The polish are taking memes to the next lvl
The polish are taking memes to the next lvl
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Oy Vey.
You fucking racist Nazi.
6 million Jews were killed in those Polish death camps
10 000 jew killed over 6 milion jews
You're an anti-Semite.
this gonna be good
You mean 8 million Jews.
Learn history
11 million jews*
Holocaust is an overblown & overpresented propaganda story. While it most likely happened in one form or another, be it actual Nazi Holocoasters and Dickwhipping machines, or simply millions starving & dying of diseases in the failing infrastructures of Nazi Germany.
Its numbers even at the largest estimates are comparatively insignificant to many other horrors of the same era, many of which are even to this day viewed extremely leniently because of heavy propagandization, especially the horrors of Socialist/Communist regimes.
Suffering of entire nations has been buried under it, people whom were thrown in between wars of superpowers, countries that suffered very real ethnic replacements and cleansings.
The most reprehensible nature of it all is the way it exists in the modern day as an instant argument invalidator when it comes to confronting real people, with real agendas & very real religious and ethnic ties to a group that follows a codice almost as strict, uncaring unempathetic & almost hostile to those outside it as Islam.
A group that has during the history of mankind ALWAYS seen themselves as a separate class from every population of every single civilization, culture & nation they have inhabited. Even while holding extreme privilidge, they claim victimhood, they claim oppression, they assert that simply not believing each of their actions is without an agenda, without any underlying goal, is morally reprehensible.
All the while their members are uncannily often found causing division, sowing unrest and speaking for the civilization they pretend to be a part of, but when found out, when truly confronted, always duck behind a single short sentence. Simple sentence claiming belonging to a group, drawing its power from this very prolific piece of propaganda, that to this day seems to be capable of deflecting all and every criticism of their kind, a way they separate themselves and claim themselves an immunity granted by history.
"I'm Jewish"
Ahem it was 11 million jews and they also gassed 40000 puppies to death for licking jewish childrens hands
Can we start killing Jews now?
Why Polish ? If Jews were killed there they should be called Jewish Death Camps.
You fucking anti Polimist, those are German death camps
Jews are racist liars who built business on graves of own people. 50 mln people died in WWII and Jewish Death Camps were full of Poles, Ruskies, Czechs, Gypsies and other nationalities but all they do is larp about Jews because it gives them shekels.
What disgust me about Jews is they turned against Poles who saved them in large numbers during Holohoax (7000 The Just Ones were Poles). Jews have no honor or value and no soul.Nohing is sacred for them - even the people who saved them.
Poland 6,706
United States 5
Read the article:
It clearly states that 60 million of innocent angelic Jews were brutally murdered by goyim animals.
Because for the sake of their agenda they get to claim all deaths as Jews as long as it supports their angle. If it wasn't it'll normally default to the nation in which they resided, Lets say a jew goes fucking nuts, the headline one's make any mention of them being a jew, if they make a minor contribution to a project likes a space mission 'A Jew was instrumental to this project!' even if they were a coffee bitch.
They are liars. For example in Dachau biggest ethnic group were Poles.
Polish prisoners in Dachau toast their liberation from the camp. Poles constituted the largest ethnic group in the camp during the war, followed by Russians, French, Yugoslavs, Jews, and Czechs.
Lets say we have an animal farm with a slaughterhouse in Texas, so, is it a "Texan Slaughterhouse" or just an "Animal Slaughterhouse"?
Obviously, any non-brainlet would agree that a Texan Slaughterhouse does kill residents of Texas, but you're Portuguese, so...
Pay reparations, Hans.
High time to excavate some bones and dust here in Auschwitz and start asking questions.
Jewish Fantasy Camps.
The hoax is hoax.
“To believe a lie it must be a big
Lie and told often and loudly”
The Juden studied propaganda and used it to the advantage of the synagogue of Satan.
*does not
How's it going there Mr Burger, thanks for the foreign aid money :^)
You are wortheless little human. It's obvious injustuice and hate speech to call German Death Camps as "Polish" Death Camps. Only a Jew would go so low to blame Holocaust on Poles.
The real reason Jews shift blame to Poles-hate is Germans pay them. For money Jews would admit to being Hitler. You collaborated with Nazis, selling own brothers, sisters and mothers . Soros ? St Louis ? Chaim Rumkowski ? Jewish Getto Police ?
Kapos in Jewish Death Camps were of course jewish.
Based Alberto
deduct all communist from totals because communists are not people
Oy vey! You fucking vile antisemite.
Its a jewish slaughter
Jews ran many of the camps user..and they did so voluntarily
Careful there, leaf, you'll go to prison for hate speech.
This. This needs to be pushed hard af, if only to get the reaction from (((them))) that will wake up many normies. But Mort why are you screaming and threatening about us studying evidence about the nature and extent of nazi atrocities? Why wouldn't you want this?
So they're replaced one lie "Polish Death Camps" with another "Jewish Death Camps" both lies.
The truth: German Death Camps.
t. Polish Jew.
You manipulative kikes can suck my dick. I don't repeat lies under any circumstance. I won't bow down without credible evidence, which you dont have. Just admit most of your story is exaggerated bs already, bc we both know your story wont last much longer.
>I don't repeat lies under any circumstance.
You just did in your two previous comments, though.
Evidence points to german concentration camps not death camps, albeit people did die
Whats a lie?
Jews did voluntarily run aspects of those prisons, and there is little evidence they were death camps. The alleged gas chambers were post ww2 soviet construction.
They had both types.
>run aspects of
There's the weasel word, also ""voluntarily"" is a pretty big fucking stretch.
If I put a gun to your head and have you do something, that's not really voluntary.
Holy shit, you actually believe the official narrative? You're kidding right?
Das a good shoop...
Thanks canadabro, sorry for calling you all leafs, those were probably some of the muzzie migrants in Toronto...
Are these old photos or CGI?
Because they razed those houses, didn't they?
>Holy shit, you actually believe the official narrative?
More or less.
Why wouldn't I? Because some edgy teenager with a Nazi flag said it wasn't true on weeaboo imageboard somewhere between threads about how Jews control magnetic fields and why black men don't have big penises?
How naive can you be?
Many leafs feel the need to compensate for our cuck government and society so inversely proportional to Canada's cuckoldy, some Canadian Cred Forumsacks have to be as edgy as humanly possible.
I think it's post-cards from before it was destroyed.
So the Jewish ghetto police who helped round up their kinsmen were all doing it at Gestapo gunpoint?
Why didn't the Gestapo do it themselves then?
Of course it was voluntary and opportunistic.
They were looking to survive through temporary obedience to the Nazis, probably hoping the Allies and USSR will drive the Germans out before the Germans have time kill errybody.
Still, it was rotten opportunism and the Jews did take part in killing their own .
>They were looking to survive through temporary obedience to the Nazis
That's probably it, you don't have to literally have a gun pointed at you do something under the threat of violence.
At least not in a War or State-based-violence scenario.
The State is not some nigger kidnapper, if you run away, they'll find you.
Now don't get me wrong, I think Jewish collaborators were absolutely vile and deserved to die, but ""voluntary"" they were not.
You know it's going to happen again right? Keep that smile as long as you can Goldstein
>Why wouldn't I? Because some edgy teenager with a Nazi flag said it wasn't true on weeaboo imageboard somewhere between threads about how Jews control magnetic fields and why black men don't have big penises?
Not an argument.
Perhaps because its 2018 and you have access to countless resources, both official and independent, debunking many aspects. Perhaps bc you took the time to study the joke of the Nuremburg trials which relied on little evidence and forbade a proper defence, or the many trials over the years that forbade evidence that contradicted the narrative for the sole reason it contradicted it. Truth doesnt require laws to protect it, to prevent people from studying the topic. If you took the time to study it you would realize its just another narrative exaggerating history, but of course studying the validity of holocaust claims is anti semitic isnt it? Either you're jewish, lazy, or a completely deluded normie, but either way don't bring your non arguments here user (or most places on the internet), it's 2018, the holocaust is becoming more and more understood to be an exaggerated political tool.
Like I said, I'm a Polish Jew.
I haven't taken the time to thoroughly examine the contradictory evidence that's true, but I'm also pretty firmly convinced that my grandparents aren't liars and my distant relatives didn't go missing by coincidence.
Whereas I'm totally willing to believe that some anonymous Nazi-flag poster on Cred Forums is probably wrong, lying, or both.
6 million christians were killed by jews in poland during 1944 alone
world War 2 was a false flag, Hitler and the nazis were controlled opposition
At last I truly see!
Well I'm not saying many jews were not put into concentration camps, nor that many did not die at the hands of nazi germany. What you are told is "holocaust denial" doesn't deny that. Bc of the political narrative calling out the inaccuracy and falsehood of things like the ridiculous 6M number falls under "denial". Just another example of how disingenuous this topic is
I'm not even kidding, it makes total sense. Western society has been crippled since that conflict and it set the stage for the total destruction of our nations. (((They))) planned it all from the start
here's the original deathcount. that number fucking grew.
I'd bet willing to bet the most the exterminated Jews were the revolutionary type that started the whole fucking mess to begin with
I'm not personally hung up on the 6M number which I've always been told by Jewish organizations is a very rough estimate.
Nor do I particularly care, from a political or pragmatic POV, if people were shot or gassed like it makes any big difference.
What I do care about is this bullshit issue causing divisions between Jews and Poles who are kinsmen.
Why aren't your grandparents dead?
My grandparents are dead, but before they died they passed on their accounts of coming back from Siberian exile and finding out what happened to their relatives.
Mostly only elderly people were left and they were almost all killed by the brave Nazis, killers of the helpless and disabled.
If there's one thing I'm 100% sure of, historically, is that the Nazis were absolutely evil and deserved destruction.
>Why wouldn't I?
No, because truth has been garnished for just as long as it has been broadcasted. It's a simple truth, lies hold manipulative power.
So I should believe even less credible lies, because the mass media is lying, I should believe totally unsourced bullshit from completely partisan non-sources?
If you want to believe that, you should read the books of Anthony Sutton. (((Wall Street))) and the Bolshevik revolution
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Wall Street and FDR
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
no faggot, you shouldn't believe anything told to you. You should believe only the truths you find from seeking yourself. Jesus christ, you lefties have no capacity to think for yourself do you?
I'm not a leftist and I believe what I find credible.
It happens that I find many historical authors and chroniclers more credible than some edgy Nazi LARPers on Cred Forums.
antisemitism is a great invention.
I want anitpoo
Kek, keep drinking that koolaid.
Poo in loo, Rajesh.
This is absolutely one of the most Semitic posts I have ever read. You sound like a massive kike
>I want anitpoo
I'm sorry that you're so naive and gullible. If skepticism and thinking for oneself is Semitic, call me a Rabbi.
Gas the fucking jews
Back in 2004 Poland wanted to exhumate and study bones of kikes supposedly murdered by Poles. Jews of course started screeching about how they think leaving the bones at peace is more important than learning the truth.
>I'm not a leftist
who are you fooling
>It happens that I find many historical authors and chroniclers
Jewish authors and their Jewish publishers? c'mon, can't you see a conflict of interest there? How many exGerman soldier accounts have you read? By the way, I haven't read many myself but I know when I have a belief structured from only one side of a conflict. I choose not to solidify truths that I have not independently researched, even pop culture ones like the fucking "lessons that MSM wants you to learn from WW2" I just want to make sure I learn every lesson there is to be learned, I do that by never accepting that any source is 100% honest
>[judaism increases]
>who are you fooling
Myself at the very least.
>Jewish authors and their Jewish publishers?
Lol no, pick literally any book about the War written by a non-Jewish historian.
Good meme, thumbs up.
Here’s what I think happened, from a logical standpoint and not a; we made tens of thousands of German people into systematic murderers.
1. Germany controlled food production and had priorities for who received rations: combat troops, rear echelon, wounded (returning), German civilians, wounded (not returning), captured enemy, German criminals, political enemies.
Since the German frontline combat troop was being rationed less than 2000 calories per day by the end of 1944, how much food can we expect the political prisoners were getting? This not even taking into consideration the destruction of supply routes by allies.
2. The Nazis and millions of other Germans considered the banks and financial institutions and their historical proprietors (jews) to be THE reason that they lost in WW1, because they undermined and abandoned Germany. Doesn’t matter if true, they wholeheartedly believed it. So if they are the reason you lost the first time, it makes some sense that you would attempt to control the population of them and concentrate them in areas you can supervise.
3. The severe shortage of able bodied workers Made it neccesary to use prisoners as forced labor. Not very pleasant but if you can’t keep up production it’s not a hard choice to make in light of starting to lose a war on this scale.
These things combined, force labor, concentrated supervision and extreme lack of nutrition led to typhus and typhoid fever running rampant through the population of the cramped camps. Interestingly enough, the only way to treat this in 1945 was to isolate the person, give them proper nutrition, shave them, and use deliusing methods to kill the louse that carry the disease.
So when you say that they got off the train, got sorted by a doctor, (who identified the disease), they went to get gassed ( to Kill the louse), and then you never saw them again: that to me means the Germans tried to treat the people with typhus but ultimately they died
Thank you Poland.
Let's start the fire!
>So when you say that they got off the train, got sorted by a doctor, (who identified the disease), they went to get gassed ( to Kill the louse), and then you never saw them again: that to me means the Germans tried to treat the people with typhus but ultimately they died
In Auschwitz, when the Jews got off the train, they were separated into two groups - fit and unfit for labor. Those fit for labor were shaved, got a tattoo and a prison uniform. Those considered unfit were sent straight to the gas chambers because why the fuck would you feed and house all these of people in the middle of a war.
Statistically unlikely, almost the entire Jewish population of my country was murdered during the war.
All the jews just changed their names. The holocaust did not happen in any form, not yet anyway.
>All the jews just changed their names.
They abandoned their faith, their property and everything just so that they could fake their deaths? Do you have some examples, with pictures perhaps?
The very basis of your point is a good one, if it was an extermination camp as asserted by many holocaust historians then why were they sorted at all? Why bother with the labor part and just Kill them?
The Jews are all evil and must be destroyed.
Because labor could be and was exploited, Auschwitz III was a factory.
The city of Auschwitz was surrounded by several camps, only one of them was an extermination camp (Birkenau). And even in Birkenau, there was work to do (e.g. sorting through the possessions of dead Jews for anything of value to be shipped to Germany)
But people (like ethnic Poles) were dying at Auschwitz I Stammlager as well.
Yes, in fact the first gassing victims were Poles and Soviet prisoners of war.
>Mostly only elderly people were left
How is that possible if they were all getting exterminated?
>If there's one thing I'm 100% sure of, historically, is that the Nazis were absolutely evil and deserved destruction.
Compared to whom?
The Nazis weren't trying to wipe out all the Jews as evidenced by the fact that Jews were living for years in concentration camps, Jews being in the Nazi party itself and Jews being allowed to legally reside within the Third Reich.
Tell us about the Jews in the Nazi party
Show me a semite in Israeli goverment. They are all Ashkenazi. Real semites (palestinians) are being oppresed by Israelites (ashkenazi). Who's the real antisemite?
Due to the Nuremberg laws, it was possible for people of Jewish descent to be considered acceptable mischlings. It is for this reason that there were Nazis of Jewish descent.
This is very well established knowledge.
Emil Maurice, one of Hitlers personal bodyguards, was of Jewish ancestry. He was a member of the SS.
>22 million
I said Jews in the Nazi party, not Mischlings.
>After Himmler had become Reichsführer-SS, Maurice fell afoul of Himmler's racial purity rules for SS officers when he had to submit details of his family history before he was allowed to marry in 1935. Himmler stated, "without question...Maurice is, according to his ancestral table, not of Aryan descent".[16] All SS officers had to prove racial purity back to 1750, and it turned out that Maurice had Jewish ancestry: Charles Maurice Schwartzenberger (1805–1896), the founder of the Thalia Theater in Hamburg, was his great-grandfather.
>Even though Maurice had been a party member since 1919, taken part in the abortive Beer Hall Putsch, for which he was awarded the prestigious Blood Order, and been a bodyguard for Hitler, Himmler considered him to be a serious security risk given his "Jewish ancestry".[3][17] Himmler recommended that Maurice be expelled from the SS, along with other members of his family. To Himmler's annoyance, Hitler stood by his old friend.[16] In a secret letter written on 31 August 1935, Hitler compelled Himmler to make an exception for Maurice and his brothers, who were informally declared "Honorary Aryans" and allowed to stay in the SS.[18]
Dont forget the Jew that was Hitler's chief financial advisor that helped him rebuild the German War Machine.....
is there really any difference between jewish behavior and libertarians?
well its true
jewish identity politics
>I said Jews in the Nazi party, not Mischlings.
Here's the problem, bucko.
What the Nazis would consider Mischlings, others would consider Jews. Look at the way Jewishness is considered to this day. There are loads of people who are considered "Jews" with totally negligible levels of Jewish ancestry.
Truth is, the Nazis were far more easy going on Jews than the popular narrative suggests. Cred Forums is considerably more anti-jewish than the Nazis were.
What name?
The problem is that the argument is a non-sequitur
>The Nazis weren't trying to kill the Jews as evidenced by the fact that...they allowed the non-jews to live
Is there a website or archive with all of these? Really interesting stuff.
>grabs you by the throat
Don't try and pilpul me you fucking dumb little kike.
>Eduard Bloch (30 January 1872 – 1 June 1945) was an Austrian Jewish doctor practicing in Linz (Austria). Until 1907 Bloch was the physician of Adolf Hitler's family. Hitler later awarded Bloch special protection after the Nazi annexation of Austria
You act like this "Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews" shit isn't easily disproved nonsense. Additionally, why should we care if the Nazis were ethno-cultural chauvinists towards a group of people that were and still are, notoriously ethno centric?
Hmm, but if the Nazis didn't want to kill the Jews, why would Hitler's family doctor require special protection?
From deportation.
The plan was to send the Jews to the Palestine mandate. They were blocked by the British.
Oh, I see we are progressing, now we're not so nice the the Jews after all, we're deporting them. I wonder what comes next.
Poland saving the West isn't just a meme. We all need you, based Poland bros. Expose the truth and save the whites from this eternal jewish guilt trip.
Considering the fact that they could've all been wiped out, I'd say that was pretty nice, yes.
Far nicer than Cred Forums would be.
>we're deporting them. I wonder what comes next.
They get a country and then after that, who fucking cares? Just because Jews think they are the most important thing on earth doesn't mean anyone else does.
Truth is, when you see the way non-Whites have spat in the faces of White people and pro-actively try to attack them (Jewish Americans actually trying to attack the very people that took them in and fought the fucking Nazis and attacking the very foundations of America) it serves to show that mercy and kindness are foolish courses of action a lot of the time.
It is better to out right slaughter enemy populations so that future generations are not plagued with their presence.
That to me is the clear lesson of history. Gypsies, Jews, natives, blacks, arabs, etc. It would've been better to kill every single one of you.
>They get a country
I think you've skipped a bit there. The Jews were deported - to where?
Palestine mandate. I already answered this. That was the plan.
Jewish deportation was always part of the final solution to the Jewish problem.
It was supported by Zionists too.
Hostility to the British for what they call the "balfour betrayal" (the betrayal of the conditions of the balfour declaration) is part of the reason for their terrorist campaign against the British empire.
People cling to the "Nazis tried to wipe out all of the Jews" because it's a convenient rhetorical tool against European national identity. Whenever the White right want to make their voice heard, people inject the "slippery slope to genocide" fallacy into the argument.
The problem is 1) it isn't true. 2) You are dealing with a culture of genital mutilating ethno-centrists who are every bit as extreme as the Nazis they cry so hard about.
The idea that anyone with any sense should give give Jews, who have been causing shit throughout history, any special sympathy over the other people who suffered in WW2 is a testament to the severity of Jewish ethnocentrism.
>pic related is concentration camp money.
Yes, but the Nazis did not deport them to Palestine, or Madagascar. So where did they sent them?
They did but the British blocked them so they ended up either going elsewhere or going into concentration camps.
Concentration camps =/= death camps, as evidenced by the large number of Jewish survivors that admittedly were in numerous different camps over several years (such as Abraham Landau).
>Abraham Landau, a man who survived 14 labor and concentration camps, is about to finally have his story told in a memoir planned for publication in September.
Yet your article does not exactly make your case, see?
>Landau, who lived in New Bedford from 1950 until he died in 2001, might be as unlikely a Holocaust survivor as could be. In March of 1940, the Landau family was sent to the infamous Zagorow ghetto, from which only six people of a population of 18,000 were known to survive through the war.
And your "large number of Jewish survivors" is how many?
>Yet your article does not exactly make your case, see?
Except it does. He survived multiple different camps. Why did he not die?
Because clearly the plan was not to exterminate the Jews. I have conclusively proven this
>And your "large number of Jewish survivors" is how many?
Enough that the majority of Israel are Ashkenazi Jews and there are plenty of "holocaust survivor" stories.
The final solution was clearly not to exterminate the Jews. People were getting fed in concentration camps.
Lets face it, it's not that you don't "understand" what I am pointing out, you are simply squirming and attempting to use pilpul.
Cred Forums is completely immune to pilpul.
>Enough that the majority of Israel are Ashkenazi Jews and there are plenty of "holocaust survivor" stories.
How many Ashkenazi Jews are in Israel today?
Actually it was 6 gorillion, come on man don't be so anti semetic
it was 19 million jews*
and holodomor is a anti semitic hoax.
You sound like cartoon kike. I will have no remorse in the slaughter of your people.
(checked and heiled)
we must eradicate all israelis and jews wherever they are found.
Now you're just stalling.
I've provided conclusive evidence that the Nazis didn't want to exterminate the Jews:
Every single one of my posts has contained evidence that conclusively disproves the "genocide agenda" proposition. You have 100% failed to counter anything I've written.
If you go to 14 different concentration camps and DON'T die, then you were either chuck norris or people weren't trying to kill you.
>The man who survived eight Nazi death camps
Stop acting like you don't realise that you have been completely beaten in this argument.
>Now you're just stalling.
No, you're stalling by not answering the question about the number of Jewish survivors. The rest is just noise.
>haha you cant answer me how many ants are in this hive right now?
>therefore the holocaust happend just a told in 150.000+ different variations of selfproclaimed "survivors" and "historians"