By the way, there will be two new WSJ series starting next week. The first is going to be "Amalgam of Distortion" Ryo Ishiyama. This guy has done some manga before, so he's not a newbie. I'll post the promo image next post.
Boku no Hero Academia Love Rush
Michael Campbell
"Amalgam of Distortion" by Ryo Ishiyama
Zachary Russell
Charles Reyes
I kind of like this one arm thing.
Robert Brooks
Henry Bailey
Nathan Morales
Ethan Lewis
Alexander Roberts
David Young
No WT this week right?
Jackson Price
This chick continues to be pretty hot.
Nice personality, too.
Indeed, it's off.
Cameron Walker
Colton Carter
>Don't worry! I'll decide the laws of Magonia! Ha, that's pretty good
Wyatt Howard
God damn, these guys are literally supervillains. Someone call the Justice League.
Charles Fisher
Nathan Reed
James Hughes
Lincoln Thompson
Kayden Johnson
Wait I only now realize this is 2 chapters behind MS. Did Viz had a break or something?
Samuel Reed
Charles Diaz
omg did he died?
Jayden Nelson
Julian Cruz
Jose Smith
Jace Turner
I wasn't here last week. Viz is caught up, I'm dumping what I didn't dump in my absence.
Jace Roberts
David Green
David Gutierrez
Ayden Lopez
Ethan Flores
Henry Campbell
Easton Stewart
Mason Gomez
Austin Rogers
Anthony Ross
Brayden Campbell
Kayden Adams
Luis Robinson
Austin Ramirez
Andrew Ramirez
Jacob Taylor
Nolan Jackson
Dylan Miller
A little disappointing since I wanted some ship on ship combat. Hell, I'm even seeing grappler arms here like from Outlaw Star. That said, Frampt has a good reason for leaping aboard now.
Blake Ross
Jace Edwards
Camden Watson
Samuel Myers
You can't have airship combat when only one side have a gun.
Blake Parker
Jason Gonzalez
Nice face Mono.
Bentley Rogers
I like the art
Ethan Miller
Maybe they'll go full Outlaw Star then
Adrian Johnson
So I suspected I'd like this girl a lot early on, and seeing her actions/thoughts in the last two chapters just settled what I was thinking. I love "rival on the other side who is actually pretty decent" characters, and I love them even more when they're girls since that's VERY rare. If this series goes on a long time I'll be keeping an eye out on how she develops.
I wonder who Frampt thinks she looks like. Fall, maybe?
Caleb Jackson
Jason Phillips
Oliver Lee
Jayden Adams
Ethan Sanchez
Samuel Gonzalez
Asher Barnes
To be fair the Magonia is really shitty so he can't really fight with it.
Ethan Evans
Ian White
That's a good face.
Charles Reyes
I like this page because instead of going gung ho and fight he chose the safer route. Makes him a lot smarter than he leads him to be.
Aaron Cook
Jaxson Anderson
Robert Flores
I thought they made this guy too much of stereotypical villain.
Mason Hughes
Ryan Kelly
Ethan Carter
That's how most WSJ villains work, even in that darling Promised Neverland. The niggress nanny keeps making stupidly evil faces.
Evan Rogers
I wonder if it just tastes awful. I tend to love wine.
ACTUALLY looking forward to more. This series is very "decent".
If you want to read this all in English (as translated by Viz) search the archive for WSJD Red Sprite pastebin or some combination of those words
Alexander Davis
Author Comments
Jaxson Baker
Henry Ortiz
>that hug Just fuck already.
Thanks for the dump.
Isaiah Ramirez
Takuan and Batsu's Daily Demon Diary (END)
Isaac Mitchell
>Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Levi Cox
And as foretold in the scriptures of old: Ramming always works.
Charles Davis
Well, it's not like they can do much when the ship doesn't have a gun.
Liam Robinson
Thank you for the dump, looking forward for more
Juan Sanchez
He's a fodder to further the story, the chick captain will join tatsu with the destroyer ship later on.
Nicholas Turner
I like this series.
Jordan Gutierrez
A Kochikame reference? So this chapter is older, right?
Michael Morris
Jackson Jones
Her old outfit is better.
Connor Moore
No way we can't have more than one competent woman in the ship.
Luis Brooks
I actually agree.
Luke Smith
Well of course, but that's not proper attire for a helmsman
Evan Walker
So is Mono a girl or not?
Juan Wilson
What a cool dick.
Liam Bennett
Ain't that the girl from the parade?
Joseph Moore
The art in the new Jump titles is not that good.
William King
>Didn't kill him Yawn. Another kiddo war.
Robert Davis
Red Sprite doesn't look amazing but it doesn't look bad either.