Do girls like rem even exist? i feel like she is literally too perfect

do girls like rem even exist? i feel like she is literally too perfect...

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Yeah, you can find sluts in real life pretty easily

Ask .

Yes, retarded and ugly girls exist in real life too


What the fuck does that even mean?

Rem exists so yes.

You mean girls with good personalities and bodies? They're practically unicorns; you better be well prepared once you encounter them because if you aren't you blew your chance.

do hot girls girls really fall for pathetic losers like subaru?

im a 29 yo virgin maybe girls were secretly in love with me all thsi time?

That's just another buzzword.

If you mean a pathetic loser that saves her life and do other heroic stuff, then yes.

>Girls like Rem
>Practically Unicorns
How very diligent, user. Made me chuckle.
Also, jesus christ and bananas, Remfags, your waifu is already getting hated, stop spamming her.



Needs bigger boobs.


is that anzu

>literally too perfect
>hairstyle makes her look like a trap


But Rem is more loved than or the other rezeros combined.

She should have cosplayed as Ram instead, for obvious reasons.

Both are fucking trash from waifubait shows.


anzu isn't 3d

2,5d ?

anzu is a litrealy goddess
i would suckle the sweet honey juices out of her everything

someone post anzu

No, real women are disgusting, vile creatures.

>says this about some impure 3dpd whore whose probably fucked more men than you have fingers

>Great personality
>Great body
Literally my best friend's ex.

>Tfw best friend would've given his blessing
>We have great chemistry
>She doesn't date manlets

I know now there is a god, because I suffered the devil's work.

So I guess Rem is real then.

They don't. Every woman you meet is a horrible animal called a human, which regularly indulges in the justification of its base desires.

Do elves like Emilia even exist?

>too perfect
She's an extremely boring character. Literal floormat.
Easy bait for lonely weebs

She's not an elf, she's haafu erufu

>too perfect
You answered your own question

I know, right? She's like, ethereal.

All women in 3D are sluts, except those forced -usually under the threat of social rejection or violence- by the men around them to not be sluts. Considering we live in morally liberal, individualistic, post-secular societies where the only dogma left is that of THE CURRENT YEAR, only our waifus remain pure.

Nobody in 3DPD can genuinely be as sweet and pure as Rem, whose most vile desire was to die before Subaru so she doesn't have to live without him. That is because there's nothing feminine about her: she is the product of a male mind. She's not a woman, as much as she is the masculine idealization of a woman.


This is coming from the person who couldn't abstain from fapping for more than a week.

you mean crazy ugly idiots? yeah there are plenty of those

gomen, onii-chan, by the looks alone she's somewhere close to the bottom in this series.


lol clearly designed by an angry Remfag, but that's not what it means.
Waifubait is a character that was constructed and inserted into the show specifically to be the fanboys waifu. The quick fix waifu.
Give the character one or two dramatic sugar coated romance scenes, have her smile at the camera with tears in her eyes, and voila: A whole new generation fanboys crown her the show's waifu.

Rem was just too easy. There's no challenge to the character.

Kimochi warui, user.

She's just a women who hates herself. If you like that go find someone who was abandoned a partner that beat them.
Ganbare OP

You're absolutely right, but the weird thing is that it makes no sense. Why make Rem waifubait when it's so painfully clear that Emilia is winning the Hyundaibowl? He never had romantic feelings for Rem, there was never even a "will-they-or-won't-they?" moment with them, never the slightest risk that he would give up on Emilia. The closest we got was when Yamaha proposed to elope with her, and even then it was because he was running away from his problems rather than because he felt anything for her.

It's so strange that the second cour made us fall in love with Rem while giving Emilia close to zero screentime. I still don't understand what made Kawasaki fall in love with Emilia, considering how little screentime they had and how little chemistry they had during that screentime. They had one or two cute moments during the first cour but that's it.

I'd also think Re:Zero could've been better if we saw more of the effects of "resetting" on Subaru's mind. We had a little of it with his "Everything would've been worse without me" sperg-out, but it'd be neat and interesting to see him mix up the timelines more. Like him casually adressing someone he hasn't actually met before in this timeline, because dying all the time simply messed up his perception of time and his memory. He remembers getting to know that person, but he forgot that it was in a timeline that no longer exists. But who knows, maybe that already happens in the LN or something.

>literally redit the girl

Care to explain what you mean by that? Or are you just using a popular buzzword so you fit in with the cool crowd?

Re:Zero would have been better if Subaru stayed dead and the rest of cast carried on with their lives without that useless and despicable joke of a protag.

What makes you believe Subaru is a bad protagonist, other than Cred Forums constantly repeating it to you? Is it because he's intentionally annoying but more or less grows out of it later? Is it because he starts out useless but becomes halfway competent later?

He's not the best protagonist of the decade, but there's nothing wrong with him compared to the average anime protagonist.

New thread

>Why make Rem waifubait when it's so painfully clear that Emilia is winning the Hyundaibowl?
just following second girl pattern

I only finished the show today with the last 10 episodes at time 2 speed since it was literally a pain to watch. I didn't stand his whiny, dense, unfunny, annoying, rude, selfish and foolish character. That's my unbiased opinion as someone who never participated in a re:zero thread. Subaru is utter shit and spoiled both a nice a setting and characters way more interesting than him. I don't understand the hype around this show and the only redeeming feature about it was Emilia.

In what way? Most women will accept a mans flaws if they love them. Why do you think there's a stereotype of being attracted to assholes?

If a woman is infatuated with you she will love you unconditionally until a better man comes along. What infatuates a woman is typically charisma and status, looks don't really matter all that much.

Considering Subaru's charisma it makes sense that she fell for him, most women would.

ye, especially when he kowtows and cries at the top of his lungs about being useless, that'll get them wet in no time.

He typically does that playfully, he has charisma so it comes off funny. There's only been a couple times where he got serious but the ladies were already infatuated with him by that point so it was endearing.

>Most women will accept a mans flaws if they love them.
Sure thing, buddy.

>Why do you think there's a stereotype of being attracted to assholes?
Because from a female perspective, that's not a flaw at all. Nothing is more desirable to women than the Dark Triad traits: narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy.

>If a woman is infatuated with you she will love you unconditionally until a better man comes along.
That's conditional love, nigger.

>Sure thing, buddy.

They do accept them, if you've ever dated a woman before or raised in a family with both parents you'd know that.

>Nothing is more desirable to women than the Dark Triad traits: narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy.

Yea, because these people are charismatic.

>That's conditional love, nigger.

Okay, I grant you that. I should have said 'seemingly unconditionally.'

>blogging thread
Lurk for 2 years before posting.

>Good personality
>Vain bitch
Pick one

It is conditional love from a external stand point. It's unconditional in an internal positional. There is no condition male A could create that would end relationship A. The condition of relationship A breaking is the presence of Male if (A

>All women in 3D are sluts
This translate to: women have zero interest in me and prefer actual attractive and successful men.

Not really. Most are objectively when you compare contemporary western behaviour to that of most cultures before the 'liberation'. Stop projecting on to him or pretending you get better than what you do.

>Great personality
>Doesn't date you because you're a manlet
>Great personality

>This translate to: women have zero interest in men and prefer money

You don't understand how female attraction is so fickle.

No that's why 2d girls are great.

what about tomoko's
she's not grate, quite the opposite, she's like chrischan with a (real) vagina.

Irrelevant in the scenario because there's no attraction present in the first place.

A runt from an ogre tribe with dependency issues?

Pretty sure the closest you'd get IRL would be a petite black girl