1 fucking day to go

>1 fucking day to go

who hyped here?
>inb4 fujoshit

Other urls found in this thread:


You know thats exactly what its gonna be

not an argument

>Fifth Season
It's like a dream man.

>1 fucking day
Isn't it airing in 3 hours?

It airs in 2hrs+

I hope to see more about Reiko.
How did she finally meet someone and get married?
How did she die?
Why does Nyanko seem to know so much about her?

so it technically a day to go? Living on a JST timezone sucks

I don't think she ever married.

>I hope to see more about Reiko.
You would see more but not much questions will be answered

It's said she died under a tree, it's assumed suicide by hanging. Her relatives think she's a slut for having a child at a young age with an unknown man.

how did he even had a child then?


I really hope that the proceeding chapters would now explain Reiko's death (probably through suicide)

This is the season where we get some hints that his grandpa was an exorcist right?

Yeah I guess the fact that Takashi and Reiko share the same last name seem to suggest that she didn't marry.

>how did he even had a child then?
She held hands with a yokai.

Are there as much homoerotic undertones as in Rakugo? Or is it just fujos fantasizing about the designs?

Spoiler: you don't need to be married to have kids

>This is the season where we get some hints that his grandpa was an exorcist right?

That chapter is too recent, I think it could be covered in S6.

It has fujobait but it's not canon gay.

It was suggested that Natsume had a human father. Idk about his father's history though

Please dont let it be rape

>It was suggested that Natsume had a human father. Idk about his father's history though

Natsume's parent are normal human, it's his grandmother that's like him.

I meant more the arc with the exorcists house that is supposed to have a cache of information inside it. The dragon spirit guarding it mentions that Natsume reminds him of a man his master knew.

I don't think the author would ever want to go in that direction. But the more I think about it it get more logical. Not by a yokai cause she's too powerful, but against other humans she's just a girl. She's pretty but aside from that everyone viewed her as batshit crazy.

Yeah that's the one I talking about too. It came out last year and the anime hasn't even cover the arc where he acts as Matoba's shiki and that one came out even before S3-S4. If they're doing that arc it should be in S6.

I just checked on anidb and noticed that Shuka is credited for animation work. Not that Natsume was a sakugafest but after 91 days I can't help but worry.

Shuka is a relatively new studio from the autists of Brains Base who wants to adapt their favourite series. Absolut madmen indeed

Somehow that doesn't calm me at all.

Its ok they are backed by Sony. Im still crossing my fingers that they would give this show more justice like what they did to it when they were still at Brains Base

I want to fuck all the human girls. Some of the yokai are fuckable too.

Touko best girl.
Zoku is my favorite season because it felt like it had the most development between Natsume and his family.

>It came out last year

Fuck really? I could have sworn it had been at least two and that there had been another hint since then.

Fujobucks are what made season 5 happen in the first place.

t b h tho, where are the scanlations? Its been 2 months already since last release

Well maybe I'm wrong but it's still a more recent arc. Like I mention it hasn't even covered other major arcs with the exorcists that leads to what happen in that house. So they have to cover the shiki arc and the one where Natsume meets Natori's mentor before it. I wonder if they would animate the stuff about teenager Matoba and Natori as their background stuff also ties to everything that's on going.

I have to catch up.

Chapter 83 literally came out yesterday, user


this was technically released last month tho. Chinese translators are really fast but too bad i cant read scribbles

>you will never neglect a young, lonely Natsume
Why live


Rape, it's always rape.

Pretty sure they use tank scans, which is why thereare pauses in releases.

what about consensual lewd handholding

I don't want him to get pregnant yet.

Did they fuck up with Durarara? I only watched two of them but never noticed any significant drops in quality when Shuka took over.
But I'm scared too..

yes, very

I unironically laughed at some episodes because it became flash animation

It wasn't the animation and art that turned me off of it. That was okay, nothing amazing, but on par for the first season. It was the story that was boring for me.

I want to believe 91 Days just had scheduling issues since the first and last episode looked great, and that that won't happen with Natsume.

I think Shuka's fine. They've got a lot of heart for a small studio, even if they've had production issues and setbacks here and there.

replacement onahole

Oh god I looked it up, Natsume fans don't deserve this.

Is it disturbing if I find this hot?

It's not like Natsume had extraordinary production values before or anything though.

The stories and characters have always been more important.

Yeah but the art and animation were always perfect for its purpose, you'd never find a QUALITY instance

No, Reiko needs the dick. I have to wonder who or what decided to give that supposedly lonely and weird girl the cock.

Wasn't it supposed to air late Monday?
What happened?

Grandma exorcist was cuter than Reiko when she was young.


There are hints in manga that Natsume grandfather kinda looked like him, which opens a can of worm.

>who hyped here?
I'm hyped. I usually marathon all episodes at the end of the season, but for this I'm hyped enough to watch it weekly.
New chapter the other day too.

Fuck that, Natori aside there's absolutely no fujo vibe whatsoever about this show.


it was announced that it will air at early wednesday mornights

>There are hints in manga that Natsume grandfather kinda looked like him, which opens a can of worm.

Yeah it's pretty weird for Natsume to look like both of his grandparents. Got a twincest vibe there.

The most logical explanation would be for a Yukai that mirrored Reiko apparence but male.

And Matoba. Fujobait is fujobait.

>Fuck that, Natori aside there's absolutely no fujo vibe whatsoever about this show.

I don't think there's much fujo vibe either, but if there is it's definitely more on Tanuma's side.

It's not just one person that's make it fujobait, it's Natsume when he's with Natori and Matoba too.


That's nothing special, Natsume does that with yokai too.

its called fujobait mr tumblr faggot


And his other friends too. It's not a big deal or anything unique.

Holy fuck, it aired.

Subs when?

LALALALALA can't hear you.
There's no fujoshit in this show, it's just a deliciously bittersweet show full of feels.
Here's hoping for op and ed as good as the other seasons'.

Ignorance is indeed bliss.

Well Reiko wouldnt' act like that, so that must be Madara which means it's not incest.


Aimer singing the ED.


Stop looking at his naked body.


>he has a whole folder for this

what a faggot

Be a good boy.

>letting a falseflagger to make the thread


>He doesn't even a whole folder full of homolust moments for the shows he watches.


Natsume is used goods. He was passed around as a fucktoy by all his sadistic relatives, and now the old folks he's with will only take him because of his submissive attitude towards their advances.
Every night, they're up there fucking, the three of them, in every lewd disgusting way possible while Nyanko sensei is out drinking.

Fucking disgusting used goods!

>>inb4 fujoshit

It has to be since my sister likes it.

Fuck yes,Natsume. Been waiting forever for this. Now it's time for me to be healed.

I want to see Natsume and Taki kiss!

it is called autism. You need help

>says that while on Cred Forums

>Implying I care a single bit that he's used goods.
That way he's even more greatful when he finds someone to heal him.


Natsume is already married.

>Natsume and Taki
Only tolerable ship. Fuck glasses fans, she's annoying.


Fuck yeah Taki.

Sasada is anime only anyway.

Can we please don't post cancerous fujo shit in these threads?

Yes, Midorikawa Yuki wants it.


This, please.
Let's just enjoy the show.

What's wrong with posting screencaps and official art?

>Natsume banging Taki while she's unable to see all the yokai watching

Agreed. I like to put goggles on for series that encourage it but it feels wrong somehow for Natsume. I want him to make friends, enjoy a normal school life, and grow into a fine young man. It feels wrong to try and ship him seriously.

You wish.
But yeah she doesn't have the same relevance in the manga. Still not anime original tho.

Don't worry about that, the series encourages it.

It's starting.

She leaves in the manga, she never appears again after S1.

I think, more than anything else, it encourages us to buy Nyanko-sensei's merch.

You must be blind to all the official stuff posted in the thread then.

Dude don't even try to mention any other possible ship, fujo or het, or the delusional Natorifag(s) will bombard you with (you)'s, EVERY FUCKING NATSUME THREAD turns into desperately posting the """"""mariage"""""" pic at everything.
I'm fujo myself but holy shit I hope he ends up with Taki just so they can fuck off, you guys are cancerous. And I didn't even dislike the ship at all before but now holy shit if I hate it. Guys like you are the reason people hate fujos

of course they had to make him a girl right from the first ep

you now remember that araragi voices natsume lads

You must hate the show too for it's fujoshit.

Good you finally admit the show is for fujos.

I don't hate fujoshit, I hate Natorifags never shutting the fuck up

So you hate Natsume.

What wrong with posting offical art?

>Guys like you are the reason people hate fujos

Why do people hate the mangaka?

OP: dailymotion.com/video/x4w0d9f

Cred Forums should just be merged to /lgbt/ for having literal gay retards

He's still so cute!

Good post, what a nice way to trigger cancerous fujos.

You're really stupid but it's not surprising since you're a fujo.


It's the one where Natsume met some relatives and tried to ask some shit about Reiko.


I feel bad for her. She just wants to be atleast ones alone with natsume

>what's wrong with acting like smug entitled formulaic pricks every single time


I know I'm gonna cry.


So like a typical user then. All is right.

Shipping happens in all threads, I don't know why it triggers Natsume fags so much.

I never said the contrary, I think think Natsume appeals either to fujos and to non-fujo audience.

Nah, I hate these threads and hate that you're(again) doing the exact same thing I'm complaining that happens every thread: not shutting the fuck up, and bombarding every non-Natori post with retarded passive-agressive ship hate.

This basically

>muh hugbox

Because she's baiting/self-inserting and ruining everything.

Wrong thread?

I want to fuck Reiko's dead body!

Because the shipping leads to people trying to derail threads by screaming "lol fujoshit"

Why don't you shut the fuck up too.

This season is filled to the brim with high quality fujobait

It's amazing

It is fujoshit.

So drop the show and move on.

>muh fujoshit

Cred Forumsutism at its finest

fujo are more brain damaged than I thought

Fuck off with your metashit already

Stop being a shit eating EOP already.
In fact, there is now a board dedicated entirely to pleb trash:

This show don't deserve threads like this.

I like the show. I just don't read the manga and rarely visit threads.

Yes, but the difference is I've never seen a Taki/Tanuma/Sasada/Matoba fags do that before, it's always the Natorifags.


This. I thought that maybe the posters could act like real people this time but it seems this is asking too much. It's really sad.

God, Natsume is beautiful.
I love this anime too much.

What's your favorite OP/ED?


That's because they don't have shit.

Fuck off with your meta already

Please kill yourself.

Natsume Shi's OP.


It's like when Mushishi threads get hit by memelords talking about Kino.
Look, I prefer Kino to Mushishi by a fair margin, but I don't go shitting up someone else's discussion for a lark.


It's the truth

>top favorite ED
My 2nd best

>Pointing out what happens in every thread is meta


愛してる, but I love them all.



there's barely any mushishi thread to begin with, also that's something recent, but just report the Cred Forums cancer and mods usually ban them

Next episode

Ended. Which group will subbing this?

Kino no Tabi? Also there actually are Mushishi threads? Never seen one myself.

The best sub group, Horrible subs.

Fuck yes, a youkai loli---it's a trap, isn't it?

he is talking about kino meme

>Cred Forums cancer
I mean that sometimes people will come into mushishi threads and spam "kino no tabi is better", not people talking about "kino film"

Why is Cred Forums so cancerous?

Then you are retarded because

I remember this chapter, it was sad as fuck.

Are you seriously trying to convince me there haven't been Mushishi threads, even when the second season was airing? Threads that I've participated in?
Natsume Yuujinchou doesn't exactly get a ton of threads either.

Ano Hi Mita Time Machine is best OP

Can someone post the new ED?



>shitposting a legitimate iyashikei show

I hate this place



Fujoshit you mean

Totally hyped. It's a wonderfully chill anime.

>legitimate iyashikei

the show had a nice premise but was slow as fuck and just felt like a long slog of yokai that had shitty or sub par development

>tfw can't have a nice Natsume discussion with Cred Forums

so they used that ED style from the OVA? Nice but its sad that they didnt made their usual signature animation EDs

You expect too much from fujoshit.

Cred Forumsutists doesnt deserve shows like these anyways so why bother? These are your typical Re Cero/ Narutow/ Clorox/ Somalians in the sea cancerbase

Too bad this aired in the same year as Re Zero, the legitimate masterpiece of the decade, otherwise Natsume could be AOTY.

certainly and also i think it had to do with using the slice of life medium that wasnt used to a powerful degree because even if the MC developed it took to long and since its a episodic based series the characters from each episode have to be fleshed out to properly carry those show to keep interest if not the glaring flows reveal itself

>Crunchyroll Adds "Natsume Yujin-cho Go" to Fall Anime Lineup
About 1 and a half hour from now.

i wish it was kyoani

>wanting it to be full moeshit
No thanks




come on now




and stay there until you die

Go away, moeshiteater.


so no group is picking this up?

Crunchyroll is doing the subs.

I see, but I mean fansub group

There was one episode that was Psycho Pass 19 tier

>[HorribleSubs] Natsume Yujin-cho Go - 01 [720p].mkv

>this on autistic natorifag who spams the same 4 spreads every fucking thread.
Oh fuck off back to tumblr

Probably Commeme.

>45 minutes before CR.



>still whinning

Fuck already

Would you drop it already?

>bringing it up again

You really are stupid.

[HorribleSubs] Natsume Yuujinchou Go - 01 [720p].mkv

>bumping a shit cancerous meta thread instead creating a new fresh one
Kill yourself retarded cunt.


Yes time for comfy.

Seed please

The only cancer is you, shitposter.

I'm so happy for more Reiko.

>no you
Great reply, brainless newfriend trying to fit in.

And people call fujos delusional. Nothing tops the mental gymnastics of an insecure hetfag.

Don't reply, it just want to derail the thread again.


So I caught up with the anime, does the anime leave out a lot from the manga?

Yes and it changes some things and events, also the timeline is all over the place. Read the manga for a better view of things.

Natsume is Reiko's reincarnation?

What the hell, chinese moot?

Thanks, will do.

It used to seem so but with new infomation about his grandfather, it's hard to say for sure.

My heat isn't ready for this episode.

Is this a boy or a girl? I don't want to be tricked again.

Natsume is a good person. I don't think I could hold myself back from fucking a loli yokai.

Just get your own shiki and make it your fucktoy.