BUZZFEED: Documents Show How Russia’s Troll Army Hit America (2014) > >According to the documents, which are attached to several hundred emails sent to the project's leader, Igor Osadchy, the effort was launched in April and is led by a firm called the Internet Research Agency. It's based in a Saint Petersburg suburb, and the documents say it employs hundreds of people across Russia who promote Putin in comments on Russian blogs.
Related posts: There's probably more. Does anyone have that university-quality plagiarism checkers? Turn-it-in or something?
Fuck bump, is the FBI just a bunch of fuck heads on google looking for something to prove their narrative? A damn DNC propaganda machine. Fucking sad desu.
Cameron Rodriguez
Lucas Hill
Bump again
Jayden Cook
It's pathetic. They're basically doing what Cred Forums does for free and much more efficiently.
Hudson Sanchez
This is good shit user, but sadly the rest of poll is arguing about BBC at the moment.
The state of
Justin Morris
Fuck Cred Forums*
Ayden Carter
How is this not the hottest post on POL?
Is there anyone left but the jews and shills?
Logan Gutierrez
Oliver Bennett
Lol wut
Easton Carter
Another user just pointed out that the 2015 Russian article mentions the names the key people of the 13 names, the rest are likely just made up individuals to suit the narrative. Absolutely nothing to do with Russia. FBI are fucking incompetent, it's so clear now. They fucking ripped off BuzzFeed. And who was it that said the Nunes memo doesn't discredit Mueller investigation? Are any of the names from the dossier even in these indictments? Kek
Aaron Jenkins
>Absolutely nothing to do with Russia. Absolutely nothing to do with Trump*
Joseph Garcia
Be amer8can intelligenc3 agency > get scared of shitposters
Jack Lopez
Paid trolls vs shitposting for fun and political change are two entirely different things. If they really took the name from those ancient articles about Olgino trolls, this is beyond retarded. Special council went full retard, if true.
Ayden Mitchell
This fucking timeline. Is anything real anymore?
Nathan Adams
To the front!
Brandon Evans
Bump for..... fuck me lol.
Brayden Jackson
I'm waiting for the "Russian bot farm hired by DNC" leak
Julian Gutierrez
They left until the shill wave settles. Some to 8ch
Jacob Gutierrez
Anthony Walker
Am trolbot. Can confirm.straight from r/Donald raid. AMA
Justin Parker
Trump really needs to hurry up and start the public executions of the Deep State.
Jose Hall
Ian Morales
Sometimes I get extra paranoid because I have doubts that our globalist enemies couldn't possibly be this fucking stupid and incompetent.
How the fuck did the habbo hotel raiding shitposting board I went to out of boredom turn out to be a quasi-hivemind that out maneuvers the world's best intelligence agencies.
Either we are in the timeline where they are so fucking sloppy normies pick up on 9/11 being fucked and Hillary being a satanist, or they are extremely sophisticated bordering on us being in a choreographed matrix.
Cooper Ward
Sorry but can you break this down for me I'm fucking hungover, what am I looking at?
Michael Price
prove me thaт you’re trollbot. Troll me!
Christian Fisher
Mueller's FBI Russia investigation either coincidentally came up with the same russians from some old Buzzfeed article, or the FBI slapped some shit together at the last minute by plagiarizing from some old Buzzfeed articles.
Isaiah Watson
Olgino trolls are fairly well known in russian web. They absolutely have to be drowned, quartered and sent to gitmo, but the sheer (((coincedence))) that they ended up on this indictment is very interesting.
Jonathan Mitchell
Haha if a random journalist can figure this shit out why can't the FBI? They don't sound very secretive to be quite frank....
Jason Ward
Ideas can be dangerous, user.
Jayden Parker
Everybody with a little bit of grey matter knows that: >Whole US-Russia thing is a scam. >Pedogate is real. >Olgino is just a meme >Leaf is eternal cuck
Samuel King
Wait what
Is this real life?
Nolan Thompson
>no one bumping >not even a sticky for good luck FUCKING NEWFAGS ARE SO EASILY MANIPULATED WHY!???!?!?!
Julian Torres
>Olgino is just a meme That brings a question: can you bring a meme to gitmo? I think US is about to try.
Mason Cox
Henry Moore
Stop screwing around our elections 2018. Fuck I hate those edgy teenage retards running around destroying things and blaming gobmint for that. I would send them all to gulags when I’m in power
Henry Murphy
Cred Forums has always been shit. If it wasn't shills; it would be infighting about something completely fucking retarded, or there would be some new meme that gets spammed endlessly. 90% of people are completely reactionary. They react to what the outliers and leaders do (not just say, do).
Mason Clark
Elijah Ramirez
So far the past week we had 3 train wrecks, (one filled with Republican politicians) a plane crash (with someone that was prominent in the Uranium one scandal- supposedly) and a school shooting. Whatever happened to those memos? Why did the FBI release names from a buzzfeed article?
Jacob Cruz
>believing in this farce Nah mate, it’s gonna be a long run till nobody is able to give a single fuck anymore and then they gonna sage that shit quietly
John Adams
It was obviously all bs to get Trump. Fucking amazing.
John Hughes
Absolute state of the FBI
Brayden Myers
maybe these are the only ones that currently have the best combination of sufficient evidence to go with and are in a situation such that the FBI is willing to comment on what they believe about them in the court of us law due to previous public reporting already made about them, but the FBI might be investigating other people as well but don't want to compromise some future plans they have regarding some other people by taking a suit against them yet?
Carter Ramirez
Alexander Scott
Brandon Martinez
CTR/Shareblue indictments when?
Democrat Propaganda Group Shareblue Has Ties To Chinese Government, Host Of Foreign Special Interests
>mfw I bumped this shit to life. True anons come through in the end
Biyump again...
I love anons.
Nathan Perry
Aaaand saved.
Christopher Parker
I don't see how this can get Trump based on this unless they can also come up with some money trail to the same organization and that seems extremely unlikely.
Colton Edwards
I got a question.
So a bunch of Russians, funded or otherwise, posted messages and influenced post on public forums. If they were extradited to the US, once in the US could they not claim it is an infringement on their freedom of speech to be punished for speech?
Hunter Evans
13 barely literate Russians drunk on vodka against the largest and most well funded media machine on planet earth. If they really did influence the elections what does it say about them being able to appeal to fly over America better than the extremely well funded and education coastal elite? I think they did more to push people towards Trump than the Russians could possibly have done due to their snooty elitist behavior. To me that sounds like the much more realistic scenario.
Cameron Hughes
Justin Gomez
Fuck off you retarded kike
Blake Long
Another implication is that this changes the timeline of when Internet Research Agency was KNOWN. Current narrative is that it was formed in 2014 but nobody knew about it until the election, but they were taking interviews from BuzzFeed/MSM since 2013-2014 so they're not even a secret. If all they found was the name of this place after 1.5 years they truly have nothing.
It's over for the FBI. Everyone has figured out how they work: they're just a bunch of leftycucks who have no idea how to use the internet or technology, just talking random shit they see on BuzzFeed and getting paid for it. 1.5 years of "investigating" and all they come up with is an old BuzzFeed article.
Isaiah Murphy
They are running out of things to blame Russians on.
>Election hacking: debunked >Collusion: no evidence >Indictments: irrelevant/pointless >#releasethememo: Americans
Wyatt Bennett
Jayden Harris
Henry Smith
Ethan Parker
goin' to bed bump!
Aiden Garcia
When Indian shitposting reaches Australian tier, we all have a problem. The streets will never be safe again
Daniel Cox
(((Goldman))) Every time
Jayden Foster
First of all I'm a WASP, second of all I guarantee you that myself and my family could buy your home, have it demolished, build a house on the same lot, and have it demolished over and over again, without ever risking spending pastour means. I gurantee you, that you're a peasant by comparison in wealth.
I'm a man that comes from well means who believes in pragmatism and realism, not tribalistic liberal versus conservative group-think, which you clearly adhere to.
Julian Hall
John Watson
I was wondering when we would finally make it to China.
After all, Hillary wuz a spy for the Chinese (even though I have not seen much mention of that fact on Cred Forums).
He'll fire, Comey even wrote about how she left her shit open while in China, emailing that "high person" (0bama) in the Administration.
Hunter Davis
>Hillary spied for the chinks I knew about the 20% share the chinks have on shareblue/Ctr, but actually spying for them? Does this explain the unsecured email server in her bidet?
William Williams
The loos will run brown
Ryder Rivera
Nathaniel James
It’s much worse than that user. The focus will shift. First it designated shitting streets, then blocks, then suburbs, the. Towns, then cities, then counties, then states, then whole nations will choke under the poo menace. Rebel outlaw groups such as the FlushBunnies, God’s Macerator Army and the 15th Light Bidet Cavalry will flourish, then die. A dark brown cloud will cover the lands. It’s s terrible future user. I have foreseen it.
Hudson Fisher
Straya fuck yeah
Hudson Bennett
what the hell is the FBI doing? Trump needs to be harder on these guys.
Wyatt Lee
Everyone knew these existed but you have to collect actual names, and before they didn't have the authorization nor the resources to do it. Idiots.
Aaron Hernandez
Went to sleep and back to bump again. Keep this shit going fuck the shills. Bake more bread if we need to.
Jonathan Morales
Im gonna pasta this shit user.
Fucking saved
Cooper Myers
I'm sure.
Gabriel Williams
Easton Morris
Wyatt Parker
LOL, wait until you realize that Mueller became director of the FBI a week before 9/11 and Manafort and Gates activities (along with a bunch of other people's activities) have been ignored for years and years.
The fucking state of the the alphabets. They're just imploding, the kikes are imploding, it's unbelievable how much powerful the truth is
Thomas Foster
Benjamin Richardson
op i'll unironically believe you if you post without hiding behind a memeflag.
Asher Allen
Zachary Young
Jaxon Adams
change that memeflag and show us you're legit op
Lincoln Ramirez
>Friend and chef of Vladimir Putin HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
Ian Morris
Ethan Carter
Benjamin Richardson
>Sometimes I get extra paranoid because I have doubts that our globalist enemies couldn't possibly be this fucking stupid and incompetent.
The system has existed for so long that the people who it now employees are high on their own supply. They are forced to work with true believers and only an idiot actually believes the propaganda the system is producing.
Hudson Jones
FBI done fucked up.... again.
Henry Lee
do you believe that all political systems are doomed to failure after a certain length of time?
Justin Johnson
Adrian Nguyen
Naturally although some can last longer then others. I think a proper monarchy with a well educated aristocracy has the most potential. It helps when you are training people from birth to govern. What we have now is just a mess. The masses, and we know how stupid they are, voting in a popularity contest and a bureaucracy that makes it impossible to remove dead weight and encourages mediocre performance.
James Martinez
Landon Flores
>4chin is a russian site mama mia
Jack Watson
So basically, they were reported on for five years, and at least three years prior to the election. All of them during the Obama administration. And no one did anything why? Why did it take Trump to come onto scene for these jackasses to start some shit?
Mueller and his team are just as fucking incompetent as the FBI.
Luke Williams
good bread desu
Thomas Young
checked >proper monarchy is this a meme like "real communism"? what would a proper monarchy be? has one ever existed before?
>a bureaucracy that makes it impossible to remove dead weight what do you think of Trump's "for every new regulation two old regulations must be removed from the books" policy?
Thomas Barnes
we need to kill these alphabet asshats, FBI bootlickers, and cia cockroaches. they are a plague of corruption upon mankind and an abomination of power, Under God.
Xavier Young
Bump. Somebody compile this shit into a quality memo and send to media outlets. I don't know how this is not the top thread on Cred Forums. The absolute state man.
Christopher Green
Another bump for good measures
Elijah Mitchell
No, you retard, he is backing up what we've been saying here
Hunter James
FBI >ignores a psychopath who repeatedly says he wants to murder a bunch of people >goes after shitposters instead
Daniel Hall
so many other things the FBI could be looking into
Christopher Ortiz
I wonder if the retards at fucking buzzfeed remember writing that shit. They should be screaming about it. Contact the original author. This is a golden opportunity to humiliate those lazy fuckers.
Dear FBI. Please neck yourselves, you baby killing filth.
Henry Sullivan
Nuclear war with Russia now. It's the only way to end this Soviet aggression.
Hudson Wilson
Yeah because the FBI only has a dozen or so agents, and they're all working the Russia investigation... You're fucking pathetic. When Trump falls people like you will be first against the wall.
Josiah Davis
Keep dreaming kike. Every organization has priorities and limited manpower. The FBI chose to work on spying on Trump, and phony Russian bullshit. They threw this shit out to deflect from their gross incompetence.
Xavier Young
They have an industrial grade shit shooter and they're firing it at the MSM wall hoping something will stick before Trump finally breaks the back of their criminal network.
Untidy shit like this is the sign of panic solutions, and peons being driven with a whip. This is what a student who's been slacking off all year does with their final exam on deadline day. Just "fuck it" and hope the professor doesn't notice because he's too snowed under with other shit.
Nathan Powell
How is this not illegal? This is CLEARLY mueller trying save face after the memos were released. Shouldn't this constitute at least a charge of abuse of power or some kind of incompetence or bias? This thing is completely motivated by the FBI's sinking reputation. Can we do anything about this?
Parker Bell
what an absolute retarded alphabet soup agency
Levi Torres
LOL, yeah at this rate Trump would be out of office (with a 2nd term) by the time Mueller or the FBI indicts him on anything.
Ryder Reyes
Nothing is illegal when you're an intelligence agency user. The deep state is above the government, there is no oversight for the overseer
Landon Campbell
>When Trump falls people like you will be first against the wall
Showed your cards, moron. You went full commie. You *will* hang as a conspirator. Day of the Rope isn't a meme shitpost any more.
Also, have been wondering about the digits some of you subversive scum have been scoring, but your post convinced me Kek wants us to pay special attention to them, for cracks in the "holier than thou" mask like this.
Gonna keep an eye out for this pattern. Kek signal boosts for a reason, but it may not be immediately obvious why.
Matthew Smith
Oh look, I was right.
Tyler Price
That poster would be great with a little My Borders My Choice logo. Or if it's already posted places, to add it in with sharpie.
Evan Smith
uhhhhh..... nice.
Jordan Cooper
Go to drudgereport and submit this to Drudge. This is the only way to get the word out to the masses. Maybe also submit it to infowars, Drudge frequently links their articles.
Ian Taylor
Robert White
No hiding from the internet anymore We the people have all the power
Logan Thomas
>tfw the Department of Homeland Security calls out NBC for fake news
Cameron Stewart
>FBI >>ignores a psychopath who repeatedly says he wants to murder a bunch of people >>goes after shitposters instead reading news articles from 2013 WOW THAT'S SOME TOP NOTCH INVESTIGATING
Asher Ramirez
Please do not come in this thread Please do not read this thread Please do not read any of the links in OP's post Please go back and find a nice thread about any one of the following CIA approved topics instead: 1. Big black cocks 2. Shrieking teenage lesbians who hate The Bill of Rights 3. Threads that should be on or Thank you for your cooperation
...and in case anyone forgets... These things are all fake anyway Russian busted the CIA spies running the fake companies that don't exist anywhere in Russian financial records
Josiah Moore
The United Business Registry database in Russia works according to the Federal laws, so after twelve months of inactivity a business is simply liquidated. The Internet Research Agency was liquidated in December 2016 by the government system after it been inactive for twelve month. It’s inactivity implied that the company had no employees, no office, and no bank transactions for at least twelve months! >The United Business Registry database in Russia works according to the Federal laws, so after twelve months of inactivity a business is simply liquidated. The Internet Research Agency was liquidated in December 2016 by the government system after it been inactive for twelve month. It’s inactivity implied that the company had no employees, no office, and no bank transactions for at least twelve months! The United Business Registry database in Russia works according to the Federal laws, so after twelve months of inactivity a business is simply liquidated. The Internet Research Agency was liquidated in December 2016 by the government system after it been inactive for twelve month. It’s inactivity implied that the company had no employees, no office, and no bank transactions for at least twelve months! >The United Business Registry database in Russia works according to the Federal laws, so after twelve months of inactivity a business is simply liquidated. The Internet Research Agency was liquidated in December 2016 by the government system after it been inactive for twelve month. It’s inactivity implied that the company had no employees, no office, and no bank transactions for at least twelve months! NOT FUCKING REAL CIA OPERATION
Zachary Edwards
You're also a pretty smug, conceited piece of shit, aren't you? Your spine must hurt from having to come to Cred Forums to kiss your own ass that hard. No one else is willing to do it, eh?
Dylan Wilson
More evidence that this is all retarded and at any rate happened under Obama's watch.
Eli Flores
>When Trump falls people like you will be first against the wall. Checked! I guess Kek is telling us that we better make sure Trump never falls. Praise!
Kayden Cox
Owen Sanchez
Stop blowing Mueller's cover fuckers.
Swamp getting drained.
Carson Powell
He's on our side dickweed.
Sebastian Lee
Bump for job opportunities at the FBI
Josiah Smith
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahah! So they weren’t even active during the 2016 primaries! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! This shit is gold but we need the sauce so we can btfo Mueller for basically lying on these indictments. I’m pretty sure that’s pretty newsworthy. True pundit might be willing to run with it if verified.
Jaxson Wilson
Isaiah Young
Jack Gomez
Too short to be a good copypasta, great effort though
Matthew Stewart
Keep pedaling, maybe we’ll believe you one day.
Leo Wilson
Jonathan Diaz
This entire witch hunt has always seemed like an operation to fully convince people of Russian hackers. And to distract them from something else. If they convict even 1 person they'll always be able to point at that and dismiss any facts of Deep State or corruption. So according to the article the CIA was the 'Russian hackers.' Who may not have been operating at the time of the primaries or election. Why am I not surprised.
Asher Wilson
>Never go full retard THEN WHY ARE WE IN IRAQ?
I'm glad God killed you non-believing cocksuckers.
Dylan Perez
>Trump lies >Trump lies >Trump lies
Get your own lies assorted before you dunk on someone else's bullshit.
Ryan Peterson
So it's all speculation, no one actually knows what Stoyanov was arrested for besides the actual charges of treason?
Justin Hernandez
Bump this, someone with a twitter start sending it to fox and the trump team.
Austin White
Angel Evans
Yes. Democracy historically collapses every 250 years and gives way to monarchy or dictatorship.
Democrats weaponizing state departments to illegally attack Republicans and a sitting president is pretty much the death wail of the republic, as there's no walking back from that. Democrats better pray Trump doesn't win a second turn, otherwise ALL their dirty laundry will be aired.
Angel Clark
Stoyanov was col. Mikhailov's agent and was used to leak info on cyber criminals and Mikhailov's "competitors" in GRU/FSB/SVR to US intelligence via NSA/CIA-linked commercial "info security" company. Investigation into Mikhailov started long before 2016, after he leaked some shit about GRU operations.
Aiden Sanchez
When you get all your facts and opinions from news sites wether they are telling the truth or not. You still have no idea how any of it works nor could you just do their job. Its sad to believe that many peoples foolhardy believe one site, or the couple sites that say others are fake.
You can spout off everything you want to me, Not a left nor a right, Voted Trump, call me bait. I enjoy watching the attempts at trying to convince yourselves the world is out to get the white man.
Parker Thompson
>TRUMP COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA Nope. All "evidence" has proven otherwise.
>COLLUSION IS NOT A CRIME Correct. Otherwise the Democrats would go to jail for coordinating with agents of the British government, Russia, and Ukraine. In Ukraine's case, the DNC directly paid for kompromat.
>TRUMP LIED ABOUT IT How can he lie about something that never happened? Saying it didn't happen isn't a lie.
The problem with you libshits is that you make accusations with no evidence, and when people say you have no evidence, you scream that they have to show you have no evidence. That's not how it works in court, dumb cunt. You're completely flabberghasted Trump hasn't been impeached over invented or imaginary crimes never committed, to the point the people leading the wholly partisan investigations will themselves be investigated for fabricating evidence and lying about it—federal crimes, by the way.
Isaac Johnson
Hudson Cox
Is this real? Is this the actual state of US intelligence? You guys didn't even bother to come up with new shit?
Colton Jackson
LOOK IT UP!!!!!!!!!
THIS IS WHAT THEYRE USING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Austin Clark
Names of the 13 in the indictment.
Irina V. Kaverzina Vdim V. Podkopaev Gleb I. Vasilchenko Vladimir Venkov Dzheykhun N.O. Aslanov Maria A. Bovda Robert S. Bovda Sergey P. Polozov Anna Bogacheva Aleksandra Y. Krylova Mikhail L. Burchik Mikhail I. Bystrov Yevgeny V. Prigozhin
Matthew Morgan
Semi legit post. I don't know if it relates to what Dems are pulling now, but they did repeal an act that made domestic propaganda illegal in the 2012 defense authorization act.
Isaiah Gomez
Smith Mundt Act?
Gabriel Kelly
How is shitposting even a crime? How do they prosecute Russian citizens?
Brayden Peterson
Nicholas Jenkins
gtfo with your shit tier meme and fuckery flag Left can't meme is not a meme
Mason Garcia
The Internet Research Agency has been a bogeyman of fake news cucks for a while now. Basically the same article "exposing" these people has been published as an "exclusive" or "breaking news" by multiple cucked news organizations including I know for sure the Guardian. I think those faggots possibly broke it as a new story more than once.
I remember journalist Mark Ames talking about it and pointing out how retarded it was years ago.
Will try to find some links now.
And by the way, what really pisses me off is that while the media break stories about a handful of what appear to be Russian government pro-Russia trolls, they NEVER talk about the fucking army of pro-China trolls paid for by Communist China.
These trolls, by the way, were among the very first who were noticeable online along with the Jews of course. Any article or anything at all to do with China in every mainstream and non-mainstream source for over a decade will 100% have pro-China commenters using shill tactics of diversion and so on. But the fake news journalists never seem to call that out.