Once again, let's post best girls of their respective series.
Pic unrelated
Once again, let's post best girls of their respective series.
Pic unrelated
>re:zero ended like 3 weeks ago
>people's still forcing it
Pic very related.
Stella a shit.
Best girl from this series we all are tsuntsun about.
I miss you now more than ever
Surely you jest.
my Cred Forums X mascot, neat taste
>being this wrong
It was between either her or Seo but somehow Yuu came out on top for me. And was pretty fucking hard to figure out in my head.
Mah nigga.
She's good, but not best.
Loved Tokyo Ravens, but there was a better girl.
Mai is perfect.
Petra Leyte
Kurisu makes my dick tingle
gives you the literal shirt off her back
All are best, but Tulip is the bestest.
Semen demon.
Precious hoina!
Best girl is, of course, my wife Emilia-tan!
Great taste.
Triggered. That's not a FAMAS, it's a Tavor. Good taste, though.
I know she is super popular now and she gets constant threads but I'm afraid I have to join the Rembros. Literally too perfect