ITT: Post sluts
ITT: Post sluts
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I don't have an image of you're whore mother.
I'm sorry you choose to waifu such a slut user.
It's really sad you have to resort to childish insults to defend your absolute shit taste.
>shy innocent girl in the front
>sexy jk slut in the back
But there's nothing innocent about Gallo, she's a shit
>Unironically using lol
Fuck off from Cred Forums
>boner why?
How do you call the fetish for a pure girl falling into deprivity? Degeneration?
the tag should be moral_degeneration
It should be, but it's
Which sucks because I have a fetish for magical corruption. Girls turning into succubi and shit and it's the same tag
that's sad
She's invented the world's tiniest cigarette
wew lad
Your stupid.
>not post the video
Actually there's a moral_degradation tag on most doujin sites
I mean he's not wrong about your mother though
That's my wife you fucker!
Posting the classic that started it all.
choose one, faggot.
>tfw that hentai was utter shit
why is hentai so terrible compared to doujins?