Would you support gun control for 4 years, including amnesties and buybacks, if after said 4 years, the results of the policy will be measured by an objective team of intellectuals, scientists and a jury that is accepted by all parties?
If the results are overwhelmingly positive the policy will remain in place, if they're lackluster, it will be lifted, and if things are much worse, everyone who was against it will be more than compensated. If the policy is lifted everyone will get everything back.
We should disarm the government for 4 years, and see what happens. No weapons for police, military, FBI or CIA. What you will find is: 1) Lower taxes 2)No more niggers or spics 3)No more Democrats
Disarming the government would solve ALL of our nation's problems.
William Adams
shall not be infringed
Liam Edwards
Fuck no, too many ifs
Caleb Miller
already did that from 94-04 crime went up no thanks
go such a north african dong
Jonathan Scott
Grow up.
There are really 3 scenarios/turnouts, not 3 ifs.
The only if condition is that the policy will be truthfully reviewed after 4 years.
I would be interested in this as well.
What if after 4 years, if things goes your way, shall not be infringed will be bold and underlined?
Henry Fisher
No...no no no.Goddamn how many threads must we have? Our constitution will NOT be changed. The right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed upon. Get the fuck over it. Fuck those kids, they aint mine.
Caleb Davis
>What if after 4 years, if things goes your way, shall not be infringed will be bold and underlined? shall not be infringed
Gavin Ramirez
I'd like to try the opposite accross the EU, give us USA gun laws, word for word, for 4 years, then compare afterwards.
Brandon Green
Not now. Not ever.
The only acceptable compromise is a complete repeal of ALL gun-control. Period.
Elijah Russell
It seems like a lot of people doing unnecessary work. I'm not sure how much research you need to do or how intellectually heady the phrase "Shall not be infringed" is.
William Williams
I'm not sure if they covered this in your civics class but the whole fucking point of the design of the American government is that any person with power can be relied upon to abuse that power.
>Grow up. Let me slow it down so you can understand. How do you decide which technocrats to use in such a thing? An election? Then it just becomes more politics as usual. Certain college professors? How do you figure out which one is authoritative? And that just makes professorships into politicians.
Juan Ramirez
I want to know how come the democrats, who nearly had a super majority in both congress and in the senate suddenly could not pass sensible gun reform even when mass shootings had occurred during that period!
Luke Butler
No. And we can already see gun control had done nothing to affect other countries within 4 years. Name one that saw an acceleration in the downward trend of their homicide rates. All the countries had basically the same homicide rates before and after their gun control.
Caleb Bennett
Gun control is the first step to complete government take over. This is why SA is such a hell hole.
Leo Miller
Already happened. For a decade we had a shitty AWB. After it ended there was zero proof it did any good. This period is also when Columbine occurred. Even gun control fanatics admit this. Their excuse is always "it wasn't done right" or "this time will be different." Sandy Hook happened in a state with bans using a ban-approved rifle.
Kayden Brown
You set up guidelines and principles they have to follow and carefully examine their efforts. They have to stay factual and concise. You get all parties involved and make sure they're happy with the people put in place.
They would be dealing with nothing but clear and measurable results. There won't be any ifs, buts or correlation this or causation that. If there's any doubt and uncertainty means reversion of policy.
So far, looking at the past laws and homicide rates in the EU, the effect of firearm regulation is that criminals use former east-block military/police equipment anyway and if you have a gun you use the gun tho kill you spouse if you want to do so (like it happens occasionally in Switzerland), if you don't have a gun, you use a knife, like the rest of Europe. Changing nothing about the overall rate of such homicides.
In case you notice Estonia in the chart.. seems to be Russian gangs, same problem as the US has on the southern border.
Christopher Sanders
I am told that this exact method is used to set Swedish goverment policies. For example, your immigration policy.
Also you missed the point. WHO does it. It absolutely matters.
Ayden Mitchell
>Give up constitutional right for 4 years. Get them back if it doesn’t work. How about you drink bleach for 4 years and we will measure its effects? Here’s a little tip, Mohammed, once you give up your rights to the government, you have to shed blood to get them back. The State does not reduce its power willingly.
Easton Davis
No fuck you
Wyatt Fisher
the totalitarian tiptoe fuck off CIA nigger
Michael Hall
Josiah Miller
It blows me away, how many people don't know this.
Jacob Johnson
already did this with the AWB that Bush Jr got rid of. Crime went up, fuck off and die you shitheaded communist nigger you can take my guns from my cold dead fucking hands.
James Lewis
How are the grenade attacks going? Why don't you ban grenades?
Jayden Martin
>let’s just remove all freedom of speech or due process for 4 years and I promise we’ll decide to keep them after 4 years
Fuck off kike shill.
Nicholas Lewis
So the CIA now makes direct proposals to Cred Forums? Fuck.
David Williams
>Deaths by firearm go down mildly >Homicides remain mostly the same >WOW we should really keep this going, aren't you glad you sold us liberty for security?
Fuck off, Sven.
Kevin Reed
>If the results are overwhelmingly positive the policy will remain in place, if they're lackluster, it will be lifted, and if things are much worse, everyone who was against it will be more than compensated. If the policy is lifted everyone will get everything back.
You're very, very naive about the nature of power
Oliver Myers
Noah Miller
Try it in your own country, foreigner.
Tyler James
On second thought, I'll consider it after weve tried your plan on niggers. >Nigger Buybacks
Aiden Price
No. I would not. I will give my guns up when the Federal and State governments and local law enforcement give up theirs.
Pretty simple solution.
Jackson White
You could only be so lucky, Lol the government would NEVER get your guns back.
Connor Wright
This fucking when? People can't afford to run damn tanks anyways. I think Abrams is like .25 miles a gallon lol, and the spare parts are prolly insanly expensive. Also antitank rifles aren't like SUPER hard to manufacture so the price wont end up that high
Nolan Kelly
fuck off CTR
Anthony Baker
fuck are you talking about man? cmon give us your guns but if it works out badly well give them back? i think you really ARE from sweden where unbelievably naive thinking gets you dead. immigrants are net plus on jobs and races mix well!wonders for the economy! yall found out that jew bullshit is a fucked up bald ass lie,didntcha? use a skeptical eyeglass or at least investigate something before agreeing to it. being good isnt rewarded,it is taken advantage of and reviled,by the very people you are trying to help. one thing sweden will learn,like we have in the u.s.,you cant help niggers and sand niggers.you control or kill them.
Justin Stewart
Lol, cause they don't want to die is why. They know they will all die if they did it, like literally. Damn if people would shoot the grabbers what do you think would happen to the Senators and Congressmen who send them, or the Potus who sent them, or the Scotus who didn't stop them? Yeah, even government workers ain't that dumb. They send their feelers out each time to see if they can try to put a new gun control law in, we DO have a few in already sadly. Luckily our government likes to put in sunset provisions into their laws so that they can tell their voters that they need to be reelected to pass it again.. It is sad I know, but it does have some upsides.
Colton Phillips
I support banning gun ownership for all registered democrats.
Colton Hill
fucking bushes theyre gettin worried about this place
Tyler Sanchez
No, because they will be positive, and then when a tyrant comes to power, which probbably isn't going to happen within 4 years, we're all fucked.
Benjamin White
(((This.))) >"grow up" >in Weimerica Quit deflecting valid concerns you son of a bitch
Jordan Wilson
Gun control has already been objectively proved to not work. In every single country, over decades. No need to allow the left any further "experimentation" in which they won't respect their part and won't be objective, or still let the laws in place either way.
Again, there is an history with that type of thing. Such as the law where national roads are now limited at 80km/h instead of 90 in France. They've done an experiment for a few year in a selected place, and said they would decided after they get data on the experiment if they would extend it to the rest of the country or not. Except it was all leftist lies as usual. At the end of the experiment, it was unilaterally decided that all of France would be limited to 80 km/h, without any debate (though it was promised) because muh reduced deaths, because muh other countries have done it, because muh moral highground, etc. Cue the media starting their propaganda about how other countries who've done it are so much more progressive and we need to do it too, bla bla bla.
Anyway, now that everything has been settled, the data of the experiment was leaked, results : reducing the speed didn't reduce the number of deaths, it actually increased it. Really makes one think now, doesn't it? The senate is against that law, but since they only have a representative role... What a mockery of democracy we are living in.
So yeah, about your thing, how about no?
Nolan White
no doesn't matter if literally every other American is shooting each other I'm not giving up mine for some other idiots fuckups
Charles Ward
Jaxon Wilson
Charles Gutierrez
>(((intellectuals))), (((scientists))), (((a jury))) Best post
Private gun ownership is about violent rebellion. Not about feeling or actually being safe. Those are just nice benefits, but the real purpose is to overthrow the government.
Grayson Fisher
"measured by an objective team of intellectuals, scientists and a jury that is accepted by all parties" Wow you're fucking retarded if you think this is possible. Not a single person in the world is 100% objective.
James Gonzalez
> What if after 4 years, if things goes your way, shall not be infringed will be bold and underlined?
Shall not be infringed is already bold and underlined. What incentive do the people have to do a test restriction of a right that is already solidly confirmed? It's all downside. It's like buying a $1 lottery ticket where you have a 50/50 chance to win $1.
Elijah Williams
So tell me how many tyrannical governments you've overthrown lately. Does the number compare to the number of dead kids?
Luke Foster
Russia approves
Jaxson Cooper
>Objective team Doesn't exist, sage.
Leo Thomas
Short answer: no
I'm not sure what you mean by "gun control" since it's a broad term, but I doubt the team of "intellectuals" will look at the outcome objectively, and any outcome they produce will be colored by their personal prejudices.
Ryan Morales
No now fuck off
Isaiah Phillips
>Private gun ownership is about violent rebellion. Not about feeling or actually being safe. Those are just nice benefits, but the real purpose is to overthrow the government.
It's actually about the THREAT of being overthrown. If the people are empowered to fight the government, in means there are certain decisions the government won't make, because they wouldn't get away with it. It's a check on their power even if nobody ever overthrows the government.
Jace James
Would you support me if I fuck your wife 4 years, including insemination and backdoor, if after said 4 years, the results of the relationship will be measured by an objective team of PUAs, geneticists and a jury that is composed of your Friends List?
If the results are overwhelmingly positive the relationship will remain in place, if it's lackluster, I'll leave, and if things are much worse, I'll buy you a Happy Meal and one for your wife's new son. If the relationship is lifted you will get everything back.
Samuel Brooks
disarming the populace leads too the uk. they cant even speak freely without being jailed. an armed populace means the rulers have to fight tooth and nail for everything they truly wish to take in an unjust manner. and speech is a god given right.
Nolan Peterson
or... and I'm just throwing this out you could accept my lifelong gun ownership without harm to anyone as a reasonable statistic. Factor in all of the other gun owners out there who manage to enjoy their hobby without hurting anyone. Weigh the cost of my right to swing my arm versus your right to be afraid it might result in you or someone else getting their nose punched. Recognize that in spite of the fact that I am both incredibly dangerous and unapologetically unpredictable I have the right to be both until I actually interfere with something more tangible than your stress levels or piss stained underwear. If you live in a city where armed thugs are causing real problems to real victims you can go ahead and pass a local ordinance, then give us Earps, and Hollidays a call (I'm talking to you Chicago), and we'll roll in and sort it out for you dangerous and unpredictable style. Until then recognize that I live way out in the wild west because I want to be left alone to do my thing, and I think it might just be best for us all if you were to let me do it.
Ayden Jones
Dominic Morgan
>Thinks the government sees your automatic rifles as a threat. You know you're up against drones, right?
Dominic Myers
Camden Nguyen
>would you agree to give up your freedom if, for years later, a cabal of Jew puppets gathered to tell you what a good goy you were? No, Sweden, for fucks sake no
Josiah Hernandez
It's a nice idea Sven, but the problem is that these guns aren't just going to be handed back. Also, the reality is that it would just create a lucrative black market and it'd be like the roaring 20's again, which sounds fun within itself, but maybe let's not. also shall not be infringed
Aiden Perry
>Thinks it's the Jews and not the reptilians from dimension x who control things Keep being a sheep, user
Charles Martin
I agree except for the military. Shut down all foreign bases not on allied territory and bring them home, and all foreign aid should end.
Anthony Howard
Dominic Perez
you know the drone operators are citizens who benefit from the same constitution right? and the military is sworn to uphold that. the attempts at education subverting the military are being made but will never truly be successful due to the need for less than academic grunts.
Nathan Diaz
>the government is going to drone strike its own population >people shouldnt have guns though
Leo Gomez
Swedes have more guns, what
Aiden Nelson
Just ban blacks and latinos since they were never included in the Constitution. If we can ban Indians from having booze, we can ban guns from violent brownies. Thats the real issue.
Jackson Wood
>Would you support gun control for...
Lucas Diaz
1. Sven, this is not your business ! 2. They could try to copy the german gun laws >German (legal) gunowners are 99.9% white >Most people wouldnt have guns, because it needs time (not good) >when you got a licens, after a lot of work. Nobody would risk to loose it.
I prefer the american way
Jeremiah Bennett
We understand how ignorant you are of US laws, so just google posse comitatus retard. The federal gubberment cant use drones, soldiers or any federal military on its citizens. if it did, the 150 million patriots would crush the 1 million federal agents.
Eli Russell
Who is the military going to listen to when the rubber hits the road? Some random militia or their superiors? The only ones under threat from your rifles are other citizens, not the government.
Angel Reyes
How many lethal drones does the US have? Where are they operated from? How effective have they been at crushing goat fuckers?
Kevin Campbell
May as well drop this steaming pile of shit on you Cred Forumsacks. There is an agenda beyond the gun grabber narrative.
(((They're))) targeting white people again. Pic related.
Brandon Gutierrez
No, why would I?
Christian Rogers
The only reason the government was even brought up was the old "I need my guns to protect me from a tyrannical government" bullshit
Adrian Miller
Funny how Daquon shooting up 6 people at a club isn't considered domestic terrorism.
Hudson Cook
Gun control works short term 4 years. Gun control long term 100 years leads to government mass murder or invasion and authoritarianism.
Thomas Fisher
If the U.S. government starts openly killing its own population in large numbers there will be a revolt. We're not like you. We don't like getting fucked in the ass.
William Smith
We still have freedom of speech, Sven.
Tyler Price
Nope. You seem to base your idea on people actually being good. Democrats are no longer good. They're just varying degrees of shit and evil.
Ryan Brown
God you sound like such a faggot. No wonder your country is so shit Sven Mahmood. Make sure to marry your daughter off to a nice 50yo Salafist you degenerate. You don't know what freedom is.
Parker Morales
It wouldn’t get better. Just look at places where gun control is strictest; DC, Chicago. Murders and rapes would go up sharply since now in cities like mine criminals would know citizens are unarmed.
But then the scientists and the rest of the panel you mentioned would lie and say things are better using skewed stats and they would not return our guns.
This is exactly what would really happen.
Levi Butler
they will listen to the constitution. and no response to my previous post about becoming the uk?
Gavin Gutierrez
What are you even on about? We're not talking about freedom of speech. We're talking about retarded gun laws
Kayden Young
Any government could turn tyrannical. You may not mind tyranny, but dome of us do mind. Some of us still have the impulse for self defense. Now fuck off and tickle Ahmed's cock.
Joseph Lopez
9/11, sandY hook, LV, Hawaii missile. We know Jews are the only real terrorist and constitutional threat to the USA. Sure Jews want whitey disarmed, they will even kill people to make whitey look guilty.
Logan Martinez
Thats why a wht genocide like in south africa wont work in the US.
Please buy as many AR-15 as you can and learn friends to oparate it!
Easton Diaz
1.) You're from a country that won't defend itself. 2.) Your opinions about the rights held by people in a country that isn't yours are irrelevant. 3.) Your wife's bull called - you should really pick him up soon.
Christian Wilson
Not sure what post about the UK you mean. Just joined the thread. Also, I'd much rather have my kids in a UK school than an American one. I like them alive you know.
Robert Ramirez
>Would you support gun control for 4 years Federal income tax was supposed to be a temporary tax to help pay off the debt of the civil war. We can't trust the government now, why would I trust them more after disarming myself.
Dylan Long
>more than compensated the only way to achieve that is to give people more and bigger guns which defeats the purpose to start with now get fucked, bullprepping sven
Luis Brown
Yes goyim give us your guns we promise after (((studies))) are conducted by (((objective intellectuals))) we will give them all back.
Jason Hernandez
It doesnt. No country has had homicide rate reduced by gun control.
Adam Lopez
You need to stop talking about rights and start talking about responsibilities when it comes to guns. Americans are clearly not mature enough to have readily available firearms.
Dominic Lewis
So were the taliban we sure showed them
Gavin Roberts
Here we go again with this bullshit. Listen you Swedish faggot, I was in the US military. I was in it for two fucking decades. I promise you, if the Federal government enacted gun legislation that called for the confiscation of guns from American citizens, half the military would desert. The officers giving those orders would be shot in the face. You know nothing about the military in America there shit boot.
Joseph Parker
>Americans are clearly not mature enough to have readily available firearms. And yet, you can't stop us.
Logan White
What the fuck is this?
50 people in 16 years? With such a vague category as "white supremacist"???
Holy shit. Time is running out, it seems.
Luke Johnson
>literally no one except criminals have guns now >mob rule is now in place >kill all criminals somehow without guns >get invaded wew
Noah Edwards
I am and I'm glad to hear of a kraut with some sense. I wish you all the best in the pending caliphate. I hope you too have a rifle or three should the need arise. Godspeed.
Jackson Murphy
>an objective team of intellectuals, scientists and a jury that is accepted by all parties? Good luck with that. A team is only accepted by a side after they complete their research, and only if they give the results that side wants. It doesn't matter if they agreed beforehand that the team was objective, they'll just claim the team has bias or that the other side paid off the team, just look at how the left has changed stances on wikileaks and the fbi. You literally can't trust any expert or analyst that a politician recommends.
Asher Johnson
>Would you support gun control for 4 years, this is America, take that shit someplace else
Nathan White
*cough* Australia *cough*
Gavin Wood
>Disarming the government would solve ALL of our nation's problems. agree, this is the only path forward
Brody Sanchez
Wow. Great argument. "We're dying like flies and you can't stop us!"
Hudson Sanchez
Or posting online - let's take away the first amendment too!
Julian Perry
Jason Fisher
I have a firearm and I'm teaching my family how to safely operate it. You may call me a rube and you may call my countrymen rubes. I don't give a flying fuck what you think about me or my country. We have rights that you don't have. Suck your wife's feminine penis if it makes you feel better.
Julian Barnes
wow what a surprise, everybody take a course on rhetoric and go collect signatures
Mason Wright
If only. Crime would plummet and they’d have to let you keep them. But would take them back anyway because they lied.
Charles Roberts
>*cough* Australia *cough* UKs penal colony is a model for nothing, they produce the world's deadliest weapons there you know
Ian Cooper
>hey goy were not going to keep our promise hey but you promised >so? Its banned, its nearly impossible to repeal now
Jayden Sanchez
basically this.
David Moore
>You know you're up against drones, right? It doesn't matter faggot. If they start a civil war with us, they will lose the war, and we will kill all of them.
They don't want to take that risk. Hence it is a check on their power.
Mason Sullivan
checked. these faggots dont understand the size and scope of the country.
thought you were op. the uk is exceptionally better at brainwashing its populace due to the threat of force as a result of illegal words. im not surprised you would prefer less rights for more percieved safety, just be sure to watch what you think and say, allah be praised amirite
Julian Ortiz
no, from my cold dead hands >(((intellectuals))) kill yourself
Ryder Cox
They sort of did that under Obama's administration. Turned out to be fucking worthless
Guns have become a religion. Americans wont give up our spiritual beliefs to cater to Jews, Muslims, or Communist socialism like Sweden. So the US should send all our manufactured guns to Mexicans or Africans? No fucking way, we mill them, build them, and worship them as our insurance policy. Guns are such a religious icon, they are protected under the 1st Amendment too.
Charles Lewis
Why would I want to unarm the population? > Because crazy people exist that shoot The Left makes the same argument referring to law enforcement >Should we unarm them as well? No? Yes? Why?
Adam Powell
You know the military doesn't actually build those, right?
Xavier Price
I don't trust the government so no. Plus, I love guns so no, again.
David Ortiz
Thank you my friend, god bless you. I joint the Schützenverein 1 year ago and in 2-3 month I will buy a USP expert in 9mm and a 22. Rifle. 6monts later, I want a rifle in 357.mag or 44.mag and a AR
Asher Hall
Nope but I do support mass deportation of illegals, repatriation of blacks to africa and genocide of moslems
Wyatt Cooper
How can one person be so stupid?
Gabriel Parker
He's not, he's just really naive.
Dominic Davis
And that was my point user.......
Michael Jones
This tired, old argument....
Jaxson Sullivan
Our gun ownership is the ONLY REASON we in america still cannot be arrested for saying “nigger” while most Europeans can.
It’s also the reason we don’t have ghettos full of Islamic rapists who constantly jump women on the way home. There’s a reason you’re the rape Capitol of Europe and have far more rapes than the USA, and part of that is because your women can’t defend themselves.
Jaxon Walker
Oh Christ. You really have no idea. An armed civil rebellion against the US government would be over in weeks at most, and about half of congress would probably be dead by then.
You have no idea how terrified the pentagon is of the possibility of armed revolt in the USA. You’re talking about the federal government that was too terrified to take on the Bundy Ranch, Remember? Their analysts all know what would happen.
Chase Nelson
If things persist to worsen in Germany, you can borrow my cache.
William Miller
No. I am not sure if you're aware of this pattern but this is what leftists do to get their way. I'll even put it in your Euro distance.
>Ask for 10km worth of radical changes and call it "common sense" to frame anyone who opposes your sweeping changes as old fashioned and ignorant >Have no or only controversial data to back up your ideas but keep pushing them anyway >Finally, call for "compromise" on your ideas that you pulled out of your ass and from your original 10km worth of legislation you get 3km of it >Wait a few months and observe the 3km worth of legislation didn't help anything and immediately call for 10km worth of radical changes and call them "common sense"....
Repeat until suddenly your nation of once proud Vikings is run by emotionally stunted women with a misguided motherly instinct to import the destruction of their own male population from extremely violent and patriarchal societies until the women are put back in their place.
That's how you got where you are. You assumed the left had honest intentions.
Guns aren't leaving. I know the cops in my hometown. I'm friends with them. They know I'll shoot them if they betray this country and try to take my firearms but they won't do that because what you eurofags will never understand is our gun culture. We have the ultimate system of checks and balances. Our gun culture is a different version of the global nuclear option. We all have the option to start it any point. Nobody wants to but by God we will fucking do it.
Evan Hall
Since 1995 there have been 150 million guns added to civilian homes. Since then violent crime has dropped precipitously. If more guns equals more crime why isnt the exact opposite trend seen?
Daniel Reed
Just look at Europe to see how it will turn out.
Michael Adams
Would you like to be thrown from a helicopter? I mean the ground will break your fall
Landon Moore
Being a sheep is not a good plan.
Tyler Young
People who have literacy comprehension problems with this phrase should be barred from holding public office and sitting on the Supreme Court.
Lucas Parker
spbp, it would be (((them))) deciding if it was successful or not, what do you think the answer will be?
Robert Hernandez
Largest standing military in the history of the world so of course were a little skittish. Think I'll hold onto what I got just in case they realize they don't have it all yet and suddenly notice that the real promise land comes from us local yokels and not some distant and forgettable banana republic where we can instill civilization capitalist style. No drug running required.
Logan Ward
Cuckolds don't understand that the government exists because the people allow it to. Not the other way around.
>Dude they have tanks and jets they would totally kill you all lmao >I understand how warfare works even though I have never seen a gun outside of a movie screen
All it would take is a fraction of the armed population to successfully overthrow the government. The same goes for virtually any country with guns.
Like you said. All analysts have told the government the same thing. Somebody posted a pretty good breakdown a while back.
Matthew Lopez
Just read this. FBI statistics. Gun control makes urban criminals safer but ordinary people are more likely to be murdered.
You say we’re “dropping like flies” but I really don’t give a fuck about that when the VAST MAJORITY of those dying are urban minorities with criminal histories.
This is why Sweden is becoming a Third World shithole; a Swede actually thinks that this is a good idea. The political dynamics means that you cannot trust the gun-grabbing fuckers.
Lincoln Williams
Blake Harris
I like that creed.
Lucas Edwards
Nice pali
Xavier Powell
((((((((((((((((((Objective))))))))))))))))))))) studies, totally going to be unbiased with all those (((academic intellectuals))).
Kevin Perez
When the time is comen, buy a ticked and come over. You wont belive what kind of fun a chemist will have ;)
Jordan Ross
It's all yours my friend
Christian Jackson
I met people in university that create studies to further the agendas of corporations for profit. You think they wouldn't do the same for something the government has been trying to accomplish for decades so they have no treat of insurrection? The amount of money they can spare is immense.
You're a painfully naive little simpleton, and it sickens me you still think this way with our countries in the state they're in
Brody Cooper
This is probably why govts don't want us to hang out.
Nicholas Young
No fucking way!!!!
Jason Morgan
We already did that. That's why the assault weapons ban wasn't renewed.
Lucas Williams
no because dems will just make sure it stays that way and there's no way we'll ever get our guns back or theyll take our AR15's and give us back 9mm glocks
Hunter Sanchez
What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you fail to understand faggot?
Zachary Rodriguez
Typical Swedistan faggot needing the government to regulate everyone's life like a baby.
Colton Martin
I know, they hate the strong and suck the weak
Wyatt Williams
>an objective team of intellectuals, scientists and a jury I wonder who...
Christian Flores
>Would you support gun control for 4 years, including amnesties and buybacks, if after said 4 years, the results of the policy will be measured by an objective team of intellectuals, scientists and a jury that is accepted by all parties?
Already been done, data is overwhelmingly in favor of making sure private gun ownership is encouraged in the interest of public safety. And all rational arguments about the meaning of the second amendment end up concluding that it means there is an unrestricted right to own whatever weapons you want.
Nathaniel Cooper
A Swiss bro. You packing any heat? Does it feel good to be Swiss and still have your right to keep arms?
Dominic Allen
Austin Thompson
Yes, I believe that sign explains the hatred that Congresscritters feel for their electors.
Easton Martinez
More guns means a more unsafe working environment for a significant portion of the Democratic Party's voting base.
Christian Morales
>europe is one country not at all american
Michael Myers
Tried and true liberal methodology.
Put something in place by any means necessary because it will be harder to remove than put in place.
Thomas Baker
Make the AR the highest priority, we don't know how the EU firearm directive will be implemented. (possible 10 round mag limit)
Not just this. You better believe that elites in underground bunkers that throw their money at depopulation/population control methods will NEVER surrender their weapons.
They want you to kill each other until you rally to disarm yourselves. You'll be so easy to control.
Ethan Cruz
Cameron Stewart
As someone who owns, has owned and will own several guns, who carries on a daily basis (Always a car gun and almost always a concealed (I have a permit, and strictly follow the law), I would say this:
No. But not because I want to give up my collection (Anti fag lingo: Stockpile"). Not because I don't want my 2nd infringed upon. I'm not worried about that. I believe, that after 4 years, there would be, if at all, a highly minimal effect on the gun violence rate, and a MAJOR affect on other violence rates. But that's still not why, just the prospect of shutting the cock holsters of the anti-gun crowd and the mutant fuckhead gun control crowd who loves to jump on people like me, who is highly responsible, respectful and considerate, not to mention highly trained, it's a MAJOR bonus.
Here's why though: Impartial, scientific and judged by our own society, it's a MYTH. Whoever has the most money will dump it wherever they have to in order to get the results THEY want.
That includes the pro AND anti crowd. That includes politicians, scientists and the general public. Media. Business. Everyone's for sale!
It will never be legitimate.
Noah Foster
I know, but the members wont like it. You joint a Schützenverein?
Ryder Campbell
My rights are not negotiable.
Mason Foster
No fucking way!!!!
Ian Gonzalez
Joseph Evans
Kevin Allen
>muslims raping his women >muslims destroying his country/no go zones >worried about US gun control Use a meme flag ffs, didn't you read the handbook?
Jaxon Stewart
>trust us, we'll give you your guns and ammo back No one believes that. Cops stole a shit ton of guns during katrina and didnt return them
Landon Gutierrez
Go fuck yourself. The only answer for gun control is no.
Caleb Richardson
So this is a long way of you saying that if I refuse to disarm I will be deemed to be a problem and deadly force might be used to make me a non problem?
Think about what you are really saying. Then think about whether that would make me personally trust you or the state with my rights. You just advocated for terrible things to happen to me for crimes I have not committed and you hope this will intimidate me into giving up the one set of tools that can best secure my safety from violent men.
Wyatt Brooks
>The only answer for gun control is no. as was the answer to slavery issue in 1860's dixieboy
Andrew Davis
australia argument >i banned guns from one room in my house >there have been zero crimes in that room >see, gun control works >also, there have been zero niggers or spics in that room, but that doesnt matter
Leo Phillips
Canada has guns, tard.
Jacob Jenkins
OP has no clue how Government works.
Luke Price
Its like evolution shhhhhreeee. That fuck Jeff Sessions IS worse than Al Kaida.
Hudson Perry
>Impartial, scientific and judged by our own society, it's a MYTH. Whoever has the most money will dump it wherever they have to in order to get the results THEY want. THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. From the 1950's until the 1960's, Dr. Herbert Needleman and Dr. Clair Cameron Patterson conducted research proving lead's toxicity in humans. Yes, lead. We all know it's toxic, but the debate had more to do with money than scientific empiricism. Dr. Needleman & Patterson were falsely accused of scientific misconduct even as late as the 80's, by academic associates paid by industries with an invested interest in lead.
"Academic inquiry" is a complete sham built on money. If the money wants you to be poisoned, scientists will claim lead is good for you and/or non-toxic. If the money wants to disarm you, academics will concede. It's nonsense. Do not consent to it. >ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1497712/
Robert Gonzalez
Jace Reed
This has already been done. The results are negative, but you faggots won't let the people whose guns you took have them back.
So here's a counter-proposal: If you try to take our guns, we will kill all of you. ALL OF YOU.
Ian Barnes
> bigfatguyinamotorizedchair.jpg
Jack Carter
Gun control is stupid, but your picture is misleading because it's not per capita
Alexander Brown
No, because objective doesn't exist in the US any more. They'd be bribed, threatened, and killed to go one way or the other.
No also because in those four years, you'd see an absolute escalation of shit. The government would spend tons of cash buying back guns, while gun runners could sell unregistered ones. The people would get illegal guns while profiting off selling their registered ones, and because it's illegal anyway, might spring for fully automatic or already outlawed ones. "If I'm gonna be illegal may as well go all out."
second, you'd be on the list of people whose doors the government could kick down and face much less opposition. They wouldn't know that you got an illegal weapon though.
>Grow up. Dog whistle for claiming you are more intelligent, and that "maturity" is the way to solve people wanting to fucking shoot your ass for trying to take something they have a right to.
Dominic Moore
I see a shit dick faggot has joined the discussion.
Nathan Hughes
Can you adequately articulate what "gun control" pertains to? What measures should we take, Ahmed? People like you always shout "gun control" and that we should come up with new ways of dealing with gun violence, yet your only solution is a complete banning of firearms.
Ryder Jenkins
This might work
Brandon Flores
>objective Obama and his diversity hires proved that doesn't exist. And same thing with global warming. So fuck off.
Owen Martinez
even stupid democrats support the 2nd amendment. Basically they couldn't get the votes.
Matthew Rogers
>when a kike thinks he's clever
Absolutely not, because once it's in place you'll never allow it to be removed. Regardless of the numbers.
You leftists aren't slick.
Jacob Powell
I have a better idea.
How about we do this, but instead of police or enforcers going door to door, we have the people that passed the laws doing it themselves?
You could have volunteers that wanted the law going around door to door and confiscating guns. They'd do so completely unarmed, because why on Earth would they not follow the law themselves.
I'm sure that writing out an amendment, which has been there for several decades, for your personal feelings will go over well when you go out and try to enforce it yourselves.
Liam White
Adrian Turner
You can't cross the river if you burn half the bridge
Ethan Cook
Are you LARPing as a sodomite degenerate or do you actually get fucked in your shithole?
Isaac Mitchell
No, i will not support any law requiring more gun control.
Michael Richardson
James Garcia
it was appropriate flag for the type of comment
Dylan Cook
Keep sucking Ahmed's schnitzel, Sven.
Julian Brooks
Its pretty simple Americans dont want more gun control and many are actively working to stop democrats from passing laws to create more gun control. The only reason to pass more gun laws is to push us down the slippery slope until gun ownership is so complicated that no one wants a legal gun. At which point our people are no better than slaves. That what democrats do they enslave people by making them beholden to the state either for money, or protection from crime. I am a free man I defend myself.
Parker Sullivan
Power is never returned to the populace willingly. So, no.
Christian Reed
>Grow up. kys
Bentley Howard
Sure, but if gun violence doesn’t drop considerably, then all the people who advocated this will have to be lined up and shot in the end.
Xavier Reyes
Just do it watch what happens Niggers forgot trying to ban liquor How well did that work
Easton Morris
seeing as it's already been tried between 1994-2004 for big black guns, might as well line them up and shoot them right now that would be a good thing, desu
Cooper Scott
Today must be your first day on Earth. Go back, kid.
Charles Williams
that's because in a lot of european countries random people never had guns. europeans have longer history and usually states had professional armies. USA was founded in a rebellion (doesn't mean it's bad, but it is a rebellion) and it relied on giving everyone a gun and because of those guns they have democracy (kind of weird)
Robert Thomas
We change the constitution all the time you fuckwitted redneck scumbag