I heard there was a civil war possibly coming this summer. Swedcucks, how true is this?
Like they warned the people regarding military conflicts in the no-go zones n shit.
I heard there was a civil war possibly coming this summer. Swedcucks, how true is this?
Like they warned the people regarding military conflicts in the no-go zones n shit.
>how true is this?
it's not true you fuck. you don't have to be swedish to know that
>Civil war
Yeah right.
These people will keep bending over to serve the niggers and muslims until there's nothing left of their people
>I heard there was a civil war possibly coming this summer
You're on Cred Forums
Nothing ever happens
> Sweden starting a civil war in the 21st century.
we are doing just fine
Not true.
>Civil war
More like niggers chimping out when they realize they will get kicked out by their expelling program.
Source: your ass.
Look at Olympic.
Swede athlete are white af.
I will fight for Sweden.
Our PM, when pressed, said that he might consider deploying the military against organized crime, IE gangs of somalis and arabs. It's just rhetoric and there's probably no civil war here any time soon
I read while back you'll gonna have mandatory military service back, is that true?
I also remember, that it would be to females as well.
There already are civil wars between the fucking immigrants
There will be no "civil war", there will be an election and depending on the results there will either be a crackdown on refugees and gang violence or there will be more of the same.
i am sorry to disappoint everyone but swedens real problems are not the shitskins, as much as i´d like that. angles, saxes, jutes scandes are only exciting people when they live abroad, at home we are just autistic shut-ins with no dreams like the finns.
Dem feelz Sven
They will HAVE to use military force at some point in the near future.
What they have going on is completely unsustainable, and most swedes are completely oblivious and fact resistant.
We sometimes have swedish politicians come and debate our politicians here in Denmark. Everyone i know thinks they are completely out of touch with reality.
wtf Sweden? Now you have written law that states that you have to give verbal permission before sexual intercourse, dude like wtf?
Hey sexy lady, is it ok that i stick my dick inside your vagina? like how dry will she not get from that?
Oh shit, I forgot to ask my wife permission to have sexual intercourse last night. She can legally accuse me of rape now. like ffs
>tfw 9 months mandatory military service in a tiny shithole up north
>tfw want to do military service in a tiny cold shithole up north
>probably not allowed to bring my trusty cat companion
yeah there's also that part about you being a fat neetbuxer
>They will HAVE to use military force at some point in the near future.
Problem is it will most likely be used against native nationalists though.
They have already had drills on it, if i remember correctly it was in cooperation with NATO forces.
nato is anti-white, no surprises there
Sooner or later the military will be sent into the ghettos and the niggers will be btfo, thats it.
>that projection
Deploy The Golden one
Do you still have it? I thought its voluntary nowadays
come on buddi
you're 100percent fat AND an animervirgin also
Nords are just too autistic for their own good living in freedom. We've always needed an aristocracy of our own best people.
Jesus Christ, soon I'm gonna know your life story
They reimplemented conscription last year
lmao fatboi
Do females have it too?
What are you still doing in this thread? Go hit the treadmill. You can watch your animes while running
>tfw no military to join
Starting to study Norwegian so I can join Forsvaret, I already know basic Swedish and Danish though so it won't be too hard.
>i-i w-wan go armi b-buh my cat XDDDd
Is Sweden as cucked as advertised?
Sauce/context to pic pls, Icelandbro?
why are you so concerned with this, meme-flag ?
We need some men in Försvarsmakten, I mean look at this fucking commercial
>no sympathy for animals
Literal nigger spotted, don't reply to my post fucker
NOBODY is as cucked as the shithole you live in, burgerlard
X X O Boom
>d-don rebly*sob*
It's bad but not THAT bad
yes, everyone born after 1999 now has to answer a paper with questions about the military and general health.
Then 6000 people will be called to a validation test so they don't get some pshycopaths or Cred Forumsacks in the military
We need more men into our military service, and the marine seems pretty nice
We're the most cucked but not as cucked as everyone makes us out to be, we need change
>still going
Don't you have a jail to sit in?
We have only for guys lol. I'd make mandatory it for females thought.
Jesus Christ. Problem is I'm Icelandic though so I'm not allowed to join the Swedish army I think. Norway allows me without a Norwegian citizenship though .
>d-don't d-d*incoherent sobbing*
>fat neckbeardpost
>"h-hey !!!"
seriously lullMAO @ u, you must be the smelliest virgin in all of sweden
Any reason for optimism?
t. American with Swedish heritage
Plastic Sven
>I also remember, that it would be to females as well
what a stupid idea
Jesus Christ you are pathetic, not everyone on Cred Forums is like you
SD might win the election, if not, don't come, unless Swedes rise up against the govt
Never mind, found it myself.
Link for anyone else, that was interested:
>maaaaaan I'd r-really LUV to go MILITARY, just my cat huh XDDD
>t. fatass neetbuxer who can't do a push-up and probably wears one
>>t. fatass neetbuxer who can't do a push-up and probably wears one
I lolled, I'm sorry you don't understand companionship between animals and humans, you are subhuman after all, but you're a witty subhuman
It's made by Wolfgang Willrich, I love his work.
>m-maaaan I'd REALLY love to go to the military, fellow based anons
> but I can't lol
fatty boom boom
Look at Stockholm
Swede cities are moslem af
If we want go towards "equal society" (as feminists here want) things like mandatory military service should be for both genders. Obviously, most females end up doing physically easier jobs.
I'm going to be in Sweden this summer. A Civil War would really put a cherry on top of that trip.
Stop projecting already
Keep the faith my Nordic brother
Do you know if I can actually join the Swedish army? I just want to do 1 year army service for now and see how I like it. I'm much better at Swedish than I am in Norwegian.
If you like hiking you should hike the Kings trail en.wikipedia.org
I will Ameribro
I don't know but if you have swedish citizenship then you should be able to join the military, no idea how it works though
Hold nu kæft og smut af helvede til, satans til fimset svans skal man lede længe efter.
> toxoplasmosis the post
we are all Sweden
please you couldn't fight the urge to not watch your wife have interracial sexy time with Jamal and the 05 crew
Wait... My love for my cat could just be toxoplasmosis taking over my body
>can't do a push-up and probably wears one
sstealing this
Big if large
That means I can use that as a disability, and PC Försvarsmakten will have to allow me to enlist, brb mailing Försvarsmakten
That sounds very oddly specific, nigel. You alright? Need to talk?
It is just making it harder for the men. It's pathetic.
I think we both need to talk about those big dirty black hairs all over your body and arms
ok whatever you say mate
now run along beaner boy the white people are talking
Very unlikely.
May be some riots depending on how the election goes in september
Remember to watch The Ritual before departing.
Damn sick bantz austria bro!
Sure thing Mr. ‘Part and Parcel’
a Muslime African mongrel ran your life for eight years
part n parcels only the mayor of London
I've never even been to London
and next time you direct something towards me it better start with dear sir
Wow ruthless Nigell
I dont even know what you are
Kill yourself, proxyfag kike. Swedes aren't the ones leeching off and sucking your welfare programs and creating literal nogo zones.
the wolfgang willrick link took me to this amazing page, Odin the all father gave me you`re(your?) will to find the origin of that photo, so i could find my one true love, Odinism!!
>Swede athlete are white af.
Winter Olympics is a whites-only thing, though. Not to mention that they are losing in events they should be winning in. When the summer Olympics come, you'll see the "other side of Sweden".
Most of our famous athletes are white though
There are only a few that aren't white
You on the otherside rely heavily on blacks for your sports
Well we did used to breed em for physical labor/activities
They were very real talks about sending the military into no-go zones which is probably still being a topic in the retard pen (government) And if any other group was planning a coup or some shit I don't think they'd tell you spergs on Cred Forums.
Yes, right. I see you swallow fake news and Cred Forums memes like it was water and that was your first mistake. You're worse than the jew screaming your false words of disgust, you are truly nigger tier stupid if you believe this, repent now.
You're very much welcome when shit hits the fan brother.
Yes, every child born 1999-2000 will be drafted to begin with then I think the mandatory service is in gear. And yes, as said it is a stupid fucking idea.
You should read Marie Cachets book
>Yes, every child born 1999-2000 will be drafted to begin with then I think the mandatory service is in gear.
"Varje år ska 4 000 personer genomföra utbildningen. För att kunna fylla utbildningsplatserna behöver vi pröva närmare 13 000 personer per år. Vi kommer att kalla omkring 5 000 av de som fyller 18 i år till mönstring."
between 1999-2000 abut 90 000 were born. about 13 000 go to boot camp each year, most of which are voluntary, but from now on 5000 will be randomly selected and forcefully drafted. They are expecting 4000 make the cut.