No mass shootings ever happened in China. Wonder why?
No mass shootings ever happened in China. Wonder why?
Other urls found in this thread:
Answer : they banned guns.
Answer: they kill eachother without guns
Read each China hate thread for more info
They don’t have Liberals.
They have mass stabbings instead.
Government controlled media silly soyim
Because the government kills the students first.
They’re too busy making that dough
>No mass shootings ever happened in China. Wonder why?
Bullets are expensive. Starving people to death and running them over with tanks is the Chinese way.
Dude, they have been ruled by liberals since the 50s.
Not ENTIRELY true; there have been a handful. A farmer with a shotgun killed 13 people in a village a few years ago. A guy with a homemade gun killed a cop in Shanghai and stole his weapon and killed five more people. There have been a few more cases. But yes, for its population, the number of incidents is minimal.
1.3 billion Chinese ppl have no human rights and are worked like dogs. Wonder why?
Answer: Communism.
Mass shoot your tiny dick
But at least there have been no mass shootings. Gun control works.
Wrong! Thanks to Deng they drop the Mao system. They’re more capitalists than ever.
Move there k? No one wants you even in California
Do the government massacres count?
Same reason why they dont happen in Japan and Korea
Practically no
- Spics
- Muslims
Because they would never report such a thing to the international public?
They DO have regular mass killings though, they just use knives and vehicles instead.
In your world does the government killing people not count somehow? I want to learn more about your mental illness.
You’re right OP. They just have famines that cause millions of deaths. And protests that cause thousands of deaths. And sweatshop labor with no proper work regulations. What a wonderful place to live.
unemployemnt is always reported as 5% too. hmm. wonder why.
Eh. That doesn't really work for China, since dynamite was always widespread. During the great leap forward, peasants actually had to blast hills and rock outcroppings to try and create more agricultural land, and the explosives were distributed all over the place in countless storehouses. And yet, people never used those explosives to fight the government.
Oh yeah, people will run you over until you're dead because it's cheaper that way.
They just hade a mass stabbing tho
Does government endorsed white genoicde count, Pajeet?
Yes or No?
But they still mass murdered millions of their own people at the hands of a tyrannical government.
Maybe that's because if you want to commit mass murder with a gun in China, it's easier just to work for the government - added bonus is it's legal.
>Who cares how many people die.
>At least they weren't shot!
Authoritarian police state.
>You’re right OP. They just have famines that cause millions of deaths. And protests that cause thousands of deaths. And sweatshop labor with no proper work regulations. What a wonderful place to live.
Are you talking about Niggers, Libfags and Jews or China?
Oh God... You want to use China as an example?
Not to mention there are tons of shootings, just stroll trough some gore threads some time.
>china would release news about their society being shit
>trusting anything china-related
I think the Chinese red army was founded on August 1.
No freedom happens in China either you communist faggot.
This, and it's getting harder and harder for the chink-gubbiment to hush it up as there are more and more cameras around.
t. chink
If I understand the question; Yes.
no pajeet
Yes, if your goal is to reduce the amount of guns, gun control can work. If your goal is to reduce murders, however, it doesn't. But I'm glad you admit that you just want to get rid of guns because you like the idea of a defenseless population because you don't want them getting in the way of your master plan to enslave everyone.
It probably happens all the time and doesn't get reported.
>No mass shootings ever happened in China
Then what do you call it when your government lines up people in a ditch?
We don't need any terrorists or criminals or madmen to do this. We have our government.
China is a terrible example for the sanctity of life.
The meme is real
To me 81 would just meant Hells Angels
Every time they bring up gun control it's transparent as fuck. They have horrific plans for society and an armed citizenry stands in the way of those plans. It's because democrats, as the party of murderers and robbers, are primarily of a criminal mindset. They're sneaky, cowardly fucks lying in wait in the dark, trying to disable every defense measure that they can before they jump in for the kill.
As well as human rights.
If everyone on the planet was dead there'd be no mass shootings either so why don't we just genocide everyone? Seems like a 100% fool proof solution to me!
China don't fuck around!!!
government monopolized violence.
>A series of uncoordinated mass stabbings, hammer attacks, and cleaver attacks in the People's Republic of China began in March 2010.
*Reloads knife* pfft nothing personnel kuffar.
Don't imply they're all the same. You know Hitler considered East Asians the second most superior race, above Jews and Niggers.
What happened to the purple blazers from the 90's?????
For I moment I thought he was gonna run him over again, and finish him off. Jesus Christ, Chinese bugmen give me the fucking creeps. Their utter contempt for life is a trait of a fucking sub-human.
Yeah they did. It was just the government doing them.
Umm, chinese government mass-shoots chinks every year.
imagine seeing some retarded jack chan looking gook running
through the streets with a blade id boot em in the fucking chest if came near me
>ethnocucks want to deport this
Plenty of mass stabbings though
They are slaves of the CCP too, notice only slaves and subjects own no guns, citizens and free people do. Have you seen how much are killed by guns every year in China? By the Chinese mob? I bet you didn't.
What about Tiananmen Square?
>banned guns in 1935
>took power in 1949
why are you retarded?
Asians' lack of self-awareness and intelligence is frightening, no wonder why the commies took over easily
>Maoillions of innocent students
Because literally everyone in China knows that if you do anything like a mass shooting, they will be tortured to death over the course of a year.
In china, you don't have freedom in any way.. not to surf the internet, not to ask questions, not to speak out of turn, criticize the government, complain... of course you won't have the freedom to have guns or anything sharper than a spoon for that matter.
Mass shootings are nothing people.. you need to look at violent crime committed using any weapon. That is the stat that counts.
>school is attacked
>shooter killed
>try and report it
>local radio reminds everyone that critizing the party is treason
I wonder why.
In Russia we also had school attacks but since we have no guns, noone died. in 2017 they used an axe and improvised bombs(very low power)
it also happened in 2018 too, they used knives. Again no one died.
This is now a chink snuff film thread
33?? That's one hell of a knife wielding spree
Most insane gunmen cannot get up to 10
They do stabbing attacks
They have mass famines instead. Why? No means to overthrow tyrannical government, no way to check a corrupt and ineffective establishment.
thats because the government is already in charge of killing their citizens
There was mass knifing this week.
Would we even hear about it if they did?
chinese "people" are subhumans
Because mass stabbings are cheaper and China is a cheapo country:
>130 injured
>national socialism flag
>doesn't know Hitler's opinion on Asians
"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them."
Fucking socialists
They also banned sparrows.
The government gibs mass shootings for them...
Bullets cost too much...
Shitty b8 but why don't you faggots move to china then? Oh wait, you won't, and we know why. Topkek
no blacks and mexicans
Except this one...hmmm
because chinks dont care enough about anyone to actually go around shooting them in mass.
>he doesn't know how chinks tried to fuck with nature and it fucked them in the ass
>two or three antifa tier retard rioters attacking police got rolled over by Chinas historical equivalent of riot police vehicles during a stampede when clearing up some chimpout
>MILLLIONS DIED during the Tinanamensquarecaust!!!!! muh mountains of evidence!
> IT WAS REAL IN MY MIND testimonies about testimonies
>a photo of some sqashed bikes rioters tried to use as blockades
>a POWERFULL picture of someone not getting rolled over by anyone that was coincidentally made by foreign jewish press agents coincidentally filming the entire event from the window of a hotel with a coincidental view on the exact two hundred meter section of the street where it coincidentally occured coincidentally from the moment he went up there
>CNN news said it
They have mass stabbing at schools instead.
It is the government which does all the mass shootings.
>(((Rebecca Kreston)))
>(((Judith Rae)))
>(((The Independent Goy)))
>Illluminati conspiracy theorist
Who would dare to question this narrative right fellow goyim?
Answer: the government does the mass shootings for the civies
They have assault escalators instead.
>I don't know what 'liberal' means
holy shit you're retarded
USA has been ruled by liberals since its foundation
use a fucking dictionary
>they kill eachother without guns
But fewer casualties. You can only kill so many with a knife.
In America, anybody can easily wipe out a dozen people in under 100 casualties within
>No mass shootings ever happened in China. Wonder why?
They created a law that banned guns.
If some law is created at USA that ban guns, the mass shootings would "suddenly" stop 1 second (YES ONE SECOND OR LESS) at the law is enacted.
Actually if at year 2019 they create a law saying something like "at the year 2040 guns will be banned", mass shootings will stop 1 second or less after the law is enacted. YES guns will just be banned at 2040 but mass shooting will suddenly stop 1 second after it
If that guy had an AR, expect triple the casualties.
Take the Las Vegas shooting, you think he would've killed 58 people with just a machete?
>make thread to imply how barbaric bugers are
>turns out chinks are in way worse shape
>thread ends up as a chinese hate thread
You know what to do, OP
Because they sensor the news you fucktard.
>Banning guns is a no brainer if you want to avoid mass killings.
t. faggot
govt keeps them broke and always looking for food.. So they don't have those pesky American SJW problems.
wasnt that also the same country where one guy stabbed like 40 kids lol