I will post this every day until Christmas!
86 days!
I will post this every day until Christmas!
86 days!
I Hate My Life
You're a complete idiot.
And you can expect nothing but coal for Christmas.
Get in the spirit!
I appreciate your diligence.
Chaika and midget were nice touches haven't caught your other posts.
>there will come a day where someone isn't posting this everyday until Christmas
Kill me
Here ya go...
How I want to touch that lily white skin...
It's funny because I thought OP had posted Ebola Chan for a second.
i really like these thread.s.
Where's the /ss/ threads at
You having fun there user?
86 faps to Yui before Christmas!
What, only one a day?
You can't just put a hat on everything! Putting a Santa hat on something does not make it Christmas themed!
Yes it does.
Daily dose for now, going all out during the last week.
kuso thread.
>kuso thread
I hope there's a name for that fetish
Someone pls post some transparencies.
So... is it done, yet?
Why won't they forget?!
Please come back Ebola-sama
>Chinese flag
>Stasi uniform
Isn't she kill already?
I think I've got a number of hats already, I wanna ones like these now