Since the decadency of EUROPA, and the incoming crisis I decided to buy a Desert Eagle or similar gun in order to protect myself and my family/friends, money is not a problem, but how i could buy the bullets, for the gun i thought buy by parts on internet, some recomendations?
How to buy a gun in EU
>Desert Eagle
>to protect myself
I would be happy to start with something,, think that here is impossible to get a gun
>buying a rare gun, with an almost impossible to find caliber for survival
uhh, this is probably a troll thread, but seriously this is the dumbest thing you could do.
Tss, you recommend me some gun instead?
Just get a Glock. Reliable and discrete.
You know you can legally own a gun in Spain, right? It's not easy but it's probably better to do it legally than to risk doing shady shit to get one.
Can never go wrong with a glock.
Are you retarded puto?
Get a glock or an AR don't be a muy baka foo
>Desert Eagle
Nigger tier. Get a subcompact .380. Do it legally and don't be a faggot
GLOCK will be fine, but how to get it?
Don't you guys have fucktons of low quality .25 and .38 caliber pistols leftover from your civil war in the 20th century? Just go find your local drug dealer and offer a few hundred dollars for one and they're sure to be able to hook you up.
Get a glock dude, desert eagel is expensive, the ammo is expensive and hard to come by, its unreliable, etc
Its cool to show off, but worthless for self defense.
But with real bullets?
I thought the best thing one can get legally here were guns with "perdigones" what are a shity bullets
>Desert Eagle
Lol no.
Get a 9mm, in your case gypsies will get anything for you.
In other parts of europe, serbs or albanians is the way to go. Don´t haggle, don`t go to very dodgy places, pay up and go.
>How to buy a gun in EU
You don't. You just wait to get run over by a truck of peace.
Not sure of the gun laws in Spain, but they are probably strict. If it’s illegal to own you’re probably better off just not having one.
Use Google, not kidding. However, you risk being monitored by your local security agency. Also, make sure the dealer is individual or you risk extortion.
>buying Jewshit
I'm no expert but there are different types of licences in Spain. Handgun licenses are the hardest to get since you need a solid reason to have one. Check the Ministerio de Interior or the Guardia Civil websites and you should be able to get all the info on the licenses.
If you go the illegal route, now is a really bad idea with all the terror threats. There's probably a lot of resources allocated into finding gun smugglers.
Glock for entry-level. Sig Sauer for operators. Steyr M9 for hipsters.
>desert eagle
stop playing counter strike
>Don't you guys have fucktons of low quality .25 and .38 caliber pistols leftover from your civil war in the 20th century?
Yeah because a treasure like that won't cost the value of an eye. You fucking retard.
>Just find your local drug dealer and offer a few hundred dollars for one and they're sure to hook you up
oh man
don't talk as if you know this country
You can buy spent bullet casings on the internet and reload them yourself.
And if you can't buy the gunpowder or primer caps you need for reloading, you can make them from scratch.
It won't be the best ammo, and you'll need to clean the gun each time you shoot it to avoid barrel fouling, but it will work.
Make your ancestors proud
This. If anything goes wrong, then you'll be subject to defense forces, who are much better equipped than you are.
Pay a migrant to smuggle it in his ass.
>Desert Eagle
>don't commit any other crimes
>mind your own business
The police will literally never check your house and won't know
>and the incoming crisis I decided to buy a Desert Eagle
meme gun, you don't want to fire that in your home.
you'll never hear again
Sig has nothing on Glocks
Glock 19 is the best starter pistol.
Glock has a better replacement policy. Replacement for your Glock and your hand once it explodes.
>Desert Eagle
You are one larping Counter Strike player. If you want something to protect yourself, go anything 0.380 to 9mm semi compact. Or just make a single shot (maybe 2 barrels) pistol out of stuff from the hardware store.
Do you have albanians and romanians? Here that's the people you need to go talk to for funs.
Mudslimes usually have a pretty good access but they don't help the kaffir.
>they don't help the kaffir
Clever people, they are clearly invading us
I m thinking on gypsies but i cant trust on that people
Realistically, AFAIK in Spain you aren't allowed handguns or semi-automatics, but hunting rifles and shotguns are still possible to obtain with a hunting license.
So I'd say, get a hunting license, then get a bolt action rifle in .308, with a detachable magazine, iron sights, a threaded barrel, and as light as possible. Put a scope on it with see through rings to still be able to use the sights, a sling, a bipod eventually, at least a thousand rounds, and you'll have about the best setup you can possibly hope to. Pic very related.
Forget any illegal stuff, if you aren't brown/black and muslim, you won't have access to the black market.
>desert eagle
You clearly never shot one of these before. In fact, if you are the beta orbitter like you seem to be it would probably break your wrist the first time you shot it. Even if you fully master it, the eagle is not designed for rapid, repetitive shooting, it has a huge recoil and can only hold up to about 9 to 10 bullets. If you are in a scenario where you are attacked by multiple rapefugees and it's really a fight to death then your best bet would be something like the FN 5.7 which gives you about 20 bullets a round and even though it's low cal you can still pierce Kevlar armor with it and I can guarantee you that rapefugees won't be coming after in you in Kevlar. I doubt that you will ever be able to get your hands on this sort of equipment though so here's my ultimate recommendation:
Get a simple double barrel hunting rifle, saw the barrels off and use these as shells:
You would only need to wait until the mob gets up close and then blow those two rounds in their faces. It wouldn't probably kill them, but it would cause unimaginable tissue damage, they'd be filled with glass and nails deep below the skin and no surgeon would be able to really get out hundreds of microscopic glass shards from their bodies, they'd all die a slow and painful death even if they can get you. Also, with some practice, you can reload this thing very quickly.
> shooting meme slugs
>don't talk as if you know this country
You're the one asking pol for advice.
>some recomendations?
but the equipment to press your own rounds, it's cheaper and then you can also press custom rounds, lighter for targets and heavier for defense
I've shot meme slugs that took down elephants the size of your mother, kiddo
I don't think anywhere in Europe is illegal to own a firearm, or even to carry it with you. You just need a bunch of permits and plausible cause to do so.
>how to get it?
deepweb, some shady army cunt will come sell you one
Therefore it's illegal for the general population
This, in Italy of you're not a felon or mentally ill,it's not so difficult to obtain a licence,then pretty much in all gun stores,we have not as many as in the US,you can find Glock,Beretta or other common pistols
>Desert Eagle
> buy by parts on internet
larp harder leftyfaggot
you can own a gun in france but you need to submit a ton of paperwork, have a medical checkup, have a clean criminal file, ask the french shooting federation for approval, pass a test and pass 3 tests a year
you also never outright own "serious" weapons (anything at or above .22 single shot), you must ask for permission every few years to keep it and they can take it away at any time for no reason
guns are also taxed out of the ass and a regular .223 or .300 will cost 3 to 5 times what it does in the US
you can own up to 50 cal but you can't shoot it anywhere except at military ranges and you can't get in there unless you have relations
in order to carry a gun you need to be able to prove someone is trying to kill you or you just have to be important enough (meaning politicians)
lots of guns in france though, mostly due to hunters
In Sweden, you technically can own a firearm (except automatic rifles that are banned) but it's a bitch getting all the licenses and permits. You need to store them specifically, all the ammunition is specifically licensed and the police makes continuous checks on how you store your weapons. The state monitors you like a bitch.
It's not worth the hassle for many to get one legally unless you hunt or compete.
Oh my sweet summer child.
but to obtain a license you need to give a bullshit reason such as "hunting" or "sport shooting" or however the fuck it's called. They only allow gun license for self defense if you're someone who's potentially in danger. So that throws gun carry out of the window
I thought people who lived on the countryside could have one much more easily?
I was out walking across fields and woods yesterday, heard many a farmer shooting at presumably rabbits.
How does ordinary Joe get a gun license, when they don't have a farm?
t. hickok45
Honestly I've been walking home from airsoft meets with a rifle on my back, in woodland camo around 1.5 km and nothing happened. Most of the time policeman are not retarded and won't shoot you on sight for having a weapon like object on you like in 'murrica, at worst they ask for some ID and permits. It possibly won't even come to that if you don't wave it around like a retard.
>it's legal but you need to submit a document
>that means it's illegal
And how is that a problem? If not for importing niggers you wouldn't need it. Most of the shit is reasonable.
Is it illegal in Belgium?
Other waffle here. You can get a .308 battlerifle like a Sig or an m14 but only after laborious paperwork, going shooting 12 times a year, being a member of a club, paying exorbitant fees. And even if you manage to get a gun home good luck defending yourself with it. You'll likely get sued for not bowing down and not letting them cut your head off.
It's similar to what the frenchie described.
First you have a theoretical exam to know the law.
Then you need to enroll in a shooting range and shoot there for a year and at least x times a year. Then you can ask a petition to have a gun.
To finally own your gun you need to install a safe in your house in which you keep the bullets (the gun can be left outside). You'll need to notify the city office of where you live and a cop will come verify that your bullets are in your safe. Your gun itself needs to have some padlock over the trigger.
You're only allowed to take them out of your home on your way to a shooting range and back.
In short, if you want to defend yourself you're fucked.
Meanwhile sandniggers run around with AK-47 in Brussels but hey.
>be me
>be from shitposter country
>have lever action shotgun with detachable box mag
>feeling pretty confident incase of SHTF
You're mixing everything up.
You can get a shooting license by registering in a gun club, paying for the license and club's fee, answering a small quizz and wait one week. Then you'll need to have your license approved by a doctor and this allows you to buy every category C or D1 firearms, which are much more than just ".22 single shot". You can keep those guns even if you don't renew your license.
If you want semi-autos and handguns, on top of the shooting license you'll indeed have to ask the shooting fed for approval, undergo three controlled shooting sessions a year, and ask the prefinct for an authorization, which is indeed a lot of paperwork and can involve a lenghty waiting time. The authorizations are available 5 years, during which you'll have to renew your license and undergo the three shooting sessions a year, every year, if you hope to have it renewed.
Guns are not taexed yet, things are typically 2 to 2.5 times more expensive than in the US because of French inflation, the 20% VAT, and the importers making a huge margin.
All the left wing parties of France were in favor of a special gun tax for the EU gun ban though.
You could shoot a .50 caliber in the ranges that have a good enough backstop. Mine has a fucking hill acting as one, so even a missile wouldn't be a problem. The range is only 200 meters long though, so it's absolutely pointless for me to own a weapon in such a caliber.
A civilian can never carry a gun or any kind of weapon, regardless of the circusmtances. You could get an authorization to OWN a gun for defense, and not for sport shooting, at home or at your shop, only if you particuarly threatened, mostly jewerly shops and pharmacy owners. But those people can never carry a gun on the streets.
Lmao Brussles must be crawling with AKs and other illegal guns by now. Not our arsenal tho, theirs.
Glock 19 or 1911 is literally the only way to go
Yeah and iirc the fines depend on what gun you want. The higher the calibre the more a pain in the ass it is. Most people I know stick to .22
Other option is to go for your hunter's license but that's a full year of once a week evening courses last time I checked.
but the latest version of the Silk Road banned weapons
I figured I would ask here, ia it legal to manufacture firearms in Canada for personal use?
That thing looks nice, and it'll protect you just as good as any AR would. Your options aren't that bad, yuropoor.
Other than the high fees, it's not a problem with gun laws.
the bolt action could be inconvenient if there were lots of adversaries around
You're already fucked if you're in that kind of situation anyway.
More so than a gun, using your brain is going to help you survive and thrive.
Hmm let's see.
>albanian maffia that does whores
>romanian maffia that does drugs and whores
>nigerians that do whores and illegal immigrant
>sandniggers who like to pretend they're though
just apply for a hunting licence and buy a rifle
Guess sporting licence would be the most interesting, just get yourself a ruger/glock in 9mm and deal with it.
Honestly though if you live in Belgium you're fucked when it comes to self defence. Even tazers and pepperspray aren't allowed. Even if a woman would bring a rape whistle she'd prolly have to pay compensation for her attacker's Tinnitus
I see youre a retard.
>please buy a good knife and learn to sharpen it.
>When a retard manage this, go and read your laws
>try to get a licens for guns
>try to operate the guns
>buy a 12ga, a 9mm, a .308 hunting rifle and a .223.
>now, buy cheap once and educate your family at the range
But just dont, I hate retards with guns and without a will to manage themselfes to read some shit
I've gotten in trouble for having pepper spray in my handbag.
Welp, it is possible but in case of when shit hits the fan, I'm sure the gun owners will be the first ones getting a visit from the state. Many gun owners I spoke with here have plans to make their gun "disappear" in such a case. E.g break a window and claim it was stole, while they just stashed it somewhere else.
I hate this monkey land
If you don't do any farming or hunting your best bet is to get one of them air rifles which you don't need a license for, then start going to a shooting range and after a couple of months just up your level and get a license, claim it's for sports and shooting clay pigeons
Something tells me that's very probable.
>oh noes shit is hitting the fan, what do
>make sure the few people that could defend their stash are unable to
Would be classic Belgium
Don't you britfags need a licence for a 20+Joule pellet gun?
a nice way to get in prison or beaten to death
>clay pigeons
I'm going to start calling mudslimes "clay pigeons".
>afraid of invading African hordes
>seeks to acquire the most Afro-coveted handgun in existence
I’m afraid it’s too late for you, Pablo.
Al least it's not as bad as in Bongland where you have the cops called on you for buying a pack of spoons
KEK you are a fake amerimutt . each country in EU have its own regulation about weapons. There is nothing like "weapons in EU", the license is national.
Go home, amerimutt, you're drunk.
I might move there soon, the laws aren't as much the issue as the mega-cucks that make up their police force.
Every citizen in Switzerland is drafted into militia and is equipped with rifle and ammo.
So far, they have all the money in the world and no invaders.
All we have is "the right to bear arms."
for a 20+ you need a license. The laws are very strict, but once you can prove that you have a valid reason to have a gun it's not that hard.
Well, good luck. I'll probably move to rural Walonia once i've saved up enough and just try to live a quiet life there while the world is burning. Hell I don't want to live near Brussles in 2025
Wrong, there are common guidelines throughout the EU, such as the categories of weapons, ranging from A to D. Each state has to abide by EU law, not just about guns, but about everything. The EU law is the minimum, but each state can decide to be even more restrictive on its own.
With the new upcoming EU gun law, there will be even less differences between countries, as there will be much more restrictions, that are going to be the minimum.
Go simple and go with a 9mm pistol that holds at least 15 rounds.
Valid reason would be vermin hunter for farmers or something? Either way it's just a pellet gun, only good enough to shoot small animals. What's does the law say about longbows?
what about 3D printing a gun then? As much I have heard you can make a pretty good one these days, and you could replace some with metal parts and make it last real long.
Just buy a shotgun. You can always claim it is for sporting purposes and the ammunition should be fairly easy to get. Any 12 gauge shotgun is extremely versatile and easy to use and practice is as easy as skeet shooting with it or hunting.
Even if you have to buy bird hunting loads for it you just cut the top of the shell off empty the shot drop in some appropriate sized coins and seal with candle wax, those should kill any man at modest ranges.
You can always make a horse shoe cut in the shell at the wad and it becomes a cut shell which will perform much like a slug.
You can take a large gauge syringe fill it with axel grease and inject it into the shell full of bird shot to make it all stick together when fired.
Not sure but if you're looking into gun stuff, check out buying a polymer 80 frame and glock parts. Works exceptionally well
>go to east europe for vacation (bulgaria, romania, serbia, montenegro, whatever)
>make a social group, ask around
>go and get a shooting certificate (piss poor easy, i have it too, cost me 35 euros, went to the shooting range, shot some boolits, had to dissasemble and reassemble a pistol, got a certificate, went to security, done)
>then just see if you can transfer the legality into spanish since both states are EU
what is this, babby's first cheating the law? Don't break it if you can bend it.
Are you MacGyver?
How can we as Americans recognize the laws of the Spanish monarchy? Its our duty to spit on monarchists.
Can confirm great gun. Little kick 15 rounds. I have a Sig.
Yep, most farmers mostly use air rifles though because it's handy for pest control, the pellets are cheap and you don't need a big gun to take out rats and shit like that
The only problem is that we have a lot of badgers here and they've got very thick bones, even standard shotguns hardly ever kill them and an air rifle wouldn't even tickle them, so if you are a farmer it's relatively easy to get your hands on decent rifles
You can use longbows, although you can't use them for hunting (even if you have a license)
explaining a nogun about cutshells :3
Just use the waxslugs or fill the birdload with epoxy/fiber.
>desert eagle
OP I hope you don't mind me asking but do you look like pic related?
This desu the law itself isn't the problem, it's the politicians.
>standard shotguns hardly ever kill them
Birdshot. Go and use buckshot and its a safe kill.
A slug has the energy of a .308 and is perfect for dropping
After paying nearly 3000€ for the hunting licence (2000€ hunting school, 200€ fee for exam, 150€ for paperwork, 250€ for gun safe), I am no able to own a hunting rifle SAKO finnlight .308, a Merkel shotgun and a SIG Sauer pistol).
Once a year the local administration comes to check if I am storing my weapons correctly in a gun safe, they come uninvited and I even have to pay 120€ for this routine check.
Actually gun licenses aren't transferable between countries. I know because I've checked if it was worth getting my belgian one before moving to the UK, and nope.
At least you have funs for the inevitable race war.
Nice I love when people come knocking on my door uninvited.
lmao EU boys are immensely more cucked than Canada
seriously europoors you need to try harder
Had a girlfriend who is spanish and used to be a drug dealer she told me she could get a gun for 200 euro OP is clearly a gigantic middle class pussy who should not have access to a firearm as has clearly never shot one
>desert eagle
If you are not a criminal, drug addict or psycho just pass some exams and just buy a gun and bullets in the shop. Works like that here.
Go be a leaf someplace else.
Until you un-Trudeau yourself you have no right to call anyone cucked.
I pay 30€ everytime. But they just wont come every year. I have a R700 police and a M9.
This years is Benelli M4 time. I try to expand the Mag be 2 shells for clay shooting.
But dude, you have guns! Be happy
Most of them don't ask for permits and 1 euro is about 2 KM
Lmao good luck getting that within our borders.I got scolded by my bank the other day because I had ordered a medieval replica sword from Poland rofl
They see it as a way to make gun ownership unbearable, I live in a red commie state where they started with proposing to make this fee madatory for every single gun you own.
So 3x120€... but it never came this far thankfully, but they do come every year to get their revenue and there is nothing I can do about it...
Well..... fuck
alright you clearly know more than i do, it's still horseshit and i'm glad i never tried to get one here
can't wait to gtfo
Where will you be going fromagefag? Are there any safehavens other than Iceland?
Buy a shotgun from a gyppo (from a different city preferably).
a white town in a white republican state in the US
How do I emigrate to the USA? I think I'd make for a great redneck, though I heard you need something solid there first like a job invite or a partner
you need to have a partner there, anything else is has a giant waiting time and will take a long time and/or is subject to getting rightfully slashed by trump
i already have an american girlfriend and she wants me to join her, but i need to gather some money first so because i'll die before i get on welfare whether it's here or there
You know I almost married a USA grill when I was young. She went back to her ex though so there went my chance. She's now with another guy and had to move to the other side of the country because he's deployed in some shitty barrack there. She's a true city grill who is currently going loco out there. Guess she got what she deserved lel.
>How to buy a gun in EU
It's all illegal (especially in a socialist country like Spain).
The legal risk is greater than the alleged risk of aggression. I'd wait, better hit the gym & try shooting sports.
Only in a first world country you need to fear the state as much as you fear the violent invaders they let in. Though I don't believe it was intentional, it all comes down to divide & conquer.
Just get a ruger target 22. It's easy to take apart, and clean. It's fun to shoot, and it looks cool as fuck.
A desert eagle is a bit excessive. If you can, I recommend the M14, I love mine, they're pretty cheap, and they look great. All around it's a solid rifle.