They are going to release a 2,400 page book containing all 12 volumes of Death Note.
They are going to release a 2,400 page book containing all 12 volumes of Death Note
>be me
>be reading death note
>readjust leg
>half the book drops
>rips in half
>everyone in the bus sees Ryuk
>everyone looking at me while i try and pick up the loose pages
no thank you ill pass
That binding is going to be complete shit
Of course it's shit. Look at it. It's not even hardcover.
Japan takes on The Holy Bible
who thought this would be a good idea?
I think it's probably intended to be more of a display item
Why would you make a book that's not intended to be read? Makes no sense.
>display item
Why would you want a paperback if it's purely a display item?
You could kill a man with that thing.
Cmon I know it was boring but not that much
How is it so small? I have all the DN mangas, and stacked on top of each other, they are like twice that height.
Also why? Everyone who would be interested in DN has already read and watched it I think.
Literally why?
You won't be able to open it with out tearing the binding.
We spent so much time asking if we could, that we didn't think to ask if we should. What a useless compilation. The spine will break instantly.
first post best post
One to keep, one to read
> >be me
That is just too much.
What's the point in reading Death Note anyway? The anime adapts it just fine.
hello newfag, not that you would know why anons phrase it that way.
>buying mangoo.
>caring about this to the point you make a thread.
>caring about this to the point you make a gay rant video on utube.
Are you retarded?
Probably thinner paper.
They should have opted for bible paper.
As for why, the thing is only 25 bucks and, as someone who hasn't bought physical copies yet, that is pretty appealing.