this is getting pretty fucking creepy lads
South African cinema after Black Panther
Why are Saffers still staying there? 3 million whites against a dozen million groids?
Why don't they just go back to Europe?
let them eat chicken today
why is everybody in here so triggered over this movie?
Lol, why is everybody else everywhere else so niggered by this movie?
Because groids think that Wakanda is real and try to rub it in our faces, when they were more like this
There's literally a scene where a black man hoots at a white man like a chimp and every other black person in th scene follows suit. 1000% niggered.
Personally I think it's pretty funny actually; that blacks' highest cultural achievement is a shitty superhero movie that a soulless multinational corporation created to exploit their racial animosity. Disney literally made billions of dollars off pandering to idiots with a shitty capeshit flick and they're treating it like a new civil rights movement
Because european governments apparently prefer low skilled arabs and niggers instead of whites
>niggers chimping out because of a shitty movie, believing they have achieved something
I cringed so hard I think I broke a tooth
Zero sympathy for whites in shithole Africa
I'm seriously starting to think niggers are more stupid than white people.
Yeah i can see that myself. I'm only wondering why it bothers you so much?
They are :D
>oh no people who aren’t me are having fun
Get out more faggot and you wouldn’t be so angry others enjoy life
/pol has become the cancer of the internet; 200 posts a day because a comic book movie makes them triggered.
/pol is not better than the people they make fun of.
The level of retardation annoys me. Same as with the Kangz shit. Stealing someones history isn't an achievement
I thought it was a meme
You have to go back
If you know you are better than them, why does it annoy you so much?
Glad they enjoyed it. It is a good attempt at a ethnic hero. But its not the first non white super hero, just the first one with a multi-million dollar budget made by Disney. Black panther is a pussy compared to a bad ass mother fucker like Spawn. Just my opinion.
So how is this different from idiot Star Wars and Star Trek fans who dress up and act out parts of the movie?
>confirms that pol is full of man children
>unoriginal reply
Good grief
blacks are involved, they are the worst according to pol
what took you this long?
>Le Cred Forums is cancer meme
What are you doing here then, anyway?
It probably the same two retards posting. /POL has bigger fish to fry than a silly comic book movie.
Because the nerds at least know they're consumers. Those niggers act like they won some victory and showed "the man" how strong they are because a jew in Hollywood ran some numbers and decided to make capeshit that will sell.
>comic book movie is important
>all of this from a fucking kids film
Ok nigger. What do you want to talk about?
>what are you doing here
>meme speak, 12 year old
Holy shit
Niggers act like niggers everywhere in tbd world, across generations. This is why no one likes them, and why they are not compatible with whites, or any other race really.
Niggers will ask for national holiday for this movie
Screencap this
Current escalation of the Syrian conflict, the escalation of shills acting out on this board, the ongoing MSM retardation regarding Russians and North Korea, Iran...
So much more to talk about, but I don't expect a person that uses insults has much to talk about.
no violence, hard to be upset
Then explain why white people do it all the fucking time?
did you watch the video?
It is not retarded when white people stay camping outside a theater dressed as a star wars character for 3 days....
I think all the triggered alt righters saying they were going to make sure the movie failed blew it out of proportion.
More films like it should be encouraged as the film is alt-right, they might actually go back to Africa.
Yes i did. Niggers gonna nig like they always did. I'm only asking why it bothers people so much.
because this sort of behaviour isn't really compatible with a normally functioning society and we'd like our societies to work properly?
Why are niggers so crazy?
Sounds like a chimp exhibit
You believe a society can work properly when people are constantly distracted by the behaviour of others? Wouldn't it be better to focus on your personal development and family instead of wasting your energy on this? Yes, their behaviour is retarded but they are not doing anything against the law.
>reddit spacing
OK you really have to go back, Charlie Brown
Because it belongs to us, now fuck off.
Just normal everyday shit.
Because Nelson Mandella decided South Africa would be a nation where White and black would live together in peace.
Same fuck who killed many white
Jesus fucking Christ Jasper, where do you think you are? You're not in some sort of ancap paradise, you're in the EU. You have to pay for the upkeep of everyone who comes across the Mediterranean sea. You have to be treated like a criminal and spied upon for the rest of your life because muh terrorists. Your children will go through 14 years of school and fail to learn anything because they're too busy watching Sudanese dance and taking class trips to the mosque.
Star Wars fans, although obnoxious and annoying indeed, at least know what they like is just fiction and are consumers, unlike Black Panther, where people are treating this bland Marvel movie as a part of their culture, identity and history.
>Your children will go through 14 years of school and fail to learn anything because they're too busy watching Sudanese dance and taking class trips to the mosque.
Yeah, go on lad. Believe that.
The press currently has this thing of pretending like all sorts of revolutionary barriers are being broken.
Deadpool was depicted as the first hard R comicbook movie like Dredd, Sin City, Blade, The Punisher and Watchmen never happened, Wonder Woman got a lot of hype for being a first strong female lead like Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor never happened, they celebrated the supposedly first black captain of a starship in Star Trek Discovery last Autumn eventhough Star Trek already had one of those in Deep Space 9 over a decade earlier, so they quietly changed it to "first black female captain" and now they're happy to pretend like Hancock, Spawn, Steel and Blade never happened.
you're missing the point
>the company you work for has to hand over 25% of its profits in tax
>there's a tax on everything everyone buys
>when Dutch people buy petrol 69% of the price is tax
>all Dutch people's assets are presumed to make a 4% return every year (based on what?) and they're taxed on that
>if, after all this shit, you miraculously manage to extract some money out of the economy, the government will take about half of that in tax
>if you still somehow manage to leave some stuff to your children when you die, they'll be subjected to inheritance tax
Now Jasper, tell me how much of that money, all of which is confiscated under threat of violence, should go to these lads on their boat.
Thankfully these are not the kind of negroes I encounter here. I'd be racist as fuck if I had to live among kangz and kweenz like this.
Oh my sweet summer child
Cred Forums was always like this, integrate of fuck off
>celebrate a fantasy advanced black civilization by acting like a backwards savage tribal nigger making whooping sounds
They truly are something else.
There's a part of the movie where a bunch of black people literally make a bunch of chimpanzee noises at a white guy, so it's pretty accurate
Shut up you dirty MUTT.
Watched it yesterday. Wasn't terrible but was not close to 97% worthy. It starts getting boring halfway through and the black panther character is very dull compared to the other personalities in the film. I found myself rooting for Killmonger over the protagonist. The anti-white sentiment was pretty clear and they made sure to make the one good white guy look impotent. There was even a scene where the sister complains having to stitch up "white boys." Probably wasn't worth the $5.75 I paid.
You’re a fag.
> This is why Wakanda does not exist.
best comment
Nobody is. It's all viral marketing shills.
Muh accomplishments:
Saw a movie written by Jews about a made-up African superhero protecting a made-up African utopia.
>butthurt shitskin detected
It's literally just another capeshit film lmao
it's no different than any mainstream lamestream superhero movie. The only unique thing about this movie is that some blacks think it somehow represents their past...or it represents what Africa could've been without muh colonialism. It's very successful viral marketing. The studio should just keep pumping out black-themed capeshit films.
Did you just get here 10 minutes ago or something..?
he lives in Poland...give him a break user
Paying for that film was a very Swedish thing to do
thats what happens when you artificially inflate an entire continent of low iq people.
The ego of*
We Wuz Kangz 'n SHiiiieeeett
>Zero sympathy for whites in shithole Africa
Nigger detected
BASED monkey poster
404 bait not found
>So much more to talk about,
then why the fuck are you spending your time here with 8 posts. more than anyone else in the thread
>but I don't expect a person that uses insults has much to talk about.
try reading your own drivel, you sound and debate like a kike.
nobody is triggered, we're glad the depiction of an an isolationist ethnostate is getting the positive reaction it deserves
It's surprising how naive people are on pol.
Black Panther is not a movie.
It was not made to make money.
It is a propaganda piece made by Jews to contribute towards their confidence in killing Whitey.
Once the Jews unleash their dogs.
The money is just a bonus.
I notice the left always does this. It's because their whole thing is based on breaking boundaries. They have to pretend the boundaries exist and in some ways I goes reinforce the boundaries so they can break them again. Read Larry Kramer's "Faggots" about gays in the 70s. They were very open in the big cities and in high society just like now, but most liberals now probably think people in the 70s didn't believe gays existed. The liberal worldview can't tolerate the knowledge that what they're advocating for has actually already been done and either didn't make things better in a substantial way, or maybe even made worse. All the problems of today have to be due to conservatives.
* Confidence among blacks.
But the Democracy now memes told me socialism was the Dutch system was fantastic?
You see why family gets blocked on social media real quick.
I'm telling you guys, start promoting this movie under the guise of racial segregation, the more (we) complain the happier the fans of this shit are, we need to make watching this movie racist
Uh oh, nigger kang detected!!!! ALERT! ALERT!
It's because niggers have none.
Welcome to pol friend, get ready for your life to be ruined
You contributed to the profits of Jews who are actively trying to kill you while making a profit from it.
How much of a cuck can someone be?
>Personally I think it's pretty funny actually; that blacks' highest cultural achievement is a shitty superhero movie that a soulless multinational corporation created to exploit their racial animosity. Disney literally made billions of dollars off pandering to idiots with a shitty capeshit flick and they're treating it like a new civil rights movement
I agree and find it absurd. But the fact is, Cred Forums gets the same way when they think they see a pro-white/alt-right Easter egg in the media. Look at how excited they get over Pewdiepie or other garbage social media personalities.
Looks is shitty version of fallout.
meh. don't hate on the San. as far as primitive peoples go, they pretty much got it right. they've always just done their own thing a led a relatively peaceful existence for millennia. the Bantus, however, are fucking chimps.
I know this feel.
But pewdiepie isn't garbage. He actually makes original material and is responsible for red pilling gen Z.
that's as obvious as poles being Europe's niggers.
Is this really South Africa or a zoo ? I can't see the difference, the same thing happen when you bring food in the monkey part of the zoo, they all start yelling/making noise for food.
>muh vidya games and social media gods
I hope you don't genuinely consider yourself a mature man.
My worst fear about this movie has been realized.
Nig Nogs think Fiction is real life.
pewdiepie is pretty funny
a man's maturity isn't threatened by some canuk with a mental illness
>blacks might actually have a lower IQ than whites
That is and has always been the scientific consensus. It's the least controversial statement you can make. Why would you not know that?
meanwhile in Paris
Still better than the subhumans you call 'blacks' in the US.
Someone would have pulled out a gun and twerked on it if it were an American.
shillcucks who want a race war and viral marketers who want this movie to make lots of money
I wish I had that lack of self-awareness
>Le 56% post
Pro tip queer. it isn't the Cred Forums bros posting it is the libtards coming here posting this stupid shit.
We already know that shitskin animals like you are incapable of higher emotions like sympathy.
>mfw a fucking movie is going to be the final spark that starts a race war in south africa
Looks like the same behavior as western civilization ... oh wait.
Its a zoo. They just photoshoped the animals in the cinema.
Memes have to come from somewhere. In this case, reality.
while I agree with you that pol is being nothing more than a whiny cunt with these threads, those topics you mentioned are getting really boring. what's the point of discussing something you have absolutely no control over.
That was a jew trick to get more dumb niggers to see it you mong.
after the movie.......
>being THIS new
Bantu are not the same as the San. BANTU ARE INVADERS
The issue is that they never read comics, so they know nothing about the source material, in order to do their typical autistic complaining.
Wtf is that shit? Why are groids grazing on the field?
Niggers get to have a virtually all black movie celebrating their race while other Marvel movies like Thor get forcibly diversified. Not to mention the ridiculous WE WUZ KANGZ narrative of the movie itself.
It's like a religious revival, except their bible is a comic book.
When Breitbart did a positive review of the movie and compared the lead to Trump and the villain to BLM the left went apeshit (no pun).
>why give up your home and go into countries you have no relation to just to get denied access
It's not triggered. It's embarrassingly humorous. Blacks actually believe this movie is a documentary.
The Boers have been in SA longer than America has been a country. Where should they go? They even have their own language that is only spoken in Africa, lol.
>they're literally dancing and going LULULULULULULULU
black panthers are responsible for the murders of over 70 policeman over the years, btw.
Are stupid
(made by Nazbol Gang)