What does Cred Forums think about fucking terrible anatomy?

What does Cred Forums think about fucking terrible anatomy?

As long as its Raita I'm ok with it.

My dick likes whatever Raita is drawing.

daily thread

Brazilian halfbreed has the best ass.

raita is a meme artist like shadman.

That's genuinely grotesque

What's with this board's sudden fixation on this memeartist?

Call me when Shadman does designs for mainstream videogames and sells artbooks.

>has a style
>shit on it as bad
I like it. Cannot stand all the generic shit that is pumped out onto exhentai.

I hope he does gangbang and rape to satisfy my fetish


doing pro work doesn't stop raita from being a meme artist.

>he fell for the "everything I don't like is a meme" meme

I really like JoJo.

so your from Cred Forums then huh?

fuck off

>he fell for the 'if i draw a banana and call it a tit then it's fine' meme

>C90 translation never

We ave it in irl.
Why not.

Visible ribs are fucking disgusting. Less attractive than pencil limbs.

>inability to draw

Just because it's unrealistic anatomy doesn't mean it can't be sexy.

>broken spines
>silicone tits
>dog faces
>visible ribs

It's pretty hot. That one Louise doujin he did was excellent.

The rendering is more of a problem than the anatomy, it ruins the form completely.

His anatomy is fine, but Raita cannot into color.

Cred Forums creams itself over Yabuki and other shitty artists constantly so I have serious doubts if they know much about anatomy.

All you need is pretty colors to be successful.

>Ritafags actually believe this

Realistic anatomy never mattered for hentai. But Raita cannot into color.

how come all women arent this thicc?

There's a difference between "realism" and "she looks like something from 'the thing'"

>he doesn't wants to fuck the thing
Back to the gloryhole you homo.

The Thing could be anything you want.

I'd still fap to this

Raita would be good if he only drew dfc.

Raita's small tits are perfect.

Oh shut the fuck up. This is way more appealing than all this moeshit lately. At least they try to resemble humans.

Fuckin' Skeletor is back


I think fucking that terrible anatomy would feel great

Nice dubs

>tripfag is homosex
What a surprise.

Reminder Raita wants to fuck Aoi Yuuki

Who doesn't?

It's art, not a textbook on human anatomy.

it's great for 1/4th of the year

Ever wonder if prototype Misa would have been better than the Misa we got? She looks about as nerdy as Sasaki is when she's not in the magical girl getup though.

What do you mean by prototype?

The expression on that middle-schooler's face...

Misae is early concept Misa if I recall. Misa herself doesn't retain much of the original concepts of Misae, although she still keeps that annoying pout.

>visible ribs

Well, I like what we got. There's no need for another meek girl.

Raita thread?

It's called good taste user.

I like my animu grills with non broken spines.

I pity you that you're constrained by inferior 3d limitations

Misa's already meek though, she's just also clingy as fuck, and also terribly jealous. Which is hypocritical since she's the one who stole Asai from Sasaki first.

thanks mr skeltal

Shit taste confirmed.


Ah, the good old reddit switcharoo

I read Baki

I'm pretty sure that guy draws muscles that outright don't exist

Can you blame him?
I wish he was more subtle about it, though.

needs more animation

I like raita because he plays into the hand of extreme body fetishism. It's not for everybody because not everyone can into intentionally unrealistic anatomy, but when it finds someone that's into it, it fucking sticks like ultra glue.

Surprisingly good post.



This guy gets it.

Post the TEST-Type Plugsuit dammit!

I'm honestly pretty sick of this guy's style. It was novel for a while but I just can't really fap to it now, he just tries way too hard.

what kind of faggot doesn't like banana/torpedo tits?

thats alot of meat

Someone post it


Okay but
Raita's cumshot scenes where the dudes pours every last fiber of his being into knocking these semen demons up is just phenomenal.

I don't know how he does it.

muh dick
who is this?


>What does Cred Forums think about fucking terrible anatomy?
women with puffy nipples should kill themself...

A lot of Raita's stuff is great. But then you have the other stuff which is over-exagerrated banana tits, anorexic chicks with ribs showing, and pointy ugly faces. It's funny how he exists at both ends of the spectrum. It's fine up to a certain point, beyond which it just looks ridiculous and off-putting.

Better than 2D desu sempaitachi.

something is wrong with this
but I don't know

there's this pornstar
name starts with O i think
auburn hair
looks like a raita doodle
slim body
tits that are so big it might break her skinny spine

anyone know who im talking about

me irl
murder yourself to dead.