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Pretty sure that's drawn.
Whatchu doin' rabbi?
etc. etc.
Why the fuck can Jews not draw swastikas?
I thought that symbol was emblazoned on your genetic memory...
The point is to draw them incorrectly, user.
They're kikes.
Fucking watch.
If the swastika was perfect then it would be an actual Nazi but just fucking watch. It'll be pic related.
Only kikes draw swastikas that shitty
It's done on purpose to make natsocs look bad.
It's the muh Nazis are too dumb to even swastika meme
Spastika strikes again
Oh good Lord, another one
Read the article it's not just swastikas. It no false flag.
Why can't these kikes draw a decent swastika after all these years? We need to open up camps to train them.
>just shows even more false flagging
Please leave, Israel.
Was it autism?
Again.. most of these incidents are just Jews feeding their own victim-hood meme
>when u jewish but can't spraypaint a swastica right
This is a dead giveaway.
Kike rats and niggers are the only ones ever doing this nowadays.
Your prime minister hasn't bowed down deep enough yet, Poland.
And i hope he won't
The holocaust industry must fall
Why are Polish men so ugly and downey looking?
>kikes reveal their nazi symphaties
>b-but let's talk how unpretty you are, goyim!
JIDF is not only easy to spot, but also gay af.
I just had to put it in because I found it ironic that ball-headed Slavs try to talk us down in the other thread.
Wasn't nazi erotica popular in Israel, so much so that it had to be outlawed?
The Jews are so fucking buttdevastated about Poland not sucking their dick holy shit. They won't let up with this shit.
Hey Rabbi
heil hortler
Hail Hortler
he is tweeking out
Probably because men don't need to be pretty. Polish women are comparable to German, Ukranian, French, etc but the men have a distinctly wide and round "pole" appearance. They're generally pretty sturdy though, and not bad fighters.
My money is on the HURRkenkreuz being drawn by jews. Poles would draw it properly.
hahaha this salty rabbi
>allegedly highest IQ
>can't even draw a fucking swastika right
DNA symbol?
What's wrong with you nazi fucks? So what if someone follows a different religion than you? LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE.
Amphetamine withdrawal.
parkinsons i believe, or some other similar neuro-degenerative disease
something tells me a Nazi would know how to draw a proper swastika
>that middle one
hands up, don't shoot!
these aren't swastikas, they're prospective BLM logos
You really think a proud Neo-Nazi is going to draw the hook cross, his most powerful symbol, like its made of spaghetti by a 2 year old ? Jews did this.
i bet real nazi would know how swastika looks like.
if I had a useless super power it would be to make retarded swastikas magically appear on random walls/buildings/etc
Jews did it desu
Where have I seen these strange and garbled swastikas before.......
>Two attempts
>Fails two time
Since you asked, their "religion" is a blood cult mafia that steals our children for ritual rape, bloodletting, and sacrifice. Religions aren't different hats, they're belief systems, codes of conduct, and societal programming algorithms. If you are part of a predatory religion, you are a threat and will be dealt with as such. If you are arrogant enough to pretend this is not the case, you too are a threat due to your proud ignorance.
the film is sped way up, look at the people in the background
no it's not, he had a degenerative brain disease.
not surprising considering the weight of the burden that he carried on his shoulders.
>Spray painted
>Clearly a pen
Why do Jews take things so over the top, is it purely for pity? "Spray painting" sounds a lot worse than "writing", just like "6 million deaths" sounds a lot worse than "zero deaths". I'm going with it being a pity thing, but I can't feel pity for them because I couldn't imagine living a life so dominated by being a victim. I suppose you need to have no shame to do that and, unfortunately, I'm a human not a Jew.
>Why the fuck can Jews not draw swastikas?
They can. If they do them completely retarded looking then the goys who fall for these kind of things say "lol dumb racists can't even do their own symbol right!". Do you remember "I have a deram"? It's like that except a completely fictitious version.
Man, I love the spastika, never fails to crack me up.
I'm no police detective but this reeks of "Whatcha doin, rabbi?" I mean come on
these shabby swastikas are ruining the pristine public image of neo-nazi vandals
Cirno strikes again
>shabby swastikas are ruining the pristine public image of neo-nazi vandals
exactly, always use a stencil for quality
kek, saved
>hey look the führer is spazzing out, better put that on video
He was not using amphetamine in 1936
those are not swasticas...
we've gotta come up with a new name for this shit....
Spastikas you stupid tripfag
Sure, as long as that sentiment gets reciprocated.
It was the beginning of late stage syphilis. He contracted it as a ww1 solider with a prostitute. It’s why Hitler was obsessed with the disease, devoting dozens of pages about it in main Kampf (out of nowhere), raging on about natural purity. Nazis were great record keepers and Hitlers own personal physician noted all of Hitler’s symptoms, and came to the syphalis conclusion himself, in writing.
TL;DR: victim of his own degeneracy.
cyka blyat shut it down janek
>devoting dozens of pages about it in main Kampf (out of nowhere),
Cool, starting at what page?
What are the comments if any? I wonder what actual Jews think about the retard swastikas.
>1 post IDs going 'must of been a dumb nazi'
>'jews don't hoax hate crimes'
>'jews would draw a real swastiki cuz theyre smarter'
Why can they never get the swastikas right?
Hale hortler
I just don't get the fuss, the Polish Death Camps were all closed by last year, isn't it?
Lmao, do they pay you to make shit up?
How would he know? He never read it.
so jewish he can't even draw a proper swatiska
Heele Holtolr
Hitler had Parkinsons, it only got accentuated from his stress
Thanks for the flag.
this happens to me every time
its really hard to draw them
then again it is really hard for me to draw anything
i sat right here and watched you save the flag gif file rather than the post
thats not how you do it
you mouse over the flag, so the name shows, then you screenshot the whole post
thats the only way to get an authentic collection
Daily Israeli xDDD
>its really hard to draw them
just start by making an X
Janusz... Musimy to zamknąć
like u could do better with tools at hand
>highest IQ in the world
I think something was falsified here
heil hortler
Not bad.
>you stupid tripfag
No, you are the stupid one.
This is a speculated and pushed myth, the only thing we know and have evidence for from dr morells diary is he diagnosed hitler with coronary sclerosis in 41/42 which is why he became reckless and appeared to be operating like a man in a rush from 42 onwards.
at this point, I'm really beginning to believe that an acurately drawn swastika causes jews pain, or something....
>prove that polish people was nazi by otto skorzeny
Welll what about background many nkvd butchers? Who starve to death people on ukraine? Hmm... let me think. xd
Hail hortler
bro you're not going to believe this, this one 3rd world retard just showed me something cool, pic related, watch
>Comparing Polish women to western cows and eastern prostitues.
Nice flag
What nation is this?
thank you mr. irving
Otto Skorzeny was actually quite badass desu. He did spectacular commando actions, and you can't find any serious war crimes on him.
Fun fact: he actually helped Mossad track German criminals after war.
A jew did it
Yeah but if some1 try by this prove polish crimes better then Israel get ready for response from all EE. Not enough people die in gulags?
What about Jozef Goldberg, Salomon Morel or people who nkvd?
Only National Socialists have enough purity in their hearts to recreate the swastika. Those that do not - jews, negroes, sjw faggots fail.
The spastika are as old as Cred Forums you reddit whore
>The spastika are as old as Cred Forums you reddit whore
Hi satan.
I have over 20,000 posts on this trip.
You are the newfag.
Do Jews have some sort of taboo against drawing swastikas correctly? I'm going to assume it's some weird semitic superstition, like if they draw it neatly, they give it more "energy" or "power". But the actual effect is that of a calling card: poorly drawn swastika = Hey Rabbi.
I did it wrong all these years.
Fake. Anyone real wouldnt draw them wrong. How in the hell they always manage to fuck them up.
There are many Jews like you in Finland?
Of course it was a Jew. They're trying to call Poles Nazis. It won't stop Haaretz from claiming it's some antisemitic hate crime
By the way, if any kike goes on about Polish killings of Jews during the war, remind them what those killings were in response to
It literally took locals to paint swastikas in Israel. Based!
Locals are actually doing Cred Forums‘s job and painting swastikas in Israel. Based!
Hail hortler, bitch.
A JEW did this??? In Israel??? After a diplomatic conflict with Poland?
Fucking unbelievable
You should have got the last stroke wrong, and then written ‘fuck’.
Jews are the most pathetic 'human beings'. One swastika appears and it's worldwide headline news? Good fucking Christ.
nice find
Otto was a based austrian instead of g*rm, just like the fuehrer.
>I did it wrong all these years.
Generation of people to instruct missing from your life.
God I miss Frisky Dingo
Seriously, (((modern))) Christianity is one of the biggest hurdles that needs to be overcome. Fucking Deus vult, you fucking cucks!
Where fo you think "kikel" came from? They're practically incapable of drawing the symbols of their enemies, whether that be a cross or a swastika.
dose spastikas
I thought Jews were supposed to have a high IQ.
Hail Hortler!
Fake news
Watcha doin' rabbi
These false flag hate crimes never draw the swastika right. No self-respecting genuine racist would draw it wrong.