Childhood is when you idolize Kamina and Simon. Adulthood is when you realize that Rossiu makes more sense.
Childhood is when you idolize Kamina and Simon. Adulthood is when you realize that Rossiu makes more sense
He may have made sense, and that was his problem. He attempted to make sense in a series where it was proven time and time again that you didn't have to make sense and just needed to tell the rules to fuck off and do the impossible anyway.
In any other anime he would have been in the right, but he wasn't in a universe where you can break any rule or obstacle just by having enough willpower.
Dude, that spiral shit was basically magic. Reason and logic didnt make those gunman run and why it be used in the series. Also, Rossiu is still a dick.
So OP has been an idiot for his entire life then.
Good to know.
Rossiu was a Real Robot hero stuck in a Super Robot show.
Doesn't make more sense if you're flat-out wrong.
Seriously OP?
I thought we were going to have a discussion here.
He was a terrible leader with no imagination. He should have been executed for treason.
He sacrificed his war buddy on the altar of public opinion to advance his political standing and agenda, and he advocated the use of waifu suicide bombers. His adult opinions were also primarily motivated by fear of the unknown, in a universe where it's proven that the best course of action is to break norms and pierce the unknown by turning new possibilities into reality.
He couldn't stand that he was wrong and used the poorly educated opinions of the easily misled masses to stoke his treacherous ego to ignore the wiser and experienced truths of his fellow peers in upper leadership.
I feel the opposite.
What do you mean by opposite?
not OP
I feel the need to clarify this because anonymity is not enough to save me from the rage I feel from being considered the same species as this OP
Adulthood is when you realize Gurren Lagann is SHIT
He didn't die a virgin like those noobs.
Clawshrimpy please leave
Childhood is when you think Rossiu was right
Adulthood is when you realize Fumihiko was right
"Making sense" doesn't mean you have to act like an asshole.
By the way, defying the odds doesn't mean you should do whatever you want.
Why is this saturday morning cartoon so hard to understand for some people?
>ethnically cleansing the Beastmen even though you already know they don't count as people from the spirals' perspective makes sense
>banning the use of the only weapons that can hurt the Spirals makes sense
>arresting the man who saved the city because of falling debris (which was caused by him because only his weapon, NOT YOURS, could harm the enemy) makes sense
>holding a kangaroo court to imprison him and leaving him to die, even though you've just seen that he's the only person who can fight your enemy, makes sense
>personally deciding who lives and who dies by having seating arrangements on your magic lifeboat decided by nepotism and corruption makes sense
>abandoning Earth to make yourself a sitting duck in space with absolutely nothing to protect yourself makes sense
>keeping your worst enemy's head in a jar and having him manage your internet for you makes sense
>>ethnically cleansing the Beastmen
But he didn't do that. Beastmen are shown to be living in the cities throughout the show.
>dude he's mean!
Good replies.
Everyone gets the ending they deserve.
>keeping your worst enemy's head in a jar and having him manage your internet for you makes sense
Could you make you worst enemy's head manage your porn too? That would be pretty cool.
Adulthood is when you realize TTGL was never that good after Kamina died.
Indeed. That he gets so much shit on Cred Forums is the biggest proof this place if full of menchildren.
We need to stop with the "Rossiu would have been right in any other universe but Gurren Lagann was magic" meme.
Rossiu's plan was shit since the beginning.
>m-maybe we can go to space for one year
>maybe Earth will be okay when we come back
>maybe antispirals wont try to destroy our ship
>maybe I should execute Simon and throw away our fucking main military asset for no good reason
This doesn't work. In any universe.
This thread should be allowed to die, so that OP can reflect on making stupid statements in the archive while a better thread takes its place.
Everyone knew that from the start.
Lordgenome had the plan that clicked with elderly piss n' gin soaked hedgefund investors, Rossiu was just an edgelord for disaffected venture capitalists backed by increasingly furious Saudi Princes.
>watching ttgl as a kid
underage?!!! OP_O_O_O
Thank you. I've been saying this shit since fucking 2007.
Childhood is when you think Rossiu makes more sense.
Adulthood is when you execute Rossiu early on for his incompetence and come up with better plans and weapons ahead of time. Hail Simon!
Fucking this. Rossiu was not being a logical leader in an inherently illogical universe, he was being a fucking retarded twat in an inherently illogical universe.
this x 6.022x10^23
Avagadro pls.
Adulthood is when you realize Rossiu is a kike and Lordgenome is the hero we need.
On top of all this he reaches these conclusions by being secretive for no fucking reason. Sure he's got a martyr complex but it dosn't make sense that he hid all this research into finding out what the fuck was going on, sure it makes sense after he finds out but he dosn't have a reason to keep secrets before he even knows whats going on. Rossiu is easily the worst part of show on almost every level.
Wrong, you are describing the Rossiu from the Kamina city arc, not the Rossiu from the entire anime
>in a universe where it's proven that the best course of action is to break norms and pierce the unknown by turning new possibilities into reality
faggots like you would've revived Nia and started the spiral nemesis
>keeping your worst enemy's head in a jar and having him manage your internet for you makes sense
>not having your worst enemy's head shitpost for you on a mongolian cartoon board
He's objectively wrong and delusional about it. Instead of trying to see how far Spiral Power can go he wrongfully assumes it can't go any farther and goes with a strategy that limits it's potential.
It does what you ask it to do. It does things that are seemingly impossible. If he'd simply asked Simon to push it and see how far it could go he would have learned it has no real limits, or at very least goes beyond what is measurable.
And it's not like he only ever heard about it. He was THERE. He was directly involved with using it.
He projected his own self limitations onto what he felt it was capable of to the exclusion of obvious fact. Yeah, HE couldn't make it do anything, but Simon could.
Even if you argue that he saw that last fight with Genome and concluded it was too desperate for a viable strategy, they could have worked on making Gurren Lagann work for them in more creative ways, and focused on making Simon progressively stronger as he had been doing all along.
I mean, you can't lionize him because he was too stupid and hidebound to properly use technology that was so powerful it was effectively magic. The limit of that technology is not the technology, it is the willingness and desire of the user to ask it to do things. If you can't think of things to do that are effective and be confident that it will work, that's kind of your problem when it obviously has before. (Or again, the point of him never really testing the theory of just how far it could go in terms of flexibility and power or suggesting it, does imply that he's kind of stupid.)
>when they tear down the statue
Woulda worked in LOGH.