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None of these 3 countries deserve to exist.
I couldn't care less.
Moldova this is ebanye cigany.
Ukraine is rightful Romanian clay
I actually feel sorry for Moldova. They're even more fucked up than us.
Romania should not exist
Give transylvania back to hungary, you gyppo cucks
Go back to Chinkland, Lee.
>town rapist
We should have killed more of you in WW1 and turn Budapest in dust.
Romania is rightful Bosnia clay.
The name's Ming, not Lee, you fucking racist.
can you guys redpill me on the ethnic enclave issues overlapping these countries? is it anything like ngorno karabakh like azerbaijan and armenia?
This thread is salt central,quite funny seeing amerimutts and their northern chink brethren talk about something they know nothing about.
>wanting more muslims in Europe
Typical Cathocuck
Based Daco-Greco-Romans standing side by side with STALKERs in the name of Orthodoxy and palinca.
>Bosniaks are the majority in BiH
>ethnic enclave
Migrating mongols killed the natives and made rape babies, then Turks arrived and killed the locals and made rape babies.
Basically mongold-turk victims with a slight gypsy finish.
>subhumans going apeshit when we point out the stolen land: the thread
Cry moar faggots, 10 counties from Basarabia already voted for reunification. the parts that ukraine stole from us are just a matter of time as well, when we tried to helped them back in 2015 they've put military service along the border thinking in some fantasy of theirs that we would ally with Russia. Nobody forgot this insult.
Instead of talking about us, you would better hide your women and start paying those muslims after working 50 hours a week, their houses and expenses will not pay themselves. Faggots.
>expanding a Muslim country won't create an influx of Muslims wanting to move there
>prestigious Slovenian forward thinking in action
Romania is rightful Russian clay
russia is rightful australian clay
Russia is rightful Romanian clay. All you asian elfboys have forgotten your true Pagan roots. Only Dacians and Greeks can save you now.
Moldova is joining NATO.
Expect Putin to invade soon.
Romani cigány
Moldova exports great and cheap wine to Poland. 11/10 country in my book.
Of course there were rapes but the notion that all the native men were killed and all the native women were raped and impregnated is nonsense.
Tell me something genious, if that's the case how is that european Y-DNA haplogroups are the overhwelming majority all around europe?
According to you, the majoritary haplogroup should be asian.
You should try plum ţuică if you want something amazing and eat some bacon with it and also some cheese.
Romania should only have Wallachia
Trianon is a crime against humanity.
Romania was the gateway of the mongols and all Asiatic tribes in Europe coming from the East.
Romania was also the gateway to Europe for the Turks coming from the South.
Migrating tribes had to fight and win many battles to reach France for example and by the time they did Romanian territories were in flames and women all nice and raped.
The good wine you're drinking from Moldova is a rip off of Cotnari, which is the best brand of wine you will find there. Some of the sweetest whites with the most golden colour you will find.
*best brand of wine you will find in Romania
moldova is literally rightful polish clay tho
I have never seen it in the shops here. The closest thing to it that I can easily buy in Poland is Šljivovica.
Are these butthurt hungarians just blasting proxies at this thread now? Jesus how stupid can these comments get?
>Typical Cathocuck
it's not just catholics, protestants are worse
Geography is a bitch
That's more croatian. Tuica made from plums is Romania's national drink.
Perfect Ukraine doesnt exi...
>perfect Ukraine means less land for Urkaine
Ukranians would disagree!
Nah I'm Dutch but I like the Hungarian Borders pre WW1. Just like the Esthetic.
Well they are similar only that ţuică has a little bit more sting to it, also could you give some advice on something good to drink and eat from Poland?
moldova is in romania and moldova the country is actually bessarabia and all of them are populated by gypsies. Why can't all be just romania
both are spirits
both are made from plums
you just put different fancy packaging for tourist kiddies and invent never-happened backstories for it
I prefer Byzantine period Romanian borders, but what can you do.
Tuica and Rakia are two different things. Tuica is it's own thing. Rakia is a brandy.
>arguing about the semantic differences between extremely obscure drinks that most of the world doesn't care about
southern slavs are a strange yet interesting creature.
> T O W N R A P I S T
who cares
Ukranians do!
Hitler gave it all to Romanians and more, but mutts ruined the fun for everyone. And this links to the problem of how Romanians keep bitching about the North Transylvania settlement of 1940, and how it was strongarming and the eternal Kraut and so on, when Hitler actually cared about enlargening BOTH of our allied nations' living space against the slavs (it was misused clay anyway, Ukrainians had plenty of space to the east with Russkis removed and it actually made sense to push towards the East, colonize and civilize it).
If you want to apologize to anyone, Apologize to Antonescu, Horthy and Hitler.
I agree with you, barat.
For alcohols in normal price range you should try żubrówka with bison grass. My favorite drink with it is simply mixing it with apple juice.
For more expensive alcohols Polish mead is definitely worth trying and if you want good but expensive vodka you should try Chopin vodka.
I really have no idea what food we export but if you can find it you should try Polish smoked sausage from boar or horse.
An ex of mine used to say the word alcohols. She had great sepphardic milkers. I miss them.
no such thing
That's a good map. Novorussia is rightful russian clay.
Borderlanders must exist in order to infiltrate and subvert Russians towards the goal of achieving Romanian victory over their lands.
Why is there a shitstain in middle of Romania? Get that faggot shit out of here, bozgore.