Well, the day still has to come, the bill is not approved yet.
The day Jews and Muslims got fucked by feminists
>Muslim and Jewish leaders attacked the proposal, while Cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the Catholic Church in the European Union, said the bill was a “dangerous attack” on religious freedom. “The criminalisation of circumcision is a very grave measure that raises deep concern.”
>The Icelandic bill says the circumcision of young boys violates their rights and is incompatible with the United Nations convention on the rights of the child. It draws a parallel with female genital mutilation, already outlawed in most European countries.
> thinks this much about cock
> not gay
sage ya next time too giuseppe
>banning jewish circumcision
I don't know how to feel about this
while I agree acts of religious bodily harm should be reserved for an older age, it is a long term tradition
why it makes me feel uneasy is because this is another step into the direction of disallowance of parents raising their children into their traditions
what next, ban parents from teaching their children their religion?
lets just hope no slippery slope happens here
>what next
stop kosher/halal foods, sponsor jews/muslims to leave the west, if they refuse - gas chambers
how homophobic
It they want to keep their tradition all they have to do is buy a one way ticket for the shithole they come from. No one is stopping them.
Iceland making a power play against the slimes and the kikes. Very smart indeed.
t.circumcised redneck
Enjoy your gross micro-anteater dick and dick cheese
>thinking about things only in the terms of people it directly affects instead of future consequences and precedents it sets
I hate low iq nu-Cred Forums
also jews will just fly to another country and some jewish ngo will pay for it
It's not their fucking country. You don't have a liberty to mutilate your son's dick without his consent.
Whatever makes you feel better about the fact your dick was mutilated at birth by a jew muttman
>can’t consent to sticking your dick in some nice warm puss til 18 years old
>ok to get your dick mutilated at 18 days old
>Cardinal Reinhard (((Marx))), president of the Catholic Church in the European Union.
Lashing out wont unmutilate your dick, user
Thank fuck for that. Glorious be the day, now to do this on all other countries. Fuck them all.
>18 days old
You mean the second they come out of their mother
Nordics hate circumcision. I give it 5 years until it's banned in Norway and Denmark, but probably not in Sweden.
>polls show an overwhelming majority disapproving of it
>polls show the majority supports a complete ban on underage circumcision without medical indication
>every fucking medical organization supports a ban
>the children's ombud support a ban
>some political parties support a ban, some are openly discussing a ban, the only ones not talking about it hates it but are afraid of being perceived as racist
>even those who openly oppose a ban hates the ritual
watcha doin
you sick fuck
baby boys need to be at least EIGHTEEN seconds before being able to consent to any penis procedures
Got circumcised when I was 20 because my foreskin got severely torn. Nice try faggots
>muuuuh nerve endings
Not noticeable enough to care and sex feels about the same. I dont have to worry about dick cheese and girls being freaked out by anteater dick
genital mutilation of minors is child abuse, and if its a woman its a human rights violation. But for men its religious freedom?
once one is an adult, or a doctor makes a medical recommendation for a condition(like phimosis) that can cause harm that circumcision is an option
That is fucking horrific - even for a jewboy I feel they don't deserve that.
The secret of superior Jewish IQ?
>cutting body parts off someone who isn't in a position to give or deny consent
Sounds pretty horrifying to me. I approve of Iceland's actions.
let's make some new history and start female genital mutil ... ahem ... female circumcision. we'll call it a new religious freedom that should be amended to age old tradition of male genital mutilation at birth
>consentual medical procedure at 20
cool man
nobody fucking cares
>getting my dick chopped up has really improved my life. proper hygiene was just too much for me
It's the current year!
This isn't a slippery slope because it's about protecting bodily autonomy. The child can't consent to mutilation. It's about physical protection, something very concrete.
The rights of the child are in conflict with parent's desire. The right of the child takes precedence. It's that simple.
>b-but children can't consent to religious or cultural teachings or taking part in traditions!
True, but in the case where these things do (mental) damage, it is, for the most part, reversible or fixable. Doctrines can be disregarded later in life. It is also vague and a nightmare to enforce or even make laws about. Where is the line between simply educating the child what people believe and "indoctrinating" them? Making such legislation is very impractical, and not something we as a society should want.
If anything this is pro-religious freedom. By not circumcising the baby and allowing him to choose what religious practices they participate in, instead of forcing them on him, he has more freedom to practice or not practice the religion of his choice
>genital mutilation of minors is child abuse
without a reasonable purpose
>and if its a woman its a human rights violation.
I didn't say this at all so not sure where you got this from
if it was a religious tradition I would hold equal position to male
>But for men its religious freedom?
in case of jews yes since it is in their covenant with their god
go ahead I guess
but just remember the precedent
>"we (the state) can legally ban (religious) traditions of our legal populace and enforce them"
Yea... basically get the entire world voluntarily lowering their own IQ
FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls and women.
but doesn't the glans get less and less sensitive over the years as it builds up a callus?
because everyone wants to clean their dick with a q-tip after pissing
About fucking time
Weird, it's not trending on Facebook!
Teaching kids religion is okay. Physically branding them in the name of it isn't.
It's dick mutilation, not singing carols and eating bagels.
29 now. Havent noticed that big of a difference.
>ban parents from teaching their children their religion?
only if the religion is judaism or islam
I had been told there were no religious people left in Iceland and that the atheism rate was approaching 100%. How can this possibly be an issue? Can't the money changers just take a quickie vacation to the promised land and have the procedure done there?
Link to the article? I browse mbl regularly and have never seen this nor can I find it. Are you spreading something fake?
>Done at 20
This is not at all what this shit is about, you fucking retard. No-one cares that you got circumcised at 20.
>Mentioning Dick Cheese
I assume that you are just LARPing, people with foreskins know that dick cheese is a non-issue
Also, there are many forms of female genital mutilation, and the mildest forms are actually less painful and does less permanent damage than circumcision. Yet they are categorically outlawed.
Crucifixion was also a long term tradition, even Julius ceasar did it to his enemy's,
Legalize murder !
Fucking every time.
You obviously got circumcised at birth buy some jew if you think you need to clean your dick with a q-tip
>What is pulling back the foreskin
well it was a legal form of execution at the time, I guess italians would have precedent for bringing it back if they just converted back to the roman religion
Stop lying. You do it in the shower, it takes days for smegma to start forming and finally using a cotton bud on your dick causes physical pain, which you'd know if you were "circumcised at 20".
stop using 200-100 year old swedish words with a 1000 year old pronunciation to look special.
Ok bud
>mutilating a helpless baby's private parts
if you don't have a grease heavy diet you have to wash your dick like once a week unless you fugg someone or jack off constantly
> cotton bud on your dick causes physical pain
What is herpes for 500$
You might to get that checked out
With Jews you lose.
Jews pushed for Europe to accept refugees for years and then once the attacks began and the population shift was too great to stop they claimed "Europe is lost".
>Criminalization of male genital mutilation is an attack on religious freedom
I fucking hate these bigoted PC shits. Religion should not be used as an excuse to mutilate unwilling infants in a stone-age practice.Wwhy do they bitch and moan about female genital mutilation but circumcision is fine? These fucks don't seem to understand the idea of a double standard that they are practising with this shit.
I wish they would ban it in the whole of Europe except for medical reasons.
I like the cut of your jib, Croatia.
Stop looking at his jib faggot.
It always was against law to mutilate child, doctor can only do it if child dick has problems.
It should be banned everywhere, it's traumatic, and not medically necessary.
Are you autistic Björn? We just speak developed old Norse. You spoke the same language as us but you along with Denmark and Norway all changed it a bunch through outside influence.
>Reinhard Marx
>>"we (the state) can legally ban (religious) traditions of our legal populace and enforce them"
the larger point is: you can mutilate male genitals at birth all day long; butt leave the vagina alone.
Rabbi Kiddiediddler says it's another holocaust in the making if he can't snack on baby boy cock.
>while I agree acts of religious bodily harm should be reserved for an older age, it is a long term tradition
"Sorry kiddo your ancestors claimed your foreskin for their own, stop whining"
>why it makes me feel uneasy is because this is another step into the direction of disallowance of parents raising their children into their traditions
Raising your child into a tradition is different than mutilating them when they know jackshit of your traditions.
>what next, ban parents from teaching their children their religion?
>lets just hope no slippery slope happens here
Why would it? This is about the giving children freedom from bodily harm (A pretty damn important value if I may say) done to them by moronic ideologies, not about banning those ideologies.
And here you are concerning yourself/others over the possible "Slippery slopes".
Mucous membranes are sensitive.
better still:
sex is just a social construct so it really shouldn't matter whether the genitals of a newborn are benis or vajayjay; just start butchering the shit and call it (((religious freedom))) or (((tradition))); amirite tho?
>>if it was a religious tradition I would hold equal position to male
the absolute state of american literacy
if you have to prevent the acts of an ideology because they are against your society's standards or laws wouldn't it be a better idea to systematically eradicate it whether by extermination or expulsion?
that ideology, if it is against your society and its ways strongly enough to ban it, is clearly a direct threat to its continued existence
You admitted yourself that you are talking about slippery slopes here.
>also jews will just fly to another country and some jewish ngo will pay for it
"Haha, they can just evade it so it is not worth making it illegal, just give up lol"
Then so be it, then they will have to avoid ever facing a Finnish doctor who will be oath bound to report their retarded religious asses to the officials for harming a children.
Where do they grow retards like you.
If you treat diferent religions equally, or diferent races equally, than you're a multiculturalist. There should be legal discrimination against some types of people and their beliefs if laws are to respect logic and reality.
>dont know how to clean your own penis
>buying into the meme "glans are really sensitive desu"
>if you have to prevent the acts of an ideology because they are against your society's standards or laws wouldn't it be a better idea to systematically eradicate it whether by extermination or expulsion?
>that ideology, if it is against your society and its ways strongly enough to ban it, is clearly a direct threat to its continued existence
Oh my bad, you are just literally fucking baiting or braindead.
We are talking about freedom of physical harm to children, but I guess you are right lets just fucking start gassing people.
brain washing children into a specific religion because of """tradition"""" is a very weak argument; and should be considered child abuse
Iceland has a bright future.
>You admitted yourself that you are talking about slippery slopes here.
>"Haha, they can just evade it so it is not worth making it illegal, just give up lol"
Not what I said or meant. Just a fact. Like with central european muslims flying to the middle east to perform female genital mutilation/circumcision/whatever you want to call it
It does reduce the prevalence of it is due to increased difficulty but jews are historically known for going overboard in retaliation/keeping their ways
>freedom of children should be prioritised over the freedom of adults
are you pro-life?
enjoy coming up with an ideologically void environment for child growth
oh wait that's an ideology in itself!
Please mutilate my newborn son, Rabbi Moshe Shekelbergstein!
:) checked
you are literally retarded
>freedom of children should be prioritised over the freedom of adults
>are you pro-life?
It seems we live in some weird parallel universe Fingolias. In yours it seems freedom of adults should be to mutilate their kids genitals at will.
I better send the Reality Wide Hyperfingolian Horse Archer Pho-liish your way, you are out of your fucking mind.
English is not your forte
>got it MacGuyver
>living in the same society means you automatically hold the same values or atleast should do so
contrary to your claim you seem to be the one more likely to go gassing people
foreskins have rights
>But for men its religious freedom?
>in case of jews yes since it is in their covenant with their god
Wait, so blood cults are considered 'in' nowadays?
Jew here. Why you retards would decide to follow this part of our faith and nothing else is beyond me. It's supposed to be my sand-cult's covenant to god. Just don't do it to your kid.
Digits shall confirm if kek wills it
Do Mutts not wash their dicks?
Dude your cock was mutilated at birth I'm sorry your parents were tricked by (((them))))
Really makes you think
>living in the same society means you automatically hold the same values or atleast should do so
Yes, truly the right to be free of having your genitals mutilated as a child is a value we do not all need to share.
>contrary to your claim you seem to be the one more likely to go gassing people
Glorious deflection, amazing, absolutely amazing.
Because I want every child to be free from bodily harm caused by religious ideologies, I am certainly more prone to gassing people. Yes. You got me.
I am sorry for offending your value of mutilating kids genitals.
I'm cut you idiot
Since almost no adult men are intact, nobody knows anything about intact dicks.
And next thing you know you can't give your kids that special religious popsicle.
Not being able to throw faggots off of roofs is a dangerous attack on my religious freedom as well.
>I'm cut
>you idiot
Mark my words, this is gonna get overturned. No way they can stop circumcision.
Don't let this happen to your countries.
Slippery slope of a jew free Europe
What are those
I wish this meme would stop shitting up this board. Circumcision has a valid medical purpose for hygiene.
I’m going to put some spice on my eggs for breakfast now.
Mosque map of Britain
"First they came for our guns, then for our foreskins. The Jewish calamari eaters were relentless and cunning."
~ Last white man, Most na Soči, Slovenija, May 5,. 2187
see And anyway, hygiene shouldn't be an issue if you bathe regularly. Then again, I'm not surprised you mutts need to be circumcised to keep your dicks clean because you don't understand what showering is.
Why'd you have to open your mouth and make us look worse than we already are you fucking ape?
Learn to clean your dick you filthy stereotype.
>Circumcision has a valid medical purpose for hygiene.
>Muslims and jews working together
I get what you mean, but honestly i'm sick and fucking tired of this backwards caveman religious rules being enforced in modern society.
>pulling out newborn's teeth
>comic doesn't say newborn
>mother isn't in postnatal care.
Imagine a one to two year old.
No its why they are all sheep and Cucks
male circumcison tales a way important pleasure centers and makes fapping less enjoyable
>cutting a newborns dick
oh wait that is totally ok isnt it
women in turkey be like , omg we must have abortion allowed ,our body our right, but they all circumsize their children. even the relatively "liberal " turks do this crap. It drives me insane.
Circumcision is for Niggers and Jews only.
White people do not mutilate their children.
And if Jews believe circumcision is essential to their identity, then they should also have no problem with a law that would make mandatory for Jews to wear a Blue star on their clothing, identifying them as Jews, to all the non-Jews.
I find it so odd when Catholics pretend that there is something redpilled or anti-zog about the church in any capacity these days. Are they masochists?