>ITT: We post gayest things this board has ever created, GO
ITT: We post gayest things this board has ever created, GO
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty gay desu
White knights ITT
Gayest meme
I think modern women created MGTOW - not pol
Get a nice girlfriend, goy!
There are so many of them today.
Sure, user. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
The reason you aren't married is to fight "le ebin war against Jews." No other reason at all...
spotted the manchild
I'm not married because I'm not a retard
>ITT lonely losers who couldn't start a family if they wanted to
>MARRIAGE IS A SCAM, LOVE IS A SCAM, WOMEN ARE ALL WHORES (pls I need someone to hold me)
No - look around. Whos getting married? The manchildren. They need a new mum to parent them. And she likes having an inferior man to look down on.
Look around at society today. The least among us are getting married and having kids
This is the gayest thing created by this board
All alone huh? Thats sucks.
>pls I need someone to hold me
If this were true, you'd be giving your power away to that person. Thats sad. If you are an adult man, you should only be reliant on yourself. If you need someone else to make you happy, you have not grown up yet
No - its awesome
I came here to post this.
Marriage gives you substantial tax cuts
This. Pretending like it's actually a conscious choice for them to avoid women and relationships.
I've met some IRL, and honestly if they cleaned themselves up a bit and had some hobbies they could probably manage 6's.
>not continuing his family line
You really dont recognize your own fallacies do you dipshit?
Ancap/com cartoons
In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:
1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.
2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.
3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.
The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.
(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.
MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintenance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.
How many years did it take you to convince yourself of that?
Theres NO WAY you just tried to claim marriage makes you more financially secure.
You've got a lot to learn
How did this not keep going
Explain the fallacies in my post.
I think you just used a word you dont know the meaning of.
>not getting in fights with your wife
You must have a boring life.
the moment I dumped my last gf
I'm glad you found a fulfilling lifestyle as a lonely curmudgeon.
But when you do have a kid -- and teach them how to fish for the first time -- you will realize how much better my way is.
I dont find fights with my wife or gf exiting because I dont watch soap operas.
I suspect you are a woman based on that post
Thread over
Sounds nice in my imagination. The reality wont be quite as nice
This just means the women you are around sense how much of a beta you are.
OP said gayest thing.
Not the hottest.
Lots of dude cucked out by roasties in here. Well, I'm gonna go ride my bike, probably work out later, play some vidya and count my shekels. Go beg your skank for a hand job.
Your fallacy is not being a man. Your ex cheat on you? How boring you must be for that to happen. Why would your advice be worth anything?
Marriage makes the man LESS financially secure everytime. Only a beta retard with nothing to offer would think of marriage as a net financial gain.
I work in Make-up by the way, and I kick ass at it. All my colleagues are women (except one other guy)
A man depends on himself and a woman would depend on him as well - not the other way round.
I left my gf because she was psycho
You're the perfect example of the problem. You're cucked by your own materialism.
I won't say you've no grounds for dissatisfaction with modern woman but your solution is indicative of the very weakness that made her what she is.
I was talking about the image you posted rather than your post.
But as for the financial gain, it did help me as I married into a wealthy family. I am guessing it is different for everybody.
Either way, you have to be quite shallow to care more about money than true love.
Nah femenist fought hard for equality. She wants something, she can work for it. Ive had a few girls leave their man for my dick, so i recognize weakness when i see it. You wont convince anyone. Not even yourself. Itll hit you in your 40s or 50s. Maybe even your 30s. How not even your death will affect anyone around you.
>you have to be quite shallow to care more about money than true love.
says the guy who married into a rich family avoiding alimony.
ok - so you're actually defending feminism.
>not even your death will affect anyone around you.
This is good because Im not a narcissist.
>work in Make-up by the way
Is this a joke?
dumb frogposter
>actually implying that it’s a Jewish trick to encourage men to find a girlfriend
>Nah femenist fought hard for equality.
Men gave it to them, men fought for it. Don't believe the feminist narrative that they won some glorious revolution against the patriarchy.
There literally is no way that MGTOW can ever sound logical.
Hell yea im defending feminism. Ill defend it till they dont want it. If its any consolation, feminists of the past would hate todays feminists. But they worked hard to be equal. They can fail on their own too. Also seeing no defense here. Have fun you under 25 shit
MGTOWs are older men, mostly
Either way they have to deal with the consequences now. Its pretty great
If you've ever had any experience with women it does
Sooo more boring dudes that got cheated on?
Prove to me MGTOW isn’t just a Jewish trick
Jews want whites to reproduce since they can easily brainwash most of them into following the system. The few that get redpilled will become isolated.
More goy cows for milking.
If they didn't want whotes procreating thre wouldnt be tinder and highly sexualised society and even facebook.
Married men are older men, mostly.
>Cred Forums created MGTOW
>post gayest thing
>rational discourse ensues
They had psycho wives and gfs
Lax bruh you mad
Well that’s the thing, I’ve had more experience with bitches than any of you faggots.
MGTOW is fucking stupid and is for chinless virgins
1) MGTOW isnt only for white people - its for any man who can get divorce raped. Since this only happens in western countries, your problem is with laws, government and the state in western countries rather than MGTOWs.
2) MGTOWs don't have a state to cuck you. The state is (((their))) doing and MGTOWs want to avoid that state, therefore MGTOW is not kikery - it opposes kikery.
This is the most impressive gymnastics I've seen in a while.
>the jews want you to reproduce so stop reproducing and end your lineage
I dont feel pity for their choices
No - its just not inline with the pol shill spamming
Your weakness impresses nobody.
That jewish psyop has nothing to do with Cred Forums but okay
Simply brilliant observation here. Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re just a dumpy NEET with no value to women? Might explain how you could arrive at such a bizarre conclusion
Lol - I think self-dependence and self-reliance is strength, but if you want to depend on a woman to make you happy, please try.
You'll learn the hard way
No - Im desirable.
Projection only works if you guess correctly
>your value to women is monetary
Yes, that's the gist of what MGTOW is about from what I've seen
Better than being cucked by some thots materialism.
>>your value to women is monetary
This is what feminism is about
MGTOW wasn't created here, was it?
Anyway it gets assailed at every turn. Cred Forumstards are largely cancerous, but we do come together to call bullshit on an absolutely bullshit social movement, that's a partial psy-op
Unbelievably gay
MGTOW is the most successful genetic suicide larp that fedoras unironically adopted in the history of social eugenics. It says it all when even mlp faggots have a higher fitness than your group. Calling this movement gay is a insult to its effectiveness in cleansing the gene pool of weak beta genetics.
The funniest part about the MGTOW meme is how it gets virgin manchildren to actually convince themselves that it's only voluntary that they have never had a gf or gotten laid.
t. person who's miserable without a woman
>Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.
This. I laugh my ass off at all the little beta boys that claim MGTOW is "gay" etc. Any male with half a brain should be MGTOW, but that's the problem, every 'man' nowadays is a little white knight bitch who would cut off his own nuts for a whiff of pussy. Enjoy your false rape accusation when it comes.
Given modern marriage laws, only a beta male would agree to get married these days
No - Im happy being single
that study skewed their stats by putting women who were married as virgins and divorced into the categories of non virgins.
I used to cite this study but after reading that I realized it was bullshit.
It makes no sense mate, you're denying your posterity.
im autistic you emotional soyboy. If you think i cant look at my own relationship with anything but cold logic, you really have no idea. But its ok. Ill propogate my genes either way.
I think most of these whiteknights are YOUNG kids or women
So dont let her.
Ignore him bro, he's a virgin.
>implying that MGTOW was "invented" b̶y̶ ̶/̶p̶o̶l̶/̶ at all
flag related to topic
Im not saying dont have kids. Just dont have them in a western country with western divorce and alimony laws. Take a white women ANYWHERE else other than a western country
I didnt understand a word
>I’ve had more experience with bitches than any of you faggots.
Nice cope you autistic virgin.
You cant know that - stop projecting.
It just shits up every thread when theres kids just inventing the personalities of others here.
I know you didnt. Dipshits never do. Maybe youll get a real relationship someday. Ill tell my religous girl to pray for you.
I think you LARP
Is that somehow controversial to you? Of course your value to women is monetary. Just like men look for women with desirable physical traits, women look for men with desirable skills and financial security. This has been how our Enders have interacted for 100,000 years. The fact that men like you are pathetic and incapable of finding a suitable mate is actually no problem at all. You will be eliminated from the gene pool, as you should be, and the world will keep spinning.
Don't have much of a choice in the US. The women gets whatever she wants. I've also put a lot of time and effort into dating a woman, which I don't generally find fun, and then months in, she stops paying for anything. Seen a lot of friends get in this trap too. They just bitch about it to me and keep cucking.
is he holding his cut off dick? is this a sneaky pro tranny campagne?
>they have to add "real"
If you were desirable you wouldn’t be whining about how dating women is a Jewish trick, you miserable beta
White women are absolutely repulsive I dont understand why so many on /pol defending them so fervently and I also cant understand nazi larpers and tradcons why they are so weak willed when it comes to women.
You wish i larp. None here my man. The counter argument to your stupidity is to important.
Why even come to Cred Forums?
>I dont understand why so many on /pol defending them so fervently
Because pol is full of virgin larpers who have never interacted with real women
You know that you can not marry women and have serious relationship, right? What about civil unions?
Shaming men back onto the plantation will never work, Schlomo.
>Is that somehow controversial to you?
No, it isn't. Why is men deciding the ROI is too low so controversial to you though?
Im saying banking, law and feminism are jewish tricks, if anything
I didnt understand.
You are bad at expressing yourself
guys here who have either never been married or are in their marriages honeymoon phase will be quick to call MGTOWs virgins etc, as it makes them feel better about their own choices.
What they dont understand is that most MGTOWs are in their late 30s-40s and have been financially and emotionally devastated by divorce. Make fun of us now, then try and fault MGTOW when she takes half your assets and your children
What a sad image, it's MGTOW neets finally admitting that they reject social responsibility to instead just play videogames and eat pizza.
Ye - I agree with lifelong monogamy. Just not marriage in a western nation. And watch out for western women to consume too much media
No such thing as posterity.
You have one life, and then nothing.
what is the problem? it's just a dad with his daughter.
because this isn't reddit
kys faggot
>implying society hasn't rejected its social responsibility towards men first
Taking on financial debts of past generations and giving kids over to be brainwashed in school is not "social responsibilty". Its irresponsible
No I’m just not a social reject like any autistic faggot who takes MGTOW seriously .
>social responsibility
Sounds like a spook to me, Pierre.
Well neither have MGTOWs
yes - MGTOWs have experienced women, hence MGTOW.
MGTOWs arent young horny kids are they?
Think about it and stop believing pol memes straight off the bat
Women and tornadoes have a lot in common:
They moan like hell and are wet when they come, but they'll leave with your house & car.
It's your problem if you decide to learn it the hard way.
Fuck tornadoes.
We can agree that modern women are lazy, arrogant, immoral, etc. but to suggest that the answer to that problem is to stop seeking out the good women is bonkers. What MGTOW really is is an excuse for undesireable men who find themselves at an even greater disadvantage with women in the modern world. Don’t blame the Jews and quit like a little faggot, fix yourself and find the right woman.
Being married is great as long as you're both happy, healthy people from good families. Too bad you'll never have that.
Well said and saved
Why do you believe being MGTOW means you are social outcast?
the florida school shooter
She is pretending to be happy and you are a stepping stone for her accumulation of stuff. Dont get married in a western country
You'll learn the hard way.
Because it is meant for people like Elliot Rogers.
They are basement dwellers who had divorced parents who never go out of their house and just read stories all day about white woman with no self respect.
They never actually went into the real world.. they never actually dated a lot of woman.. never actually bought property.. travelled anywhere
Because if you’re a man who is not actively pursuing or currently overseeing the formation of a family you are a failure and should not be taken seriously
>We can agree that modern women are lazy, arrogant, immoral, etc.
Then there's nothing to discuss. You're fine with that, MGTOW are not. That's all there is to it.
Thank you Carl.
>The only reason you would be spiteful towards women is if you were previously swimming in pussy
Nice logic there. Keep telling yourself you're doing yourself a favor by remaining a virgin
MGTOW faggots must die. Your average Cred Forumsuser’s a different beast than reddit soyboys but only marginally better. Perhaps not even better. He’s not a soyboy but something worse- a conceited weakling that think’s he’s better than a soyboy for merely thinking differently. Becoming more attractive and living better isn’t hard. “Clean your room” isn’t a meme. Skincare’s an easy routine. Getting a job’s not hard. Working out semi-frequently is easy and enjoyable. Getting a healthy diet and sleep schedule becomes habit after a while.
This is what gets you your waifu. Because face it, 99.9% of MGTOW fags, if there’s even enough of them to give us that percentage, in their current state, still wouldn’t be able to find a mate at all in 1800’s America, NatSoc Germany, Japan right now or medieval Europe. Love is something you fight to find and maintain, nor something the government hands you on a silver platter.
Beta best friend detected. I bet you dream about motorboating those titties every night in bed meanwhile while chad has his dick between them.
Power corrupts. Even a good woman will act like a bad one when the laws are so biased in their favor.
But he was right on many point regarding white women he did the shooting because he felt betrayed by his parents and inability to improve himself.
>You arent a man if you dont do what I tell you to.
Being a man isnt defined by anything its just is,everyone that is of male gender that passed puberty becomes a man.
well, I had relationships. And looking back, I wouldn't tolerate that behaviour today
Here it is- the MGTOW Jew drops his presences and shows us his soyboy Ian and materialist thought. Elliot Rogers was a tragedy of bad parenting, growing up around “Valley Girls,” being born a hapa and most of all having an utter garbage personality. And listen up, Jew, being a man is more than fulfilling the biological description.
Try again. I don’t have any woman that are friends .
Things will only get worse if you don’t find a good woman and create as many like minded children with here as you can. You are essentially just giving up, which seems pretty lame
This is 100% projection.
I will never understand why people think projection is a good strategy for argument
>Things will only get worse
Only for the people like you that decide to play the game, user. Maybe that's why you're so upset at the people who don't.
>they never actually dated a lot of woman..
muh dating
as for the rest. most mgtows like sandman often times say you should do as much as you can with your life.
women are inferior and evil by nature. why do you think they like bad boys?
most mgtows are divorced. dating is game rigged against men, while we could do so much more.
you knowledge of mgtow and its biggest voices are limited.
i myself would marry a woman, however she legally has me by the balls. what do you propose other than shaming ( a female tactic)
Why would you ever get married? Even if you don't agree with MGTOW about women. why would you want government involvement in your personal life?
No, I just don’t like losers like yourself, enjoy your lonely meaningless life user
You poor poor shill
>social responsibility
go away jew, we don't need your breadwinner culture
>right - fight to maintain love
>left - government hands you love
>libertarian - sell shirts which each on them to you false dichotomy loving faggots who have no clue what love even is for $10 a piece at a couple protest events and go buy a hooker and tell her and her state to go fuck themselves when she asks for child support. buy a shotgun to spook off the swat team niggers. then proceed to fake ashkenazi jew genes to the nearest sperm donor center by kidnapping an idf soldier and making him milk himself for the test and donate buckets more of your own seed after approval to said sperm bank to improve the human genome. also fuck your wife, daughter, and mother after seducing them with dank memes, and tell them its yours or w/e. just because monogamy is for cucks.
ftfy bae
kek loser fag. why dont you look for ancient greek sources with regards to women.
why dont you educate (((women))) to behave like partners, rather than parasites
The one thing you are supposed to do in this life is reproduce, dumbass. How can an honest to God man act like this is somehow a debatable point.
Funny you act like a nigger and fuck multiple women yet blame people who are MGTOW that want the current degenerate society to fall.
How can you lose when you don't play, user?
It's pretty hilarious how you agree with the arguments of MGTOW and then think you're in a position to shame them into bothering with women regardless. It makes no sense.
Expecting men to be socially responsible while telling women they are free to act as poorly as they wish is unsustainable.
So you took a bunch of photos with that whore bought cause it's the only woman you've touched.
So obvious dude.
What’s your plan for that kraut? To round all women up and force them into re-education programs so they’ll want to fuck you? The only way to fix modern women is to make better ones with the good women that still exist, and they do still exist.
>This game is hard so I quit
>Omg user you’re so ridiculous for not being as weak willed as me
is that a monkey?
That you tolerated it at all is your failing
Okay but I'm sure a lot of the figureheads of the "movement" like Sandman have never had physical contact with a woman outside of holding hands in elementary school gym class. Nothing about any of those manchildren scream anything except disdain for women born out of their inability to attract.
I am sorry to disappoint you but there is no God or afterlife after you die you become nothing.
i've done a cock tribute to this little twink but never posted it
more like
>the game is rigged and the prize is shit, so I quit
there are no good women. women are biologically designed to manipulate you, for maxium ressources.
>What’s your plan for that kraut?
patriarchy. why bother with dating and women, when you can do it easily
>into re-education programs so they’ll want to fuck you?
>he actually thinks mgtows cant get laid
telling women you are off limits, is the hottest thing for them.
>The only way to fix modern women is to make better ones with the good women that still exist, and they do still exist.
unlikely since an abudance of partners would spoil even the good ones.
I dont know what a cock tribute is, and I think I dont want to know either.
>MGTOW cucks and NEET-lyfers are the same people
Always suspected as much tbqh.
if you can reach the high quality women, fuck them and marry them, even if it ends up with a divorce, as long it's good and fun and brings something
but if you struggle to get a woman who is ugly, stupid and poor, well... yep, MGTOW can be quite salutary
yeah go work your worthless life so that a roastie can take it away.
good job cuckboi
It’s okay to be jealous
And that is why you dont belong
Women are worthless whores
>implying men and women haven’t worked together fulfilling their gender roles for thousands of thousands of years
Your bitterness is palpable user, I’m sorry women don’t like you but quit acting like such a fucking enlightened dick for supporting this pathetic beta male movement.
>fucking a nigger
Enjoy your AIDS, faggot.
Fun position check
i'm a beta male, i wont reproduce and get married. I'm old. i won't ever be divorced nor have single-momed kids.
Enjoy your alimony.
Do you not understand that female manipulation is part of the female reproductive strategy?
Of some ugly mystery meat whores?
If you've got pictures of one cleaning your bathroom, I might be jealous.
Arguing with MGTOW is like arguing with Hebrew Israelites . They made up their own facts on life, and their soul purpose is to argue with others about it.
They TRULY believe the shit they shill. They are very autistic. They never get pussy. Ever.
No, you're ridiculous because you make no sense. You can't agree with a position and then tell the people holding said position to do something opposite of said position for no good reason.
If you want to bother with women, despite acknowleding they're trash, then go for it.
hahahaah. here is a fact for you. women are incapable of feeling love. when they kiss men they do not realise oxytonin.
>implying men and women haven’t worked together fulfilling their gender roles for thousands of thousands of years
you mean men, telling women what to do? face it everything that is going on is because of womens liberation. it has happened throughout history time and again.
i wish women werent like that, but they are. you cant refute mgtows arguments, because you dont have any. all you can do is virgin shame me.
here's a thought. Di Cabrio is also mgtow. he doesnt commit and only fucks them.
i dont blame those mgtow guys. the whole thing doesn't really apply to me but their stories are depressing
>talking about yourself like that
good job submitting to (((society))) and the vagina jew
>dat body pillow
You MGTOW fucks are very autistic. All you do is hate on men who get pussy.
Go do what your king Elliot Rogers did you autistic fag
MGTOW are a bit extreme but what would you honestly say to your kid? I would totaly tell him that, yes, you can't listen to what women say they want, you have to provide all they REALLY want AND act like you did nothing at all.
You HAVE to be alpha, should it be physically or with your job or money or behaviour.
If you aren't full of this manly will, the will to be 1st, to win, to dominate, well you better be MGTOW because you will get someone who doesn't really want you, love you and respect you.
Women aren't fair at all, MGTOW are right when it comes to this.
Go back to the incel forums faggots
Lots of women are trash but my girlfriend isn’t. It took some effort, but I found her. That’s all I’m trying to convey to you. You’re acting like because finding a proper woman is harder now, then it’s only sensible for men to drop out of the game. Just try user, and you’ll look back on this little phase of yours as a mistake
You’re average MGTOW member
What has pussy ever got you? You can't even get one to clean your bathroom or make you a meal.
I could fuck a different thot everyday, but I would get nothing out of it.
Have you ever asked yourself why you take these pictures? If pussy is so good, just enjoy it, why do you need the pics?
fag, i do all this, i'm not stupid i SEE the only women who don't directly show me that i'm a piece of shit are the one who really can't find a chader man. i know this is 1000% resignation
>Lots of women are trash but my girlfriend isn’t. It took some effort, but I found her.
Good for you then. I'm not willing to excert that effort because it's not worth it in my opinion.
"Just do it" isn't an argument, user.
Q predicted this thread
The fact that you are going against your evolutionary programming is
No, they don't. They made sure that there are no consequences for their choices.
How many children do you have with your girlfriend?
What an autistic thing to say. Why can’t you just enjoy life ? Go travel dude. Stop falling for stupid memes and go enjoy life.
I’m successful , I traveled to different countries , I’ve had my own businesses , I’ve made money in crypto , I enjoy my life so much that I don’t need to fall for stupid memes like this.
The only reason why I browse Cred Forums now is because I’m currently trying to join the army so I can shape my future to be more secure.
What are you doing with your life? Complaining about woman like the way niggers complain about “the white man”
Grow the fuck up
>pic related
Even if you’re ugly, you can make yourself attractive. There is no such thing as a white man being ugly. Your stupid MGTOW cult doesn’t teach you this. Go speak to a life coach
>pretending to be Chad
Sure user. Sure.
No they didnt. Their trying to do that now.
Stubborn autism
Im not a shill - Im against letting the state into your life
You're confusing MGTOW with TFL aka Incels. Not a shock though since people who hate MGTOW are clueless.
I thought I was being "socially responsible" and all that
You cant possibly know. You are merely projecting. I assume he knows what hes talking about. i dont watch sandman, but I guess hes speaking from experience - as do most MGTOW
you are right and one of the willing kind
the will to dominate and conquer is what really get you women
there are plenty of way to do this
For every celibate and 0 ethnic British children you have, the more Pakistan will let you in UK. It's statement for the survival of fittest and neodarwinism and a proof if the white man doesn't get its act together, maybe he ain't the superior race after all that is claimed in this Mongolian board. A race that gets suicided by itself demographically ain't superior.
You sound more like youre against finding a woman to settle with. If youre not a shill youre certainly not above diverting when youre losing. Classic bitch tactic. Youre better than the lemon
Nope. You were being socially irresponsible. That life though.
I do enjoy life. I travel all the time. I didn't fall for any meme, I just realized women don't really offer me anything.
Did you figure out why you take those pictures?
And joining the army to make your future more secure? Are you high or just retarded?
no - with todays laws a Pakistani will have more incentive to procreate than a white British person. If you are dependent on the state anyway, and have nothing to lose, then getting married is not a problem. But if you work and have anything of value to offer, marriage is a hijack.
Those who approve of marriage in modern society have nothing to offer and are looking to leech off their " new mum"
>Youre better than the lemon
No - I was appeasing a psychos demands
>born out of their inability to attract.
Female standards are currently too high. Artificial provision from the state, birth control, and tradcucks like you enable them to accept nothing less than premium Chad cock, to the point they'll share Chads in flings rather than settle for a normal looking guy.
They're extremely gynocentric and don't understand how that has created so many societal problems. They don't understand what it's like to self actualize and purge themselves of the thirst for female validation. I want to have kids and I could easily do so, but with the current political and social environment I'm not sure that it's worth the risk. You talk about these things on Cred Forums and generally get attacked. They always attack you or tell you to "pick the right one" and never address the real issue which is Family Law, gynocentrism, and women's lack of punishment for bad decisions. They have no argument other than personal attacks.
It's a boy.
Who was forced to do this.
Thank you Pierre
I want to get into contracting with companies like KBR but they only employ former military. Also, free healthcare for life, they will pay for my UNI, they will give me $400,000 loan for a small business. Don’t be a retard. This isn’t the 1960s.
But to answer your questions, I take pictures for memories. I think most people do that. Half the pictures are taken by woman and they send them to me.
You’re really trying to make an argument out of this?
You're talking about the US military? They do not give you the things you're talking about, and the army will own your ass for 8 years.
You take the pictures because you are looking for validation from men, and you feel insecure, which is also why you want to join the military, even though you haven't really researched it.
You've started business, made money of crypto, traveled, but you're going to enlist for slave wages? Your story just doesn't ring true. You've maybe bagged a couple roasties and post pictures of them on pol because you're a skinny manlet.
>what is abortion, alimony, child support, welfare, food stamps, "listen and believe", Family Court, and the Duluth Model
>you only fuck woman to get validation from men
>kbr doesn’t employ military
Can you read back everything you just wrote to see how jealous you’re being right now lol
>pic related
Of what? A kid LARPing on the internet who's about to die in a jew war?
You're plan is shit, dude. Do some research before you get your dumbass blown up.
>The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew
Can't resist exposing yourself huh
dude you’re not even white LOL you’re whole MGTOW meme is for niggers
No, fucking roasties is for niggers. It's ultimate niggerdom. And I never said I was MGTOW, I just don't waste time on women. I'm certainly not listening to some retarded thot run her mouth.
>I’m not wasting time on woman
>this is sooo gay you guys :)
are you sure you don't enjoy choking on dicks, OP?
Tyrones sloppy seconds
>Even if you’re ugly, you can make yourself attractive
>pic related
You are still ugly user. Your entire post is a nuclear cope.
>Go speak to a life coach
that's the most jewish thing to said, user
kek, you are joking, right? that tight ass cannot be from a boy
nothing like based shill samefaging ^^
I never even bothered to figure out what it meant. Can confirm it's the gayest thing
That’s not me in that pic, that was an example of a really ugly guy who made himself attractive
If a white man is ugly, it’s a choice. White people are the most beautiful people in the world
>he didn't look like a total faggit 10-15 years ago and scored major amounts of aryan emo puss puss
bruh you missed out
MGTOW is redpilled and will save the west
The mental gymnastics of (((MGTOW))) is fuckin breathtaking.
How will men shirking their responsibilities save the west?
(((MGTOW))) dipshits need to learn the natural order of things.
>cant argue with MGTOW logic
>better call it gay
Get married!
not bad
>Let us worship pussy in peace
Tradcucks are so wrong about women that they're in need of constant correction. That's not MGTOW's fault.
so why shouldn't I get married and breed?
We get it, you want to become a genetic dead end. Why don't you just go your own way already, and stop whining?
You should do what you want. Just be honest about the risks and the nature of women.
>Thread about whining about MGTOW
>It's MGTOW who is whining
Fucking tradcucks.
>Nature of women
I'm sorry you've had a few bad experiences with roasties, but women aren't wholesale evil. There are strong, virtuous, and honorable women that exist.
There's little to no risk if you pick a good woman. The mistake most men make is thinking with their little head, and not the right one. The red flags are there, men just love to ignore them.
Who said anything about "evil" you fucking child? And no, there are no women who fit that description. What there are are women m talented enough to simulate those virtues as a sexual strategy.
it's almost like their only experience with women is with tavern wenches and serial adulteresses.
Cringiest thing I ever saw
Fuck me, you have a seriously warped view of women. I'm sorry you've let the culture get to you.
>Pick a good woman
No such thing. They are all the same creature. And people can change over time, and if and when they do you're trapped in an institution that will not favor your gender.
well done
Not an argument. You see. It always comes down to this. Always, everytime, in every discussion about women between MGTOWs and tradcucks. At some point the tradcucks get frustrated that their fairy tale narrative of womanhood gets disrupted by reason and they start hurling shame ad-hominems to deflect. Every time.
>natural order of things
You fucking c u c k !
The natural order is the MAN in authority over his wife!
Marriage has been pozzed by feminism. 50% divorce rate and your wife gets to fuck immigrants in your bed while you pay 50% salary to alimony.
Women have betrayed us!
Once we have affordable artificial wombs the genocide begins.
I truly pity you. Maybe in another era you wouldn't be so full of hatred of women, and could have settled down with a nice woman and built a life together. I can only hope you grow up one day before it's too late.
Every time.
you haven't used reason whatsoever. ALL women simulate virtue as a sexual strategy? What is reasonable about that?
Because it's the nature of hypergamy. It's how emancipated women secure resources and protection.
No - Its common sense. You've been spammed with the party line which will get you cucked by the very state thats doing the brainwashing.
The purpose of MGTOW is to make yourself uncuckable.
I used to think until engaged or married "good" women would suck my cock. Honestly, the effort you'd have to go through to verify, just isn't worth it.
keep getting psyopsed by the jew.
>The natural order is the MAN in authority over his wife!
Yeah, I agree totally.
>50% of divorce
You won't get divorced if you don't marry a roastie. Problem solved.
So your sisters and mothers are all whores who manipulate men?
dude, you are making these sweeping generalizations. you're not better than a leftist at this point. ALL women are (((emanicapted))) in the way you're using it. You must simply have never had experience with women. i'm sorry. call it an ad hom all you want. but your anecdotal experience is not sufficient enough to convince me that 100% of women feign virtue as a sexual strategy (whatever that even means.)
This is the definition of MGTOW.
Doesn't mention women once
ohh ho! ya checkmated me there, boyo.
You apparently have no idea what your talking about, yet still talking.
>So your sisters and mothers are all whores who manipulate men?
Yes. All women manipulate men. it's the only weapon they have. They'd be lost without it.
>dude, you are making these sweeping generalizations
No I'm not, I'm describing observable reality. These aren't anecdotes. Your arguments are anecdotal, about these elusive "strong" and "loyal" women you keep referring to with no regard for their hypergamous nature which suggests manipulative sexual strategies. You choose to ignore that because you prefer the illusion this manipulation creates.
In other words, you are blue pilled on gender realism.
the day i'm lectured by a brit is the day i castrate myself. off to reddit with you.
Definitely not Chad-LARPing
So explain to me how marriage (a contract with the state) is NOT getting cucked?
Thats a prostitute.
kek you just triggered them
Bump mate.
your premise is flawed from the beginning. you assume that i believe that state has any business at all in marriage.
thats what marriage is.
You just moved the goal posts.
You cant get marriage without the state getting involved. If you just interpret marriage however you want, then I cant know what you are talking about.
Define marriage.
observable reality says otherwise in places that lack rampant moral decay. the rest of your post seems to be pseudo-intellectual platitudes.
>hypergamous nature which suggests manipulative sexual strategies
>you prefer the illusion this manipulation creates
Yes, so sad, rejecting "social responsibility" after you made the entire nation reject it's social responsibility. Faggot.
I can't really blame you. Society has fundamentally changed the definition of many words, not only marriage.
It is a covenant between a man and a woman.
And so we go right back to the typical "pick the right one" argument from tradcons who don't understand women or their instincts and willingly ignore the political, legal, and social climate that favor women at the expense of men. "You don't have to worry about getting divorce raped in Family Court if you pick the right one you whiny beta!" Not an argument. If you want to get married so bad then go for it. Odds are you will be divorced within 10 years. OR, you could just take womens rights away, abolish family court, and restore male authority and solve MANY problems.
What places are there where women aren't hypergamous? Name them. There are certainly societies that have cultures and institutions that deal with woman's hypergamous nature by confining them to strict social roles and limiting their access to other roles, inhibiting their ability to pursue some sexual strategies, but there is no society that has overthrown hypergamy because that's not possible.
So how do you get "a covenant between a man and a woman" without the state?
Just you and her agreeing is not "marriage" as its defined. Thats just "going out"
MGTOW brainlet logic:
>kikes want you to marry and have kids so you can divorce and they can grabble a measly few shekels.
as opposed to reality which is kikes make trillions through banking and don't like whites reproducing.
MGTOW brainlet scum.
again, the double talk is astounding. Women are hypergamous, but also manipulate betas. which is it? do women marry into higher social tiers for self interest, or do they marry to manipulate betas? Betas don't exist in higher social tiers outside of Silicon Valley.
more whites = more people banking.
Its not hard to understand, its just hard overcoming the pol memes it seems
Whilst she dreams of the dicking she got in her twenties and you lie there feeling like the luckiest man on earth. kys.
>a measly few shekels
Try trillions of dollars worth of taxes and GDP. Otherwise why does the federal government tax 25% of my income? And that's before their SS pyramid scheme and my state's taxes.
Fully erect right now
>You won't get divorced if you don't marry a roastie. Problem solved.
Nonsense. Most marriages end because of money problems. Essentially she decides she'd rather just have most of your money and all of hers and not deal with having to ask.
Ok, Give me some good reasons not to marry and have 3 children MGTOW
Only post pics if needed
They marry into social status BY manipulating betas you subliterate retard. This isn't complicated stuff. And your entire post was a false dilemma. There is no choice to be made between hypergamy and manipulation, the two work hand in hand.
Have children and marry if you want - just not in a western country.
The problem is with divorce laws and alimony and even dating is a problem in the west.
>So how do you get "a covenant between a man and a woman" without the state?
I'd love to go through millennia of human history with you, but I'm getting pressed for time. I will say, it's easier when you answer to a higher authority.
Just you and her agreeing is not "marriage" as its defined. Thats just "going out"
>Just you and her agreeing is not "marriage" as its defined. Thats just "going out"
according to? laws? laws change with the seasons, my friend.
They marry and manipulate betas when their looks start to fade and they can no longer ride the Chad cock carousel. You're so clueless. FFS.
Then why aren't your countries promoting white birth rates?
That's right, (((they're))) importing niggers, pakis and spics by the boat/plane load to replace you.
duuurrrrr MGTOW think jew friendly white man, help MGTOW buy new penismobile.
>I don’t have any woman that are friends .
Just whores then.
The same reason they tax me. Money. Third worlders are cheap labor. Did you miss that memo or something?
You've just sneakily re-defined marriage to something only you think of as marriage.
You and her appealing to a higher power is not marriage. I'd be willing to do that as it has no legal weight.
You are a sneaky fork tongued jew.
you showed me!
Needing a woman to validate your existence. Faggot.
>Has no argument
>Tries to preempt that by claiming we have no argument
Nice try roastie.
Well, If I have kids, thats just more people to get involved in their system right? It doesnt matter the race as far as thats concerned. They are seeking to break up the social cohesion for easier ruling.
can't have this if you're MGTOW. checkmate.
MGTOW mistakes all women for leftists in its blame
Half look like dogs.
So you'd get married as long as the marriage had no legal weight.
Thats MGTOW, since you are avoiding the state in doing so. You cant get cucked...........which is MGTOW
day of the ring when?
not according to the dipshits I've been talking to for the past hour. the mental gymnastics I've just witnessed have given me retinal cancer.
MGTOW dissected
Sure I can. I don't need to be married to get women to knock on my door. I do that just by owning a nice home and having a good career.
does this:
explain them better?
stop it canadashill.
1) Have white kids, just not in a western country with western laws regarding marriage, alimony and no-fault divorce.
2)An honest non-fiat non-debt based money supply will make having children affordable and beneficial rather than a financial burden - which will increase birthrates in white nations and make for healthy children.
3)You need to advocate trad women TO ACTUAL WOMEN. Not MGTOW men. Spam Tumblr and Twitter with these images and argue with these feminists to become trad. That's your target audience. Otherwise, it seems like you are just shaming men into thinking with their dicks and getting cucked by the Jew system. Modern women are incompatible with traditional marriage since it infringes on their "liberation".
4) The purpose of MGTOW is to make yourself uncuckable. Make marriage the same and encourage women to adhere to traditional values and you have the same outcome as spamming pol with trad wife images. MGTOW is libertarian and does not want the state to intervene in anything including their relationships. This is rightwing ideology.
5) Marriage is a BUSINESS. Make it a life long commitment again and you will solve your issues. This problem lies with modern WOMEN. MGTOW has no system to cuck you.
MGTOW - make yourself uncuckable.
Perhaps we should call this common ground and end it here. Good day, sir.
Fuck off Dr Robotnik.
They are still replacing you, you childless parasite. you try to justify your existence to them by the amount of tax you pay but the genocide of the white race is worth more than measly taxes. The kikes will crash any system at any cost as long as they still own the rubble.
Fucking MGTOW... so typical, you're probably a mudshit paki that laments not being able to own your woman like they do in pakistan.
No, it doesn't. It's real focus us on the system and less about women. Women would be fine as long as they had no political power. You misunderstand pointing out female nature with hate for women. The problem is the system and gynocentric society. That's what has changed over time, not women.
>mental gymnastics
says the guy who feels he can just re-define mariage however they wish to "win" a debate.
Yeah - good one
Thats not marriage as society defines it.
This, fuck bitches and move on with life. Don't give them a single thought. Sometimes, a girl will approach me and I just tell them I don't date. I would be miserable with anyone. I even though of becoming gay, but I don't think it would make me happy either. Fuck it.
yeah, but porn brainwashing, manchild syndrome, and misplaced blame probably need to be bigger percentages.