ITT post faggots you want to punch in the face

ITT post faggots you want to punch in the face

your mother

the rezero protag


The entire eva cast.





I don't get it, why people hate Shirou?



>implying he wouldn't give you a beatdown before you try punch him in the face


Uchimaki has good taste and has reached enlightenment. Waifu harem > 1 waifu

>rejecting 3D when you have this cutie after you

literal faggot unworthy of his penis

I'm more bothered by how much the characters deface each other's art.

Don't talk him seriously, he's just middle school kid who likes popular memes. He'll grow up


>Giving up hentai and 2D superiority for a normalfag slut
The only girls worthy of his D are the Chuuni and Collette who would be okay with 2D polygamy.

Is she a Maupon?


FUCK Andou! Seriously, fuck him.
What a piece of shit, almost as bad as Rossiu.

somebody post Tada Banri