What is fascism, Cred Forums?
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Nationalism + Statism
Political ideology about the good care of faces.
Fascist states distribute free skin care and put funds in beauty and massage facilities. This makes them the best countries in terms of mental health for the citizens, as the spas relieve stress.
Is that it? I understand it being some manner of temporary rebirth ideology. What about the leadership structure?
Hence the pool in Auschwitz. It all makes sense!
Does anyone have those screencaps of summaries of this ideology? I recall seeing some pretty eloquent ones but I cannot find them now.
1920's reaction to liberalism and communism.
Fascism is determined by 3 factors (leaving out the economic ones)
>ultra nationalistic
>ultra love for the army
>a strong dictator
Read a book you mong
You are right, national or racial palingenesis is an important feature of fascist ideology.
Did it spring up that quickly from nowhere?
That sounds like it could define a variety of ideologies- don't the norks fit those conditions?
Which one? I'm also making this thread for the benefit of the board at large; I want everyone to better understand fascism so that they can make an informed decision about possibly supporting it as an ideal
find out something for yourself once in your life leaf
I like how people call things "reactionary" and how that's apparently supposed to be a bad thing and that the term itself is a pejorative
You know what else is used in a "reactionary" fashion? Chemotherapy, and every other treatment used to purge a disease from a healthy body.
fascism is the rejection of any dialog with people with different world views and the attempt to stomp out any other views with force. the force used doesnt have to be violent. for instance deleting accounts of people who express viewpoints you dont like on a website would be fascist behavior
Everything i disagree with.
Fascism is a way of life, not just a political system.
Agreed. A reaction is not good or bad, it just is. It's the effect itself that can be good or bad.
authoritarian nationalism
no one including you look as good as those aryans
kill yourselves
Start here (3 parts):
Then move on to this:
Also read Revolt Against the Modern World by Evola.
- if you're intrigued check out YT user Cultured-Thug.
The merger of the state with corperations.
The state backstops the corperations and keeps them in business, while they operate the economy for it so that it can stay productive.
The problem with this system is similar to the problem in communism as it has the same cause. As loyal corporations are backstopped by the state they overtime loose their competitive edge and eventually just become money sinks. The only real solution is to stop the central planning that destroyed the country in the first place but this can not usually be done. The reason is that in such a strong centralized system those in power who seek to weaken the power structure are destroyed, often assassinated by other ambitious people close to the seat of power if they weaken their position. This is is what makes it SO difficult to reduce the centralization and when your justification for power is so specialized it is VERY difficult to change the policy.
The attempted solution is the same as under communism, some out-group to the group in power and their allied underclass is blamed for the trouble KULAKS, JEWS, INTELLECTUALS, BOURGEOIS etc etc etc. This does NOT work, eventually if power can be maintained it devolves into a cult of personality and some degree of markets is introduced to stabilize them at some level, for example North Korea.
Communist and Fascist countries can look strong for a while but that is just because they are cannibalizing their capital to fuel current expenditure. If you are in a big war though this can be a good idea as if they loose they loose it all anyways.
Here you are my dude. It is essentially what is good for the Nation whilst retaining some traits like private property and a level of individualism. It's reactionary to Libs and Commies. It follows a desire for traditional and military order. Interesting relationship with Jews as it is very meritocractic, and it tends to be Jews pushing degeneracy, communism etc.
I'm ready to die.
Come and try and kill me faggot.
Suicide is for pussies. Suicide is the opposite of a fascist mindset. nb4 hitler killed himself.
Fuck off nigger.
Google is fascist?
fascism's political origins stem from 1880-1870 France if i remember correctly
the violence as a political weapon was learned from socialists. even Trotsky's what is fascism and how to fight it agrees with this. it started when a fascist won an election in a small village and socialists responded by killing something like 30 people with a machine gun and grenades. that what always makes me chuckle with the modern leftists they fall into the same mental trap into thinking initiating violence against political opponents will do anything but create a violent reaction against them. violent "anti fascism" is literally what created violent fascism. and its what made the public agree with violent fascism.
I started really digging into fascist philosophy and it's pushing me into traditionalism. I think Evola was attracted to fascism because it was the closest thing he could grab to what he viewed as proper traditionalism.
Semi on topic... You guys should really check out this guys channel. youtube.com
Thanks for the link, reading it now
I suppose that could be an equally useful definition
True enough, this is evident in one of the first paragraphs of the document linked above
>Thus many of the practical expressions of Fascism such as party organization, system of education, and discipline can only be understood when considered in relation to its general attitude toward life. A spiritual attitude (3). Fascism sees in the world not only those superficial, material aspects in which man appears as an individual, standing by himself, self-centered, subject to natural law, which instinctively urges him toward a life of selfish momentary pleasure; it sees not only the individual but the nation and the country; individuals and generations bound together by a moral law, with common traditions and a mission which suppressing the instinct for life closed in a brief circle of pleasure, builds up a higher life, founded on duty, a life free from the limitations of time and space, in which the individual, by self-sacrifice, the renunciation of self-interest, by death itself, can achieve that purely spiritual existence in which his value as a man consists.
Thanks for the link. I have heard of Evola before but never read him. I'll get to this eventually.
I tried watching one of the videos from that guy before but I find his demeanour and mannerisms cringey as fuck. It looks like he is just reading "The Doctrine of Fascism" by Giovanni Gentile, so I'll look that up, along with the other works referenced.
Checked, and thanks for bringing economics into this. Can anyone else comment on this critique?
That's what I wanted! Thanks very much, friend.
Interest based lending is the only type of lending that actually encourages saving.
It isn't immoral if you allow people to default on their debt.
It becomes a way for people to make money for themselves by identifying productive people/ideas and risking your savings to boost them along.
This is why the Protestants were so much more influential than the Catholics after the industrial revolution... Usury. Also a big part of why the Muslim world fell behind.
Authoritarian capitalism
If I'm not mistaken, Evola wasn't a Fascist, and Fascism is largely distinct form Traditionalism in its maximal empowerment of the State to manage every aspect of people's lives.
Social control in traditional societies come from the community, not from the State.
Exactly man, the two links are just readings. I understand your cringe.
On the "fascist maxims" series him and cultured thug were doing... at some point Marshall starts talking about discipline - the whole time I couldn't help but think, "nigga, you need to stop shoving food in your mouth...talkin bout discipline" haha
To do something to the extreme regardless of left or right agenda
Interesting, so in that regard I must be somewhere in between currently.
For example, I think voting is absolutely illogical. Mob rule is stupid. I don't want average or below average people dictating my life and my nation.
But hey, I'm really new to traditionalism (just read and re-read all the evola essentials) and I'm still hashing stuff out in my head. It's gotten to the point where I need to write stuff out...
Heh, that is certainly amusing.
CHECKED. And ha, my desire for traditionalism is what has me looking at fascism. In what ways has your mind been changed?
I was going to ask about this difference. How to find the best balance...
Haha yeah. S t r e n g t h a n d h o n o u r and all that. I'm definitely going to finish my pupation into the best Uberman I can manage before putting myself out there.
Sounds a bit too semitic for my liking.
SPIRITUAL VIEW OF LIFE: the only constant in life is triumph of will
THE IMPORTANCE OF TRADITION: the set of morals and habits that made us successful people.
REJECTION OF INDIVIDUALISM AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE STATE: the first amendment is often assumed and seen to be for the benefit of a small minority of people. the problem is in then assuming all of society must exist solely for the the benefit of a small minority. this assumes that all of our society must bend over backwards for the few. this is wrong for an aristocracy or a small tyrannical elite why would it be good if its say homosexuals about 10% of the population? as for the state. its simply the morals and ethics being enforced so to speak. the example I give is a witch doctor or tribal leader being the embodiment of the cultural traditions and morals. when the nation is viewed from an ecological standpoint the state would be the sort of conscience of the body the body being the ecosystem or society as a whole.
It is in its essence the anti-thesis of individualism
It is the forceful (therefore violent and this violence is protected by law) code of conduct the entire populace has to live under. Conforming to these Societal standards is not a question of your leisure. It is expected of you.
Fascism is good because it eliminates all the dividing factors in our populations
and could be bad because people are not into an identitairian idea. (Fascism and its oft used to subvert people to the idea of nationalism, therefore make everyone the uniformal servant of the state, and this is why fascism and nationalism work so good together)
God bless the Italians for inventing it.
It doesn't really matter if you like it or not, you end up getting out competed by cultures that do.
That's what Zyklon B is for tho
Something related to eagles and skulls, I think.
Lol if they lend you the money :D
I have taken it for granted most of my life that democracy is the way to go, but the fact is that half of people are dumber than average. I throw that little factoid out as a joke, but I guess there is always truth behind comedy. And the notion that people don't even know how to handle being free is a one I'm still digesting.
Thanks for this explanation. Fascism is about personal responsibility.
No! That is for the lice, nothing more ;-)
I think you're right.
Idealistic bs for a bunch of angry losers who want to be badass
Zyklon is for all parasites
Democratic regimes may be described as those under which the people are, from time to time, deluded into the belief that they exercise sovereignty, while all the time real sovereignty resides in and is exercised by other and sometimes irresponsible and secret forces. Democracy is a kingless regime infested by many kings who are sometimes more exclusive, tyrannical, and destructive than one, even if he be a tyrant.
theres also a very interesting bit about communism and Bolshevism being the logical conclusions of liberalism. and individual rights that is very interesting.
>"Fascism is for losers"
You were saying, commie-fag?
commie brainlets cant figure out what corporatism is. kek gets me every time.
Old style conservatism adapted to the needs of the industrial age.
>thinks natsoc supports capitalism/capitalists
>thinks natsoc=fascism
No. National Socialism will bring an end to class by uniting the common people of a nation and culture. Everyone must participate for the well-being of the country so everyone may enjoy the fruits of a good life. The only difference is we believe in applying socialism to a homogeneous group whereas you see the international proletariat as all being one.
Are you me user?
I think that Evola is the final red pill.
Depends on your definition of fascism. In the specific sense of the word, we're talking about Italy's corporatist philosophy/government. In the broad sense, it basically just means authoritarian ultra-nationalism.
I'm a fascist in that broader sense because I think the primary goal of the state should be the prosperity of its people. Therefore I have no problem with the government stepping in and regulating/banning certain things if it would have a beneficial effect on the nation. For example, porn is terrible for society; I'd have no problem declaring the porn industry illegal, storming into the San Fernando valley, completely demolishing that 100 billion dollar industry, and cracking down on any organized industrial attempts to produce. Wouldn't give much of a shit about random people uploading their home movies or whatever, but I'd certainly crack down on these major industries and smash them with my boot.
So in a loose sense, that sort of mindset makes me a fascist, even if I'm not well-versed in the philosophy/economics of explicitly fascist governments
Collectivist bullshit just like communism
Evola is an incredible read but I recommend you check out "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche.
It's a very compelling work as well.
>Commie talking about idealism
The only way to fix this mess
>whereas you see the international proletariat as all being one.
Because it is. The proletariat around the world share a common struggle under global capitalism
Finally the truth about fascism.
I must be pretty dumb. I listened to that and didn't gather much at all.
The same guys Will to Power reading actually makes sense to my brain though.
It seems to be a somewhat multipurpose term. And I agree with your example.
Does anyone here have stories about how they came to be interested in fascism?
Any plans or desires to see it implemented in your countries?
Nonsensical. International capitalism is the ultimate parasite, yes. But the solution does not lie in abandoning our borders and our cultures. We can easily defeat global capitalism by focusing on our own countries and working for the betterment of our people against the degenerative influences of the dollar at the cost of all else.
Ask yourself: What do you have in common with a Brazilian worker, a Nigerian worker, a Swedish worker? You all share the burden of manipulation but that's all. Once you destroy the global elite the only thing uniting you, your enemy, will be gone.
A long-term solution is therefore to maintain the nation and its people for the sake of stability. Our traditions and culture are not evil, but they are beautiful things we should cherish.
One People, One Nation, One Administrator
With this recipe we can abolish class while maintaining limited private property and supporting a delegated system for every country to care for its own.
fake and gay
its a lot of thing
Its mostly Italian butthurt about getting backstabbed in the peace deal and wanting to destroy the commie using a political system that is similiar to the one used by the ultra rich italian city states in the renneisance
it was ultramilitaristic because Mussolini wanted to create a strong Italian Empire modelled from the Romen empire
Sadly because of the limited Italian industrial capacity the Army and the Airforce quickly become outdated compared the Italian navy that was mostly builded in the 30'
The weakness of Democracy is that it boils down to which corrupt Rich person can lie to the most gullible people the best.
That and terms tend to only be a few years, meaning short term benefits are incentivized over long term benefits. That's why we have an ever-ballooning pyramid scheme of welfare that will eventually collapse on itself, but nobody is willing to fix it because that's something down the line, and trying to fix it now would result in less immediate gibs for niggers/geriatrics and be political suicide.
Personally I think the best compromise would be some sort of constitutional monarchy, with a dictator and an elected body too. And of course suffrage would have to be limited to people we know would serve the interests of the people. White men only. Preferably only white men with families and who aren't on government gibs. And maybe even through in a Starship-Troopers-style requirement of civil service to be eligible for suffrage.
>quickly become outdated
lmao outdated
is that italian for the worst military in modern history? How did that Ethiopia campaign go again?
the Italian campaign under Mussolini was a bloodbath for the nigger
10k Italian causalties (and most of them were from disease lol) against 1 milion Ethiopian causalties
if you talk about the first it was because 10k italian without ammo can't beat 100k nigger with russian rifle
I like Italy.
>our poor military planning isnt our fault
man your history classes must be full of such convienient explanations
i never said that it wasn't our fault
but its totally different from "italian with the best weapon lose to nigger" to "starving italian without ammo get swarmed by nigger because the Somalian decided that it was a nice idea to retreat at the first contact with the enemy"
Also America lost battle against Italy too because of poor military planning so what is your point?
To unite to overcome difficulties
(same racial and nation)