>President Trump: Year One
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>VP Pence @America 1st Policies event in TX 2/17/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in-flight presser 2/17/18
>NSA McMaster @Munich Security Conf 2/17/18
>DNI Coates on russian election meddling 2/17/18
>This Week @State 2/16/18
>Tiffany/Barron arrive in WPalmBeach 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Sheriff's Office 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Hospital 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in WPalmBeach Fl 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/Rato after visiting border 2/16/18
>VP Pence @RNC in San Antonio TX 2/16/18
>VP Pence in Hidalgo TX on immigratin 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in TX 2/16/18
>DepAG Rosenstein indicts 13 russians 2/16/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/RoachFM Cavusoglu 2/16/18
>CommSec Ross @Small Biz Summit 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Addresses Nation on FL Shooting 2/15/18
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What's the pros and cons of federalism /ptg/?
Dutdut is trying to change our govt system
How will you name this place after Trump is no longer POTUS/dies?
American Politics General - /apg/??
>Following the Anschluss of Austria to Nazi Germany, in March 1938, the conquest of Czechoslovakia became Hitler's next ambition. The incorporation of the Sudetenland into Germany that began on 1 October 1938 left the rest of Czechoslovakia weak, and it became powerless to resist subsequent occupation.
>France and the United Kingdom sold Czechia and Slovakia out to Germany
>Czechia sends commies to ruin the UK
Yeah I suppose I should just cut them down into pieces from jewtube before converting to webm; but that's more work and I'm lazy on the weekends
>actually taking away liberties in favor of lobbyists and corporations
drumpanzees in charge of lacking self awareness
Anyone have KAC fan fiction?
Asking for a friend.
how does this image make you feel drumpf?
Ficking faggot, hal is worse.
Although the engagement was small compared to Napoleonic naval battles such as the Battle of Trafalgar, the victory had disproportionate strategic importance, opening Canada up to possible invasion, while simultaneously protecting the entire Ohio Valley.[3][27] The loss of the British squadron directly led to the critical Battle of the Thames, the rout of British forces by Harrison's army, the deaths of Tecumseh and Roundhead, and the breakup of his Indian alliance.[26] Along with the Battle of Plattsburgh, it was one of only two significant fleet victories of the war.[3]
In fact, Perry was involved in nine battles that led to and followed the Battle of Lake Erie, and they all had a seminal impact. "What is often overlooked when studying Perry is how his physical participation and brilliant strategic leadership influenced the outcomes of all nine Lake Erie military campaign victories:" Capturing Fort George, Ontario in the Battle of Fort George; Destroying the British munitions at Olde Fort Erie (see Capture of Fort Erie); Rescuing five vessels from Black Rock; Building the Erie fleet; Getting the ships over the sandbar; Blocking British supplies for a month prior to battle; Planning the Thames invasion with General Harrison; Winning the Battle of Lake Erie; and Winning the Battle of Thames.
>be Russian
>get shot
Shindol is a degenerate who grew up in Jew York.
I liked his sandnigger one though.
Can I get a rundown? I’m confused.
>implying the God Emperor will ever die or stop being our President
I need it
Retired with full honors.
Unless one of his sons is elected, then we roll with the full dynasty.
>pls don't read shindol
Nice try, el Muhammad Extinguido.
Sessions AWOKEN
>wake up
>jump on scale
>lost another pound
>open President Trump's Twitter
>"the Russians are laughing their asses off!"
>implying a world without trump as president is tolerable after all his shit posting
>implying we don't all commit ritual suicide when he's gone
It won't be an issue.
CNN is milking the hell out of this tragedy for ratings.
Really pathetic and disgusting.
A few months late
Sessions was waiting for the perfect moment to strike and now he's going in for the kill.
It's great isn't it?
Gradually I began to hate them
nothing will happen
Keep America Great general
Salsa me user.
IF you are a faggot you win even when you lose!
faggit falls three times and comes in last yet he "wins"
What else would you expected from the one who made a dj which involve abortion with a punch..
Thought his PETA one had more effect than the real ads.
The natgeo girl?
In theory less centralization but overtime you end up where we are
Everything will happen.
Sean Spicer better have his holocaust center ready to place all employees of CNN inside.
Yeah that one.
He wants corrupt faggots to die. If corruption gets into the federal system though it gets extra fucked.
Must be in the more Turkish place.
>Figthing a war on a lake
The shit we knew all along about the dossier was made canon by that memo that was being treated as the end of civilization if it was made public.
Sessions only just now realized that maybe he should do his job for once.
is the recusal over?
does this mean muh russia is finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally dead?? officially officially????
He gets it.
(((Leo Frank))) as per the Talmud thought he could rape and murder a Gentile child was sadly mistaken when The Knights of Mary Phagan Executed this demon after (((he))) had been convicted by the court of law
It's by Georgia, stuff that went down there eventually led to the Russia-Georgian war
It is. Right next Georgia and Azerbajan.
AG Sessions: "Every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate. That will be investigated and looked at."
Ooh boy
>faggit falls three times and comes in last yet he "wins"
Cocaine's a helluva drug!
Ahdahhaam will join Rahkhaaiil Mahthofvf at NBC #fellowwhitepeople
these sandniggers, I swear to cunt
Niggers. Sorry, Ben, you're not enough to tip the scales.
We'll worry about that 7 years from now.
New code, same deal
I don't want to get my hopes up. Sessions has been ineffective to non-existent so far.
What's going on with Sessions?
this is just welfare for anti-trumpers
/ptg/ should be permanently retired after Trump
Don't turn it into another shitty eternal circlejerk
>Killer rapist free from open prison
Jesus Christ UK, get your shit together
AH. Thanks.
Someone told him Strzok is a pothead.
>2 years in office
>oligarchs & warlords still in power
ugh i wish, just conquer us already, we got mountains of gold waiting to be mined and strategic location against china.
kinda agree
>church of England
Indeed, would probably end up with a report stating that the FBI committed no wrongdoings.
Isn't that event determined by your best score and not a combination of them?
Is everything in the UK subverted?
I'm so happy I never got around to killing myself
I think about this every day
Son, we will aid you.
has someone a better version of this?? Awoo!!!
Hey /ptg/ what do you think of the gas tax increase Trump apparently supports?
>Game doesn't end with her getting preggers
>It keeps going as you tow your cute half-umbrella daughterfu around
21 gun salute and all ? Can we use real bullets and have shills lined up ?
you and me both buddy
It's ogre guys!
I don't think it will happen.
Tecumseh was made a brigadier general in the British army as the commander in chief of its Indian allies. This alliance places the indian nations involved in the same category of declared military enemies of the United States as Nazi Germany, the Empire of Japan, or North Korea.
The victory at Detroit was reversed a little over a year later, when Commodore Perry's victory on Lake Erie in the summer of 1813 cut the British supply lines. Along with William Henry Harrison's successful defense of Fort Meigs, which created a staging area for the recapture of Fort Detroit, the British found themselves in an indefensible position and had to withdraw from the city. They burned all public buildings in Detroit and retreated into Upper Canada along the Thames Valley. Tecumseh sought continued British support in order to defend tribal lands against the Americans. However, a much reinforced Harrison led an invasion of Canada.
I unironically feel glad I lived to see Trump become President.
The man brings joy to my life every single day
And keks
>he's still not tired of winning
But anyway how do you view it? Good or bad?
I hate these people.
best i can awoo
Iffy. That's how I feel.
>Hey /ptg/ what do you think of the gas tax increase Trump apparently supports?
How else are going to pay for those nice new shiny roads?
>Trump store
>use code POTUS for 30% off
>Beretta store
>use code POTUS for 25% off
Is Beretta /ourgun/?
Nothing to see here
Trump has the Democrat brain fucking scrambled
>Muh Russia
It's over and this retards keep buying the dip
(R) house, sentate, SCOTUS, and POTUS.
Fuck off it ain't happening either
>Stormy Daniels
For the Dems, the best this could possibly be is "Trump has sex with beautiful women! Oh No!"
Most likely it's just going to blow up in their face as another example of "Fake News"
>Rob Porter
No one cares. No one will care. They missed peak #MeToo credibility.
Tick-Tock. They have to go back. Dems can't be caught dead signing a bill that gives Trump his wall.
Hey Dems, how those solutions to problems facing everyday Americans going?
Got any more weirdos you want us to memorize and argue about who can use which hairdresser without being sexist or whatever you freaks like to carry on about?
I really want translations before I turn my life around
But its an increase in tax? Don't conservatives hate that?
>Is Beretta /ourgun/?
It's foxfu approved
Wut do you expect, the Russia Russia Russia bullshit died the other day, now they'll go full Stalin on gun control !
Dilbert Man predicted that the awakening these people will get will be worse than Election Day when nothing is found.
your opinion means nothing here
>good job mueller you bought your self a couple more moments
is that all they have?
Get back to me when he explicitly supports it. Until then I think a gas tax hike is a big mistake because prices are already exorbitantly high and it's constraining are economy.
angriff mueller when?!
>Be resistance
>Let your guns grabbed by Trump
>CNN is milking the hell out of this tragedy for ratings.
Did you notice the time? 9pm EST, right against Hannity and Maddow. A time slot CNN always loses badly.
I hope the families and victims don't go
Did you miss CNN the other day?
oops meant for
>1 post by this ID
but its to pay for infrastructure?
shit deal imo
Those raised taxes would cut into the tax savings that the middle class just got
A basic role of state governments is maintaining roads, they need to get their shit together too
It's about fucking time ! I thought he'd wait till the limitations were up before commenting !
Is there even a timeslot CNN wins?
>i-in due time! Just look! his world is c-crumbling down!
Mental faggots should get the rope too
Not for years now
>did i watch cnn
no. is there a funny clip or something
he influence of Dutch culture in the Hudson River valley remained strong after the English took control of the New Netherlands and continued to exist well into the nineteenth century. As a descendant of Dutch patrician colonists, Washington Irving drew upon long standing familial folktales for inspiration of his stories like Rip Van Winkle. John Quidor illustrated many of Irving's legends as they were systematically published after 1820 in London and New York journals. Quidor's Return of Rip van Winkle illustrates the climax of Irving's retelling of the Dutchman who magically sleeps for decades only to awake in a changed world. Although much of the life Van Winkle knew before his slumber is different, he is still able to identify the traditional step-gabled brick roofs and familiar Dutch settlements. Architectural consistency clearly demonstrates the lasting influence of Dutch culture among successive generations and Quidor's manifestation of Irving's text reflects the continuity of visual culture.
Nigga I've been here all day. I see your gypsy ass everyday, you and that kike fin are the worst
Fox and MSNBC are basically the "mainstream media" at this point
If it wasn't for airports CNN wouldn't exist
Read the banner headline in the pic; they're losing it and sound like the guy from Ancient Aliens
Nigger preacher, UK, nothing to see here folks.
Well, in that case it may end up being cost neutral. We'll have to see what Mick "CFPB Catastrophe" Mulvaney thinks.
I got shitty drunk on election night and blacked out screaming at the tv to call Pennsylvania. I woke up a few hours later, checked the news, and cackled like a madman until I fell asleep.
It was one of the greatest moments of my life.
so is it pretty much confirmed they set off a shooter every time they want to "time skip" past a big news drop that's bad for them?
like muh russia dying, nobody will know it died because they've just been spamming 24/7 gun control
>finally get around to reading this morning's Trump tweets
Im gonna sleep now
goodnight /ptg/
>Is there even a timeslot CNN wins?
lol, of course not
CNN sucked before, but Trump broke them
Anyone even watching this shit? Who the fuck cares anyway?
They've corrupted all of society user, this was a given.
I doubt they didn't realize by now, it's like the retards here calling every obvious deep state shills /ourguys/, I'm sure even them realize it's just wishful thinking
And I'll kick you both in the ribs
Lazy and entitled just like she is in everything else.
nn ya sick fuck
Yeah but was there marijuana involved?
Q predicted this
Stop posting this garbage. I don’t want to see drawings of 6 year olds getting raped
Is Mueller really their only hope for 7 years
Dammit, I want a Baretta, but I don't have the money saved up yet.
>Khazar milkers
>listen here faggot
Good night degenerate flip.
cold fish
the only things she derives pleasure from are money and the destruction of the huwhyte race
I bet if I was 6’4” with a 10 inch cock she would still be unimpressive in bed.
nothing means nothing
Do they actually think that they're going to try and extradite those Russians
>shitlibs want a revolution
>shitlibs also want nogunz
It's always hilarious.
(((She))) probably pegs her (((husband))) every other night
>they're losing it and sound like the guy from Ancient Aliens
thats pretty normal for cnn desufamsempai
Cold fish
Pls tell me this pic is satire
No jew blood, those are plastic milkers
That's a shame. Loved the one had when I was in the Army got a FS for my personal use
i want to get pegged by ivanka
Still 30% down from 12 months ago. That's basically unheard of for a television network.
Extremely akward, not a good lay for sure
Perfectionistic out of a personal hate for mediocrity, just like she is in everything else.
Eh; usually it's more comical less hysteria; MSNBC specializes in hysteria
it's not Mueller is their only slither of hope
Fascinated by Newport's rocky coastline, secluded beaches, and quiet harbors, Kensett painted numerous scenes of that distinctive shoreline where massive rock formations are balanced by open expanses of water. Beacon Rock, Newport Harbor shows a view from the cove across Newport Harbor with the large mass of Beacon Rock on the right and Fort Adams on the left. Sailboats ply the waters, small waves lap the foreground shore, and a lone fisherman stands on a rock at water's edge. The image is remarkable for its indelible sense of calmness, clarity, and quiet. Everyday existence is seemingly transfixed, locked in space by Kensett's carefully structured composition and precise brushwork.
This view, of 1857 antebellum California, takes on an historical irony in the shadow of looming national conflict back East.
>Yet Afrofuturism is more than a visual style bringing African influences into the mainstream. Even before the first (white) men walked on the moon in the 1960s, African-American writers, artists and musicians like Sun Ra looked to space and to the fantasies of science fiction to find the freedom denied them on Earth.
>talking about Futurism when 90% of your continent lacks basic needs like water
>tfw Jeb was such a threat that Hillary had to build up Trump to beat him
where are my other /jebheads/ at?
Cheers man, I just kept watching the Young Turks getting shitfaced and laughing my balls off.
This video is the best thing to come out of that night.
so "Good Goy" Milkers?
"Khazar Controlled" Milkers?
Gets me every single time.
No wolves and by extension no wolfgirls in Japan.
>tfw eat out Ivanka for 20 minutes
>she gives you that 'I dont really want to blow you but I guess I have to' look
Everybody swings at the king you know what I'm saying?
>Clinton adviser named Minyon Moore
>Lkterally a Clinton Minyon
Hillary vs Jeb would have been the worst state of America I can imagine
im pricing them right now, 682 MSRP on their website
>see someone left a washington post newspaper lying around
>opened to the outlook section
What kind of fucking bizarro world does wapo live in? They talk like Trump is Emperor Sheev. And Big Coal? What? The coal industry was collapsing before Trump came along because of Obama's regulations. And what kind of psycho living in a state where the largest employer is the coal industry decides to spend his time trying to destroy them and cause thousands of people to be unemployed? These people are fucking insane AND evil.
I've watched that a few times and it never gets old.
I personally would like to know more from our liberal friends about the sexism of chairs. They do talk about such things I assure you. I will not link to it because it's not deserving of any more thought.
This is getting out of control.
>>see someone left a washington post newspaper lying around
they left it for a reason
It's my happy place
Jeb would have lost and rolled over and died. The Clinton machine was WAY too dirty for Jeb to beat
is it time to summon him again?
>this thread is so comfy no one will notice this caption mis-identifies the scene as California - it is Rhode Island.
sadly it is not. these fuckers really think Mueller is some savior like the nignogs think Wakanda is real.
Making hay...
LGS usually have them for around 600. Plus you can take it home same day
and people still think joe is joe supported trump because he liked him not becuase hillary told him to
Liberals will more likely claim that Trump suppressed the investigation. 20 years from now you'll be picking up your teenage kid from school and they'll ask you about how big bad Trump got away with treason and then you'll come to the terrible realization that public school education is as Marxist and shitty as ever.
I think it's totally unnecessary when other funding sources can be used that don't hurt the working poor, like taking the money from the tariffs he's going to institute and spending it on infrastructure.
Shh don't tell them.
you realize she hasn't done anything without the help of her daddy do you?
It's nice that Cheeto Benito payed for her plastic surgery, but selling some dumb shoes or clothes doesn't count as perfection for me. Ideologically she is the same as the libtards she dines and wines with in new york
dumb wafflenigger
>Hillary FOMO'd hard and pumped Trumpcoin instead of JebLink
I may buy something for Pres day for Trump
wtf I hate listening to grieving students for gun control policy now
That was the well thought out plan all along. It was her turn, Trump would have none of it.
>he seems untouchable
Something could happen if he get's the All Spark
None of the liberals want shit to do with her now. Which is funny, because she is catering to the liberals on almost every issue.
Years from now, they'll still be claiming that Russia won the election for Trump.
Is tomorrow lift day for him? I hope he skips the gym
People need to know the truth, Hiro. It doesn't fear investigation.
>Pictured for the first time: a victim of the deadly Awoocaust at the hands of Japanese butchers.
El Goblina......
Thanks. I went to the range a few weeks ago and tried different handguns (it was only my second time shooting pistols) and the Beretta just felt awesome. I did really well with the target, too. Except for that first round, of course!
In 1839 Catlin took his collection across the Atlantic for a tour of European capitals. As a showman and entrepreneur, he initially attracted crowds to his Indian Gallery in London, Brussels, and Paris. The French critic Charles Baudelaire remarked on Catlin’s paintings, "He has brought back alive the proud and free characters of these chiefs, both their nobility and manliness."[2]
Catlin wanted to sell his Indian Gallery to the U.S. government to have his life’s work preserved intact. His continued attempts to persuade various officials in Washington, D.C. to buy the collection failed. In 1852 he was forced to sell the original Indian Gallery, now 607 paintings, due to personal debts. The industrialist Joseph Harrison acquired the paintings and artifacts, which he stored in a factory in Philadelphia, as security.
Catlin spent the last 20 years of his life trying to re-create his collection, and recreated more than 400 paintings.[3] This second collection of paintings is known as the "Cartoon Collection," since the works are based on the outlines he drew of the works from the 1830s.
Trump should nuke Russia.
Then liberals can't blame Russia when he wins 2020.
While JEB would have been bad, Clinton already struck a deal with the communist Chinese to give them full control over our economy basically.
that actually was me I always get downvoted so I play a retard with a couple of posts to raise my plebbit score to defeat the timer limit.
Too smart to win
Provided he carries out his plan to open the Arctic and Gulf for more drilling? All for it, provided it goes straight to infrastructure.
My only worry is that when the Dems inevitably come into power again, they're just gonna twist the screws and feed the extra revenue into social programs that will become an permanent fixture in the budget. So it does go against my Ancap tendencies.
Watching again now with a solid erection.
Not a bad idea. It would force the DNC to be a single issue party: Fully Opening Our Borders.
>you tellin me you never pondered it? the back thing with notre dame?
What do you think guys? This makes sense to me.
Just practice with the first shot. I usually do between 15-30,two mags,of practice before I do anything at the range. If you shoot enough you'll get the hang of it. Also at home try dry firing drills. That helps more than you know
>Micheal Moore colluded with Russia
>Omae wa mou shindeiru
You have to love how they conveniently ignore the fact that the indictment mentioned they tried to get Bernie nominated as well.
They slaughtered the Ezo, which ironically was tied to Caucasoids
>[x] is being investigated
>never heard from again
Sesshypoo is all talk and no action.
that only means that any wolfgirl you do see is a glorious european instead of a jap
Sure, more girls with hurt feelings. Maybe the suicide rates will equalize.
Those are two different words, Marius.
Does she need the help of her daddy to have sex?
Do you think her performance in bed is dependent on her plastic surgery or her clothing line?
Does crying about the beatiful brown babies in Syria make her pussy less tight?
>hurr, me no like her political stance and conversion to judaism therefore she definitely sucks in bed
Dumb gipsy.
Thanks for these posts, user.
George Catlin (July 26, 1796 – December 23, 1872)
It still requires skills and coordination, womemes are unable to be equal to men in that area.
President Pence General.
The FISA warrants were printed from weed wasn't it?
This is a pre-emptive move against male trannies competing in women class :v)
So brave.
>Fat girls don't get into program because they're not athletic.
>Men are in the higher weight division because of natural bulk.
>Maybe one 6'1" female outlier actually makes it into the men's class.
Literally what has changed?
Oh right, the fatty just wanted to feel represented.
I think this is a great idea
>women never have a fucking chance ever again
Really grind it into their face that they suck
Roger that
>skipping the gym
and Golden Corral too by the looks of him
I don't feel like being OP any more
so someone else can do it if they want.
Trump went on a Tweet storm this morning.
Based on my readings, any "Japanese" Awoo is most likely a happa or an Awooenstein.
should keep some of the less wanted elements out
>someone tried to call for less gun control
the madman
but security guards having a gun incase of emergencies isn't a bad idea but then it'd be the schools fault if he lost it and shot everyone so they cause less damage by doing nothing
>user doesn't know about gym "accidents"
>it’s divorce or bust
This shooting was clearly a set-up.
The problem with arming the teachers is you would have to arm crumpy women teachers who are totally ruled by their emotions.
i can grab a couple, maybe
Gravitational constant pulls everyone down the hill at the same rate. Weight has nothing to do with it.
Trump invites CNN to a trials with military tribunal.
I thought that ended up being the black janitor whom was the real culprit. The people were already angry at the Jew because he was the superintendent at the factory.
to be fair it was just a continuation of Obamas deal for the white house, i never know if the man was a genius or a pawn because he gets no blame for his terrible policy
True, too many (((cohencidences)))
Get some sleep and water lad, christ
Of you see any of the students interviewed it looks so scripted it’s not even funny. I’m not saying it’s a false flag of whatever but it looks setup
>Who says I don't?
Is it his usual style of painting or did he painted it that way to evoke primitiveness or something?
this is probably my favorite tweet from this morning
The jew tried to pin the crime on the POC.
Just wait until they blame him for another holocaust. According to the ((historians)) of the future if we let them win, that's what we're all doing right this very moment.
Weight is a factor is every sport. Mobility.
If you want a pistol AIM Surplus and JG Sales have Italian LEO trade in Berettas for $300. They're used with plenty of holster wear, but mechanically sound. The only down side in my book is they are older models with the European style heal magazine release. I almost but one as a range gat and just to have a Beretta but I think I'd better spend that cash on ammo.
Next thing you'll tell me that the Egyptian wolfgirls weren't black.
>1.7 billion dollars dollars
gotta disavow now... i was on the train for a long time, this hurts
>sitting in 90 degree apartment
>only have tap water
>looking forward to dry beans and rice for dinner if i even have it
happy fucking birthday to me
And Sessions STILL hasn't.
>bought one
need more coffee
You know who you pay in cash? Gangsters. So the money can't be traced.
It was a gangster (terrorist) payoff right in front of everyone's face and nobody said a fucking word.
Thank you!
Delet this.
*Stalls your thread*
thanks for the tip.
it's like watching mom's favorite complain about doing chores, you get them half as often yet you think you should get paid more for them
Those are niggers, but hellhounds are white.
A lot of people said stuff when it was found out but king nigger could do no wrong
This sounds like the hammer quietly dropping.
I tweeted it to Dilbertman !
Denial of the Awoocaust is illegal you bigot.
fuck you stallers btw
He was the original retweeter user.
If you want to get somethign to Dilbertguy get the Sessions news I posted, he will go nuts
>but hellhounds are white.
reminder that trump is the biggest fucking CWC-esque lolcow of all history.
I'd be willing to bet the classes would be better behaved if they thought the teacher was armed and trained !
>Hillary took out a weak liberal conservative for 80s-Republican Donald Trump
can you imagine on election night how crushed she was, she must have realized Jeb was going to get taken out by Trump without her help but with it Trump became the only thing that could stop a corruption so deep several heads of state are under deep scrutiny and several top FBI/DoJ are disappearing from their jobs
this was sown up for her until Trump, sometimes I wonder how she lives knowing the man who destroyed her was her dog that got off its chain
You should learn the language already
Uranium One is a much bigger deal user
Kelly Ann Conway - I stopped reading right there - it's all just LARPing BS.
Yet it's obviously nothing and they're still having this requeim for a narrative
Hang in there user
That's a big gun to carry, you better be over 200# to cover it up. They sell the P-64 for $230 which is like a ppk but with a more powerful load.
Get another job fren. No reason you can't work 7d a week
Happy birthday user
Aw damn, I also sent it to Prison planet, maybe he didn't see it yet.
this is all I want, he's been playing nice but I hope he sends every illegal back keeping them spits on the constitution we are a nation of laws not feelings