Potplayer vs Dead MPC-HC vs mpv

Video player for viewing anime

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Faggot, please.

It's not that hard. MPC for downloads VLC for streams, music and webm.

I like mpv because I don't have to install all this other crap.


MPC-HC with madvr.

MPC-HC is dead, last commit github ---- 7 jul

>not Foobar2000 for music

>he trusts updates
Updates ruin anything anyway. I'm still using Appchan.


It is just all the same both are good and no difference.

>Video player

Why fix what ain't broken?

Ah you're right. I do use Foobar now. I just often listen to music webms rather than silent ones.

Foobars loading system is annoying in some respects though. I don't like having to load folders through it's menu. I like that it retains the last played playlist though.

In times when most applications update themselves automatically, people are trained to get worried when there isn't an update in a while.




Why bother setting up a background?
Do you ever have the opportunity to see it?

there's no point in updating the player if it's not broken, all you need is codec updates if encoding standards change


For the split second it takes for MPC to open and begin loading the opened video.

Every time you start it up. Plus it's fun to make your own.

NEVER use codec packs like KCP, CCCP with MPC-HC. They WILL cause playback problems later on. MPC-HC comes with LAV Filters pre-installed. Install MadVR manually.

Optional: install ffdshow manually, use it for audio for extra features like virtual surround for headphones and winamp plugin support, which you can also use VST plugins with through the VST for Winamp thingie.

>They WILL cause playback problems later on.
been using it for years
if that isn't "later on" nothing is
tl;dr you are wrong, cuck

Re: audio, if you use headphones, use a VST crossfeed plugin through VST Host DSP v1.1.6 for WinAmp. Crossfeed will make voices in anime sound more like they're coming from "in front of you" / from the screen. It feels more natural.

I never it.
I double-click the video and BAM it's there. Like magic. I would have to go out of my way to start MPC without a video in order to see the background.

I was using CCCP a while back. I started to have nasty playback problems. Cred Forums told me to reinstall MPC-HC and MadVR clean with no CCCP. This fixed the playback problems. I have heard similar stories re: KCP.

CCCP and KCP are for people too stupid to install and configure things manually. These people do not deserve to enjoy anime in the first place.

If I'm watching anime sometimes I'd open a second window to check a webm before using it and that's when I see the background logo.

Meh, it shows up for me for one second as I'm loading a 2gb 1080p bluray rip. I like to see hyper oats for that one second. Get a little laugh.

>These people do not deserve to enjoy anime in the first place.
yes, convenience is for the undeserving
you got me

>I like that it retains the last played playlist though
Huh? I feel like we are using foobar different.

Not him but I've been using KCP for years.

Also it looks like you're calling your past self stupid and undeserving, but that's only because CCCP caused problems for you. I guess if it didn't, then you'd still be stupid and undeserving huh? By your logic that is.

mpc qt is pretty good

Most people using VLC/thread

mpv because it just werks

Teach me your secrets.

I can't believe the majority of people on Cred Forums would be newer than 2011.


You can't be serious.

Why do you have it set up that stupidly?
Don't you like a library?

worldwide use VLC

No, I'm not serious.
I just wanted to subtly point out that VLC users cannot be oldfags.

>I guess if it didn't, then you'd still be stupid and undeserving huh?

No, because I AM capable of installing and configuring things manually. My past self, however, wasn't aware of the advantages of doing so regarding MPC-HC. Ignorance and stupidity are two different things.

You can achieve superior video quality by manually configuring MadVR than you can by simply using KCP settings or whatever.

Corean fucking shit

View > Layout
There are the options where you can set it up how you like it.

I move folders around a lot, or I used to. Besides, what if I only want to listen to one album and so on?
If you're just shuffling a library then that's fine.


I'm from 2013 and i hate VLC.

>No, because I AM capable of installing and configuring things manually. My past self, however, wasn't aware of the advantages of doing so regarding MPC-HC. Ignorance and stupidity are two different things.

Then maybe you should made that more clear.

>Besides, what if I only want to listen to one album and so on?
So you put that into a playlist and listen to that particular playlist.

I have some 8 different playlists, some of which get purged on a regular basis to make room for new moods.

library != playlist

>You can achieve superior video quality by manually configuring MadVR than you can by simply using KCP settings or whatever
nice way to dodge my point entirely faggot

Actually, clearly implies I am capable of manual installation and configuration. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension.

Tell me a quick and relatively easy way to batch screenshot.

>CCCP and KCP are for people too stupid to install and configure things manually.

>I was using CCCP a while back.

Therefore, at the time that you were using CCCP, you were someone who was "too stupid to install and configure things manually.



I like Cred Forums's approved player the best

I like Cred Forums's approved image viewer best.

No. I was capable of manual installation and configuration, but ignorant as to the benefits of this with regards to MPC-HC. Reading comprehension.

MPV on Windows is a meme.

>No one has mentioned Notepad

But that's the problem and what I meant about being more clear. In this quote:

>CCCP and KCP are for people too stupid to install and configure things manually. These people do not deserve to enjoy anime in the first place.

You're making a generalization, saying that people who use CCCP and KCP necessarily are too stupid to install and configure things manually. Which means that you should have been. But that's a contradiction, because you clearly were able to do those things.

Notepad hasn't been updated in ages.
I don't think it will ever be ready for h265.

>can't even change the mpv logo without having to code a bunch of lines

Babby-proof guide:

Go to mpv.io

Unzip the file then make it so mpv.exe opens .mkv or even .gif and .webm; a single program to view it all

Press s to cap with subs or S without subs

Image immediately gets saved to desktop

It's that easy

>Barely know the meme
I want to believe. Show me your secrets Cred Forums

>Cred Forums told me to reinstall MPC-HC and MadVR clean with no CCCP. This fixed the playback problems.

This excerpt clearly implies I'm capable of manual installation and configuration. Reading comprehension.

It might be a good player but le minimalistic no GUI is such a lame meme. GUIs are convenient and user friendly as fuck.

>don't fix the obnoxious keybinds
>don't change any settings at all
>don't make it so that it remembers the time you close the video in
>doesn't even give the actual link even though there is two builds on the installation page now

GUIs are unnecessary bloat.

>CCCP and KCP are for people too stupid to install and configure things manually. These people do not deserve to enjoy anime in the first place.

And later on you contradict your implication with this statement.

Clearly I know what you meant now, but that contradicting statement was a mistake.

PotPlayer has it built-in is probably one of the reasons why I liked it so much to make gifs, other than that there is software to do it, but the software is kinda garbage.

It's completely hipster tier.
>I want to write scripts and launch with new parameters for every tiny thing

If you feel like a GUI would add 'bloat' I recommend upgrading from your pentium 2 and 128 MB ram.


Spoken like a true moron.


I'm sorry you're not smart enough for it.

Not even him, but you guys are laughable

>Not even him
ok kid

I appreciate all the upvotes.

Shouldn't you be in school?

>he thinks bloat == low performance

ok, kid
talk to you again when you've achieved my level: I haven't used any GUIs in years

I would agree with you but I'm also:
not up for writing things. I might be able to if I looked into it but I don't have the off hand knowledge.

Dumb frogposter.

Imouto.my builds are the way to go to be honest.

but even than I doubt KCP will start randomly showing trouble.
Did you like not bother looking on the settings or anything at all?

SMPlayer frontend with MPV instead of mplayer.

>don't make it so that it remembers the time you close the video in

Are you saying that you can make it to where if you close the video it will remember and resume from that time? spoonfeed me please

But it's 8pm.

>but I'm also
You'd have to be a special kind of imbecile not to be able to use mpv. It only requires reading some of the manual. People that pretend others don't use it because they think it's too hard are sad.

PFFT. Amateurs.

Found the ADHD kiddies

Who profile=opengl-hq here?

I haven't attempted to. I don't claim it's because it's too hard, I simply haven't tried to learn.

You set up your library to work from one folder.

This one folder, you can then put in subfolders of how you want to sort the other things like albums or genre. I use Genre, Artist/anime then album.

Then you don't HAVE to worry about anything - it'll auto-update itself. The only things you need to fix are any playlists you had made before your organizaton. You can just drag-and-drop either the artist or folder for the album form the album list to make a new one.

Sorting is NOT that hard.

Helps if you fucking put the image.

am I doing it right??

I still use BSPlayer, is something wrong with me?

Those colours are similar to how I've set up my IRC. It doesn't work with those borders. They either need to be thicker or a different colour.
Colours aside, it looks quite nice.

I do
But mah conf file is over 80 lines long, mostly because I use put all the settings there like subs and screenshot settings

Really, anything besides vlc.

It's okay, but it works easier if you keep things ergonomic, and not have multiple tabs - then you always know where you are and what you are doing. I click on a playlist, and it shows up in the current main window. I go to a folder or subfolder, and it pops it up in the main and tells me where I am better.

Also: I'd nto sort my folders by having a torrent folder - I'd actually use the orrent foldr as a TEMP, and them move it to either shows, music or programs. Keeps things a LOT more organizd that way, and you can "prep" the data in hose folders befor transferring to get rid of useless subfolders, files, etc.

Still: about 5/10 for my method, 7/10 if it works for you. (at least make the white a "dirty white" so it doesn't strain your eyes...)

What settings do you use to get the subtitles on MPC to look good? I was messing around with them for a while but they look "bloated" for lack of a better word.

I have the borders that way, becaus I am always adjusting the boxes when I swap monitors for scren capture software. I gave up removing the borders, because how anal I am with how they look in capture mode.

I agree with you, otherwise. I also find it is a good reference for people to use for breakup, then THEY can remove the borders as they see fit.

>people have not made arbitrary changes to a program, so I will switch to another one which lacks many features but is always "bleeding edge", in fact doesn't even have official builds

That much?I do it too and mine is only 45 long.

use a thin font like calibri thin...

What anime are we talking about, again?

Not him, but some people like things precisely placed - this CAN take up more space in terms of tweaking.

>Have video file
>It contains data about the pixels and stuff
>Program reads the data and presents the pixels
Why would I need all kind of weird filters? I don't see the point. Do you also use JPEG-HC Viewer 21.23c Beta to look at your images?

It's actually kinda hilarious how they think this way

Boku no pico.

Are you really not aware that different video players interpret the information differently? See .

If you don't care, than why are you trying to care?

Debanding, motherfucker

It just works.

>video players
Damnit, I fucked up. Feel free to laugh at me.

I have a pathetic and weak toaster, so I use pic related.

My friend has a juggernaut of a PC and still streamed anime on Crunchyroll, so I gave him this shit imouto.my/tutorials/watching-h264-videos-using-compute-unified-device-architecture-cuda/#introduction

Well I just throw in all the setting lines I can get and comment out anything I don't need for the time being; also have some lines for specific media files too

But why do they do that?
It's not fucking art or psychology, it's a string of 1 and 0. The player should show the data, that is all.

Sorry, I do not understand.

>I do not understand
Then you won't ever; feel free to close the tab

>it's a string of 1 and 0.
You are fucking retarded. A book is written as a string of letters, and modern books are written on computers (and therefore as a string of 1s and 0s). And still people disagree about how the protagonist should look.



>And still people disagree about how the protagonist should look
Because there's a difference between
>this guy is short and fat
>this pixel is [pick your favourite color]

The age of fansubs have come to an end
This is becoming less and less relevant

I'm using kawaii for like 5 years and had 0 issues since then
Fuck everything else

Daiz on suicide watch

This wields objectively the best possible quality. NNEDI3 oil painting aficionados need not respond.


# Scaling
cscale=bilinear # due to crossbilateral

# Interpolation

# Misc

You need crossbilateral from igv's gist: gist.github.com/igv/a015fc885d5c22e6891820ad89555637

>>this pixel is [pick your favourite color]
That would be very helpful if the video file actually contained that information. But it doesn't.
Let's count for a second.
A standard anime is 24 minutes long, which is about 1440 seconds.
At 24 frames per second, you get a total of 34560 frames.
At a resolution of 1280x720, you get a total of 31.9 * 10^9 pixels.
If each of those pixels were worth 1 byte, that would amount to 32 gigabytes.
How large are the files you download?
Do you really think they define every single pixel?

Are you that stupid?

post config files pls

Nothing at all gramps. I also was using it circa 2004

You are delusional if you think people will stop pirating anime without fansubs. Even if people can't just watch raws, they will watch official subs.
He's the only who killed them.

This literally turns my laptop into a toaster.

wtf i hate diaz now

You can losslessly compress you moron, without ambiguity in what it decodes into.


>You can losslessly compress
Images can't be compressed very well. And I've even left out quite a bit of the information. A pixel requires more than 1 byte to be properly described.
Just shut up.

>still replying
But why

>cscale=bilinear # due to crossbilateral

Crossbilateral requires bilinear.


>for media playing

you mean for interpolation right
why bother with cross bilateral anyway

>This literally turns my laptop into a toaster.
Try to remove deband-iterations and deband-range (default is 14 or 16, I believe). If that fails, you cannot use ewalanczossharp.

I had fun doing the math in my head. I usually stop responding as soon as it stops being fun.

>All this autism over quality
Be honest with me Cred Forums, you're not actually sitting behind a shitty TN monitor, right? You atleast watch your anime on an OLED TV, right?
You can extra cross jinc bilateral upscale all you want but it's going to look garbage anyway unless it's watched on a good TV.

My calibrated laptop covers 95% of sRGB

I spent a grand on my monitor. It's pretty nice.

>tiny fucking screen

Kill yourself.

>he fell for the OLED meme


music is media too

>sent from my 20 inch 1366x768 TN monitor

so is glass, it's even a dielectric

The infinite resolution provided by the analog VGA cable ensures perfect quality

>infinite resolution
the eye can only see up to 4k so that's a bit pointless

Are we in 2005?

Good for low response time monitors, which are most people's. Bad for televisions.
Better to specify what you know than to leave it on auto, which is the default option.

>you mean for interpolation right
cscale deals with chroma upscaling, not interpolation, and crossbilateral requires it. While chroma upscaling doesn't wield incredible results compared to luma, they are still significant, and crossbilateral is the best chroma scaler in my opinion.

Differences: archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/thread/S56787903#p56809306

The reason why scaler-resizes-only should be set to no is because, for efficiency purposes (since chroma is not as important), chroma is encoded at a much lower resolution. Therefore, you will ALWAYS benefit (even if slightly, if you have the power to spare) from upscaling the chroma channels even if the source is the resolution of your panel.

Have been using CCCP for years across different PCs, never had a single problem.
> if it happened to me, it will definitely happen to you!
Uh huh, sure thing.

>not using mpv

why do you hate freedom?

I bet you still use windows

The HDMI connector is garbage and the protocol includes DRM, DB-15 provides the best freedoms.


>can't even make proper webms

Not an argument.

>why do you hate freedom?
Because freedom is a largely a buzzword.

Too often it has been used recently when "isolation" should have been used.
Society is drifting apart, hunting for an elusive dream called "freedom", everyone has their own unique style, their own unique life, and everybody is alone in the dark.

>the eye can only see up to 4k



Don't use such a fucking generic verb to describe the process. It just makes you sound dumb. That said, the MadVR render is clearly using better upscaling.

Who's going to make communism great again?

>It just makes you sound dumb.
I am dumb, so there's nothing wrong with that.

>Program reads the data and presents the pixels
And gee boss how do you suppose the program presents the pixels.

Mind you your chinese cartoons aren't stored in an RGB colourspace

I'll use mpv when I finally decide to stop being productive and switch to linux.

>Don't use such a fucking generic verb to describe the process. It just makes you sound dumb. That said, the MadVR render is clearly using better upscaling.
Not him, but the irony is lost on you. madvr is a renderer which supports many upscaling algorithms, all of which are included in mpv (and properly implemented and optimised, looking at you, """jinc"""). mpv has the best colour management, as well as the best, most optimised algorithms for all sorts of budgets.

>I'll use mpv when I finally decide to stop being productive and switch to linux.
You can use mpv on windows, you massive dolt.

Windows movie maker

>the irony is lost on you
>proceeds to waste a bunch of time explaining shit I already know
that's nice

I'm not going to use a meme unless I'm forced to, hence linux. You guys are all fucking autists, in every single comparison that I've ever done both mpc+madvr and mpv look the exact fucking same to the human eye. There's literally no reason to use one over the other so everyone might as well use whatever they're more comfortable with.

Literally using mpv on winderps now

WMP + LAVFilters + xy-VSFilter + reg tweak to disable MS preferred filters crap...
Is that weird?

Anything other than mpv is considered harmful.

>>proceeds to waste a bunch of time explaining shit I already know
>that's nice
Shit you already know, yet you unironically claim madvr (a renderer) to use 'the best upscaling'.

I used to use K-Lite, after some time I thought it's stupid overkill as it install so much, it later disables some codecs by itself.
Then I was running CCCP for long time, until I had issues with some season of Durarara. Bassically colors would change their shade. I thought, it might be some shitty power saving settings, but I found nothing. I tried out archplayer or something along those lines and it had no problems. I tried out Kawaii codec pack and it worked fine, so I stick with it since then.

install mpv
then install gentoo

>unironically claim madvr (a renderer) to use 'the best upscaling'
That's interesting. Would you care to show me exactly where I said such a thing?

I use windows media player becasue im not an autistic pleb

>both mpc+madvr and mpv look the exact fucking same to the human eye
So why use the solution that is non-free and forces you to install multiple modules? Surely you can't be this retarded.

Quads don't lie

>I use windows media player becasue im a pleb

>You guys are all fucking autists, in every single comparison that I've ever done both mpc+madvr and mpv look the exact fucking same to the human eye
this desu
Madvr medium preset, madvr highest preset, mpv default, mpv with config copied from some autist, it's all the same.
Even if you notice some slight difference per frame, it will be completely unnoticable during playback.

VLC is the best.

Have a (you). Now fuck off.