ITT: Clam you're waifu
ITT: Clam you're waifu
Your waifu is a shit
Fuck off spic. Go back to your TLR thread.
I'm not a girl so how do I do this?
I'm waifu?
I love C.C.
>implying we're not all little girls
What is wrong with you? Why would you make a stuck up cunt your waifu?
Then why are little girls on a +18 site?
Well, I do wish I was a waifu at times.
Your waifu is a jew that will fuck anyone who waves a couple bills in her face.
My sweet waifu.
Low quality image just like your waifu
I'm Waifu? I'll then be your waifu user.
Makes me miss the old days
>you'll never be a cute shy user's waifu
If a perfect woman triggers you, you should perhaps return to your safespace.
I'll be whatever user wishes me to be
But she's my Mistress, not my waifu
Hurt the truth Kurumi Faggot
She claimed-clammed me
Learn English first sudaca.
HAHA Claimed
No, Stupid Gringross Amorroncan Yankeshitty
>clam you're
too obvious, should've picked one or the other... buy enjoy the (you)
Patrician taste
i want to be that slut
Sorata get fucked, Nanami my waifu