Society is stagnating. We need a technological revolution, any ideas pol?
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What the fuck happened in the 70s that caused this?
get rid of ethics
Round up all bankers. Scrap the banking system. Round up everyone from OPEC and any other energy company. Throw them on a rocket and blast them into the sun. Start over and allow all tech to be unlocked all banking to done without usery. Fairness for all. Let capitalism free markets go nuts and innnovate.
Why can't I teleport yet? Seems ridiculous.
The quantative easing of technology is the only thing keeping us from eating each other alive. Refer to Ted Kazynski
Fully automated luxury capitalism.
Reaganomics and Republicans.
Arguments indicate that it could be a change in culture from that of the greatest generation and their intrinsic work ethic to that of the hippy. Other postulations indicate it could stem from the lack of "low bearing fruit" in terms of technological innovation. Keep in mind, Saturn V rocket, Apollo missions, Nuclear energy, Genomics, the internet and countless other innovations really took place during the 60's and 70's. Now all we have to show for our efforts are more mobile games and useless gadgets.
That was the 80s faggot
End of the gold standard
Capitalism restricts technilogical advancements eventually.. in the beginning it grows fast but then rich wealth powerful ppl become so invested on thetech of the past (fossil fuels for exanple) they proactively start to hold back any replacement despite the benwfits for humanity.
get liberals out of the tech industry
a new world order
Molten salt reactors.
Nixon started it, thus
>and Repupublicans
>t's the 1970s, and the stock market is a mess. It loses 40% in an 18-month period, and for close to a decade few people want anything to do with stocks. Economic growth is weak, which results in rising unemployment that eventually reaches double-digits. The easy-money policies of the American central bank, which were designed to generate full employment, by the early 1970s, also caused high inflation. The central bank, under different leadership, would later reverse its policies, raising interest rates to some 20%, a number once considered usurious. For interest-sensitive industries, such as housing and cars, rising interest rates cause a calamity. With interest rates skyrocketing, many people are priced out of new cars and homes. (Learn more in A Review Of Past Recessions.)
We haven't recovered since.
Fully functional autism
Tesla coil. Coming soon.
The US government has a secret space fleet that's 200 years ahead in technology than anything you know about. We literally have had funding for bases to be built on the moon since at least 2000 publicly and outside of the public knowledge we've had a space fleet since like 1969 (as far as I can tell). So, if you want "technology to advance", it's as simple as figuring out how to get the hidden elites to stop with their nonsense.
When was the last time there was an innovation in construction, design, or building materials? Any user in the contracting business?
Huh. It's almost like as white societies diminish into nothingness, progress does as well. Weird.
>Society is stagnating. We need a technological revolution, any ideas pol?
What a surprise when non-whites started flooding white countries, technology stagnated. Sure glad we need 500 Indians in tech positions that just eat their smelly ass food and steal white man code all day.
>technological revolution
sperm donation eugenics. make everyone super smart with sperm from super smart donors.
WW2. We need either another space race, another Great War/arms race, or both. Preferably both.
Fully automated luxury autism
We need to elect Andrew Yang for President
>What the fuck happened in the 70s
A lot of bullshit here.
If you want to know why wages (demand) have flatlined, it's because women (supply) entered the work force. There is also a strong connection between immigration and job stagnation.
So basically, what happened was women left the kitchen and Monsanto imported spics. This tanked the demand in labor market
Technology hasn't stagnated. Some of the biggest advancements are in AI and genetics, and they are mostly kept secret. Some speculate that Google already has built a strong AI.
yes, more shitskin locust clones to replace whites
Lots of stuff, but primarily wage stagnation is caused by increasing non-wage compensations like healthcare.
People in America are simply living longer, start working later, but retiring at the same age and when we do get sick we have access to more expensive treatments. It is simply more expensive to treat a sick 70 year old for 10 years now than it was to not even be able to treat that sick 70 year old 40 years ago.
women entering the workforce
This is from the Venture capital itself! They also quote Tesla tech is real but suppressed
Are There Any Real Technologies Left?
Have we reached the end of the line, a sort of technological end of history? Once every last retailer migrates onto the Internet, will that be it? Is the developed world really developed, full stop? Again, it may be helpful to revisit previous conceptions of the future to see if there are any areas where VC might yet profitably invest.
The future envisioned from the perspective of the 1960s was hard to get to, but not impossible, and people were willing to entertain the idea. We now laugh at the Nucleon and Pan Am to the moon while applauding underpowered hybrid cars and Easyjet, and that’s sad. The future that people in the 1960s hoped to see is still the future we’re waiting for today, half a century later.. Instead of Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise, we got the Grinder, Fuckbook, Jewtube and a Twatter.
What seemed futuristic then remains futuristic now, in part because these technologies were suppressed or never received the sustained funding lavished on the electronics industries. Commercializing the technologies that have languished seems as good a place as any to start looking for ideas.
Medicine has been the beneficiary of two radical developments over the past sixty years: the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1952 and the rise of information technologies in the 1960s. One would expect that the discovery of life’s code, combined with the power of computing, would have radically increased the quality and length of human life-spans. But life-spans aren’t getting longer as quickly as they used to, and in white countries (US, Russia) they’re even getting shorter. Worse, the number of new drugs introduced each year – especially important new drugs (which you can measure by FDA fast-tracking) – is surprisingly low and well below the quarter-century average.
into the trash
I was told in the future we would only have to work 2-3 hours a day, 30 years later were working just as hard as then.
jobs are created just to keep people exhausted, stop them from reproducing, placate the masses, and have no real impact on society.
>In the year 1930, John Maynard Keynes predicted that technology would have advanced sufficiently by century’s end that countries like Great Britain or the United States would achieve a 15-hour work week. There’s every reason to believe he was right. In technological terms, we are quite capable of this. And yet it didn’t happen. Instead, technology has been marshaled, if anything, to figure out ways to make us all work more. In order to achieve this, jobs have had to be created that are, effectively, pointless. Huge swathes of people, in Europe and North America in particular, spend their entire working lives performing tasks they secretly believe do not really need to be performed. The moral and spiritual damage that comes from this situation is profound. It is a scar across our collective soul. Yet virtually no one talks about it.
>Why did Keynes’ promised utopia – still being eagerly awaited in the ‘60s – never materialise? The standard line today is that he didn’t figure in the massive increase in consumerism. Given the choice between less hours and more toys and pleasures, we’ve collectively chosen the latter. This presents a nice morality tale, but even a moment’s reflection shows it can’t really be true. Yes, we have witnessed the creation of an endless variety of new jobs and industries since the ‘20s, but very few have anything to do with the production and distribution of sushi, iPhones, or fancy sneakers.
>But rather than allowing a massive reduction of working hours to free the world’s population to pursue their own projects, pleasures, visions, and ideas, we have seen the ballooning not even so much of the “service” sector as of the administrative sector, up to and including the creation of whole new industries like financial services or telemarketing, or the unprecedented expansion of sectors like corporate law, academic and health administration, human resources, and public relations. And these numbers do not even reflect on all those people whose job is to provide administrative, technical, or security support for these industries, or for that matter the whole host of ancillary industries (dog-washers, all-night pizza deliverymen) that only exist because everyone else is spending so much of their time working in all the other ones.
>It’s as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working. And here, precisely, lies the mystery. In capitalism, this is exactly what is not supposed to happen. Sure, in the old inefficient socialist states like the Soviet Union, where employment was considered both a right and a sacred duty, the system made up as many jobs as they had to (this is why in Soviet department stores it took three clerks to sell a piece of meat). But, of course, this is the very sort of problem market competition is supposed to fix. According to economic theory, at least, the last thing a profit-seeking firm is going to do is shell out money to workers they don’t really need to employ. Still, somehow, it happens.
>While corporations may engage in ruthless downsizing, the layoffs and speed-ups invariably fall on that class of people who are actually making, moving, fixing and maintaining things; through some strange alchemy no one can quite explain, the number of salaried paper-pushers ultimately seems to expand, and more and more employees find themselves, not unlike Soviet workers actually, working 40 or even 50 hour weeks on paper, but effectively working 15 hours just as Keynes predicted, since the rest of their time is spent organising or attending motivational seminars, updating their facebook profiles or downloading TV box-sets.
This is from that leaked emails?
this isn't bad - the technological progress could go beyond our biological capacity to support so much information, we need to upgrade ourselves first
>These are what I propose to call “bullshit jobs.”
Why did American work hours stop declining circa 1940? Furthermore why haven’t work hours declined even more? Why aren’t we working 15 hr weeks? This isn’t 1840 anymore.
they did not earn more wages either.
He was right all along. Value comes from labor. Profit is ultimately derived from the value in appropriated surplus labor. Therefore capital owning elites have no incentive to cut down on work hours no matter how many technological improvements come along, since doing so would harm their own profits.
We white males takes responsibility of this and step down and let white women and minorities take their rightful place in science and society so that a new golden era can come about.
The point is that most jobs aren't even required anymore, industry is largely automated and most office workers do nothing but pointless presentations and phonecalls
So your job is unfullfilling compared to the future where you plowed a field and reaped the rewards of your work
Also most jobs are bullshit part time shit created by politicians so they can say 'HEY LOOK WE BROUGHT UNEMPLOYEMENT DOWN TEE HEE'
Virus that only kills people with low IQ
There's still growth, just not at the same rate.
Technology is the cause of the stagnation. The world is too convenient and it's making people complacent.
We aren't spending money on research, and science had more direction due to the space race. I believe I read somewhere that we spend as much as the cost of the apollo program, adjusted for inflation, as we spend on Medicaid for Hispanics annually.
>Society is stagnating.
That's because we poor all our money and effort into propping up inferiors like spics, niggers, chinks, and kikes.
not to mention that products are way cheaper relative to quality.
End the Fed!
I think the problem is that "Big Tech" only created a platform for advertising and communication. It did not inherently create any single technological info action that could be seen physically, only how it is conveyed. Tech has been dominated by "messaging and hyperconnectivity amongst people" yet infrastructure like bridges or transportation (means of actually interacting face to face have stagnated). In a way, these companies have made infrastructure obsolete.
This is true - we could go full auto right now
Lots of of people are working less. Just talk to people who work in boring office environments, lots of time they switch between work and just browsing the internet and checking social media.
well, at least it's still going upwards, which is nice
>technological revolution
Let's launch a goddamned car aimlessly into space
if the problem was inflation, given that most people are in debt (especially due to mortgages) wouldn't that be beneficial?
where's the one for toronto condo
Are they serious or is this some sort of joke?
>easy-money policies of the American (((central bank)))
Somebody map this against the percentage of the country that is white over time
Achieving stable nuclear fusion will be fun, should reduce cost and increase access of food, clean water, and electricity. Also will make atomizing garbage by plasma economically feasible, and with better 3d printing tech, we'll be able to use the atomized elements very efficiently, solving waste management and improving production. Fusion should help us up in space too.
>Muh Ebil Rich ppl
The default commie answer does not compute. Many more factors are at play besides 'Muh Greed' and 'Muh 1%' you weasel.
thats essentially keeping people locked up wasting their lives in an office an away from actually living a real fulfilling private life
its like we pay you to be an autistic robot wasting your life doing nothing-- oh and this requires a PhD now. just dont have a real life and establish a family with kids. thats bad. we pay you to have a meaningless empty life with high status now
t. rockefellerian jewish eugenicist
welcome to the real economy stupid
cash means nothing to the real economy. it's purpose is simply to store value and create immediate liquidity.
if you hold too much cash for a long period and inflation dents it then you are still the stupid since even fucking bonds can generate at least as much as inflation
biotech fag here (I fuck with plant genes)
The next tech revolution is going to biological
trust me on this. CRSPR was like the introduction of the godamn Watt Steam engine for our feild - combined with next gen sequencing and data analytics - its unstopable
However, we need to stop pursuing an infinite global growth economy
economists and the financial sector can honestly go fuck themselves. Its to the point that yeah, i have a great career and all - but i'm getting to the point where i'm gonna quite and go be a gentleman farmer/homesteader
I'm getting to a whole Atlas Shrugged type philosophy. Yeah I can do some crazy epic things in the biotech feild - maybe make a shitload of money -
but i'm disheartened by this destructive fucking infinite growth economic system where people have free reign to fuck up every corner of the earth with our filth and then turn around and ask groups of scientists and engineers to solve all their fucking problems for them
Its stupid. I'm going to focus on this one square mile for the next two years. Try to make clean up this shithole before moving on to make some other place a shithole
We'll see, I have a lot of hope for this one place but idk. 2030 gonnas be rough for the world at large
"Prepare for the coming inaction - be lazy." L.B.
Humans are congenitally allergic to work - they don't want to work whenever they have a chance not to work.
The sacrosanct notion of work is the cause of most of humanity's woes. Never trust the priests of work because they've poisoned their minds with it. For example, the quantity of economically necessary work declines, yet politicians and economists tell us that the only way to end unemployment is with more useless work. Why couldn't more people do much less?
The invention of workerism gradually, and even then only partially, subverted our natural inclination to be lazy and our disinclination to work.
The ugly brown dye of work spills across this miserable civilization, saturating the fabric of everyday life, day after back-breaking day.
The masses martyr themselves with work.
Work surrounds us and lays siege to our souls.
Going to work is like hurling yourself into an abyss.
The time has come to prepare the sacred cow of work for slaughter.
There are three types of labor - wage work, domestic labor and autonomous activity, the latter being (in most cases) exempt from charges of drudgery and slavery.
Slaves feel tired just thinking of all the work they've yet to do.
Many waters cannot quench our thirst for laziness, nor floods drown it.
Creativity constrains the return of work; be creative and put severe constraints on work.
Laziness is a comedy in which we can all play a part, a veritable field of sunblown flowers where the unruly colors of the universe dance with the wind.
Fling your work schedule into the river of time.
The legends of paradise teach us to curse work, reminding us that laziness is the essential goal of humanity.
All power to zeroworker councils - impose a strict regime of laziness!
The right to work is the right to misery and always implies the possibility of the right not to work.
What are you going on about you fucking leaf? I was just implying that more productive manufacturing of consumer electronics doesn't mean a fucking thing, except for more abundant consumer electronics.
I'd love to see one of their infographics showing the costs of food, fuel, housing, and education!
Well that's the secret no one tells you. To be rich you do so off other people's money. You float debt, convince people to give you money to invest for them or start a company with. You never use your own wealth, but always other peoples money.
Nixon fucked us hard and without lube. If you think about it, he was basically the first to sort of channel the MAGA shit. I wouldn't even be surprised if every election since then has been rigged.
omw to help
ITT: Negative impacts and long term effects of the nixon shock.
Proove me wrong motherfuckers.
End of Bretton Woods agreement. See The French were making a run on the US gold reserve and the other nations followed suit. Nixon took the leap and took the US off the gold standard. Now we have (((fractional reserve banking)))
I fuckinglove that
I mean that truly is the pinnacle spirit of our species
Launching cars into space just because we can
I was iffy about space X for some time, but that stunt sold me - i dont care if it was a gimmik
I wish them well
globalists took power, we created the federal reserve
which despite what you might think isn't a government entity but instead a private company
Yes it is a shitty situation that is primarily kept in place by inertia. People have "always" worked 8 hours a day so they have to keep working 8 hours a day.
But I'm sure you've noticed that there is a lot of talk about Universal Basic Income these days. Here in Sweden that shit wouldn't work because of the immigration problems we're having, so the direction seems to be moving towards 6 hour work days.
there is absolute no basis to assume that some historical trend should continue constant. I can believe how deep rooted this belief is in growth projections
We need eugenics NOW. It is clear that humans hit peak efficiency in ~1980 and additional efficiency in is gained by automation.
Leaf get's it:
>We need more technology
Technophiles are so fucking annoying. The only advancement our society has made is the reduction of our childhood mortality rate. Everything else is responsible for the fall of the West by atomizing the individual, destroying the family unit, and destroying culture/tradition.
Nixon might have started it, but I don't think he had a choice.
The French in particular were exchanging their cash for gold under de Gaulles France First (or whatever it was called at the time) program. De Gaulle realised that fiat money eventually always fails, but gold and silver does not. The French thus cashed in their currency for gold, filling their own reserves. Other nations saw this and copied the French. You can practically see where the French started doing it and where Nixon stopped it. I ain't a big fan of Democrats or Nixon, but this was the right call for the US at the time.
>we need a technological revolution
Blockchain will save us.
I sure do love me some gold reserve charts
Yes i have a lot of ideas and so do others, there needs to be a better platform for planning first of all, it could be similar to a video game with graphics representing actual earth and potential developments
That’s the best idea i have that matters so i’ll Stay silent until the platform is developed
Not when wages don't rise to match the inflation.
Something had to fuel this tranny-tier degeneracy up here.
The problem is, the lay-man doesn't understand the implications of this. Want to know how many people I heard talk about this at the time? Zero. The problem will be passed 10 years down the line to the government of that day.
ironically the great secular hippie/sexual revolution which was so anti-religion and pro-science, yet we havent had any great revolutionary inventions since they came on the scene, just improvements on existing tech.
so very ironic...
I might also add that in 1958 deGaulle was elected and continued his run on the US reserve up until the end of the 1960s. You can see the point where deGaulle was elected as the start of the downturn.
For anyone interested.
Underrated post
///S P A C E E L E V A T O R///
Look at when the trend began you fucking faggot
What can I do with this apart from cure diseases?
Metal engineer fag here, ignorant in all things biological