The truth Cred Forums won't accept
>would becoming a submissive help a dom understand what being a sub is like
Yes but that's not what being dom is about.
I stick a finger in my ass every time I masturbate. I still hate women.
Is Vice trying to imply that real woman don't have dicks?
They despise rape but now also want to rape all men. Really makes you think.
10 rapes per second
>what it means to be a woman = a hole to be penetrated
good job feminism
>Really makes you think.
No it doesn't. It's pretty clear what this kikery is all about.
>what it means to be a woman
>a hole to be penetrated
*slow clap*
>The truth Cred Forums won't accept
More like
>The truth Cred Forums will say "what a time to be alive" to
What are prostate exams?
Holy shit it's real
how can that be real when gender and sex isn't real? VICE is constantly contradicting itself.
VICE is an enemy of the state. Needs to be firebombed.
>TFW I've never been penetrated
>being penetrated in a hole meant purely for shitting
>being penetrated in a hole meant purely for being penetrated in
Fuck Tom ford. Dude only got on by sucking hovas dick
>should every man be penetrated at least ince in his life
Not by a fucking dick or a strap on, hell no. I'm not going to let the fucking government rape me
Shoving something up my ass is not going to help me understand the female experience. Its just going to hurt my asshole.
I refuse to believe this is real.
All I'm thinking is Sam Hyde TedX and his state-enforced homosexuality comment.
Ford is a surprisingly good director actually. A Single Man and Nocturnal Animals are really well-made films
Sorry CUM breath, I'll keep my asshole and mouth virgin.
>you have to be gay to understand women
So they're saying women are mentally unstable?
Maybe if you like being penetrated. this a way to spread aids?
haha wow what the fuck
Yeah, but are traps gay, tho?
You best start believin
Does a prostate exam count?
Because getting penetrated in the butthole is the same as getting penetrated in the pussy
Are they saying being fucked in the ass is the same as vaginal intercourse? That's pretty offensive towards women.
Well, women are full of shit, so it's the same thing.
It's not 'x' if its the government doing it.
Murder, harassment, stealing, slavery, violence.
You're already forced to indulge in transpeople's ERP or be punished for intolerance.
Maybe it's a misunderstood recommendation to ask your doctor about the risks of prostate cancer.
You're witnessing an attempted inversion of everything. (((They))) want their new underclass to be so weakened and easily controllable through the vast differences in perception, normal moral people will be viewed as the lesser species that must be destroyed.
Not this again
Leaf, you I like
So the female identity is synonymous with getting fucked? Article writer didn't really think this through.
Penis envy is real. They want literal inversion because so-called feminists they being women.
must be a nigger
They hate* fuck
I bet you having my butt penetrated feels much better than what girls feel through their vegana. It's just another thing men are better at.
Its not rape when its a man.Don't you know this?
That's a man
more gay shit from jews.
How hasn't anyone from /pol gone and did shooting at huffinton/vice/buzzfeed instead of faking shooting in schools. Oh wait...
one time me xgirlfriend fingered my ass, there was plenty of spit as lube but it still felt rather uncomfortable, 1/10 wouldn't do again.
Also the doctor has done it a couple times
>"it's such a vulnerable position to be in, and it's such a passive position to be in. And there's such an invasion, in a way, that even if it's consensual, it's just very personal."
holy shit its a real article.
Oh, shit. Are you me?
Men aren't supposed to know how women feel.
ITS HER TURN! Bend over, lube up and end rape culture.
I love VICE now
But, I didn't wait for their advice
As a proud Kekistani I mobe getting fucked in the ass by a based black man
I swear on my mums grave if I had the power I would fucking torture these people for years
Yeah, no shit. It is the place all women should remain in.
The only thing a real man should (((understand))) about a woman is the proper place to put his dick.
You are allowed to not like the lgbt community here, and you can say that you don't approve of it.
What you can't do is walk around and harras them, like
>oh fuck you gay, you are idiot gay idot gay idiot
that is hate speech, just say in a good way
What do you mean oh wait?
Someone def should NOT do this despite the lulz of it since it would give the Jews fuel
As I said
>Leaf you I like
finally the left has caught up to my idea of a woman: nothing but a hole to be fucked
There are so many questions brought up by this image.
>Why such a big strap-on?
>Why pick Squirt soda? Was it the only one around?
>Why include the dog bed in the photograph?
There is a story here.
Let all Jewish males get mauled in the ass by a 300# Black Bull and let's see what happens.
Penetrated faggot rapists with Bear Razorhead tipped arrow
The real Brokeback Mountain happy ending
We have sames. Tbh it's probably made me hate women even more.
That was my first thought as well
Scream like a pig
Vice is trash website like Buzzfeed and Huffpo. I will laugh when they go bankrupt.
This was suggested by Tom Ford a male fashion designer.
Basically a faggot is supporting rape of heterosexual men.
You been missing out bro, it actually feels good, I don't know what this cunts are all about
Do butt stuff. It's evolution.
Yeah, VIce knows what it's like to get fucked
Can’t wait to gas all these people. It’s going to happen soon if they keep pushing this garbage on the public.
Should every Woman make sense at least once in her life?
Gays don’t reproduce, they recruit. Another recruiting campaign.
What is feminist even complaint about anymore?
They've manage to nag their way in to powerful positions in society
They've manage to nag their way on a care free life.
The worst that could happen is being born an ugly woman and even then you're either at the same level of man or just slight above the privilege ladder.
The only angle they have left to keep on drilling is how some man are still desiring to penetrate their shit holes and even that is becoming less and less desirable when you have to weight the amount of shit you're about to embark compared to the 3 to 5 minutes of pumping.
Seriously they should just take their winnings and go home at this point, the house is broke and only one option left
Most normie guys already have done this, they just don't admit to it
so getting penetrated is the main trait of being a woman?
they phrased that pretty nicely.
When did VICE become Salon?
>godless piece of meat feels good
>total bitch before women
>fucking beast
>infantilized munt turns women he's with into shitmouths
>feels good man
Reminds me of this Patrice O'Neal bit:
>what is prostate exam
Unironically, yes
I think it happened before they started that show on HBO but that show is when you knew it was over for sure
I am penetrated every pay check when I see how much I pay in taxes to support nig nogs and shitty women.
>What it means to be a woman
>Getting penetrated
Kek that is actually sexist. Hope their SJW peers rain fury all over this dumb shit.
When we have reached shit like this I am thinking it is an indicator.
Vice is running out of click bait.
>page 07
For fucks sake. And what are we gonna do to teach women what it's like to be men? Maybe not coddle them for 20 years. They would all fucking kill themselves.
It's also transphobic. Some women have penises and like to do the penetrating, not the other way around. Also some trans people have had their prostate removed due to totally normal and healthy side effects of hormonal megadosing and anal cancer from getting pegged too many times.
Men get penetrated when the doctor inspects them for ass cancer.
Fucking retards.
>saying something worthy of it's definition
It checks out
This. And it's not an enlightening experience.
Is this a fucking joke?
i used to anal masturbate when i was a teen. felt good. no idea why many women object to it. so yeah now i think they are mere pussys (kek) for not doing anal.
They don't have prostates, so it's not as fun for them
Why has VICE not been burned down yet? How much cancer do they need to spread before someone shoots them?
>They don't have prostates, so it's not as fun for them
knew that rebuttal would instantly surface. yeah but it doesnt hurt or anything. so yeah. pussies.
futa on male is my #1 fetish
What the fuck did you just fucking say about us, Hans? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cred Forumsack’s finest brigade, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Antifa, and I have over 300 confirmed redpills. I am trained in autistic warfare and I’m the top shitposter in the entire Cred Forums board. You are nothing to me but just another shill. I will wipe you the fuck out with redpilling the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, Fritz. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of autists across Cred Forums and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, you kraut. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, you hun. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can troll you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in slide thread exposing, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Cred Forums and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” post was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn sheep. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Jerry.
No but they do have vaginal walls which can be stimulates through the rectum
if you embrace your own degeneracy, are you still degenerate?
Good comic. And very Cred Forums related
Not the same by a half
Beware. Ass play just ONCE in your life is all it takes to make you at least halfway gay.
The reason we evolved this faggotry circuit is that if something is touching your anus or entering it, then it's probably the alpha of the tribe penetrating you with his penis. If you resist, you die before you get the chance to pass on your genes. If you learn to enjoy it, you survive. After thousands of generations of this process, a very specialized network of pleasure circuits evolved in the ass of surviving men, with the prostate acting as the nexus.
One time is all it takes. It doesn't even require penetration. As soon as someone else so much as gently tickles your butthole with their finger for ten minutes (while gently rubbing your balls with their other hand to affirm to the body that there is a sexual context to this stimulation), it's too late to go back. The circuit has been activated and your personality changes forever. You start acting fruity, talking with a lisp, and making limpwristed hand motions. It takes a conscious effort every second of every day to act like the man you used to be.
The pleasure you get from penile stimulation also becomes forever diminished after this circuit activates. You start to want your asshole touched just as much as you want your penis touched, if not more. Basically the flesh of your penis becomes less "sexually charged", and the charged area migrates to your ass somewhat. Getting your dick touched by a girl doesn't get you rock hard anymore; it feels more like getting your finger touched, or your arm touched. Like regular flesh being touched.
Keep people away from your ass. You've been warned.
Wow Ivan I thought muller picked you guys up this weekend
Big mistake.
If anything it makes you sympathize less knowing how little work they have to do, mostly.
Across the board.
When do I get my own personal soyboy bitch? I will name him Toby and make him wear a dress because hell he isn't a real man.
Would it help women understand what it's like to be a man if they where conscripted for war and demonized for everything they naturally think and do?
>The a woman's total life experience can be summarized by being penetrated
>help men understand what being a woman is like
>essentially experience of sexual activity
So vice is admitting sex is the main thing women are about?
Sometimes the ironic sexism liberals spew are worthy of unbridled rage.
I think becoming pregnant, feeling a human being grow inside you, and birthing it has to be a the ultimate experience of being a woman.
But I guess it's getting fucked in the shithole. Thanks vice.
>get raped as a kid
>hate gays
>hate dominant women
>mfw this article
What they're doing is treating men like they're just broken women
yeah boi
the artist is "dhibi", iirc. He's got that really distinct needle-limb/melting face style. Figure the rest out yourself.
I can picture it: At some point Feminists will want to have young boys in Kindergarden be violated with Dildos "to make them understand what it means to be a girl". And some cucked Boomer Politician will give the okay for it....
>mfw amerimutts will be forcefully penetrated by their government in my lifetime
Women always boil themselves down to their fuckholes. Patrice O'Neal highlighted this in one of his standup gigs where he asked the women in the audience how they would keep their man if they didn't have vaginas. They responded with things like "anal" and "blowjobs". Patrice fired back with "see... I gave you a chance to qualify yourselves as something other than a series of holes and you still made yourselves nothing but holes". Never changes either. How else can they manipulate men? Their fuck holes are their sole bargaining chip.
This is just penis-envy openly declared. Women are jealous by nature, and nothing makes them more jealous than the fact our dicks are designed to give her more pleaure than anything else. They're literally dependent on getting stuffed by dick to make them feel whole, and it eats them up how good we make them feel.
The obvious cure to this is to go out and fuck leftist women hard as possible. Get them bent over doggy style and go to war with their cervix, and make them know that they exist as vassals for our dicks.
Perhaps the leftist soyboy beta-males aren't doing their duty and this is a reaction to their frustration.
That is an interesting comment. A previous gf said for women, the act of sex and attraction, feels like they're sucking the man inside them and possessing them, as if they're overpowering them. So it makes sense that without a vag, they'd suck men in through other holes.
wait this has to be a dream they can be telling hetrosexual men to get--FLIPPIN FLOTSAM WHATS THAT
Been prairie dogging for an hour and just dropped a big log, does that count? I don't feel any different.
Imagine if someone in Middle East posted this
Everything from the 2070 paradigm shift is actually coming true, it`s insane
>the only thing that makes you a woman is getting penetrated like a sex object
Do they realize how sexist they are?
I tried anal masturbation when i was younger, and I'm pretty much hooked. No need for porn, and I cum harder than I was ever able to with just playing with muh dik. I think might be on to something
A brief glimpse into Europe circa 2023
It's penis envy, just plain penis envy.
Also I had to get fingered (by a cute blonde doctor, lel) for a colon checkup. Not old person one but something else since I seem to have IBS. I didn't like it, so now I guess I fully understand women.
Sixty-Nine, dudes!
SJWs have now equated vaginas to assholes
So I guess it's now open season to call them all cunts
Aussies celebrating
I have gotten fingered twice on prostate checks, first time was really weird, second was not bad, having foreign things up your hole ain't the fucking end of the world unless they transmit some deadly disease.
I could probably be all right by getting raped if I don't get aids from it, might even like it you never know
At this point I think they are either joking or deliberately trying to wake people up about the liberal agenda.
They are pushing it too far for it to be real.
Fucking /thread
I really feel sorry for straight men. I may be thrown off a building by Muhammad, but Schlomo is going to break you before putting you into a real gas chamber.
Thanks friend. I envy you.