> no american civil war anime
no american civil war anime
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I don't understand America's fascination with this war.
It wasn't even a very good war.
The best thing you can say about it is that most of the casualties were Americans.
The closest thing is probably the anime adaptation of Little Women.
Ok, you will get your American Civil war anime. But it will be 12 episode magical harem anime set in some outskirts during the Civil war. Also, the best girl loses.
Plenty of those my man.
Japan will never get enough of samurai anime.
Were the samurai fighting on Union or Conferete side?
You don't seem to know much about japanese history.
Could you imagine how vastly different the world would be if the south won and gained independence? They might have even gotten rid of slavery by their own reason.
It was important and a lot of the battles were fought with strategies that are still studied by strategists to this day.
And you seem to know even less about geography.
It's good. If they were to make it, it would be pro-yankees with south looking like cartoony mustache-twirling villains and everybody knows they were the good guys all along.
I can see it with the art style of 08th MS team.
Wow sure is JAPANESE huh
I find it interesting because it was one of the first major modern wars. It was kind of a technological midpoint between Napoleonic Wars and World War 1, where technology hadn't nearly advanced as much as it had at the eve of World War 1, and therefore the need for changing tactics as we saw in World War 1 wasn't as necessary (despite this the weaponry in use was still very deadly compared to the Napoleonic era ones), as a result many of the tactics from the Napoleonic Wars were still in common use throughout the conflict. Unlike the European wars of the same era, the American Civil was a long drawn out war where resources and population differences was a much bigger part than the contemporary German and Italian reunification wars, and therefore it gave a glimpse into how other large European wars would look like later on. It’s an interesting historical turning point, and that’s why I find it interesting.
The reason that most people find it interesting is probably because of the fact that it's a big "American war". And, yes I do realize that the Crimean War was an exception to the contemporary short European Wars.
>Could you imagine how vastly different the world would be if the south won and gained independence?
That's even less likely than Germany winning World War 2.
say no more
The world wouldn't have changed much. This isn't like the world wars or the napoleonic wars where it reshaped geopolitics everywhere, the Civil War was just the US settling an issue it had been having problems with for the last 30 years.
I'm not saying the Yankees were automatic good guys, but yes the Southern leadership was in the wrong. Only about 5% of Southerners owned slaves, this was not an issue that affected the vast majority of them. But it affected the rich, so they went on about states rights and got the lower classes to fight a war for their economic interests.
The Civil War is just another example of a war being fought by the poor in service of the rich.
>I find it interesting because it was one of the first major modern wars. It was kind of a technological midpoint between Napoleonic Wars and World War 1, where technology hadn't nearly advanced as much as it had at the eve of World War 1, and therefore the need for changing tactics as we saw in World War 1 wasn't as necessary
Wouldn't have mattered. Europe saw the Russo-Japanese War and chose to ignore how it was the perfect precursor to WW1 warfare, instead choosing to stick to fighting the way they always did until they saw the casualty numbers.
They would have picked the South. The US was supplying (albeit minimal) aid to to countries Japan was fighting during the Shimonoseki Campaign, which happened during the US Civil War. The US even had a naval battle with Japan during it.
No wonder there are so many dixieboos in Japan.
>no russian civil war anime
To think of it, maybe it's even a good thing.
Japan has enough communists as it is. The last thing the country's leaders wants is an anime that lionized the original communists.
Fuck 08th MS Team, man. It was an awful show. And the artstyle is inferior to Yasuhiko Yoshikazu's artstyle
Now I want a Fiddler on the Roof anime. Could you imagine all those daughters as kawaii waifus?
>Wouldn't have mattered. Europe saw the Russo-Japanese War and chose to ignore how it was the perfect precursor to WW1 warfare, instead choosing to stick to fighting the way they always did until they saw the casualty numbers.
Probably would have mattered more as America was actually seen as a civilized state, unlike both Russia and Japan which were seen as being backwards in comparison to European states.
Japanese communism has been dead since the 60's.
You just made me want a Cuban revolution anime.
With a shota Che and a loli Fidel.
>Probably would have mattered more as America was actually seen as a civilized state, unlike both Russia and Japan which were seen as being backwards in comparison to European states.
Russia was still a huge power player, and it losing to a literal who like Japan was internationally seen as a big deal.
Hell, the whole reason WW1 took as long as it did to happen was because Bismarck never stopped saying "whatever you do, don't piss off the Russians. The second their armies start marching, you're living on borrowed time."
Actually should note that Russia was seen as being backwards, but still civilized. Japan on the other hand wasn't really perceived as a big player on the world stage before the Russo-Japanese war.
You should see the PTA there.
Why did Bismarck have to be fired?
He was such a loyal and cool guy.
>Russia was still a huge power player, and it losing to a literal who like Japan was internationally seen as a big deal.
>Hell, the whole reason WW1 took as long as it did to happen was because Bismarck never stopped saying "whatever you do, don't piss off the Russians. The second their armies start marching, you're living on borrowed time."
Forgot to note this mistake in my original reply.
Willy was a massive autismo.
Because Wilhelm was a fucking idiot, and was offended whenever Bismarck told him how big of idiot he was.
Wilhelm didn't like someone telling him what to do and how to run things.
Here's the thing about Bismarck, he was a genius. Historians to this day still aren't 100% sure how Bismarckian politics worked as well as they did, what we know that as long as he was at the wheel, it was fantastic, almost flawless. He could keep Europe from going over the precipice seemingly indefinitely. But Bismarck got his job through merit. Wilhelm is the kind of guy who if being Kaiser was a meritocratic job, he never could've gotten it.
Well nationalism is on the rise in Japan right now thanks to Abe.
They had an NES game about Che Guevara, as far as I remember.
>The last thing the country's leaders wants is an anime that lionized the original communists
Isn't that usual among every modern country?
>Wilhelm is the kind of guy who if being Kaiser was a meritocratic job, he never could've gotten it.
Pretty much. Hereditary monarchy is a dice roll, you're not always going to get Henry V.
All according to Uncle Sam's keikaku.
>you're not always going to get Henry V.
With Germany, your example should probably be a Friedrich.
I always like this quote by Bismarck.
>One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans
A usual russian jewish schoolkid Perchik returns to his borough.
That's already a nice plot for anime
Cred Forums is infesting even manga now?
Henry V is my go-to example for the idea of the good king.
Funnily enough economists at the time, including the founder of Keynesian economics, thought WW1 wouldn't happen for the same reason people think WW3 can't happen now.
There was too much money between countries, too much economic globalization. It just didn't make sense to have a general european war and ruin the good thing europe had going for it.
>Grant and Lee being genderbended
But if Bismarck had still been there, Germany wouldn't have been isolated and thus it wouldn't have been forced to stomp all over its innocent little neighbor and thus the whole thing would have been relatively harmless.
And people are trying to provoke Russia into something right now.
>Germany wouldn't have been isolated and thus it wouldn't have been forced to stomp all over its innocent little neighbor
You might want to read up on the Schlieffen Plan, Germany had been preparing for this since their war with France 30 years earlier.
Will it yuri?
MAD will save us.
I don't think it'll have the same outcome, unless both sides agree to not use nuclear weapons. WW1 as bad as it was, you couldn't kill 80% of the world's population in an hour. That's kind of a good reason to not start shit.
I know of the plan.
But Bismarck's favorite strategy for Europe was to isolate France.
America is currently closing its nuclear weaponry ring around Russia so that they are finally capable of first-strike without fear of MADness.
The Russians cannot allow that.
>no anime that shows Hitler's tragic but righteous struggle to save humanity from the thousand year old scourge of judaism, only to be villainized and killed when his only sin was loving his fellow countryman too much to let them be eternally enslaved to the merchant
The Japanese would side with the father. Even though a Jew wrote Fiddler on the Roof, it's pretty clear that even though he wants his daughters to marry Jewish men to maintain his people's culture and heritage, the play sides with the daughters in that they SHOULD marry for love, even if it's outside their faith.
>You might want to read up on the Schlieffen Plan, Germany had been preparing for this since their war with France 30 years earlier.
There's a difference between preparing war plans and actively acting like an idiot because of >muh empire.
Bismarck was smart and knew how to prevent a potential war on the European continent with the clever use of diplomacy, which is completely unlike Wilhelm II who provoked and isolated Germany diplomatically, effectively isolating Germany. One of the dumbest things Wilhelm probably did was starting a naval race with the United Kingdom in an effort to get into the colonial game, and then ending up with only a bunch of small irrelevant colonies.
Yeah, but today we also have nuclear weapons in the mix, which makes a potential war much more dangerous than back then.
You Cred Forumstards already got a manga adaptation of Mein Kampf. You're lucky to get even that.
Thank goodness
Because it shows that the only nation strong enough to defeat America is America
He also invaded Belgium, something that got the UK into the war. The UK could've stayed out of it with the invasion of France, their promise to help France was a handshake, they can back out of that. But their pledge to protect Belgium's neutrality was a signed document, that shit is official and you can't back out of it without being an international pariah.
>no Battle of Stalingrad anime
>no Pearl Harbor anime
>no Vietnam anime
>no War of 1812 anime
>no 2016 presidential election anime
Get your shit together, Japan.
Actually in the original story the play is based on, Tevye disowned his daughter for marrying a Christian, and the book completely takes his side for it. It's just that the theatre version was written so much later that attitudes on the subject had changed.
>no War od 1812 anime
Even America barely knows what that war was about, and we fucking fought it. Why would Japan know anything about it?
I mean, how many Americans know that one of the primary goals of the war was the invasion and conquering of Canada? Not many, most think it was over the English naval situation.
>No air battles of Kuban anime with planes animated by Project Aces
>or at least by Gaijin
>no 100 episode WW2 anime
It would be the GOAT anime.
I always find it funny how both Americans and Canadians manage to turn the war of 1812 into a victory for themselves.
As an American about all I know about that war is both sides burned down the other's Capitol building.
>It's just a prank bro
>no War of 1812 anime
Come on, 1812 was fun only in Russia. All those LoGH-style battles, relationship between nobles and generals n shit.
>no Pearl Harbor anime
We already got an amazing movie about it that looks at it from both the US and Japanese points of view. An anime would be redundant.
Because we did both win. Canada got to not become US territory, and the US, while it failed in taking over Canada, got everything else it wanted their way in the post-war negotiations.
>nip watches Band of Brothers
>gets inspired by it and makes an anime spiritual successor to BoB featuring a company of nip troops during WW2
Only in a perfect world.
It's frustrating.
I keep ending up rooting for the wrong guys.
Every time.
>Rape of Nanking episode
So an adaptation of this.
>nips try to cover it up by going full on End of Evangelion with the direction
All I want is a 30 years war anime.
>it's a non-American tries to be edgy episode
>No anime about the tank crews on the Eastern Front
Go to Gettysburg. That battle alone contains shitloads of history.
did mean purifying?
if I see one more anime inspired or about WW2, it'll be too fucking soon.
What makes Gettysburg different from all those ditches that are still covering France, or the bunkers that are dotting the entire west coast of Danmark?
Japan doesn't deny it officially, they just massively downplay it.
The official Japanese death toll was about 2000, but we're pretty sure that 200,000 civilians and a few POWs were killed during the course of it. Given that there were only a hundred thousand or so Japanese soldiers in and around the city at the time, this disproves the notion that each one massacred a small mountain of innocent civilians by themselves. The participation of most soldiers in the event was restricted to looting, or wisecracking as your mates tortured someone to death or shot some random people in the street on a whim, and finding someone to rape with thirty of your best friends. Now we know what you're thinking: "being raped by thirty-plus people, even if it does happen every day for a week, doesn't kill you!" That's true. But unfortunately, most Japanese soldiers "forgot" to feed the civilians they restrained for such purposes... and they had a nasty of habit of killing their play-things when they were bored with them.
These atrocities are still denied by certain Japanese ultra-nationalists, to the understandable anger of... well, pretty much anyone with a heart, but especially ethnic-Chinese folk. This is despite the mountains of sickening images, newspaper articles, and letters home (Hey, mum! Guess how many elderly female subhuman scum I stabbed to death with that knife you sent me for my birthday today?) from the perpetrators themselves.
I'm very pleased this was mentioned early in the thread.
>1980 Beth best Little Woman
>did mean purifying?
No, Cred Forums shits up everything it touching, Cred Forums is a case in point.
Chink detected. Fuck off Xia Hwang.
yeah right like you're any better
I don't have a drop of Chinese blood in me or anyone in my family. But denying war crimes is generally just going to lead to bad blood between nations that gets worse over time. At least the Japanese who do deny, are just a small fringe.
If I personally managed to fuck up most of Cred Forums and bring in loads of newshits, then I would be pretty damn impressed with myself.
>denying war crimes
Is something literally everybody does.
Don't get so excited about the first denial you ever found out about.
Hetalia :^)
Don't use emoticons on Cred Forums.
Funnily enough, our biggest source for what actually went down in Nanking is the nazis, because the German ambassador there tried to save as many people as he could by giving them sanctuary in the embassy and then writing to Hitler about what happened. It's why he's considered "one of the good nazis".
>Is something literally everybody does.
The mongols didn't, they purposely spread information about how horrific they were as a fear tactic. The US didn't in WW2, they didn't have to, because war crimes only exist to punish the defeated.
>tfw you will never hear a Japanese dub of Ken Burns' The Civil War with Hosoyan voicing over Shelby Foote and being forced to speak in a Kansai accent to try to emulate Foote's drawl
>he posts this on Cred Forums
Cred Forums has the biggest newfag population out of all boards
Reminder that Lee is BEST BOY for a reason. Look at him, he was so perfect he was even a pretty boy genius keikau at West Point in his younger years.
>That's even leses likely than Germany winning World War 2.
That's because the primary strategy of the North was using overwhelming numbers, the North lost more men proportionally in the war then the South did.
Hey man, it's like Stalin said, quantity is a quality all on its own.
Neither of those places you mentioned were the marked turning point of the entire war. Gettysburg was. That's the fundamental difference, the trench warfare of WW1 was never decided in a single battle, whereas Gettysburg was where the South lost the initiative in the war and never got it back; they spent the rest of the war on the back foot. Germany never got put on the back foot in WW1 at Verdun or the Somme, they got crushed at the treaty table.
I don't want this thread to devolve into metaposting, so this will be my last reply.
>proceeds to sacrifice 8 million+ loyal slavs to the Nazi war machine
What a guy.
He won didn't he?
We did. We were on the winning side and we were a major part of winning the Pacific campaign.
Just because we put way less troops in the european meat grinder doesn't change that we won. It just means we didn't win single-handedly.
I unironically like this thread. Could use a bit more anime though.
I think it's hilarious how you believe the US marginalizes the USSR's role in that war when it's really only the Commonwealth we disparage because you literally didn't win shit.
So we didn't win?
Wow, I wonder why we aren't speaking Japanese righht now.
Fucking savage.
Murica will take it off the air or attack before it airs.
Japan attacking pearl harbor is justified, murica was financing hitler and in the washigton conference all the countries ganged up on japan to make them a scapegoat.
They thought they would get off scot-free but then japan reminded them that their troops are shit so the burgers resorted to the nukes.
Why is there so little anime and manga about real historical happenings? I liked this happy go lucky one about the guy who invented a lot of death machines used to kill American piggus.
Watch Hadashi no Gen.
At least no one is dick sucking Sherman.
They made a film about it called "C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America".
>Non-American making fun of how stupid American shit is again
Damn does this shit ever get old?
Anno's performance as the MC ruined the entire movie.
Miyazaki deserves to hang for that casting choice.
>why are Americans fascinated with a war that could've torn the entire country apart?
>why are Americans fascinated with a war that was fought to bring equal rights to their fellow Americans, the ideological foundation of the country "all men are created equal"?
Gee I wonder why it's so important in American history.
>>why are Americans fascinated with a war that was fought to bring equal rights to their fellow Americans, the ideological foundation of the country "all men are created equal"?
Not the real reason, only the justification.
This is true. I actually didn't know he was in it until I looked online after the movie. The acting was noticeably bad.
>this war having anything to do with slavery
You may stop trying too look serious now
All I know about 1812 was that the Canadians burned down the Capitol building, something about annexing Canada because "muh freedums", and at the end everything was reset to before the war.
>something about annexing Canada because "muh freedums"
How fitting.
I just couldn't resist.
>no American blockbuster about Poles saving Europe from Muslims
>no anime about War of 1812
Really makes you think. It must be the work of enemy's Jews.
fuck off and take your memes with you
Nobody else gives a shit. Stop spamming about shit not related to Cred Forums, like this and the elections.
Englishmen ! = Canadian colonists. And we still beat them in Louisiana hard even "after" the war ended.
I wish they had
t. canuck
French, native American and colonists' forces beating GB != colonists beating GB
History is written by the winners, just accept it, pal.
>losing battles
Try again, Sharistan.
Kek there were Balkan Wars before
Doesn't lessen the impact when you consider the fact that World War 1 would begin less than four decades later. Besides, I can't recall a prior event in the Balkans that resulted in a "Great European War", as he described it.
>people who aren't physically strong should be castrated
nah fuck hitler
>No Illyrian Wars anime
>Besides, I can't recall a prior event in the Balkans that resulted in a "Great European War", as he described it.
The closest I can think of is the Illyrian Wars
I think we both know the answer to that question.
I would personally love me some Punic Wars.
1st post best post
>Cred Forums
We used to have Mein Kampf manga dump thread not more than 2 years ago.
US comes out of it federalized with a very experienced army, which proceeds to trash the horse tribes that kept Mexico from colonizing its north. This feeds into the US trying to become an imperial power from Spanish-American War on to WWII.
>It wasn't even a very good war.
No war is good
Bismarck was fired because of his disastrous "Kulturkampf" and crack down of socialists, both of which only strengthened the side they were supposed to defeat.
I don't know where the heck this "Bismarck dindu nuffin" shit comes from.
Yes, he was a brilliant statesmen, but he wasn't flawless
>That's even less likely than Germany winning World War 2.
All it would have taken for the south to win was marching on D.C. after first Bull Run/Manassas. British reporters thought the southerners were idiots for not doing it. They were right.
>tfw no anime about the war in the pacific during ww2 between japan and america
>tfw you will never follow a group of japanese soldiers during some of the most iconic battles of the pacific war in a band of brothers styled anime
Where is this from?
Its in the file itself.
That just proves the British have no idea what's going on and are living in the past if they think a repeat of razing or capturing Washington DC would've decisively ended the war in the Civil War like it did in the War of 1812. The South's endgame strategy was to bleed out the North and make it a defensive war where the Union would have to waste time, money, and manpower ultimately and give up on the persecution of the war.
>tfw no educational/comedy shorts about ancient nations personified as cute girls interacting in skits and on a map
>tfw no LotGH styled drama + soc-political commentary and war thriller focusing on the rise and fall of the Roman/Byzantine Empire with the Arsacid/Sassanid Empire and the long term effects of their wars, rivalries, and cultural exchange on Europe and Asia.
>what is Hetalia
1412283769342.webm was a shit anime. Still don't know why they chose that title.
You literally are retarded.
Why would you seek to hurt my feelings, friend?
>2016 presidential election anime
I'd rather rewatch chaos;child.
Who was Beth again? The one who died early?
But that show isn't out yet user.
Just look at the date.
>LotGH styled
>rise and fall of the Roman AND Byzantine empire AND Persian activity
Fuck nigga, LOGH was about the end of _a_ war. What you've suggested could exist only in a dream, or else as a production so far in the future that it would practically be LOGH.
there has to be an american civil war dynasty warriors first
I want what I want.
>not watching the dub with Emily Blunt and JGL
What chapter is this?