste. Would brofist you.

Cheek cunts your asking for it.

It comes with the territory.

Who is your favorite artist/mangaka for tits? Ooi Masakazu hits the nail on the head for me. Also Okusan and Ashitaba-san Chi no Muko Kurashi are really great in their own right.

No, but red hair does

I'll flash you one day but have pasties underneath

>posting smug anime girl as if means anything
Kill yourself.


You won't be flashing anything while being ball-gagged, tied up, and used as a permanent breeding cow for faceless men.

I honestly hate Raita. His anatomy is far too freakish for me.



I don't see it

>huge tits that point up
>anorexic everywhere else
I didn't think anyone could be worse than Oda. But there it is.

Bigger is better

It didn't mean that your post was ridiculous? What are you talking about?

There's nothing ridiculous about bullying Galkofags.
Get bullied nerd.

Just ignore him, he's been in every thread with or about Galko to shitpost.

I prefer my titties without hats

I'm not fucking off until an hero, faggot.
Ignoring me won't help.

There's a limit.

A-C master race!

I agree. Bigger is usually better but I want a waifu I can date and take on romantic trips around the world, not a couch or bed that I can hold a conversation with.

If you don't exclusively pick from the bottom row you need to leave Cred Forums.


I pick all of them.

It's like he read a book on anatomy, and then said "I'm just gonna do the opposite of all that."

>implying he didn't Loomis the shit out of anime



>bikini clamped so tight her boobs are spilling over

More than a handful is a waste, too little and it is "draw a boy call it a girl". Medium a best full stop, end of discussion.

>dat fucking cone hat

I miss them so much.

I hope whenever I die it's from being smothered by big titties.

Only way that'll happen is if they're your own.

He was referring to females not males. Get out homo.

I love Emilia

>tfw no dairy farm gf

Oppai is dumb!

If she steals them, are they technically hers?


They're attached to her, so yes.

Of course not
You're homosexual if it does for you.


I love huge titties the most but not exclusively

pic related

Generally not, I used to like flat but my favorite character is pretty much an oppai


Not really but I'd pay more attention to see if they're a good character or not and go from there.

I mean who doesn't like huge juicy knockers.

I do. It's a shame there wasn't a second season or at least a lewd-ish OVA.

Not even a little.

Everything from Shirai Kuroko to Kagefusa Manyuu

I like both Kuroko and Kagefusa but nothing in between.

but there's so much good to be found in between

My life's creed to live by.

Why wouldn't it? Cred Forums is always separated by lolifags and dfcfags faction, big tits normalfags faction, and then the rare master race that likes all sizes.

You're completely right.

>False Kyon who sides with false God Haruhi

>True Kyon who sides with true God Sasaki


Large and in charge.

Big and brown.

The best is nipple to nipple contact between flatties and cowtits

>titty monsters whose areolae are bigger than a chestlet's entire breasts
That is so good.


Big nipples or small?

On cowtits?
Puffy areolae and big inverted nipples is the only correct answer.

Yes. Scaling upwards with no upper limit.

>compare list with mine
>74.22% similarity

The more good art I find of them the more I love huge nipples.

Who honestly thinks right looks any good?

I agree with this. You have the finest taste.

Those don't seem big at all.


Truly patrician taste

flat is flat, anything more and you get concave depressions.


yes, always became fond of the big breast thick girls

>That image
I love it all

Sometimes, but they are useless when you are best girl

I thought that picture was a burger.

this. everybody is always for one extreme or the other

I agree. flat is justice

>being gay


My nigga

Why is she hiding her face?

So her superior sister can't recognize her.

Somewhat, porn hub dominates the gettoh culture in America, they want porn they go to porn hub, where as other people tend to have fetishes or kinks, or even just preferable tastes. The gettoh 'people will just search big boots bitches and twerking videos.

Apparently they are never meant to meet. Why is that?

She's laughing too hard at this statement

Naga was the heir to the throne of Seyruun. After her mother was assassinated, she had a big argument with her dad and renounced her throne, then left. Amelia never knew where she went or if she was even alive. But Lina met her many times.

So basically, it became a long running joke that Lina knew both the princesses of Seyruun, but never figured it out. While everyone else in Seyruun couldn't find Naga because she was hiding.

I think Chiyo is/was the best girl and should have won. It isn't just because of the tits, but I guess so yeah.


>i'm turned into a 2D cowslut who gets used as nothing but a living onahole for the rest of my pathetic life

God please do it.


Don't tempt me!

Damn. What's the catch?

Faceless old men!

Running the world

You will be constantly impregnated, fucked, deprived of any other pleasures, used as a living onahole, and treated like a cum-dumpster. How is that not the catch!?

tits for days mang

Please! Do it!

I'll give you free runs on me anytime you want, for you and your friends.

All you're telling me is I get endless sex. That's not a deterrent.


I want to try being a slut once. Not make a permanent change. But maybe for a month, just live in a hot girls body and see really how they have to 'deal' with men staring at them all day. All that horrible attention that they claim to hate. Then try sex from the girls perspective a few times. Then change back to being a guy and use my experience to write the greatest ecchi harem ever made.

Nobody in Japan or on Cred Forums would ever bother watching a series about sluts.
Pure or bust

What if I make it permanent and your stuck in a woman's body forever?

Well, I'd probably have a better chance at sex and getting into the film industry if I was a girl. Thanks to the current social construct of America. So go for it. But please give me big knockers and hips.

Sure. But you'll be starting out in the AV industry.

If it's an ecchi and not a straight up hentai then how far could we push it?
HxH and Shinmai Testament really pushed the envelope lately on what an ecchi can get away with.

I want episodes about:
The girls learn how to belly dance
They get jobs at a Hooters and it's basically a lewd WORKING episode
Mud wrestling competition
They help the art students at their school by posing for naked portraits and being body-painted
Sexy Car wash
Multiple beach episodes getting lewder swimsuits each time until they're at a nudist beach
Cheer leading episode
Dream sequence involving breast expansion

Nah. Half the writing contests out there are aimed at women and minorities. You have a better chance of being hired as a writer as a black woman now than a white male.

>plump Mugi
Lord have mercy.

You will be a slut and like it.

If I had full control of a show, it would be basically Love Hina, but where the ara ara wins over the Tsundere. But it would be surprisingly well developed while also having ecchi situations.

For example, you can have the typical 'guy walks into the girl who's stepping out of the shower'. But instead of the girl just screaming and punching him, they actually interact with each other and express interest in each other. I'd also have the MC and the Tsundere girl date for a while, showing how rough and taxing it really would be like dating a Tsundere. And the MC would actively try to get sex, but it would be the Tsundere girl who kept blocking it out of fear and not knowing if she likes him 'that much', despite them dating. Eventually leading to the Tsundere girl dumping him and the MC getting together with the Ara ara girl.

If I had full control of an ecchi show, it'd be turning all the cowtits and oppai lovers into 2D girls and making them undergo constant ass and breast growth, THICKNESS, and other fetish stuff like with midriffs! Girls would all be into each other as well as the MC!

I like tiddies so bigger ones always help, but I won't not like a character because she lacks in the chest area.


Boobs make everything better.

There are a lot of shows I didn't watch just because the girls had big boobs and it seemed like a pandering show. But I should give them a try.