How Do We Stop This
It's the tighty whitey sit. You do it because your balls are uncomfortable and crossing your legs loosens your briefs amd shifts your balls about, while spreading them tightens them and makes your balls even less comfortable
You can stop it by wearing proper undies instead of funky looking panties
Horseshit, I wear briefs, and I cross my legs with my ankle on the knee, not like some Kansas City faggot!
Holy shit, how small are your nuts? I can’t even think about sitting cross legged without being uncomfortable.
>crushing your balls makes you more comfortable
Not even a good troll. Any guy who sits like this is missing some of his junk.
I call it, "The Trudeau"
Freeball like a man you fucking pansy.
>(((talk shows)))
are for faggot shabbos goygolems
lmao alot of people sit like this i prefer to put the outside of my heel on my opposite knee though
this is the unabashed chadsit. junk is comfortable resting on their left leg, nothing in between the legs.
You gotta shift em
Pls kys yourself OP
soy sitting is crushes the balls and reduces sperm count
yeah I hate that shit
looks gay as hell, even on the a super masculine dude
>pic related
there is no ball crushing invovled.
It's looks classy and dignified, but fat fucks can't do it without crushing their balls.
I honestly dont understand how these guys can sit like this comfortably. I mean my balls and dick isn't small but it cant be that fucking big. I cant even get into that position without painfully smashing em. Im 6.3 240 if it matters.
Tiny Testes Soy Sitters detected
>6 foot 3
>240 lbs
You would be considered fat in Europe.
ankle-knee is the only way for a man to shamelessly cross his legs
Unless he is built like a NFL linebacker.
Im defintely overweight. Bodyfats about 25%
How do you even sit like that without testicular pain? I can if I loft them up before crossing legs, but I doubt they all reach into the pants every time they sit down.
>calm down grandpa
they might be testiclets
Dude, you need to learn to chill the fuck out and target real degeneracy not this pseudo-psycology bullshit
You must be LARPing about having testicals. My nuts hang down at least 4 inches and if I crossed my legs I would be worried about showing my jewels through my pants more than "crushing" my balls.
do your balls sit on top, crushed in the middle, or pulled down below your thighs?
Knee over the other knee = traditional way of crossing legs; most of Europe do this.
Ankle over the other knee = american way; seen by the rest of the world as very vulgar.
height and dick length are correlated - likely, you're only 6 inches in length. sorry man
One nut mid to be fondled by my thigh and one below to hang loose. Weirdly stimulating
How do they even pull that shit off
My balls would be crushed
They must have balls the size of peas
It's really odd to see and infuriating
I can’t sit like that. I crush my balls
I say soy sit is for under weight manlets, wife says it's for boomers.
Betafag detected
this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Cred Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious.
Piss on you, I'm workin for Mel Brooks!
Who /footonknee/ master race here?
Honestly I sometimes sit like that when I've got hemorrhoids or just took a very hard shit and it's still sore, maybe I'm not the only one
I can do it because my big nuts hang.
so it's a masturbatory thing?
compression of your testes reduces sperm production just FYI
If I sit with my legs crossed will I become a multimillionaire just like them?
That's because you're a fat person with fat legs.
Fat people are unable to sit like this because they're too fat.
People of normal weight can sit with their legs crossed quite easily.
One time in little league I was riding the pine waiting for my turn to bat and I sat down like this.
The amount of shit I got for it resulted in me to this day never once ever sitting like that again.
About 7 like everyone else their eyes roll back when I go in. I have at least 40 more pounds of fat to burn off with keto over the next few months. I also broke my kneecap and left leg recently so that leg is even skinnier than it should be for someone my size. Still cant sit like that.
He's advertising himself to other gay men.
Sort of, I guess. Good to know, never really 'compress' as much as 'nestle' but point taken.
How the fuck has this been ignored? God bless.
Europeans must have no balls then. Just thinking about crossing my legs hurts my balls.
>have to burn of 40 fucking pounds more
>still trying to argue you're not fat
What the fuck
>falling for the keto meme
oh yeah well my balls are so big they hurt from being so big
Has anyone else here accidentally sat on their balls? Ever since my balls dropped they have been abnormally droopy. It's always funny to see a girl's first reaction to my low swingers. Also I can't really sit like OP's pic.
At that point I would cut one off.
>Those are two separate measurements
I've never been a girl, so I've never sat like that.
Shame is good.
We need to bring it back.
The man-children running around larping as antifags never had experiences like these as young boys.
> Be 7-8 yrs old
> Playing violin for couple years
> Walking to violin class after school
> Four older kids follow me, surround me
> Older, 9 yrs?
> Bullying ensues
> Def Leppard shirt kid opens violin case
> Me end up on ground
> Violin broken over my head
> Kids walk off
> Never play violin again
Somehow, I think I am a better man today for this experience. Though it sucked at the time.
Do your balls hang lower than your dick?
I just tried all three. Balls on top is the most comfortable. I wouldn't be caught dead sitting like this in public. Totally inmascululine
Ketos worked for me to the tune of about 25 pounds so far. I was 210 pre accident. Ballooned to 270 now Im 240lbs 3 1/2 months on keto. Earlier I stated I was about 25% bodyfat. Goal is 15%
So tell me, how does it feel to be an uncivilised nigger?
>hah I know I'll tell a story to show how much of a beta cuck I am
Let's see if we can shame you some more so you stop doing dumb things like this
Holy shit dude. Music and poetry are literally the manliest things a person can. Even above building your own house. Total disservice to yourself. Sad.
Fucking immature cucks
fuck im sitting like this right now
Maybe you are right user
A communist having no balls?
Europeans aren't as fat as Americans.
I second this. I used to be thinner and could sat with crossed legs. Now at 340 I can't sit without spreading my legs.
doesn't he have a micro penis?
The Balls go up your legs you fucking twat.
You don't even know how to sit like a gentleman, maybe because you are a fucking loser in life and never had meetings with important people
Jealous of these giant danglers?
Just because Burgers are fat doesn't mean everyone is like you, the dick and balls go up your legs
>Finally, Cred Forums has come together to address the nation's sitting problem.
Lucky for me I’m too fat to cuck leg.
>nothing in between the legs
Sounds about right, soyboy
Shit hurts dude I cant help it.
Mein nigga
I don't get why anyone would cross one knee over the other when you can achieve the same suspension with your ankle instead, whilst keeping your junk comfy.
Maybe you should lose some weight
thats the one. looks way less faggy.
sitting with legs tightly crossed originated so people couldn't see up your skirt.
Maybe you should gain some weight in your balls.
holy shit the level of self consciousness in this thread. Just sit down and if it shit isn't comfortable adjust it. Its like the virgin walk all over again.
Lee was old, his balls were probably dangling at his foot at that time.
I cross my legs when I sit to make sure nobody get's envious of my dong print.
You got bullied by a bunch of edgy teens who idolized a faggot British band. Your father should used this as an opportunity to teach you not give in to peer pressure which is the complete opposite of what you learned.
You're a giant fag
Average penis size in Europe is much bigger than that in US, maybe because of all the Race-mixing with Mexicans and Africans and Chinks
I love sitting like that with a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other.
OP is a tinydick loser.
>I made someone else choose for me what to do in my life
>there are """men""" who can physically sit like this comfortably
lmao @ their lives
you nigger, that's how an aristocrat crosses his legs. Alphas have been crossing like that since the beginning of times.
>You're a giant fag
look at how fags sit. You sit like that, not me.
Who said any thing about penis size? Are you so emasculated by me that you have to turn something about the way someone sits to a dick measuring competition?
Damn. I would punch myself in my face if I sit like that.
OP's pic is a bunch of guys that had to suck a Jew's dick for a movie role. Think about it.
It’s ankle on knee
mandatory testosterone screening at 18 and increasing the normal testosterone range so having the test of a 70yo is not considered normal anymore
Are there Greek statues of men sitting like this?
Jesus Christ what happened
I don't understand why Cred Forums picks random shit to whine about. I sit like this all the time and I am definitely NOT a soyboy. If anything, it is more masculine to sit like this because it shows that you don't care what anyone thinks.
That's me on the right.
That's not a fag sits, that's how an employed educated man sits
You are talking about balls size
ive been sitting like this lately. its comfortable.
I sit like this. I call it the chad legspread
Thank you for inquiring about my tuna harpoon to balls ratio. Luckily it's pretty big, maybe a little over 5 soft, so luckily my mayonnaise hydrant hangs a bit below my balls
only queers sit like that. you might as well wear a chastity cage if you do, because it's like trapping your balls. 100% gay
Learn to smile for a picture, you're close to the soy boy 'smile'
Um, no.
this says it all
lol this OP fag doesnt know how to sit comfortably
sit like that around my town and it would be you and a bunch of girls. just sayin. it itsn't common at all here.
Just dig out some pics of European kings and princes sitting and see what I mean. Sitting like a nigger does not make you an alpha, but rather makes you look like a low-class moron
It is very common for more succesful men to cross legs. It's more comfortable and we simply Do Not Give a Fuck about Haters
This thread is about balls, you come at me so butthurt and emasculated you whip out your 2 inch froggy crescent.
She should tie her shoes
Is Jay a black man's name
Please tell me my ex girlfriend said she met a guy named Jay
Holy fuck please someone
My heart
I'm gonna die
user.. I...
This. I can't cross my knees and not get uncomfortable.
Please tell me it's not please
She's a beautiful Scandinavian girl
Deep state mkultra elsagate programming designed to signal other brainwashees.
The only Jay I know
Lel, you got cucked
>She's a beautiful Scandinavian girl
Scandinavian girls are the biggest coal burners
Sorry user my heart goes out to you, but I personally no 0 white people named Jay. I had an ex where I found out she thought black men were attractive. I had to break up with her. Now she does meth and her life is shit and she's texting me all the time trying to get back with me. It may hurt now but you're better off than she is.
this, but unironically
Apparently I don't know how to spell "know" sorry fellas
Push her over the edge by txting her a clip of you plowing some dark skinned negroid.
It's the right thing to do, user.
Don't mistake all of Europe to your southern faggot culture
i just kinda put my legs where comfortable, which is usually spread out, infact i take the high cross to the extreme, at my desk at home, my keyboard sits on a ledge that is about 5 inches above my leg, somtimes ill cross one leg on top so my knee is resting on that surface.
so my whole body weight is being leaned onto the crossed legs.
like the number 4 kinda, like one leg is indian style sitting...that has always seemed the natural way, the way pictured in op is how females do it
I am 192 pounds and am 6'7". Screw off.
best position here
>somtimes ill cross one leg on top so my knee is resting on that surface
That's really comfy if you have the flexibility for it
She dated another dude after me (surprisingly he was white). Currently in college and involved in greek life. The dude dumps her because his entire fraternity talked to me about how she's crazy and I told them the type of shit she'd do. She spiraled into crippling depression. She hit me up saying dumb shit like I was the best thing that's every happend to her. Kept asking me dumb questions like why did we break up? what's wrong with me? Conversation somehow got to the topic of sex. She wanted to come over. When she got here she saw various articles of clothing from different girls i've slept with. Basically told her in person how she's literally a piece of shit. Didn't fuck her becaue i'm not giving her anything she wants. Now my new style is Nubian Queens. Got my dick sucked by cute black girl. Sent video to ex. Best feeling ever knowing that being with me is the best point she will ever have in life.
It is called hooking your ankles.
Whatever you say fin fag. Europeans have tiny balls, proven by your froggy brethren.
That's the most incel shit I've ever seen in my life. I've never met a straight man who crosses legs or ankles. Just keep them straight infront of you wtf
This is a fine position, but you need to put your left hand over your crotch to fully embrace manhood.
> Not doing the Chad Double Cross
Off yourself
Just a function of your physiology if you are comfortable sitting like this. It was actually more common among men back in the day before we bacame roided up hambeasts
where the fuck are they putting their balls?
do they just squeeze them between their thighs?
This is such a fucking sad story
It's okay, I get it. You are jealous of my 8.7 incher when at peak performance.
I either sit in the lotus position or in a crouched/squatting position with my knees up.
It's not the style of sitting, it's the man himself that makes the difference. You can see presidents and generals sitting knee over knee.
if you cross your legs while sitting, one side's ankle must be resting on the other side's knee like
this is the only way to cross your legs in a manly fashion
the cuck leg crossing like in OP pic crushes your dick
LMAO nice
Goebbels was a "soy boy" by your logic I assume?
Neck yourself.
Don't forget to sage brainlet threads.
PS : the "soy boys" in the OP have probably fucked at the very least 10 times more bitches than you ever will, most of them are chads
I don't see why that matters if you don't even have balls you fag.
DONT Stop it.
Its an OBVIOUS tell on who is a faggot. Let them expose themselves
first try to learn defecating in private
>/footonknee/ masterrace
Sorry op but I doubt your claim that you exclusively man spread
Pretty much all of the Europeans and half of these yank fags in here.
ive met her, shes a POS of a human.
This cuck leg is very disturbing
Just go commando like a real man, people see how big your junk is, and you get a nice breeze
mconnaughy is a soyboy? wat
One time I ate to much cheese I had to sit like that.
I think that's near the corner of houston and west broadway
if I see that bitch on the street I'm laughing at her
>spic unrelated
I noticed with people who sit in this pose want to mirror themselves, so I sit in a different position to fuck with their heads. They are very insecure.
stone spreading
all of those "men" are secret faggots.
>tfw 5'5" with a Nice!™ dick
it looks odd i will be honest but you can't have everything (without leg extension surgery)
That was mean and unecessary user.
i dont understand this. they must have the most feminine benises and balss
I thought Dax is a cool dude. What's his story?
hes a gay fagmerican
He's married to Kristen Bell. With children.
I'd marry Kristen Bell and have children.
And he's got that bad ass 67 Continental.
You. Are. A. Kike. Shill.
Kill. Your. Self. Now.
Id cuck you and impregnate Jewsten Bell and make another 50% el amerigoblino and make you race it
>legs not crossed
Your point is..?
there's a reason he was so mad at the world
Is this only achieved after your boyfriend blows you?
Well him having a micro penis means hes still bigger than 99% of the polish population
don't even bother. you're arguing with virgins that think sitting with your leg crossed is gay. i was literally told this when i was in elementary school by an 8 year old child, and here we have an entire thread made of the same mind
a low t cuck detected
>ITT: Beta cucks thinking that how they sit changes who they are
lmaoing at ur lives
the crossed leg sitting position is actually an expression of intellectual dominance.
a noted side effect of increased female hormones in drinking water is that the distance between anus and urethra is shortening in male infants, as males become more feminine because of birth control that seeps into the water table. so many men can not place their junk on top of the leg, that's because they are more like women oor have micropenis
its an expression of effeminate faggotry is what it is
sitting like that at the moment. My balls aren't between crossed legs, they are comfortably under right thigh.
believe whatever you want, boy. it won't do you any good to look dumb and angry
delete this
YWN cross your legs manfully while watching the boat races as your wife, a paradigm of feminine grace, kneels beside you.
Also considered an alpha
I have hypogonadism, so sitting like that doesn't bother me.
It was proven that effeminate men do that, no one among these are alphas, look at King Nigger
if you dont sit like this or that , and any inside the pictures , then you´re a buttsniffing dicksucking kiddiediddler.
Also, the traitor Peterson also sits like that
Tom Hanks being a pussy has somewhat ruined Saving Private Ryan for me, one of my favourite movies ever. All I can think of is him in the first 5 minutes, pinned down in a foxhole, tweeting about Trump while everyone else is fighting.
>soy sit
I can swear he's looking directly at me on this pic, scary stuff
>cuck legs
THIS guy knows. Small ducked and small balled cucks don’t understand crossing your legs because they don’t have a big enough dick and balls to let them hand low below the leg crossing.
That's not the same pose and looks far more masculine.
Nothing hotter than your woman doing the eye balls rolling in the back of the head thing, that and gripping the sheets. And moaning. God I love my girl.
Soyboys with soycocks don't know what they're missing.
If you're a little faggot, you'll look like a little faggot no matter what, crossing your legs or not. If you're manly you will still look manly. Simple as that.
It's seriously disappointing to read all the man child comments in thia thread caring how man sits. But it's more sad that you're surprised that this position exists. Men have sitting like this for centuries, especially the upper classes. No, it's not that you have a massive cock and hence can't sit like that, is that you're accustomed to be with shorts on your bed playing video games instead and doing something different feels uncomfortable.
lol i love you Cred Forums
i was wondering when would this catch on to you
>flags behind the wrong PMs
>not the same pose
How about this one ?
You're a complete faggot! Holy shit brah! You could have learned a badass instrument (check out Paganini) but some glam metal faggots whooped you and you're thankful for it? Sounds like you're a cuck bud, now kys loser
>wearing pants
>sitting down
>not letting your balls float freely in the gentle breeze
>never having sunlight on your balls
You ladies are cute
Dont foget the women, giving them voting rights was the biggest mistake the western societies ever did, We have to shame women or they turn into feminists and ruin society.
It's not just the leg crossing, look at the other aspects of the posture. The curved posture, the effeminate gestures, the make up. There is a lot more subtlety to it than "omg he crossed his legs".
Did you at least scream out Def Leppard sucks afterwards?
literally missing one testicle
>not just reaching hand down pants to set things straight the chad way
Huge dick and balls fits better in crushed space.
Checks out
Still an effeminate pose, and I love draper
But Jon Ham is notorious for his fuckhuge cock.
The only one who pulls it off well is the one in the middle because he looks good.
Duly noted, but it hurts my balls just looking at it. I can only sit ankle on knee but never crossed legged. And my wife hates it when guys sit like that. So there's that.
That Matthew McConaughey and he looks like a faggot in that pic.
Ankle knee master race.
kek at all these guys saying they are uncomfortable in this position and equating that to having a big dick
it's about the size of your thighs more than anything. if they are larger than average due to working out or being fat, that is what makes your balls and dick uncomfortable, because they are being squashed by fat or muscle. A skinny guy with a huge dick can sit like that comfortably
>all these yurocucks talking about crossing legs being feminine when they literally sit down to piss
t. testiclet
flag says it all
I occasionally sit like that if it's a deep chair/etc that you kind of sink into. Depends on what kind of pants in wearing too.
Usually I just put my right ankle on my left knee.
>soy sit
Kek, I'm going to use that
His legs are crossed at the ankles,not the knees...
Commend this man
>Being proud of this
Nothing is more degenerate soy behavior than being a fat piece of shit. When is the last time you saw your dick user? Can you TRex arms even reach your peeper?
usa is the land of degeneracy.
>dominant feminism
>being gay is the norm
>little kids being drag queens is the norm
>Being transsexual is the norm
>school shootings are tradition
>White woman going for blacks
>sjw are the norm
>lmao healthcare
first world country my ass
Your wife is probably fatter than you are. Tell me, does she have that red diaper rash pussy all fat white girls have? Actually, have you ever seen your wife's pussy?
I lost a bunch of weight, and now I have the poor habit of doing this.
too thin
>i was learning proper traditional western music and then a bunch of fags who listened to jewish crap beat me up so i decided to let them fuck me in the ass
And you're proud of this too.
>dominant feminism
>being gay is the norm
>little kids being drag queens is the norm
>Being transsexual is the norm
>school shootings are tradition
>White woman going for blacks
>sjw are the norm
>lmao healthcare
Gotta give people here credit for compiling the soyboy epidemic
I'm missing the full body pic, but this is trumps face reacting to sitting next to trudeu's feminine posture. I hope it gets posted here.
Yeah that's the one i do, the op one makes you look like a faggot
found it
Checks the fuck out my nuts are oddly huge and sitting gross legged is actually comfy
Odd. So not only is she a kike but you would also breed that kike?
How do they even sit like that without smushing their balls?
That was his face after JT fucked his wife
What balls?
There was a girl in uni who to this day has no idea why I wouldn't fuck her.
She's probably a single mum with AIDS by now
This fampai. Someone post the pic.
>I broke up with her because she was into niggers
>I fucked niggers so I'm the man
What the fuck mate.
Two wogs don't make a white
They're just trying to keep their bf's cum in their asshole and not let it drip out.
>Kansas City faggot!
>Kansas City
>Kansas City
>Kansas City faggot!
What did he mean by this?
t. Kansas Cityan
everyone who has long slender legs will do that at some point. of course manlet wouldn't understand
I sit like this sometimes because I have a lumbar injury that inhibits my hip mobility. Pls halp. I've tried stretching my lumbar/hamstrings but nothing works. Sitting like a girl looks gay af and I hate it.
>mfw unironically doing it already
>OP using a picture of A-list celebrities to try to prove his """""point"""""
You would lube your asshole up with vegemite and get penetrated by BBC for a chance to hang out with any of them.
>every person in that pic has fucked more girls than all of Cred Forums combined
Yet you call them cucks. Virgin saddos.
Sitting like this isn't initially crushing any balls, because they shift a bit so they're not inbetween the thighs. Although for me personally, it gets a little uncomfortable after a few minutes.
I just prefer the ankle-knee position, can't go wrong with that choice
Thank you I really appreciate that. It has been while.
>calling guys faggots for how they sit
>talking about how big their balls are
>scared by the sheer thought of being effeminate in any form
>being this insecure
>literally just dudes beating their chest in an effort to assert their masculinity over complete strangers
>going to call me a soyboy or a cuck because that's how predictable you shitheads are
Sit however you want, if it's comfortable and works for you, go ahead. No need to be a dick over trivial things
Same my nuts are the size of golf balls and my dick is 10 inches. The only people uncomfortable by this are overweight
I actually like it when it's a bit tighter around my balls
I only wear very tight underwear as well
t. gay Bavarian
>tfw when nuts the size of small marbles
Time for death I guess.
YES, why did it take so long for this to appear in the thread, we are hurtling into the abyss!
Literally female sitting. They teach this shit in kids cotillion.
This my mom told me that's how ladies sit, and men don't do that.
This guy knows what's up.
Same thread every time. Its an american thing originally, you're seeing it gradually adopted as a power move in the asian business and fashion world as a manly and brash posture. It was used as a way of detecting american spies during WWII because no one outside of U.S. and perhaps canada sat that way.
Its probably a primate pelvic display and both ways of crossing your legs work fine if your thighs are not thick. If you are fat or have very muscular thighs then don't sit that way if you dont like it, you will have the added bonus of not thinking that you look like a soyboy, giving you extra confidence throughout the day.
Lol! his arms are crossed. He’s actually scared himself with his demonstration. What a maroon.
Ok, less roll with that.
These men have no balls.
Kek, user
hey fruitcake, is that your boyfriend in the picture or do you wanna go get a drink
woah woah ... KC faggot here, crossing legs is super comfy
I call it "the Trump"
At least he has some hot chick to go home to. When he doesn't he dials one up.
The soy sit is suitable for those who lack gonads to squeeze between the thighs
>Same thread every time. Its an american thing originally, you're seeing it gradually adopted as a power move in the asian business and fashion world as a manly and brash posture. It was used as a way of detecting american spies during WWII because no one outside of U.S. and perhaps canada sat that way.
>Its probably a primate pelvic display and both ways of crossing your legs work fine if your thighs are not thick. If you are fat or have very muscular thighs then don't sit that way if you dont like it, you will have the added bonus of not thinking that you look like a soyboy, giving you extra confidence throughout the day.
A healing post for those here. Thanks! This is why I still come here.
W-where I do get soybois this cute?