Good evening! I hope you all enjoyed the summer season! With all the new Fall shows, I know that you
may feel tempted to want to change your wishlist! If you do want to, don't forget the proper procedure:
sending us another e-mail (preferably as a reply) to the last thing we said to you noting any changes
at the very top! I'll follow this brief introduction with the notices I posted last week, so please read them!
**NOTICE 1 - Tell us you want to send cards nationally if you specifically want that!
**NOTICE 2 - Please follow the copy/paste format! This is important!
**NOTICE 3 - The 100+ bracket (USD) is whitelisted! You may only participate if you have before!
This means that you may send any combination/number of gifts below 100, but cannot do any 100+ brackets!
**NOTICE 4 - If you haven't been answered in a little while, I'll take care of it soon!
I'm just very tired a lot and little girls need to sleep
**NOTICE 5 - If you need to make changes to your wishlist or address, or anything else:
please RE-SEND the application with the changes made as a reply or new e-mail!
This means send the whole application! It's the same process as last year!
Let me know too what changes were made.
E-mail - [email protected]
Next two posts will be the FAQ and Application guide!