Redpill me on Vyvanse, got it prescribed recently for Uni.
brand name here is elvanse, forgot to add in OP.
it’ll make you sweat like a motherfucker
You definitely shouldn't take it, post it to me to dispose of it properly.
Adderall is better.
On 50mg of vyvanse. Its pretty based, just make sure to only use it on days you really need it. Gotta give your brain at least 2 days to recover every week or else, you'll end up depressed like Florida shooter boy.
is there a board for drugs? i feel like i need to take a drug like vyvanse or modafinil
Search for bluelight on joogle
It's the best thing I tried. But honestly I would start with aroung 15mg. Open the capsule and divide the powder. You should try to aim to use it the least possible quantity frequency.
I am currently taking ritalin as I need it and it doesnt come close to vyvanse.
Vyvanse not only lasts for a long time and is great for concentration, but also makes me less hungry. I have difficulty controling my hunger when I try to maintain weight, and stimulants help with that.
Is it? I'm on 30mg addy XR but was curious about Vyvanse
adderall didn't work very well for me and I needed an XR. I switch between Vyvanse and Mydayis every 2 months with some breaks. They are both XR and they both work very well for what I need.
I used to take 40mg of vyvanse when I was in high school. I'm for the most part pretty against feeding people drugs especially when their brain is still developing but that's something you have to decide for yourself. It's extremely effective at keeping you focused and on task. I remember in one day, I washed both my parents' cars, mowed the lawn, gave the dog a bath, did a week's worth of homework, and cooked dinner in the span of about 4 hours. I never felt tweaked out or anything like that; there was no comedown as it's time released. Honestly the only downside is the potential of habit forming behavior coming from improper dosage or use. If you don't take it every day or take more than you're prescribed, you shouldn't have any problems. My brother and a friend of mine both take it and they've not had to change their RX since getting the script at least 2 years ago.
Why don't you just try to understand the rules instead of making stupid threads?
Is the drug that makes you loose appetite an weight also?
the main side effects are "bitch tits and boi pussies"
just kill yourself now faggot
if you need this to get thru school, you shouldn't be there in the first place
lrn2 manual labor you worthless fuckwad
Cred Forums ads are too expensive
pharma sales threads are free
literally fucking kill yourselves
it's a stimulant nothing more and nothing less.
Shit break the capsule and crush the beads. Ex wife and I used to snort 100mg each every morning to deal with tiny fucking humans.
u r a true piece of shit
What does Cred Forums think of nootropics?
>helps curb hunger
Literally meth
Thanks! fat nigger bitch
Holy shit the amount of Rx addicted faggots in here is sickening
You people are fucking degenerate trash stuffing your faces with the pharmaceutical jew dick
Took 50mg once and here’s what I felt: couldn’t stop talking, felt like a genius, could write paragraphs with ease, felt like my heart was going to explode, and couldn’t sleep for a day. I would personally never take it again and prefer cannabis or lsd.
Resist the urge to take stuff apart. Understand that you'll fixate on details and lose sight of the big picture. Don't take it every day because the detox is a nightmare. Don't daisy chain your doses together because you'll lose your mind. Really, you should never take it in the first place, but I think we're beyond that now.
Get the fuck out of my country, we don't need tweaking expats roaming our already nigger infested streets
i bi en eidgenoss du neger.
poison, sell them.
vyvanse lasts 14 hours.
This is why I'm a centrist. You niggers get up in arms about stupid shit like medicine and vaccines. Why should I give a shit if some retarded teenager abuses this shit and fries his brain? People do retarded shit all the time. It helps me focus and take care of business. The downsides of the drug are not as bad as the downsides of not taking them. Stop being ignorant faggots.
I take 70mg a day, and have been for like 9 years now. If I don't take it, I can't concentrate as well, get a headache, and am hungry. While on it, I can focus, am not really that hungry (I normally eat a large breakfast when it is kicking in), and have a hard time going to sleep, especially if I took it later in the day. It lasts for a while, too.
Doesn't work with vyvanse you dumbshit
It has to be processed through your digestive system and into your liver to work
I had ADHD as a child. Took these everyday for two years. Never got addicted. Just makes you feel focused and awkward.
Fuck you jackass. Florida boy was on prozac
How does it compare to modafinil? You can easily order modafilin here online, but not Adderall it Vyvanse. I need something to help with my OCD, anxiety, and brain fog.
My room mate eats it every day and hallucinates noises all the fucking time. He's always paranoid and every dog bark is the police coming to take him.
If you need it, it makes you pretty normal. But if you dont it gives you a wicked fast high. Eventually after prolonged use, your sober mind will be lacking without it. The comedown is awful. You’ll be irritable for 4 hours during the comedown and will only completely end after you sleep.
Adderall and Vyvanse are modifications of generic speed that can be sold for more until the patents run out.
Speed can help energy/low mood for short periods, but will eventually waste you.
modaf is what adderall should have been
Works great for me.
Going forward your life will be nothing but success and all the bitches you want.
What do you want to know? It's like adderall and other amphetamine products except with a smaller peak and a longer effect time, resulting in less abuse potential compared to something like adderall
Personally I'm against these products for the majority of people and I think ADHD drugs are massively over-prescribed and abused.
Forgot to add. It will make you loose all your appetite for a while.
I never felt hungry for a few months so you need to make sure you eat at normal times so you don't fuck your daily rhythm up.
It didn't make me not want to eat food though. It was just very easy to forget about it.
Wrong, addy is the mystery meat of pharmaceutical stims
Eurobro knows what's up
Turns my wife into a cunt
Amphetamine that is given for "ADD." Dumb college kids think that it makes them "focus better" when they study. In reality, amphetamines just give you feelings of superiority.