>fantasy setting
>it's a "Japanese boy is magically sent there" story
Fantasy setting
Other urls found in this thread:
>fantasy setting
>it's a "Japanese girl is magically sent there" story
Always better
>fantasy setting
>it's a "Japanese boy is magically sent there" story
I want to fuck Ilya!
I'm sorry user but that will never happen. Illya and I are already married. This is what she looked like on the happiest day of her life.
>Japanese setting
>it's a "fantasy boy is magically sent there" story
What about a fantasy setting where a boy you think is from Japan is sent there, but it's later revealed that he's actually from a separate modern fantasy setting's Japan analogue, and that the setting is actually a bunch of different fantasy settings connected to each other
>cast of characters with superpowers or magic
>every enemy has some reasons that NONE of their special powers work against him
>japanese setting
>it's a "fantasy boy is magically sent there" story
>anime setting
>it's a the male protag is a student and his life changes the day he meets a special girl
>its an all boys highschool setting
> most of them are straight males with girlfriends outside of school
Feels p. Good
Little girls can't marry other little girls, user.
Bikini armor is a miracle of the universe
Forgot my pic
What about a fantasy setting where an amnesiac boy you think is human is sent there, but it's later revealed that he's actually from the past and it's actually a science fiction setting on earth when mankind long died out?
>school battle harem
>it's a "the mc is actually the strongest assassin" story
Give me "fantasy setting that NOT-japanese manliest man is magically sent there" story.
>fantasy setting
>it's a "Cute Japanese catgirl is magically sent there and assaulted by lesbians" story
>it's a "two incestuous Japanese siblings are sent there and fuse into a single person for some reason" episode
>highschool setting
>it's a "snobbish elf is magically sent there" story
>any setting
>somehow every girl falls for the beta MC
Getting real sick of this
>school setting
>it's a "princely ikemen is magically sent to my place" story
>fantasy setting
>it's a "Japanese boy is magically sent there and turned into a girl"story
what anime
>fatasy setting
>it's a "yakuza is magically sent there" story
That's actually how it works, the best way to be attractive is to have a girlfriend. If you have a girl, it tells other girls that theres something good about you and they become interested. The more girls you have interested in you, the more girls will become interested in you. The hard part is getting that initial girl, everything after that is easy, unless youre exceptionally ugly like "Rob".
Fuck you for supporting this shitty anime trope or whatever the fuck you wanna call it with your dumb meme picture and your dumb meme post.
Except girls don't fall for MC because he has a girlfriend, they fall for him because apparently he is the only male human being in the setting willing to show kindness to them.
Apparently male non-main character in harem settings are all cruel sociopaths.
Great argument, you sure showed me.
Kindness makes girls to crazy things when theyve been neglected.
My point is that apparently MC is the only male in the setting capable of showing kindness.
Most of the time it isn't even a case of "He risked his life to save me even though he had no reason to", it's just really mundane stupid shit like "He encouraged me that one time", "He helped me find my lost cellphone strap" or "He said 'Hi' to me".
>>fantasy setting
>>it's a "Japanese boy is magically sent there" story
>kindness makes girls to crazy things when theyve been neglected
And a rule of thumbs for all guys is don't stick your dick in crazy,
>dumb meme picture
You mean like the post he responded to? And whether Cred Forumsnons support it or not is irrelevant as most people here will only give their money to kikestarters, CR, Funimation and Yen Press anyway. The real meme here is you thinking your opinion matters.