Would you watch an anime about an image board being ruined?
Would you watch an anime about an image board being ruined?
Sorry man, no insulting the precious Cred Forums pass users.
Get fucked, poorfags
Get fucked, newfags.
At least I can sage
Forgot my pass.
Cred Forums Pass user since September 2012.
Its only an issue if you make it one. I'm going to post like this all day since its guaranteed replies
Cred Forums Pass user since August 2016.
>some communist retard being salty about idiots falling from the 4chang pass skype
what are some anime that thank their original fans
Cred Forums Pass user since June 2013.
Time to leave 4reddit desu senpai
Cred Forums Pass user since March 2016.
The first one isn't as much of a problem as the second. If the second isn't a joke, we're pretty much screwed, since I doubt Hiro will stop with this.
can someone email me a fucking pass please
get out wallet warriors
Kill yourself newfag. And fuck anyone who supports this utter jewery.
I'm actually considering leaving over this utter kikeshit. Good job ruining Cred Forums further Gook.
A new era of shitposting is upon us.
>being a poor
>working for Google for free
Cred Forums Pass user since February 2016.
Its not a joke,and I dont know if there's anything we can do about it.
Well, at least you can filter it. Not much consolation, though.
I haven't noticed these alleged reduced cooldown timers. What gives. I'd even give up my awesome signature for that.
Cred Forums Pass user since December 2014.
I'm going to have fun using this for a week before it gets stale.
Based Hiro creating new and innovative ways to collect (You)s
Cred Forums Pass user since June 2016.
Except that Sep 2012 is literally the first date that can appear there, since that's when jewpass was announced. Stay mad, newfag.
Cred Forums Pass user since September 2012.
I help keep the servers that you are shitposting on right now running and this is the thanks I get?
Cred Forums Pass user since August 2016.
>Cred Forums now has signatures