Just in case you were wondering what all the odd Icelandic Rabbi shilling was really about.
>The Icelandic bill says the circumcision of young boys violates their rights and is incompatible with the United Nations convention on the rights of the child. It draws a parallel with female genital mutilation, already outlawed in most European countries.
>Not being allowed to hack at baby penis would make life unsustainable for them
Jace Robinson
Ryan Cook
so... what you're saying is we should be lobbying to get circumcision outlawed in other states/ countries too?
so we literally wasted all this time on countless campaigns when the only campaign we should have ever worked on was spreading awareness of the horrors of male circumcision and campaigned for completely outlawing it, in turn forcing kikes to leave our countries?
Julian Brown
Enjoy your micro-anteater dick and dick cheese.
Kayden Young
Daniel Adams
Just with a SINGLE raid (,Ottomans have injected masculinity into Icelands soyboy population.
I love my ancestors :)
Blake Parker
Ryder Cooper
circumcision is only good for shithole countries where the concept of washing yourself every day or every second day is an old wives tale
Xavier Sanders
Cooper Russell
>passing laws to ensure ugly dicks
Noah Flores
>(((American))) can't be trusted to bathe regularly
Ryder Kelly
Well when the spotlights on Poland, it's the best time to make your move.
Josiah Hill
Is that what your mom told you so you wouldn’t be mad at her for the thousands of nerve endings you lost and the need for lotion to jerk off?
Isaac Roberts
see this is why you got 9/11
Eli Cox
Is that why Americans use lotion? I never understood why they need lotion.
Blake Bennett
They never follow up with the 900k FGM cases because islamaphobic. Good luck and enjoy being tossed off buildings faggots.
Benjamin Young
Our dicks aren’t coated with smegcheese.
You can actually smell an uncut cock from 10 feet away. Wash yo dick.
Samuel Walker
Connoisseur of cock scent detected !
Julian Morris
Why do you care if a baby's dick is ugly?
Julian Lewis
they need fresh foreskins or their true form is revelaed it's like gremlins but in reverse
Disgusting practice hope it gets banned in all Europe.
Angel Fisher
It seems you can also smell insecure Americans with mutilated dicks from across the ocean.
Adam Hernandez
Fucking good. Circumcision should be a choice, not a birthright. If you wanna get your foreskin snipped, you should be absolutely free to make that decision, when you're an appropriate age.
Fucking boggles the mind that 1st world countries still allow people to mutilate the genitalia of newborn and infant boys. It's fucking madness. There's no sound argument for it whatsoever especially given that other 1st world nations do not circumcise infants and suffer no adverse effects.
The only people who argue for it's continuation are religious zealots and dudes who have already been snipped and refuse to acknowledge what was taken from them at all costs, even going so far as to support the practice as if others' suffering this practice makes it 'normal' for them to be robbed of their dick skin at birth.
Samuel Wilson
>it's religious freedom to mutilate children Truly Islam is bringing it's best people to Europe
Eli Kelly
gremlins was a fine picture,i tell you what
Liam Sanchez
>American hygiene
just wash your dick you mutt
Joshua Bell
I was circumcised when I was born, why are they doing it when kids are older?
Joshua Jones
Some people can't pull their foreskin back when their penis is erect.
Lucas Rogers
It's downright mad. You should want your kid to have the best life possible. Instead, you solve the cognitive dissonance by mutilating them. If you lost an eye, would you poke out your newborn's? Completely mental.
Nolan Carter
There was a study a few months ago, scientists checked a baby's brain before and after circumcision. It showed signs of heavy trauma. Jews managed to outlaw the study.
Colton Morris
Jesus and the new testiment were against circumcision. I support the end of this barbaric practice.
>gee, I wounder who is behind this post. here's your (((you)))
Oliver Price
Yes, because mutilated penises tend to need moisture, especially with masturbation. Male genital mutilation should be illegal.
John Morris
Oh look a week after they get their first Jew they gotta start cutting baby dicks
Andrew Sanders
t. dicklet
Connor Thomas
Can confirm. Circumcision is not always the answer though. Foreskin can be stretched over time.
Jonathan Bennett
t. foreskinless dicklet
Enjoy never having the full experience of jerking off with your foreskin.
Adrian Howard
>Paying Jews to be able to freely mutilate your sons without anaesthesia and sell a important part of their sexual organs to the fashion industry I'd rather have the ugly dicks.
Evan Wilson
If God is so smart, how come he gave you a foreskin to chop off?
Ryan Murphy
The new testament renounces it as a sin...
Chase Morales
Good on Iceland, really hope they pass the bill, non-consensual circumcisions without actually medical necessity are completely immoral and unethical.
Nathan Scott
Anyone who is okay with mutilating defenseless children can pack up and fuck off
Alexander Baker
Just have a bath, you scruffy cunt. You're not living in the desert anymore, subhuman.
Cooper Howard
>Jesus and the new testiment were against circumcision Big if true
Owen Walker
Luke Long
>It draws a parallel with female genital mutilation Hey, someone finally realized that cutting a boy's foreskin is the equivalent of cutting off a girl's labia. Only took them 30 fucking years too.
Brayden Hughes
Tsk, here you are, thinking boys are equally human to girls, how quaint.
Fuck, people are retarded.
Jayden Ramirez
>ICELAND NO!!! Possibly, maybe. We shall see. First the law has to pass, but even then it's not really No! time yet. But IF they ever enforce it and punishes a Rabbi for breaking that law. Then it's an Iceland NO! situation that will shake the world.
Parker Davis
t. someone whose mommy snipped his dick for no reason.
Justin Richardson
>Baby boy pops out of puss >Lets cut the skin off his dick so his head will become dry OH SAY CAN YOU SEEEEE. BY THE DAWNS EARLY LIIIGHT.
Christopher Wood
Enjoy your soulless needle dick. You literally have less girth, and less natural lubrication.
Logan Young
Daniel Stewart
Ya you're right. Women should barely have rights.
Cooper Jenkins
You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Jayden Lewis
You don't have the freedom to mutilate genitals.
You can't get butthurt about africans doing it and then just allow jews to do it.
Justin Gomez
Based iceland
Bentley Rodriguez
James Hernandez
>First European country to outlaw male circumcision
Circumcising (healthy) kids is already illegal here in Finland. There's not a certain law against it, but it's considered as an assault and the culprits will be fined if the social services found out. Circumcising a kid for medical reasons is legal but those medical reasons must be diagnosed by a doctor. Hygiene or other mutt reasons don't qualify.
Nathan Wilson
the jews exert such massive control over america that this tradition of mutilation is widely spread, meanwhile the rest of the world lives happily without this jewish tradition of mutilating their children...
Benjamin Powell
>rationalizations of a man with a mutilated penis Many such cases.
Jonathan Rogers
>jerking off Sorry I'm not a degenerate
James Davis
Are you a soy boy or an impotent fellow?
Ethan Reed
>removing a body part that has evolved for a reason and provides a function for an organ >medically neccesary >culturally important
Yeah, sure Schlomo, mutilating my child's penis is a life necessity. I can't wait when they ban it in the rest of Europe.
Blake Turner
Top kek Paddy
Nolan Fisher
This is true. The trauma of circumcision for babies under 2 years old causes frontal lobe damage similar to what's seen in psychopaths.
This is actually generally true for all bodily injuries of a certain degree, but I suspect the fresh nerves in the foreskin makes it much more damaging for the brain.
Robert Sanders
Justin Lee
It's relatively common. Stretching exercises work for some, but most times a steroid cream is prescribed, and it gets the job done. Severe cases of phimosis had circumcisions done to solve that problem in the past, but now they can just snip a part of the band and it gets the job done.
There is literally no good reason for circumcision to happen anymore.
Cameron Cox
>America Hygeine
I unironically had an argument with not one, but two different American friends about showring. Both claimed 1 shower a day is incredibly unhealthy, both claimed a shower every 2 days is unecessary. One said she goes several days without showering usually, and that's pretty common with American girls. >Americans ever talking about Hygiene >not showering every day (or at LEAST every 2 days) I now know why Americans complain about people smelling so much in highschool. It's because you fucks don't shower for days on end, and don't shower before going out in public for the entire day.
Eli Cooper
>mutilated >not ugly
Pick one you flaming faggot.
Lincoln King
Uncut American checking in
Julian Jenkins
Cooper Gonzalez
Ayden Brooks
Citation wanted
Nicholas Sanders
La atrocidad...
Aiden Nelson
>his parents fell for The Meme™
Jayden Long
seriously, it's assault with a deadly weapon on a newborn. You'd think it would obvious to ban it. Or simply just not have a medical orderly attack your son's penis with a knife.
also, circumcision has nothing to do with cutting dicks.
Cameron Wright
>god made man in his image >except that part lol cut it off
Benjamin Kelly
My mom told me I had to start stretching it since I was like 5-6 years old now it goes all the way back
Thomas Parker
middle east africa and america call a spade a spade
Where circumcision isn’t the norm, the forskin is considered part of the dick... it’s cutting dicks.
Jacob Price
can confirm. i shower everyday, all of my girlfriends have been every 2 days or even longer than that. and they wash their hair like once a week. >women are gross >big fan of their holes though
Logan Turner
Reminder that it's been proven that circumcision of infants permanently alters their brains. And you have to agree that Muslims, Jews and Americans share certain distinct quality of mind.
Samuel Baker
There is no widespread penile infection in the EU. I never had it. Nobody ever warned me about it. It's virtually nonexistent. I know of a fuckload of people who have had some serious issues from circumcision though.
Landon James
Dylan Lee
>paramedics performing circumcision That seems a little odd
Ryder Fisher
Take something away, something at the core of masculinity and there is a psychological vacuum. A man will fill that unnatural void with something else.
Parker Richardson
Henry Stewart
every culture that mutilates their males is at war.
Jaxon Baker
El Abominación...
Isaiah Sanders
how many had father figures? another culture fuck up. the new one was adopted and the father died when he was young or something? I don't recall exactly. A child needs a masculine influence or they're ruined, statistically speaking.
James Baker
I like that flag.
Dylan Wood
that is a rare pepe
Robert Gray
el mierda piel
Ryan Jackson
Hunter Thomas
>tfw: too late
Easton Anderson
Jeremiah Sanders
ICELAND thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.
Nolan Price
Adrian Cox
Most of your ancestors were Greek, Armenian anatolians
Kayden Moore
Elijah Hernandez
>dudes who have already been snipped and refuse to acknowledge what was taken from them at all costs
If American men had any conception of why this practice was put in place and could accept the reality of it, the entire country would want to tear down zog. Most won't though. Most will try to make this mutilation of Christian and non-religious boys appear normal. Because if it can't be something to just look past, it would force them to accept realities they don't want and maybe try to actually fucking change those realities.
So don't expect any of these fucking cucks to own up to it being a torturous mutilation that (unironically) helps supply certain industries with human tissue for their products. Burgers just aren't up for it. They'd rather debate what's really white or who they're going to kick out in their fictional power fantasies.
Jaxon Robinson
Muh Christ-insanity.
Blake Walker
Amerifats are the most disgusting people I have ever seen.
Julian Edwards
>t. Shlomo Shoahkowitz Shekelberg
Michael Gonzalez
Fuck off mutt
Nathaniel Collins
Where do you find these disgusting people? The last time going a few days without showering was common was before middle school. Stop hanging out with weird smelly poor people
>German cardinal Reinhard Marx condemned the bill which calls for the ban of circumcision of all children, not only girls as the law states today. >Marx, who is a close counsellor of Pope Benedict calls the bill an attack on religious freedom pointing to the fact that Jewish and Muslim boys are often circumcised. >He has urged institutes within the EU to take action and prevent the bill going through.
Thomas Campbell
>t. Muhammad
Jose Jenkins
Foreskins bring in megabuck. Literally worth their weight in gold.
Joshua Lopez
>we've had this shit for so long that a piece of skin attached to your dick isn't considered "cutting off some off your dick" that's like saying cutting off your eyelids isnt cutting off part of your eyes please bomb my country
Joseph Smith
How did a crypto-Jew that didn't even change their name get to be a cardinal? Are Christians all actually retarded?