Theists of pol, how did you start believing? Did you come to a conclusion that God exists on your own or did some other person tell you about God?
Think about it and realize that you've been brainwashed.
Theists of pol, how did you start believing? Did you come to a conclusion that God exists on your own or did some other person tell you about God?
Think about it and realize that you've been brainwashed.
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My faith grew just like the bible said it would. Romans 8:30
Sometime around Cultural anthropology class, you learn about why religion is necessary, Op.
Until you talk in terms of culture and ideology, you're just doing an ego-fap.
Then it dawned on me ... Op is just a shill told to make atheist shit posts and the Jews who pay him to shit post know about why religion is necessary for culture and that's exactly why we get these shit posts all the time.
Having good questions in good faith will lead one to joy in grace.
I've came to faith through deep introspection and work on self-psychology. I've realized some of the things happening in my life were nonsense and unexplainable by everything expect for an intelligent being of evil controlling my mind, body and surroundings. This is how I've started believing in Satan and his legion. God was a logical conclusion after that.
I believe in God because meaning exists, e.g. you can kind of understand this post. The brainwashed are the ones who claim meaning can exist without objective intention, or that meaning doesn't exist at all - a wouldbe meaningless and thus self-refuting claim.
>nothing matters
>you are only an animal made of dust
>God is a silly sky wizard
You are the one brainwashed, friendo.
That's a crazy conclusion
Go fuck yourself.
>Did you come to a conclusion that God exists on your own or did some other person tell you about God?
The first. The only thing people ever told me about god is how he doesn't exist and how only retarded christians believed in him, which is what I thought for the longest time. Then I realised there is more to God than juist the bearded skydaddy and I found my faith.
Atheism is a Jewish trick just as much as communism
Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of
the successes we arranged for Darwinism (Evolution), Marxism (Communism),
Nietzsche-ism (Socialism). To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a
disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the GOYIM.
Protocols of the Elders of Zion protocol No. 2
tried praying for shit on a lark in christs name....btfo by multiple miraculous coincidences.
It's a strange thing that science-minded naturalists who are limited to inductive reasoning think they have anything to say at all about God.
This is only so because of the existence of stupid people who believe scientists are the authority on all knowledge.
Personally i was a theist as a kid but then became an atheist around 12. My whole life spiraled into the shitter and this only furthered my belief that a god couldn't be real. Stayed that way for a while until for seemingly no reason at all i felt like i was empty. The feeling was a bit hard to explain but it got me to read the bible. In an instant my classes got easier, my friends got nicer, and i was more determined to lose weight as i was a fat kid. I want to say it was a happy ending but i fell again. Weight up, happiness down, sins WAY UP without asking to be forgiven. If i die now i will probably go to hell. I just really really hope i find that spark again before its too late for me.
gas all jews
I don't understand why people believe God's existence is contingent on their level of happiness.
>i'm a whiny bitch, therefore God must not exist
Yeah pretty common argument among atheists. I don't remember my reasoning behind it though.
there is a first mover entity since something cannot come from nothing
I highly doubt it is the christian god after his word is full of inconsistencies and made up bullshit
The kingdom of God is within, user.
Because there's a certain point in time where "it's just a freaky-deaky coincidence" gets overused and made useless.
God chose me to give me the faith through grace to believe. Maybe he just didn't choose you
>I highly doubt it is the christian god because it's made up bullshit
Sound reasoning.
>full of inconsistencies
You mean inconsequential inconsistencies that prove the bible's historicity because such are expected of any authentic collection of historical documents? Our creation implies God cares, which implies He would want us not to be fooled, which implies a religion is true, and Christianity is the largest, most successful movement of all time. You should realize your """quantification""" of this """improbability""" is only a consequence of your butthurt.
>I'll just try to say something that sounds deep but doesn't really say anything
Explain to us why meaning can't exist without gods.
>it isn't possible that humans are just animals
Why not?
>inb4 because it hurts my feelings
Not an argument.
>>I'll just try to say something that sounds deep but doesn't really say anything
>i don't understand what you said therefore you must be the idiot
lol. Objective meaning can't exist with God, not "gods," because meaning implies intention. The claim that subjective meaning can exist without objective meaning is an equivocation of "meaning," the naturalist understanding of which is inconsequential, and the substance dualist understanding of which is a genuine experience, which the naturalist merely denies exists. The subjective doesn't exist in some kind of vacuum of non-existence.
>inb4 you regurgitate more """objections""" from
god isnt supposed to babysit the world you manchild