Have a seat. Ask a Nationalsocialist anything.
Have a seat. Ask a Nationalsocialist anything
What entitles you to the benefits of socialism in national socialism? is it employment?
What is your opinion on Christianity?
why totaler krieg?
why invade countries?
does your mum know your gay?
Which country do you believe is the most likely to become a natsoc state?
More like Nigger Socialism... that's what would happen if national socialism would be institued in the US. Most of your newborns are noggers and you had a nigger king already.
it stands for integration of the society. Nationalism has to be social. You are nothing, the nation is everything.
gets questions, some actually legit,& he won't reply
Why must you continually sabotage white heritage and pride with your incessant authoritarian worshipping garbage?
Can't you just fuck off back to Israel and fuck it up instead?
Im an ethnic nationalist ask me anything
how to prevent the fuhrer being a total fuckhead?
we stand for positive christianity, the christian culture of helping the poorest member of the nation. yet we oppose their political influence on society
>Totaler Krieg for a faster ending war, full mobilisation of everyone for the common goal
>invaded poland to protect our citizens from terror, offered peace to england and france quite often, operation barbarossa was preventive attack, tried to save western europe
straight, fuck multiple girls
sabotage white heritage by promoting an aryan society? huh
>national socialism
>Jews get their own state from which they can continue to undermine the west from indefinitely
>Jews get to make up bs about a holocaust for 100yrs of gibs
Was Hitler actually a Jew playing 4th dimensional chess on the goys?
where do you meet the girls you fuck?
do you go on dates with them? how many dates before fucking? where do you go on dates?
we wanted to give them place in madagaskar, where they could degenerate.
>fuck multiple girls
Degenerate. You fuck one girl, your wife. Promiscuous behaviour was looked down upon in National Socialist Germany.
uni, internet, random happenings.
1 date or less. cinema. often i visit them at their home and straight fuck them
yeah when you are married and have wife, its something else.
Does your mother knows you are an edgy retard on the internet?
Why can't you stop sucking dick, faggot?
hes an anglo.cuckson they literally cant stop sucking cock
arent u part of bulgaria? why do pretend to be greek?
Why do you hide behind a meme flag, tough guy.
You are probably from a country that the nazis occupied lel
Prolly a french
If socialism doesnt work this time will u try again?
Prove it
Hey fren.
Probably holland seeing how he contracted "national socialist" to one word in the first post
He might be, but for sure he ain't from germany since he isn't replying anymore.
Why does no one care if Hitler poo-pooed in his pants numerous times throughout his adult life? Wouldn’t that make him the most unusual world leader of his time? Weren’t babies practically “born potty trained,” in the Victorian Era, having no memories of poop in their pants thanks to 1.) dresses for boys, 2.) cloth diapers, and 3.) mothers obsessed with putting them on little hand-held chamber potties all the time? I’ve wondered this for years. Why the fück does no one care?
How do you pass on leadership when the fuhrer dies?
If you want your people to have white kids shouldn't the fuhrer lead the way?
Don't you have some shiptars to sexually satisfy, Sashko?
Bullshit, as the component, and only as such, your intrinsic worth is comparable to the intent and success of whatever such nation you reside in/fight for.
How do you expect to have a beach without a single grain of sand?
or, get fucked cunt.
take your pick.
Why is the slavic male "untermensch"?
what do when you realize individual responsibility supersedes you absolution in collectivism?
>INB4 Sargoy of a Canuck
No seriously, how do you let an individual become a representative of a NatSoc Govt. stand before an international audience in the age of technology without letting issues become a back and forth based on that person's own choices rather than remaining the voice of their nation?
>See skull and bones intiation
Federal Reserve is an offshoot from the Templar Order so I guess you have a couple of guys jack off in a coffin with daddy's supervision?
you did the thing.... German? Scandinavian?
Come on, drop the memeflag
were you present here
and here
Isn't natsoc a failed ideology? Considering Hitler offed himself like a coward I thought you would find a respectable ideology to follow?
Would you consider yourself a traditionalist or a futurist?
Germany makes sense.
>Germans do the thing
>Germans are subject to severe punishment for nationalsocialistiske remarks and ideas
>Germans use proxy, so without memeflag we'd just get America, and a way of typing that doesn't fit any demographic of burgers
this one however seems more east-euro
>arent u part of bulgaria? why do pretend to be greek?
and so does this one
>we wanted to give them place in madagaskar, where they could degenerate.
Hitler fled to Argentina.
Shut your face Maori-cuck.
What is the difference with fascism?
Lol fuck off Barnaby.
do you recognize other versions of tribalism other than ethnic
here we go
day of the rope when?
those who attacked us were asiatic horders, just as portrayed correctly in "der untermensch"
failed ideology how? it worked perfect for germany, probably the best ages of its history except the nonwanted war
fascism is low NS, it doesnt care about race
the moment people dont want their daughters to be raped anymore
>falling for philosophical modernism
Natsoc failed miserably. It's the ideology of disenfranchised basement dwellers upset with the world for there failures.
jewish communism will never work, NS did. companies cooperated with the state but stayed capitalistic.
You are right, I can see all the basement dwellers from this position.
>NS did.
A country that lasted only for a decade and that was at war for most of its history is hardly evidence of a working system. At least communism has the USSR, Cuba and NK. I'll take liberal capitalism thanks.
Fuck off Aussie Sargon
>I'll take liberal capitalism thanks.
Good luck. I wonder what will you think when your son becomes a tranny who chopped his dick off, and marries a random black dude from Nigeria.
>fascism doesn't care about race
not sure if bad translations, or if you actually don't know what you are talking about. What books have you read on NS/ fascism?
Why do you waffle about purity and excellence when you use a pic of a degenerate manlet cripple?
National Socialism had a keynesian economic system. Whilst that is not inherently a capitalist system, it certainly does have capitalistic aspects.
Povl defined NatSoc as a left wing policy long before Cred Forums existed. Probably before there was internet
I wasn't, but I watched livestreams. It was a good march and the fact that many NGOs, institutions and commies came out to speak against it shows that they are scared. I will prob go next year tho.
Ask people to choose between a eunuch tranny married to a Nigerian dude, or a Nazi ... well everyone knows who’s the real faggot. Keep gurgling that natsoc...
nuremberg law wasnt really applied by italy or spain, so they didnt care about race obviously.
>Liberal capitalist
>The best argument against centuries of successful liberal capitalism
Fuck off
OK yeah, he was big about biological purity in his speeches. Until he started drilling oil. His legacy is considered a great victory for the cultural marxists
Dr. Goebbels hold a few of the best speeches in history, can you compete czech?
When will you start actually removing the subhumans and not just larping online?
Time is running out...
Why does a degenerate manlet cripple gets to talk in your aryan paradise full of demigods. Is this the same reason why alt-right figureheads are all either jews, faggots, racemixers or mudshits?
Simple question. Even a socialist should be able to answer simple question.
remove how? i vote for a conservative party that does want to deport them.
cause he belonged to the best german speakers, who cares about his leg?
They want to know if you are going to throw one of your world famous autistic violence tantrums
>remove how?
organize squads of like minded people, go out and do it
also, why vote for the conservatives, why not for the reactionaries?
>what is the SA
I was. Stayed for 5 minutes then went to a hardcore concert.
>forgets that those centuries had America be 95% white with extreme penalties for miscegenation
Oh, so suddenly we are making allowances, eh? How very commie of you.
This is why your socialism is shit, because you people are the first ones to break your own rules.
>marxist socialists
Do you like being Jewish?
You guys plan on doing anything significant in the near future, or are you just going to keep being an irrelevant fossil from the 1940s which only serves as a Boogeyman for all the Gutmenschen in my country and leftists around the western world?
Where did you get that shit from
Hitler was pro individual and pro collective
He wasnt a communist
OP is a faggot but Hans.. Adolf did so much for Germany
As they say had he died in 1938 they would have built monuments to him around the world
Gib mir 15 Jahre Zeit. Ich werde unser Land zurückholen.
Probably would have. Imagine if Hitler had accepted the "appeasement" after the Anschluss and then simply stayed content with enacting Nazi Policy in greater Germany.
The world would be a completely different place.
With the passing of time, i am getting more and more pissed off by other races. I know that the only ones i should hate are the joos but i cannot evade the inmense need of kill browns and niggers alike.
What i should do.. my hate is becoming bigger and bigger. When i go out, i only need to see one apatrida on my city to get me infuriated.
Be smart, if you act like that Italian guy, you will hand them ammunition to establish a bigger policestate than we already have. Fight them by spreading the alternative future for Europe. You can go into politics, make videos or spread flyers. Violence can happen if we don't stop multiculturalism and the destruction of our identities, but it is a last resort
>Hitler was pro individual and pro collective
wat. shut up cunt.
see the jew, act the jew. only way around it is to temporarily be a 'turncoat' until 'the time is right'.
>Still believing "socialism" in "national socialism" is actual socialism.
Fuck off /nu-pol/
At least you are well read danebro. I've only read biological worldview from him but from what I've read on like it looks like knusen really was mentally ill. Didn't he get kicked out of his own party for race mixing or something?
You do realize the critical flaw of National Socialism right? It's all fun and games until you're the one being genocided. Do you think they were going to stop after the Jews were eliminated for "the sake of the state"? No, they would go on to kill blacks, gays, muslims, anyone from axis powers. There no end to the abuse because the idea of getting rid of people who don't benefit the state just keeps going until you're the one be killed.
You realize they killed the disabled too right? en.m.wikipedia.org
The flaw is that when you lose a purpose, such as permanently damaging something, you're no longer needed in the state and just genocided just like the rest of the "weaker people" you're going to be killed off too
So the balkans what do you think about us?
as it should be. Survival of the fittest
>anecdotal evidence is no substitute for genuine proof
>on pol
That’s so fucking classic
>You are nothing,
Where is the Nazi gold hoard?
Please text lat/long for my GPS
Yeah that's all fun and games until the state judges you "unfit". Then you're being gassed with the Jews you were laughing at before.
how come your ideology is so nigger tier it needed to chimp out and invade other countries? can you make a natsoc state without the need to try destroy your neighbours?
don't mean to be all horseshoe theory here but this is really true and can be applied to communism, where does the culling end? do we cull those that have an extra cow than their neighbour or who don't parrot enough communist lines. It's an ideology of fear and death just like communism but with different arbitrary reasons to kill you.
>NatSoc is Socialism
American education
NaSoc didn't fail, that would be communism. It was a defeated ideology and was thoroughly removed once the war ended, despite the improvements it did on the German people.
Nope, it was a third position and was always meant to be just that.
I don't see the problem in putting disabled people out of their misery. Literal retards and mentally I'll don't serve and thing in the long run, and only drain from the guardian/state. The Spartans were huge on cutting out the weak and crippled and they were some of the most strong and productive of their time.
>muh ebil killing nahtzi
You retards do realize that NatSoc was implemented without any race war killing sprees, right? Hitler was elected democratically and did his job. Now if you're talking about the holohoax, than I'll just leave you with that since if you haven't learned from now, you won't ever.
This meme that National Socialism is socialism really has to die.
why is there no party running here or there..get with it, I wanna vote
>invaded poland to protect our citizens from terror
Hitler didn't believe that.
"Reich minister Darré also noted Hitler’s remarks to the gauleiters in his
private diary: ‘In history,’ Hitler had declaimed, ‘the Victor is always right!
Thus, in this war, I shall have only the dictates of my own conscience to
follow – that is, of my own God-given people. Ice-cool, I shall resort to
actions that will probably violate every valid law of nations. What we need,’
he continued, ‘is space. And I hope to acquire the space we need in the
>murder millions of poles
>murder trazillions of slavs
>NatSoc was implemented without any race war killing sprees, right?
kikkity kek
Fat white girls, right?
For Germany probably because it's probably outlawed. There are some in America and Canada with I remember, but the low sign ups and LARPing don't attract people.
> Le genocide of poles
>Le genocide of Slavs
Was it 6 gorrilion? If not, I have to be guilty about jews hehe
>NatSoc was implemented without any killing race war killing sprees, right?
thats for niggers
>being this wilfully ignorant
I've talked to people whose families were killed by nazis during the war in the east, they would wipe out entire villages and leave not a slav alive.
Yes, I'm sure the rest who "survived" of that Bolshevik camp were put into sex machines and holocoasters. Surely, there is no other race than the pure blooded, blue eyed, blonde hair, white Aryian that should survive.
Why cling to such a universally despised ideology? Are you really a Nazi or just a shill that wants to discredit conservative ideas?
because it's the current counterculture, member when the chans used to be liberal back in the bush days? pepperidge farm remembers.
Every national socialist I've met in person are Jews. Why come?
I remember, that straight fucked my mind in my youth.
>member when the chans used to be liberal back in the bush days?
They we're more like anarchists desu
>Remember when chan used to be liberal
That's almost as revisionist as saying chan was liberal since the beginning.
>pepperidge farm remember
Ah, so now it all makes sense
you had more libertarians too
it's not revisionist at all, you seem new or are attempting revisionism yourself.
No, Cred Forums has always been a majority between libertarian and NatSoc. I bet you think Cred Forums came first.
That's not Goebbels
I bet you couldn't even name the precursor to Cred Forums to be quite honest.
As I say.
Jokes on you kids.
Stop pretending that everyone else is as shallow as you are. Not everyone are girls that just follow the wind. Some of us want to understand the world, find what is right and stand up for it.
I do, but you probably don't. I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with jews
>shitposting online
>standing up for something
unless you affect something irl you are nothing in the grand scheme of things, get off your high horse.
not bad
Oh shit!
So in your worldview the internet is a black box?
Anyway i do speak up in "RL" too.
>speaking constitutes action
>reddit spacing
when will you people leave and stop bandwagoning remember what you said here>Not everyone are girls that just follow the wind
follow your own advice.
don't be unfit or degenerate then. It's a utilitarian principle, and is no different to survival of the fittest in nature. Would you object to the lion eating the gazelle that is more unfit than the one that got away?
Stop with your bants aussie. We can't just shittalk all the time.
>survival of the fittest
well don't be surprised when the ones being genocided fight back and possibly win, it's just a recipe for pure instability. who decides what's degenerate? and how is violent instability utilitarian for the society? there are just too many gaping holes.
I'm not banting, you need to go back.
All replies to this post are retarded. National socialism is socialism, but socialism doesn't mean welfare, it just means the government controls heavy industry.
Eichmann wrote questioned this also in his journals as uncovered by David Irving. Rather, he questioned whether the Jews somehow orchestrated it all.
I can answer this. Hitler did not marry nor have children because he recognized he needed to appear available so that the women would idolize him more, hoping they had a chance to be his frau.
well i guess youre just stupid then.
Nobody was genocided by National Socialists. That was the Jewish Bolsheviks that virtually created the National Socialists.
As far as retarded people being executed, my aunt is severely mentally retarded as was born in a public hospital in East Prussia in 1941. She was given excellent care by the government then and today still lives in a facility in Osnabruck.
It is possible that individual hospitals did experiments on, neutered and possibly even killed some handicapped people, but it was no different than what was happening in asylums around the world at that time, like Napa State Mental Asylum near San Francisco.
Why are you inferior?
What differentiates you from a Hitlerist
and how old were you when the girl you liked started dating a black dude
Germany was only at war because the Jews and world elites declared war on him the year he was elected. Hitler represented an existential threat to the capitalist bankers and Jewish elite that no one else had in modern times.
If Hitler had succeeded, there would be no central banks anywhere in the world today and usury would be illegal. There would be virtually no financial sector and all of those parasitic profits would be repurposed to build a strong and large middle class that 90% of citizens would belong to.
The powers at the time could not allow this, so they declared Hitler an evil warmonger and then set about destroying him.
We see the same thing with Trump today. The MSM calls him unstable, crazy, stupid, hateful and the bringer of a nuclear Holocaust. Of course, the truth is that the powers that be would rather destroy everything rather than lose their position of absolute control.
Go figure fat bitches, fuck black guys.
You don't get it. There was no way whatsoever for Hitler to avoid war. The Poles were launching raids across the border and behaving like South African niggers toward German farmers, raping and killing civilians en masse.
These antagonisms would have just escalated until Germany was forced to defend itself and if that didn't happen, Russia would have invaded by 1942 regardless.
Hitler had no power whatsoever to avoid war. He fought the Jews and therefore had to be destroyed.
Objection! Third hand hearsay!
Why do newfags want to push this "Cred Forums was liberal back in the days"? I've been here since 2008 and that was never the case. Cred Forums in my time was a pretty racist place, aside from the fact that there were regular Hitler loving/jew hating threads, as well. Wouldn't really call them NatSoc because they didn't really care all that much about the political aspect of it (or anything), but it was a place that deemed blacks inferior, whites superior and made fun of the holohoax.
Only if they fought back.
Did you become a nazi before or after you got diagnozed with depression?
how much longer do we have to wait?
Are you a national socialist or a (((neo-nazi))) ?