ITT: The REAL protagonists of their respective series
ITT: The REAL protagonists of their respective series
Cred Forums Pass user since July 2016.
She actually has her own manga now.
Also other obvious choice.
Well sure, she has her own series.
protagonists usually don't die halfway through
The best ones do.
>15 tiles hand
He didn't die til the series was 80% over.
While the series unambiguously depicts Aqua as the main character of the anime, the tittle of real protagonists should really be given to pic related Kazuma himself
Same thought senpai
Why did you post a blank image, user?
pls don't bully the Akari
Excuse my retardation but what anime is this picture from?
Infinitely more interesting too
Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.
lala a shit momo A SHIT
Yui Best Girl and Waifu
>pass user.
>manga is fucking retarded
>story if fucked
>mc is boring and edgy
>characters are generic af
>and then we have THIS absolute madman
Saki Achiga-hen.
Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.
Wait, what the fuck is this pass user tag, is this a joke?
I thought so at first, but who knows that goes on in the head of that jap jew
Are you serious? This isn't a joke? Is this real life?
apparently Cred Forums is running low on money and they are thinking about changing some things. My guess these Cred Forums pass user images are suppose to work like advertising
It's just autists paying money for a signature, can only hope they're removed after our birthday.
Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.
Especially towards the end